Slowly.. very slowly... Brad started to emerge from his alcohol-induced slumber...It was like swimming in syrup. As much as he didn't want to wake up... his body was forcing consciousness upon him. Each stage more agonizing than the last. Finally forced to crack his eyes open.... big mistake...big mistake!!!! Convinced he was now blinded for life, he groaned in pain....Bigger mistake, the groan tore at his throat and the noise seemed so loud it echoed between his ears.... _d_a_m_n_ even his hair hurt. He buried himself further under the covers to hide from the sun coming in the window, but Mother Nature demanded otherwise. His bladder came awake with a vengeance... sitting up took a Herculean effort ....biggest mistake.. the room spun and his vision clouded.. whoa stop the world... please. He sat on the edge of his bed with his head held gingerly in his hands.
Bladder demanding ...Now! Now! Now!
Standing up....nope....nope.....nope, not a good idea.
His vision went black a moment...his stomach rolled. Brad blindly groped for the bathroom door... as soon as he answered that call he got another more urgent call. His stomach revolted violently from last night's partying. He barely had time to bend over the toilet. His stomach seemed to pay him back in kind with an overabundance. There seemed no end in sight.... with each heave his head tried to explode.
His eyes were watering, his nose ran, sweat popped out on his brow. "I gonna die... I wanna die," he panted during a short break...(retch)
"Oh..please just let me die."
Just then he felt a cool washcloth on the back of his neck. The unexpected touch made him jump which made his stomach heave in turn made him puke and the pounding God the pounding. Lynne, his foster mother, was there with a cool cloth and helping hand.. she held his forehead when he heaved... it helped.
Thank God I slept in my pants, he thought. It was bad enough to have your head held for you while you ralphed in the toilet, but to do so nude would be too much.
Lynne held his head as he heaved and heaved. Poor boy was a mess. His face was pale and he was breathless from the exertion, his eyes were tearing and his nose running. Last wait, very early this morning, she heard him finally come in from obviously a night of parting... 'course he wasn't very quiet about it for someone trying to sneak in. She had stayed up most of the night worrying where he could have gone, made calls to friends and nearly called the cops, not wanting to do it at all. Brad was her and Jake's foster son. They had taken him in five months ago. The boy had had a rough time of it in the system. It seemed most of the homes he went to were little more than halfway houses and some he had been abused in and the others just ignored. After talking to him, his counselor and probation officer. she felt so drawn to him and so did her husband who had been a foster kid himself.
Calling the cops would just be another black mark on his heavily marked record as a delinquent. No, she would wait him out and then boy oh boy would he get it.
When he stumbled in around 4 am, he was so drunk he could barely walk. In fact he literally crawled up the stairs into bed. He didn't even see her in the living room as he probably didn't see anything the way he stumbled around.
Mr. Turner called maybe half an hour after the boy had gone to bed surprising her at the hour of the call. He just wanted to let her know that he had been the one who had dropped Brad off that morning. Seems Brad and his son, Todd, had been out to the old grain mill with a group of kids having a kegger. Mr. Turner found out about it and grabbed any kid he knew and took them home, unfortunately too late to stop any drinking.
Lynne thanked him for his kindness and assured him that Brad was in for a rude awakening, and to let Todd know that Brad wouldn't be available for calls for a few days. Mr. Turner said the same of Todd.
Lynne went to bed with a plan....
"I'm gonna die... I wanna die.." moaned a poor, very hung-over kid. "Oh, please just let me die." Brad winced as his voice came back at him from the toilet bowl. Each heave echoed mercilessly off the porcelain walls inducing more heaves, more echo's and on and on.
Lynn smirked a bit to herself. Just wait, young man...just wait , she thought. The day has just begun. But she continued to soothe him with the rag and hold his head for him. Her maternal side slid out of neutral and into gear for the duration of his offerings to the morning after gods.
After a long while, Brad's stomach was totally void of anything. His head felt like it was cleaved, but he was able to control his guts now. Maybe. He and his foster mom sat on the bathroom floor his back against the tubs cool rail while she washed face with a cloth.
