Though the trip itself was luxury, the jet lag of half the way around the world in a day makes a major difference! Today, though, there might just be a new remedy and a way to stay awake regardless of jet lag!
About 6:30 p. m., while I was in a hot bath trying to relax in some ways, but with a hot mug of coffee to keep me halfway awake, Bin walked in the front door of the place. It was pouring down rain, monsoons started early. Sixteen now, he'd had to walk through the flooded street carrying his shoes in his hands on his way back here after school to study. Thinking I was coming in late tonight rather than last night and having stayed last night at the other place where he typically stays during the week (at the home of my lady friend and her teenage son), he dropped his shoes at the door (custom here is always no shoes in a home), but also started bitching rather loudly to himself as he sometimes does while he stood there dripping with his T-shirt and jeans then plastered to his solid body, almost form fitting, from the downpour. He was reverting to one of his old street habits that I thought I'd cured him of; but unfortunately, he happened to choose a few words I already knew in the local language and that I've explicitly tried before to cure the young boy of peppering his vocabulary with. Apparently my past attempts hadn't succeeded very well? That's fairly easy to handle with a young man his age, as I am sure you know from experience. In the midst of a few choicer ones, Bin looked up and down the hall and there I already stood in a huge towel in the door coming out. Talk about a look of complete surprise and panic when he realize I was standing there!
Nothing like returning from a long plane flight and what do you know? Your youngest kid needs, really needs (!), his jeans and skimpy briefs taken down, for a good fanny swatting session. I looked at him staring down the hall at me and knew what this young one needed. He looked back still with naīve look of complete surprise that only he can pull off, but he, too knew what he needed. And what I was going to give him! p>We used the occasion to first strip down his soaked jeans and briefs down and completely off him with my helping there is the front hall, while he was apologizing all the way, then I relieve his thin body of his equally soaked "T," leaving him standing there in the front hall naked and wet, his nice _c_o_c_k_ hanging out and he knew better than try to cover it before I dragged him kicking and crying in here and spanked his nice tight little bare bottom over my knees. Those little tight buns bounced nicely and turned rosy, then red, quickly. And did he ever whine and howl! It has been awhile as I'd been away, as you know, but I took good advantage at the very good fortune his words had provided and really worked on his bare bottom for all the pleasure it can afford when bare and sunny side up across my lap for a good old-fashioned lesson. I don't spank any of them without a reason, but this was a reason and perfect timing. This day I could really get into it!
Then something that had never happened before occurred. Just as I started spanking him, the storm picked up again and thunder and lightening was everywhere. As my left hand was under his waist holding his _c_o_c_k_ and balls firmly for control, my right hand picked up the pace to the cadence of that very loud thunder. The kid cried his eyes out and screamed his head off, but with all the thunder he hardly could be heard at all. And I spread those thighs and buns and spanked him well down under as well. If you know how to do it there, it really doesn't bruise or even much hurt him, but he'll howl and squirm his little body off for you and swear obedience for life, though his promises don't last long at that age. A boy always feels it real good if you know how to spank him down there and that I do know. Good for him, too! He wiggles and squirmed his little bare bottom all over my lap, but he couldn't get away. When a boy like Bin is caught red-handed (mouthed?) in a case like this and knows he's going to get it, it requires some extra effort. He got a good one for sure and after I finally stopped, the poor boy was all over me with apologies and promises. I left him to cry it all out on my shoulder as I continued to hold his buns to reinforce the heat radiating from them. It's good for him while he's trying to calm himself down and make amends, choking in tears and trying to get our promises at the same time, but especially it's a good position for a young one like Bin as it makes it easy to flip him over quickly and give him a few more if he's not behaving as he should.
So now he's confined to a jock and is standing in a corner about four feet away with his very hot buns clearly visible and his sniffled still on-going. What he's afraid about now is that I haven't finished.
Never had the pleasure of spanking one of them with a Thunder and Lightening Storm on-going, but it was enjoyable!
By the way, his fears that I haven't finished are correct. I haven't.