The Jarvis School for Boys, Part I


The following story is fictional, but its characters were inspired by the movie "Dutch." While no one ever got spanked in that movie, there were plenty of deserving characters and situations which could reasonably serve as the inspiration for many more stories to follow. Your comments will be appreciated, via e-mail.


The Jarvis School for Boys is located in the "Big Sky" country of Montana. Nestled in a canyon, the surrounding scenery is breathtaking and the school's landscaping is a work of art. Since the boys who are its students primarily come from 'old money,' however, the school is well-endowed and provides state-of-the-art facilities for its students.

Jarvis' administration and faculty are concerned only with their prospective duties and so find discipline to be a distraction from the work they really love. Since their founder, Alfred Jarvis was a headmaster from one of the highest ranking schools in London, England, it seemed only natural then that they would and did adopt the 'prefect model' of discipline. In this model, older, more advanced students (though not necessarily more mature), called "Senior Prefects," are placed in charge of younger students (called 'juniors').

Doyle Standish, whose father was an investment banker, was one such "senior," and Teddy, being a junior, was in his charge. Doyle was 14 and almost a black belt in karate. He was 5'6", weighed about 110#, and had dishwater-blonde hair and blue eyes. Doyle was trim and always had the lean, shiny, hairless appearance of a karate competer right before a fight. He was also known for his ability to give licks (and this wasn't always said in reference to karate).

Teddy was one of the few students privileged enough to attend Jarvis not because of old money, but from sheer academic performance, and the fact his father and mother both worked for the school to help pay for his education. But Teddy was small. Though he, too, was lean as a fighter, he was only 5' and weighed in at "just under 90#," as he always answered when challenged. Still, he was cute as could be and quite sharp witted, which often got him in trouble. Teddy also had blonde hair and blue eyes, but he had one thing Doyle did not: a father who loved him.

It was Thanksgiving at Jarvis and most of the boys were waiting by the phone to hear from their parents; Teddy was no exception. So, when Teddy answered the phone to hear Doyle's mother, he was not exactly thrilled. He would, after all, have to walk up three flights of stairs to tell his so-called senior, but he would; that's just Teddy. When he arrived at Doyle's room, the door being unlocked, Teddy just walked right in and announced, "Hey, Doyle, your ma's on the phone."

Doyle, who was dusting his computer keys, slowly turned and cooly inquired, "Don't you know how to knock?"

"The door was opened," Teddy answered, almost indignantly.

Doyle proceeded to enlighten him, "The door was not opened; it was unlocked... as anybody from any sort of decent upbringing would know. And, for your information, I don't have a 'maaaa.' You, you may have a 'maaaa'; I have a mother."

Teddy was starting to get pissed off--he had, after all, just walked three flights of stairs to tell this punk he had a phone call. "Are you going to take the call, _s_h_i_t_head, or not?" Oops, Teddy knew he had made a mistake then.

Angrily, Doyle rushed to Teddy, grabbed him by his collar, and half threw him to the other side of the room. Now, Doyle was blocking the entrance, and little Teddy was faced toward his senior with Teddy's back against a chair. "Now, you listen! The rules state that profanity is instant grounds for a caning by the headmaster, or you can settle it with me. What is it going to be?"

Teddy's response was not long in coming, he knew that the headmaster's cane broke skin with every cut. The one way Jarvis differed from its British counterparts was that the cane was only applied by a headmaster and, thus, seniors could apply discipline by their hand, and in rare cases, by a wooden hairbrush. Regardless of the implement, it was understood that, all punishments were given ony on the unclothed buttocks of the offending student. If that wasn't bad enough, Teddy knew that if he got the cane at school, he would get the belt at home. "Your mother and I work here just so you can attend school here and get the finest education money can buy, but we can't afford," was how the lecture usually began and ended before and after the whipping. "I will wait here for you while you get your phone call, Senior Prefect Standish."

"You had better be here," and with that Doyle left.

Doyle's parents were divorced and he blamed his mother, so he wasn't happy about talking to his mother on this pre-holiday occasion, especially. He knew she would probably just ask him to come once more and, once more, he would deny her the privilege of seeing him. "Hello."

