I went to an all boys' catholic high school in California, that usesd corporal punishment. At the time of my junior year, I was involved in tons of extra-curicular activities, especially in the retreat program as a retreat leader. It happened that in January of my junior year, I was asked to go as a leader on the first sophomore retreat of the year. We left school on Monday around 8 am and returned Tuesday around 3pm.
When we arrived at the camp ground, Bro. Carr and Mr. Smith, who were the supervising teachers on the retreat, split all the sophomores into their retreat groups, which the leaders had arranged the week prior to the retreat. I, being the good samaritian, decided to take this one kind maned James into my group since none of the other leaders wanted him. My exact words, at the meeting when we were arranging groups were "How bad can he be?" I was soon to find out.
From the minute we got off the bus, James was raising hell. I later found out from Bro. Carr that James was on the verge of being expelled from school because of his disipline record. During the first activity he was playing with his pen, the papers in his retreat folder, talking when he should have been listining. I was getting tired of telling him to stop talking, to pay attention, stop screwing around. I was about ready to smack the kid. Finially I decided to threaten him. "James, if you don't stop, We'll send you back to school and you can deal with Bro. O'Mally." (Bro. O'Mally was the dean of disipline. It was said that he could set your ass on fire with just one stroke of his paddle.) Well that shut James up, but only for a little wile. When he returend from the first break, he was back to the way he was.
Now during the second break around 11:30 tha morning, myself along with the other leaders and about 10 other sophomores were in the rec. room. We were playing ping pong, when I saw James walk in. Forgetting about the paddle in my hand I walked over to him. When he saw me standing next to him with a paddle in my hand, he freaked. He had the deer in the headlights look. "Your not going to spank me are you?" he stamared. At that point I rembered the paddle in my hand. Orginally I was just going to talk to him, but then I decided to see if I could maybe set him straight.
"Why do you ask?" I responded.
"Because when I'm bad at home, my dad spanks me. So does O'Mally and since I've been really bad lately I thought you would too."
I thought for a minute, "If I spank you, will you stop screwing around and behave for the rest of the retreat?" He nooded. "Alright, I'll find you at lunch." and with that I left.
Since by that time the break was over the leaders, and the sophomores returned to out groups and we continued the retreat.
Around 12:30 we stoped, said Grace and headed for the retreat grounds cafeteria for lunch. I grabed a sanwhich and a soda and headed towards the table where James was sitting. I noticed that all he was eating was a apple, so I devoured my sandwhich fast and sat there waiting form him to finish his apple. Lunch break was two hours long, more than enough time to give James some attuide adjustment.
During the course of the last workshop, the sophomores were in pairs so the leaders were just wandering around keeping order. I was planning. I couldn't do this in the dorm rooms because people would hear, so I had two choices, the old bunker on the hill or the red meeting hall. I decided against the bunker, because I remember my sophomore retreat my friend and me went to go explore it, and we found dead bodies and stuff in side. So the only other place was the red meeting hall. When no one was paying attention I had gone over to the red meeting hall, (we were in the blue hall) to see if it was open, since Mr. Simith had said we were going to use it later today or tommorow. Fortunally it was open.
When James was finished eating, I said to him "I believe we have and appoitment." and I told him to go over to the red meeting hall, while I followed him. I opened the door of the hall and usured James inside while I closed and locked the door behind me. It was excatally like the room we were in, except that he curtians and windows were closed, and the chairs and tables were stacked on one side of the room. James had taken one of the chair and was sitting in it. "Get your ass out of that chair and into the corner!" I yelled at him. He didn't move. Finally 3 years of wresting paid off, because I walked over to him and literly threw him out of the chair. "I said get your ass in that corner facing the wall hands on your head!" This time he obyed. "You just earned your self five plenty strokes!" I yelled. "So your dad spanks you?"
"He takes off all my clothes and then puts me over his knee. Sometimes with his hand, others with a paddle."
"I'm sure you've gotten some from O'Mally?" I said, knowing full well that he had and O'Mally's procedure.
"Hell yeah."