She sat up most of the morning devising her plan on handling the situation. Had Jake been home she was sure he would have handled it right then and there. When it was clear that he was through throwing up she decided to begin the day.
"Get dressed and come to breakfast."
Breakfast !!!!!!!! was she _f_u_c_k_ing nuts????????
"Lynn... I really don't...."
"I don't want any argument, young man."
She said in a soft, but none-the-less firm tone and left the room.
"Did she know I came home drunk?" he asked himself. Duh! What else could she think? What would happen now? Nothing good. This day is really going to suck.
Later, dressed, Brad came into the kitchen to the smell of bacon, and coffee. The coffee---no problem---but the bacon was tempting his guts to heave again. He sat down at the table and laid his head on it.
"Down boy," he said inwardly to his traitorous stomach.
"Brad sit up. Here eat this." She clanked the plate down on the table. The sound was disproportionably loud.
Brad slowly sat up to a plate of English muffins with a little butter and two aspirins with a glass of juice.
He looked at the plate with little interest, but he was very much interested in the aspirin.
"Could I please have some coffee?"
It was a long shot hope. Since moving in with the Grangers he was not allowed any coffee. They felt he was too young. He felt that at age 15 he was plenty old enough and had been already drinking it before. But he had no luck talking them into it. In fact he had a lot of problems talking them into a lot of things. No coffee, no smoking, no drinking, oops, and perhaps hardest for him was swearing. He had a real foul mouth he knew that, and a matching temper. The Grangers were the strictest and most stubborn of all his foster homes. And the most generous. These two traits confused the hell out of him.
"Okay. Just one cup."
Did he hear her right? His brown eyes must have conveyed his confusion.
"But just this once," she added quickly. "And it will be weak, with cream."
"Aw c-mon, Lynn."
"Bradley, it will be weak or none at all. Hear me?" she firmly said.
He tried nodding his head but stopped short. It hurt too badly so he just croaked a "yes." He was confused by her demeanor. If she knew he was hung over why didn't she just chew him out and get it over with? Something had her acting strange. Better just leave it.
"Here this will help the aspirin work faster. Don't get used to the coffee, now eat, we have lots to do today. I left you a list of chores to do, I will be exercising the new horses, today, and Jake won't be back till late this afternoon or evening so it's you and me. So eat up." With that she kissed the top of his head gingerly, but slammed the door on her way out, or at least it sounded like it, pain splintered through his poor brain.
The muffins were crunchy... like mini explosions each bite. But it felt good to put something in his stomach. With his breakfast done, he looked over his list she left him and groaned and laid his head on the table in misery.
1. fix the broken stall boards
2. Split and stack wood pile
3. Mow front fields and along the drive.
Yeah it was only three things but each would take hours. _d_a_m_n_ this day was going to suck.
Out in the barn he found that his foster mother had already cleaned the stalls, but the odor of the barn was over-powering inviting his stomach to rise against him---again. Usually he found it not too bad; he almost enjoyed the smell when clean any way. Coming from the city where smog reigned supreme, fresh country air and barn odors are strange to the nose. He found the stalls with broken stall boards. Horses had kicked and broken the boards. It took sliding the boards one at a time out of the u channels and replacing the broken board with a new one and sliding the boards back. And, of course, the broken ones would be practically at the bottom. It took a lot of banging to loosen the boards before moving them and to replace the boards. It was not helping his pounding head. Worst was the wood splitting. Each log that he split felt as if he was spitting his own skull.
During a break he had a chance to mull over his predicament. Not good on all fronts. Lynn was clearly upset. She was just so _d_a_m_n_ed calm about it. Sitting on a large log he hung his head down to stretch his neck and shoulder muscles that were screaming almost as much as his brain. His stomach was in knots. Not sick, just tight. What will happen now? Had he blown it this time. Would last night's little stunt push them over the edge? That thought surprisingly brought tears to Brad's eyes. Angrily bushing away the weakness leaking from his brown eyes, he tried to shake that thought from his whirling mind. Will they send him away? The mere idea of going back into the "system" terrified him no end. This was the first place he could see staying. That too scared him. To invest in that kind of commitment. To trust that fully. The Granger's were great. So far only one mishap.
