and scurry Danny did. He was in for it....he sat on his bed and a million butterflies began to flutter in his tummy. He couldnt believe Mama was doing this to him. He had seen Daddy spank his older brothers - wel, Daddy more whipped them than spanked them....Mama had always spanked him before - he'd never been bad enough for her to send him to his room to wait for Daddy. She always spanked with her wooden spoon, and it hurt sooo bad - it must be a BILLION times worse when Daddy did it!!
He sat there for some time contemplating what he had done to get himself in this position. He had just wanted to pretend that he was driving the car - how was he supposed to know it would shift into gear and drive itself out into the street?! He was only 8! He wished he'd have listened to Mama and not gone near that car - last time he and Eddie had been in the car, Mama had pulled them out and spanked them both! This was all Eddie's fault... Eddie had dared him - then when the car started rolling, Eddie ran home and left Danny to take the rap. He hated that darn Eddie....
As he sat worrying, he became more frantic. Then he decided he knew what he had to do. He loved Mama and Daddy, but he just had to run away. The couldnt possibly love him - especially since he KNEW that Daddy was going to KILL him! So he started packing. He then threw his little duffle bag with a change of clothes and some of his favorite toys out the window and tossed the bag out the window. Then he started out, though he wasnt sure how to proceed. He tried going headfirst, but that didnt work - he knew he'd hit his head on the ground that way! Then he started going out back legs and butt first. Yes, that worked much better.
But then, all of a sudden and to his horror, he head Daddy's voice behind him -- "And just WHAT do you think YOU'RE doing Young Man????!!!!" Daddy shouted more than angrily. "Mama Called me and told me what you had done, and I came home to deal with you as quickly as I could - but then I find you trying to sneak away, trying to get out of your punishment?? Well I think Ill handle this right here, Right Now!"
Danny was trapped, and he was terrified! He tried to get the rest of the way out, but Daddy had grabbed hold of him. Then he tried crawling back into the window, but that didnt work either - Daddy was holding him in place with his bottom hanging out of the window for the whole neighborhood on the side of the house to see!!!! Then the most horrible feeling came - Daddy was pulling his sweatpants off!!!!! But Daddy didnt stop there - he took his underpants off too, and Danny was hanging out of the window with his pants and underwear dangling at his ankles and his whole butt out there for the whole world to see. He burst into tears, begging, "Please Daddy, Please, Please Please!!!!! PLEASE dont do this here Daddy! PLEASE! Everyone will seeee!!!!!!!"
"Too late Danny - everyone saw what you did with the car, and everyone saw you climbing out the window, so everyone can see you get your punishment. Now everyone will know that we dont raise spoiled brats in THIS house, we let them know who's boss!" Daddy yelled. He was attracting quite a crowd, mostly little boys and girls Danny's age, who were very happy to see a bare bottom about to get spanked and glad it wasnt their's on display.....
Then Danny heard something unfamiliar - what was Daddy doing? The old worn leather belt was being unbuckled, and he heard it being wizzed through the belt holes on Daddy's pants. And then he realized he was about to be whipped with the belt! Oh how he screamed!!!! Now Mama was outside too, telling Daddy to really give it to him, and he also sensed that at least one of his older brothers was there, though he didnt hear him say anything.
And then, it hit! 'Whiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzz, SPLAT' and Danny screamed - it hurt more than he had ever imagined possible.
"Young Man!" 'Whizzzzzzzzzzz CRACK!' "You WILL listen to your Mama!" 'Whizzzzzzz CRACK!' "You pulled a STUPID (Whizzzzzzzzz CRACK) Stunt today! (Whizzzzzzzzzz CRACK) You Will NEVER do that again! (Whizzzzzzzzz SPLAT!) NEVER! Do you (Whizzzzzzzz CRACK) hear me? NEVER! (Whizzzzzzzz CRACK) "Who do you think you ARE? (Whizzzzzzzzzzzzz CRACK) Do you realize you could have gotten yourself KILLED???? (Whizzzzzzzz CRACK) This will NEVER (Whizzzzzzzz SPLAT) EVER (Whizzzzzzzzzzz SPLAT) happen EVER (Whizzzzzzzz CRACK) again!
And then Daddy fell silent and Danny heard a constant rain of(WHIZZZZZZZZZZZZ SPLAT) and (WhizzzzzzzzzCRACK) that he was sure would never end. He screamed, begged pleaded, but it all fell on deaf ears. He was sure he was being whipped to death. He forgot all about the fact that his poor bright red bottom was on display to the whole neighborhood - all he knew know was the torment his little bottom was in. And then, Daddy was done.
"Danny, you just got your spanking for stealing the car, a stupid, dangerous stunt that could have gotten you KILLED! Your mama and I are so disappointed in you. Danny, do you understand why I had to be so hard on you?"
Daddy's heart was breaking - his little boy was so small, and look what he had just done to him - his bottom was so red, and he must be in so much pain.... 'But he needs to learn, we almost lost him today....gotta stop spoling him because he's the baby of the family' he thought to himself.
"Danny, I usually make your brothers stand in the corner in their rooms after they have been spanked, but since you decided like a fool to climb out of the window to try to escape a punishment that you knew you deserved you will stay over this windowsill with your bottom hanging out the window for the neighborhood to see for 8 whole minutes (corner time was always the same as a boy's age in this house....) and then when you are done I am going to give you another spanking for trying to run away from your punishment when we go back inside. I am so disappointed in you Danny, but I still love you." And then Daddy stopped talking, and started timing Danny's 'window time.'
The kids in the neighborhood all just stared at Danny's fire-engine, striped red bottom as he bawled and sniffled for the whole 8 minutes. When Danny's Dad announced 8 minutes was up, they were almost disappointed that the show was over. Danny started crying again because he knew Daddy was going to now take him inside and spank him again with that awful hairbrush over his knee. And spank him again he did when they went inside - which hurt ten times worse since Danny had already had a belt whipping just 8 minutes earlier! Danny went to bed with the most burning bottom any boy in his family had ever experienced. But he NEVER played in the car again, and he NEVER EVER tried to climb out the window again - he didnt EVER want Daddy to pull his pants down and whip him with his belt for the whole neighborhood to see again!