"Swearing another five extra. Well James you've been a real pain in the ass lately, and now you going to get some from me." I said. I walked over to him and in the process, I took the chair that he had been sitting on and moved it to the center of the room, and walked over to a desk and pulled out a ping pong paddle which I had taken from the rec room earlier. "All right lets get started. Turn around." When he turned around, I started to unbutton his shirt. "Extend your arms to both sides." I took off his shirt. "Hands up" and then precided to remove his under shirt, to expose a tank top like shirt. I took that off to, revealing his very white, and very muscular chest. For I minute I though that he could have been a real match for me, but after three years of wrestling, I could take him. I then proceded to un-buckle his belt and undo his jeans, un butting them and un zipping them. I then lowered them to his ankles exposing a pair of red nylon shorts. I untied his red Michal Jordan Nike's®, removed his socks, and removed his pants, leaving him in his red nylon shorts. I then removed his shorts to reveal his white fruit of the loom briefs. "All right, since you have so much energy to burn, drop and give me twenty push-up!" I sound like coach Wilson. While he was doing this, I was thinking of his punishment.
"There twenty push-up."
"Alright James." I said "Here is your punishment, for talking when your were not susposed to, five swats. For making fun of John one swats for each incident making five. For eveytime I had to correct you, one, making ten...."
"You can't be serious!" he exlaimed.
"For intrupting me five, and five pnelty for swearing earlier. In total thats 30 swats. Now you will receave ten with my belt bending over the desk, on you underpants. You will then do twenty more push-ups. They I will pull down you briefs any you will recieve ten with the paddle on you bare ass. You will then do twenty jumping jacks. Then you will recieve ten with my hand, over my knee on the bare and will then run twenty laps aorund the room. Finally you will recieve five more swats over the knee on the bare just for being a smart ass and you will stand in the corner, hands on you head facing the wall for the remainder of the lunch break. Is that understood?" I said it with so much athority, I sound more like a teacher, than a high school junior.
"Yes" he muttered.
"Good." I said. "Bend over, spread your legs and reach the side of the desk with your hands!" I commanded as John bend over the desk, and I pulled my belt out of my pants. "You will count each one, or you will recieve five more for each one you miss and we will start over."
"Ohwwww. One."
"Please not so hard."
"Count!" I yelled.
"Three." and so we continued untill ten.
"James please stand up and give me twenty more push-ups." I said as he moved to the rug and completed the next part of his punishment. "Okay, please re-assume the position." I said as he bent over the desk and I yaned off his underpants, revealing his very white butt, which was now covered with red lines from my belt.
"One" he said meekely as the paddle made contact with his bare flesh. By five he was crying. Eventually we reached ten.
"Alright give me twenty jumping jacks now!" I said and he did. When he was finished, I grabed him by the middle and walked over to the chair carrying him by my side. _d_a_m_n_ he was heavy, heaveier than the biggest guy I ever wrestled. I bent him over my knee, but was sarting to feel a little scared that he might over power me.
My hand make contact with his bare flesh, which sent him into a crying fenzy. "COUNT!" I yelled.
"Two." and so we continued untill ten, at which point I made him run his twenty laps around the room, with his hand on his head. I was trying not to laugh, seeing him trying resist crying but not being able to. His hairless little dick was rock hard and his nust were bouncing all over the place as he was running. I couldn't figure out which was funnier, seeing his little dick and ball bounce all over the place while he was doing the jumping jacks or while he was running, or the fact that he was trying really hard to regain his coposure while running. When he was done, again I picked him up and put over my knee and I gave him five swats with the paddle. I hit so hard, I think I almost broke the stupid thing. He was crying and screaming like no tomorrow. I then let him up and told him to stand in the corner facing the wall with his hands on his head, and if he dared move them, I would give him twenty more with the paddle. After about five minutes I let him move, and I found it quite funny, his dancing around in a small cirlce hopping while rubbing his ass trying to get the stinging out. So far, we had used about 1 half hour of lunch, (30 min to eat, and the 1 hour for the spanking.) so I let him go for about two minutes then I had him stand in the corner frozen again for the next ten minutes. Unfortunally for him he protested my only giving him two minutes to rub his ass, so I grabed him and put him over my lap again and gave him ten more with the paddle on the bare and stood him in the corner for about fifteen minutes with out moving, hands on his head. With ten minutes to go during lunch, I told him to come to me. I was sitting on the desk, staring at him as he attempted to regain his composure. I then proceded to dress him, being very rough when putting his underpants, shorts and jeans back on. He flinched continously and I tried to imagine how much it must hurt. I made sure that the whole time he kept his hand and arms raised over his head. Once he was dreased, I grabed him again and put him over my lap and gave him five more soft spanks with my hand.
James was very well behaved for the rest of the retereat, and it was halarious that night to see him try to sleep with out roling onto his very abused butt. Needless to say he avodided sitting as much as possible for the rest of the day, pefering to lie of the floor during the activities. Although he did have a hard time sitting at dinner and at breakfast the next day.