Several weeks ago they had a blow up. He had said something smart to Lynn, real crude. Brad knew he had a mouth on him. Now they did, too. Well, Jake, his foster dad came in at that moment. Jake was not a real big man. Not much taller than Brads 5'8", but lean and well-built. It was his eyes and that calm, deep voice. Just a hint of drawl to it that made up for his stature. Jake pinned Brad to the wall. Didn't slam him or use any violence at all. Just held him there with one hand. Dude's strong was the thought that flashed in his mind then. Just one! Drilling him with those golden eyes. So light hazel they looked gold like an eagle's and just as fierce.
He got a blistering lecture on respect and manners. He felt small and uncomfortable held in that gaze, and the voice reached and threatened that stubborn bravado of his. Jake not once raised his voice or a hand. Again something new and surprising. When his foster dad was done with the speech, Brad was told to apologize to Lynn. He remembered mumbling a sullen "sorry" and rudely brushed past Jake and took a walk outside. It ended up quite the walk, too. He was at the end of the ½ mile drive before he knew it. He was mad, confused and scared all at once. So he just sat down on the ground by the mail box. Brad just looked down the road. What now? After a long while he still just sat there till he heard the truck coming down the drive. Jake and Lynn pulled up next to him and both got out and walked up to him. Before Brad could say anything or stand, Jake crouched down to him and told him to get in the truck. It wasn't a request either. Brad looked to both. Lynn's doe brown eyes had a worried, sad look. Jake just looked stern nothing giving away his intentions. It was on the tip of his tongue to smart off, but he swallowed the retort. Instead he got in and sat between them. Truck still running. Jake sat there a moment just looking out the window. Then he turned that golden gaze on Brad. "Son, you've been here a couple months now. And for the most part I think you've been happy. I know we have been very happy to have you, but.... " here it comes, Brad braced himself for the usual we don't want you, can't keep you, get lost, _s_h_i_t_.
He knew it. It was too good to last. "But, it's time to make a decision, son." What's this? "This has to be your choice or it will not work out for any of us. Lynn and I want a family. We want you to be part of this family. Lynn placed a hand on his own. What's this? Brad's mind spun. "But..." Oh, here it comes. "But, you have to make the decision, Brad. To stay you have to live by the rules."
"What rules?" Brad's said a little surly.
"Rule one. Your the kid we are the Parents."
"Let me guess, rule two is refer to rule one," Brad snapped, knowing he was pushing it but he couldn't seem to help the anger and resentment from coming to the surface.
"No, Bradley," Jake's deep voice rumbled with a hint of frustration. "Rule two: You break the rules you'll have consequences and punishments. That's it. It's that simple, son. No surprises. And you have a pretty good idea of what we expect from you, son, but we can go over details later. So ball's in your court, Bradley. We can go down the road and take you back to the boy's home." A shudder passed through Brad. His stomach froze. "Or you can stay and live by our rules here. Your choice, buddy. This pickup goes both ways, but before you decide let me tell you there will be no going back. It's a done deal either way, Brad. Got it, boy?" Brad could only nod his head. He was so shocked by the fact it was his decision. He just sat there a long time with his head down looking at his fists. His chest was tight with tears that he wouldn't let come. Crying was a weakness. He was left alone to make the decision. He didn't want to go back to the home. Looked up ahead to the road. He heard Jake take a deep breath. Looking over at him he saw something, could it be fear in his eyes? He held Jake's gaze a good, long time. Jake could almost hear all the thoughts going on in Brad's mind. No doubt the same he was faced with long ago as a foster child. Jake knew the cost of those tears, but he waited the boy out. Brad broke eye contact first and then looked to Lynn. Tears were flowing down her face. It was too much. Lots of other foster mom's cried. Only it was to the social worker about how he was unmanageable, how he ruined this or that and would they still get their money. That was real pain in her lovely gentle face. The dam broke. Brad couldn't stop the tears. He was surprised when Lynn hugged and cooed to him. He didn't let himself cry much or long.