"Doyle, your father can't come to see you and he asked me to tell you. Now, will you come home, honey? I have a ticket for you."

With the telling sigh of a sad young man, "No. I don't want to see you."

Almost in tears, and knowing how well her ex- had convinced her boy of her supposed culpability in the divorce, "Doyle, honey, you are old enough to be objective and to know that it takes two to make a marriage go bad. Now, I am sending Dutch, my fiance, to pick you up. Please be ready."

"For the last time, NO! You didn't make it work; I don't want to see you or give approval to your new sleeping partner. Leave me alone."

Now with the kind of resolve to defend oneself that only comes from having been slapped in the face, Doyle's mother replied, "Doyle, Dutch will be there on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Be ready. Oh, and if you should treat Dutch with any less than the respect your future stepdad deserves, Dutch has my permission to discipline you the way he would his own son. And, Doyle, Dutch is a big man who is a hard worker with a hard, time-calloused hand. You don't want to cross him. Goodbye," and then she hung-up, feeling better than she had in a while.

Doyle, however, was the more angry, and Teddy would bear the brunt of his anger.

Teddy was now seated in the chair, awaiting his fate. Doyle wasted no time. "Teddy, stand up and let me trade places with you, now!" As Teddy had dredded while waiting, the call had not bee good news. So, Doyle took his chair, posture perfect and ordered Teddy t stand directly in front of him. "You know why you are going to be spanked. I won't waste time with preliminaries." With that, Teddy watched as Doyle's hands spun him around at the waste, and listened as Doyle commanded, "Teddy, unfasten your slacks," and so he did.

It was times like this Doyle loved being a senior. After watching for the looseness of the waist-line, which let Doyle know Teddy had unfastened his slacks as he had been told, Doyle slipped his thumb in the waist-line and pushed Teddy's slacks to his ankles. Doyle thought to himself, Teddy was everything he had expected to see underneath those tight, blue-uniform slacks. Toned, hairless musculature led up to a firmly-rounded, also hairless buttocks, evident below Teddy's cotton briefs.

Savoring Teddy's boyishness for a moment, Doyle again slid his thumbs inside of Teddy's briefs and slid them as far as he could to where the slacks had gathered. Quickly, Doyle spun Teddy around and over his lap so fast, Teddy sucked in an audible breath! Nothing could prepare Teddy for the strength of this boy's hand.

SMACK! Little Teddy cried out, "Ohhh!" What did he expect as the first punishing blow from the same hand he had seen break bricks landed on his naked buttocks? Again, SMACK! And, again, Teddy cried out, but that began a stream, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Over and over again, Doyle's hand spanked Teddy's naked, surprisingly soft, supple and responsive buttocks. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! How many times would Doyle spank him, Teddy wondered? SMACK! SMACK!

Doyle began to be aroused as the sight of Teddy's pale posterior began to shake, turning red and then unnatural colors beneath his hand. SMACK! He would make this spoiled, little brat pay! He, Doyle Standish, was obviously far superior to this infidel. Who was Teddy that he should have parents who loved him so? And, as he thought such things, his hand fell harder on Teddy's bottom, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Over and over, Doyle ignored Teddy's cries, "Please Do-do-doy-yle! I w--w-w--on't cu-r-r-se an-ny-moooore! I p-p--p-rom-m-m-ise! Please Doyle!" Doyle continued to spank Teddy, though.

Finally, 199 spanks later, Doyle gave his last, final, and hardest smack to Teddy's bottom, and Teddy let out an anguishing cry, "Ahhhh-hhh-hhhh-hhh," until finally, realizing Doyle was finished, Teddy began to sob uncontrollably across Doyle's lap. The whole process was so exhilirating to Doyle, he just let Teddy sob and enjoyed the sounds, site and feel of Teddy's bare, quivering body across his lap, but Teddy's punishment wasn't yet over.

"You may not pull up your pants, but you may stand with your face in the corner until I say. Now go."

Teddy, still sobbing, rose and ambled over to the corner. His pants and briefs still bunched around his ankles, he extended his face into the corner, where he then began to sob uncontrollably once more, humiliated, broken, and sore, his butt quivered.

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