He disengaged from Lynn's embrace and looked Jake full in the face. "I'd like to stay," he paused, "Please."
Lynn sobbed then and held his hand tightly in one of her's and Jake's in the other. "Okay, son," Jake said. You understand now there is no changing your mind when you don't like something. This is for keeps, son. It's your choice, okay? I want you with us, but it has to be this way. Like a real family with real family rules and real family consequences. Understand?"
Brad started crying again. Put his face in his hands and wept, just a little. A real family? Jake pulled him in a huge bear hug. Brad wasn't used to touchy feely stuff. This was okay. Non-threatening. Jake let him cry a bit before giving Brad a little shake.
"Son, I need to know. " In a tearful voice Brad said he understood and wanted stay. That night was a long and emotional one. The three of them sat up a long time talking. It was open and honest. Brad opened up some to them. He was nearly choking on tears when he confided that he wanted to be like a son or nephew to them. Brad snapped out of his reverie. This was not getting the woodpile any smaller and was only making his head hurt more.
By lunch he was a truly paying for last night. Never again. Never again. He repeated it like a prayer.
Lynn watched him most of the day and admired his work ethic. She knew how he was suffering and still he did his best, he didn't slack in the quality or quantity but he didn't move real fast either. His foster-mom also noticed she wasn't the only one admiring him. And not for his work ethic. The UPS driver fairly drooled over him as she drove by. Brad's shirt was off and sweat ran down his upper body and face. She felt a mother's pride in her son's build. He was filling out in all the right places, regular meals and ranch work agreed with him and she ruefully noted that she would have to keep close tabs on that as the summer progressed with the starting of riding lessons and seasonal boarding.
Lynn's eyes narrowed as he wiped the sweat off his face, chest and six pack stomach with his shirt, Yes, sir, those girls will eat him alive. They shared a light lunch of salad and sandwiches. Nether said much which was fine with him, he felt too bad to talk much or eat much and she seemed likewise occupied. That worried him some. Clearly she knew about last night. Why wouldn't she just blast him and get it over? A couple times he nearly said something, but never did.
After lunch he finished the woodpile into a neat stack for the winter to come. His arms and back were killing him from the exertion, not to mention the dull ache that was throbbing in his brain.
The mowing was the worse, yet. The riding mower was an old rattletrap, it bounced and jerked all over the place. For what seemed like an eternity, he mowed the two five-acre paddock used for showcasing the horses. It kept the grass at an even length and helped it flourish---so he was told. The sun was very hot and beat down on him. His head felt like an over-poached egg, the heat and hang over coupled with the anxiety of his situation was percolating his temper. Almost done...almost done, Brad repeated like a mantra to get him through this last chore. The push mower nearly beat him to death and it sounded like a machine gun. He wove the mower in and out of the trees growing along the grassy sides of the half-mile drive. Several times he had to stop to unclog the _d_a_m_n_ thing. The sun was setting when he put all the tools away. By then his mood had really deteriorated to a low boil.
Lynn, with the help of a day worker, had the horses fed and was already in the house cleaned up and preparing dinner when he entered.
"Brad, dinner will be in a couple hours. So go shower," she called from the kitchen.
His stomach still felt queasy. "Ain't hungry, I'm done for the day," he said as he stormed into the kitchen instantly regretting slamming the screen door. Her back was to him so he couldn't see the smirk on her face.
"But I will shower," he said rubbing his temples.
Oh, you're not done yet, kiddo, not by a long shot, she thought to herself.
Once in his room he flopped on the bed. He was hot, his body was sore, his head still hurt some. He felt like an over-wound clock. He could feel the alarm building up. Anxiety over what will happen now. Should he pack and wait out for the worst or should he go talk to Lynn? He was in no mood to talk and had a feeling he was shortly in for a bitching out. Was she waiting for Jake to get home? His anxiety rose a level thinking about how mad Jake would be. He pinched his face between his eyes. He couldn't relax. He felt bad about last night, more than just the hangover. He knew that it was a not a good idea. He just acted on impulse. His _d_a_m_n_ impulses got him in a lot of jams. The last month had been the best ever for him. Evening games of 1 on 1 with Jake, camping, fishing, Lynn took him into town last week and bought him a truck-load of new clothes. Brand name _s_h_i_t_, too. He couldn't remember the last time he got anything but used stuff. Well Christmas. When she said to set aside some of them for school he got quiet and moody all of a sudden. Lynn asked him once they were back in the Jeep what was wrong. Sullenly he told her that he had problems learning sometimes; that he hated school. His grades sucked. He had a hard time in Math and English.
"I'm just not smart I guess," Boy, was that not a "smart" thing to say.
He got a very cold look from her. He got a mental image of her transforming him to a chunk of ice. "That, young man, is garbage. That is a cop out. I don't ever want to hear you say something like that again." She poked him hard in the chest to get his attention. "That's taking the easy road. Oh, poor me. You are very bright. No, sir, Bradley Roberts "GRANGER" she put heavy emphasis on the last. I won't have it. Do you hear me? Brad was unsure how to react. She had just defended him to himself. And she was upset with him now.
"Uh.._s_h_i_t_, Lynn...I just," uh oh more ice.
"Oh.. sorry. It's just that I have a hard time keeping up."
Lynn's face beamed back at him with a look of understanding. "Sweetie, we can work on that. I bet we can get you up to speed before the first day." She had such a smile going he couldn't resist smiling back. It was also on this day that he met Todd and they became friends. He always came over for a game of B-ball or more likely Lynn's fried chicken.
They had made a day of it. Lunch, shopping, she even took him to a music store and let him chose some CD's. They had the clerk in stitches as they argued over the attributes and failing between Country and the rest of music world.
Never had he had such a day. She even let him drive her Jeep CJ-5 down the drive. Each night she or Jake worked with him on his practice homework. They weren't the Cleaver's, but close enough for him. Now he had ruined it.
Brad's guts knotted. He got up and began to pace. Jake said that this was for keeps. I'll probably just get grounded, he reasoned to himself. But a nagging feeling told him this was the end of the gravy train. That it would be just like all the other times he _f_u_c_k_ed up. He'd be on his way back to the home. He was near panic when Lynn walked in. Brad's guts knotted. He got up and began to pace. Jake said that this was for keeps. I'll probably just get grounded. He reasoned to himself. But a nagging feeling told him this was the end of the gravy train. That it would be just like all the other times he _f_u_c_k_ed up. He'd be on his way back to the home. He was near panic when Lynn walked in.
"Brad I thought you were going to shower?" She had a set look to her face. She was definitely not happy with him.
"I...uh...I was just getting ready to."
"Well seeing that you haven't yet I guess this as good a time as any. We need to have a serious talk young man."
His temples began to throb again, God not now. He thought to himself. "Lynn, can't it wait till later..ple.."
"No, it can't. You're in some deep water. Bradley, and we both know why. So you and I are going to deal with it now and I am very sure your father will have something to say about it later." She glared at him and pointed to the bed. Silently telling him to have a seat.
Just then his temper snapped. "God_d_a_m_n_it, Lynn, I don't want to _f_u_c_k_ing talk about it now. I just want to left alone, leave me the _f_u_c_k_ alone." He was yelling and felt that burning desire to lash out at anything in his way. No matter who or what that was.
Brad recognized that need and had a stronger need for some room. NOW. He started to walk past his foster mother. "You just watch that mouth of yours, Bradley Roberts Granger," she snapped as he started past her. "Oh no! We are not done yet, mister," grabbing his upper arm to stop him.
The next few moments seemed to move in slow motion. Even so he was helpless to stop the events. The moment Lynn grabbed his arm he immediately reacted, violently. He jerked his arm loose from her grip, a painless grip he noted much later, and instantly raised his closed fist to her.
Lynn hadn't heard the shower start yet. It had been sometime since Brad huffed upstairs. Dinner had sometime yet to go, so she figured now was as good a time to "Get into it" as any. She headed for his room. Brad's door was open so she walked in.
"Brad, I thought you were going to shower?"
He looked odd, all tight and nervous, pale even. The next few minutes seemed to fast forward for Lynn. One moment she was scolding him for his foul mouth the next she was grabbing his arm to keep him from storming out of the room. She was wholly unprepared for his reaction. Brad ripped his arm out of her grasp. An easy task, she was not gripping very tightly just tying to make him stop. As he tore loose he raised a closed fist to her. She was so shocked she cried out and lost her balance and fell hard on the floor. Something firm slammed against the back of her head and neck. Nothing painful just the blow of the fall.
Brad stopped himself just as he was going to through the punch. Punch? At the same moment in time he heard Lynn cry out his name and fall. She had such a surprised look on her face. She fell hard and hit her head against his mattress. She just looked up at him with that look as he stood over her with his fist raised still. Fear, cold and sickening shot through him.
"Get out. Get out now," his mind yelled. What had he done? Lynn sat on the floor staring up at him in shock. He was just standing there with fists raised and a horrible look of a trapped animal on his boyish face. Neither said anything. She watched as his Adam's apple bobbed convulsively. Then just like many of her colts in training she saw his muscles bunch. Not for fight but for flight.
"Brad, no!...don't!...wait!!!!!!!...come back........."
He was gone with the slamming of the kitchen door.
Brad quit the house like it was on fire. "Brad!!..don't! ...wait...come back..." followed him down the stairs. He made it to the stair landing and then jumped over the banister to the floor below and boom out the kitchen door. Gone. All he could see was Lynn falling on the floor. He knew somehow she wasn't hurt badly. Choke. That thought made him stumble in his head long race into the woods to...anywhere but here. He'd really _f_u_c_k_ed up this time. The cops will be looking for him soon. There will be helicopters and dogs and ATV's _s_h_i_t_..._s_h_i_t_.._s_h_i_t_...His adolescent mind spun horrific scenarios,.panic ran the show now, so he just ran and ran.
Lynn got up and tried to run after him, but he was out of sight by the time she made the back porch. Grabbing the cell phone she dialed Jake. That wonderful deep calm voice answered on the other end.
"Hello? "
Thank heavens you're there. "Jake where are you?"
"Lynn? Baby, what's wrong?"
"Where are you, Joke! "
"I'm about 10 miles from the ranch. What's going on?"
She told him all about it in record time, clearly, calmly. Volunteer work for the local emergency had it's rewards.
"Jake, I'm so worried. I know he didn't mean it. I know it."
"Hush, baby. I'll find him. Are you sure you're all right?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me. I think it was just
reflex. I just lost my balance. God, it's starting to rain. He'll
get lost out there. I don't even know what way he went. Oh, Jake,
you should have seen his face."
"Hush! Aw, Lynn. We'll find our boy. Just stay by the phone, baby, okay?"
Lightning crashed in the heavens. God was out to get him and rightly so. Brad too crashed but through the forest. Not able to run anymore he stopped and braced his hands on his knees, bent low to get some wind back. How far had he gone? It was getting dark. Were was he? Rain plastered his hair to his scalp and ran down his face. Tasted salty.
"Gotta keep move'n." On the run again he ended up in a blind run down a hill...a steep one. Right out in front of a truck. The truck screeched to a stop just as he braced his hands out. He felt the hood. He looked up at the driver. Right into eagle colored eyes. Oh, _s_h_i_t_.
"Oh, _s_h_i_t_," Jake cussed just as he spied a figure hurtling down the embankment right in front of the truck. He slammed on the brakes. The F-350 stopped just short of the wet kid who was staring at him with his hands braced on the hood. Literally Bambi caught in headlights.
They stared at each other for mere seconds before Brad took off at a dead run.
"Bradley, get back here..!!!!" Jake yelled out the window. He pulled the truck off the road and gave chase. Brad may have had a head start but the way he crashed though the trees he was easy for Jake to follow. Years of growing up and hunting in these woods gave Jake a distinct advantage even over Brad's youth and speed.
Speed! "_d_a_m_n_ that boy must be half jack rabbit." Jake was hard pressed to follow. Brad ducked, dodged, and jumped around, under and over logs and low branches at full throttle even in the darkening forest.
"_f_u_c_k_! _f_u_c_k_! _s_h_i_t_!" Brad could hear Jake not far behind as he ran head long into the woods, branches slapped and grabbed him, tore at his face and clothes like they, too, were out to get him. He knew his feet were flying, he could feel it. More than once he nearly went down. Sheer determination and plain fear is what drove his flight. Fear of the man behind him and what would happen should he get caught. Thinking about that nearly cost him as he plunged in a small stream. The slippery rocks conspired against him as he groped to remain upright and moving.
"God_d_a_m_n_it," Jake cussed and sent a look of apology skyward. "Man, that kid is fast."
Jake had lost sight of the boy. Frustration and fear of losing the kid building, then he heard Brad splash through the creek. He stopped. Echo Creek. They must be at Echo Creek. Jake took off to the left, he knew this area very well and if Brad was at the creek he now had every chance of cutting him off just ahead. That knowledge spurred his own feet to fly. Wet through and through and legs that felt like lead now, Brad's flight was now a fight to breath and keep his legs pumping. He didn't hear Jake anymore only the storm and his own labored breathing. Flashes of lightning gave eerie strobe effects to the terrain. It was dark now and it slowed him some trying to keep from slipping on the wet ground. It was in a flash that he got a momentary glimpse of a dark form leaping at him just before he was slammed to the ground by something heavy. The wind rushed out of him in a strangled yelp.
Pure adrenaline coursed through him as he struggled and thrashed to get up and away from the strong arms that held him immobile.
"Bradley, stop it. Now! No more running! Just take it easy."
Oh, _s_h_i_t_. No! Jake! Jake caught him. Bradley's struggles increased.
Bradley found himself pinned on his back and Jake's face just inches from his own. A more stern look on a man's face he had never seen. That eerie light only added to Jake's fierce countenance. Fear, real fear lanced trough the boy. Anger born of that fear rose in him hot.
"Leme'go, _f_u_c_k_er ,leave me alone, asshole. Get off of me! _f_u_c_k_er!"
Brad bucked hard and was able to roll out from under his foster father and make it to his feet, but that was it. Strong hands attached to steel arms kept him captive. Brad tried kicking, biting, nothing worked.
"God _d_a_m_n_ it, _f_u_c_k_er, leggo a me. Mother fuc...kerrrr," the last came out in a high-pitched wheeze, as Jake squeezed Brad harder.
"Knock it off, Bradley. You're just making it worse for yourself," Jake ground out as Brad got the stuffing shaken out of him.
When Jake stopped shaking him he focused on that face again. Golden eyes held him dead to rights. Leaden limbs, no wind left for fight or flight, Brad admitted defeat and hung his head and waited.
Jake could feel the fight die out of the wet figure before him. Looking at him he could barely make out the features. Pale in the darkness, two black orbs peered out of a mud- streaked, scratched face. Dark hair plastered down, only made the face seem more pale. Great puffs of breath showed in the cold night air as lightning lit the forest.
Jake raised a finger to warn him not to try anything.
Brad felt as much as saw the movement and couldn't help his reaction. He flinched and covered his head with his arms. "Don't!!!!!!!I'm sorry!!!!I'm sorry... I didn't hit her. I didn't. It was an accident....don't..." Brad just pleaded, hating himself for it.
Jake just stared at the kid a moment. Utterly taken by surprise by the form cowering before him as the moon peaked out from a cloud just long enough to spot light man and boy.
"Hey.!!" Taking Brad by the shoulders he shook him again. "Hey! Bradley, shhh...calm down, son."
Brad flinched hard once and went still, head down, eyes closed tightly.
"Brad..?" another hard shake.
Brad made eye contact or what he thought was eye contact in the blackness of the woods.
Jake's fingers latched onto his chin in a firm but painless touch. "Brad, I have never raised a hand to you, son. Relax. Take a breath. Okay, take another one. Good..that's right breath deep."
Brad began to relax some. Jake continued to coax with that deep voice. "Better?"
Bradley could only nod. A lump was forming in his throat.
"Okay, let's get home and out of this rain."
Brad opened his mouth to say something; Jake must have sensed it or something. "Move now.. talk, later."
Gone was the gentle coaxing.
"Home?" he croaked.
Jake collared the back of his neck with a large hand. Directing him towards the abandoned truck. It took some hiking in the blackness to make it back to the truck. Brad was a wreck. His mind was racing, but his body was spent from the hike in the greasy mud. So he kept very quiet.
Once back at the truck, Jake guided his son up against the side of the bed. "Stand put." Then he opened the door and gently lifted a large box and placed in the back seat. Had Brad not been feeling sorry for himself he might have been curious.
Jake then covered the box with a Navajo and grabbed a couple horse blankets out of the truck box, tossed one to the boy and ordered him to wrap it around him.
"Get in," Jake ordered.
Sitting on the seat wrapped in a cocoon of horse blanket brought back to mind a recent camping trip. After a day of riding, fishing, and swimming the three of them had lain around a fire wrapped up in blankets. Lynn called him her "Burrito Baby" as she tucked him in. A sob nearly escaped him at that sweet memory. He choked it down and concentrated on the buckles of the blanket. The heater in the truck cab cut the chill.
Once on the road home, Jake made a call to Lynn to let her know Brad had been found.
Jake looked at Brad who had withdrawn into himself. "Brad, care to tell me your side?"
"No, you wouldn't believe me. She already told you," Brad said, peevishly.
"I want YOU to tell me, son. Now!" This was said quietly but there was a definite note of or else in the wings. Feeling like he now had nothing to lose, taking a deep breath, Brad told him everything. Sneaking off yesterday, getting drunk with Todd and being taken home early this morning, earning him a very dark look, but he continued on to tell Jake about today. That Lynn had just walked in at a bad moment. His voice caught as he told the husband of the woman whom he almost hit about it. Brad couldn't bring himself to look up at Jake.
About that time they were pulling into the drive. A prickling sensation traveled down Brad's back. The lights of the house glowed warm and yellow in the yard as they pulled up. Brad had truly not ever planned on seeing it again.
Jake turned the truck off and shifted in his seat to face the withdrawn boy beside him.
"Brad, you never hit a woman. You don't hit anyone. Especially in a temper. Do you hear me son?"
Brad just nodded. Looking at his hands.
"Look at me, son. Is that clear?"
Brad swallowed hard and met that stare. "Yeah."
"The correct response is 'yes, sir,'" that voice could have frozen ice.
"Yes, sir," Brad mumbled.
"Okay, son. Let's go in and get dry. You have some explaining to do. Now, son."
Brad got out and walked to the house with his foster dad. Lynn was just walking out of the door when Brad stepped onto the porch. Brad held her gaze a long moment. His chest felt tight, breathing became difficult, his vision misted. Brad opened his mouth several times to say...what. He couldn't think of anything to say. Nothing that would fix it.
Lynn watched him work his mouth in hopeless attempts to say something. She reached up for him and grabbed his arms. "Good Glory, boy! You had worried me to death. Why did you run off like that? Don't you ever do that again. Now you get your wet caboose in this house now." She sent him in with a firm swat to his butt, wringing out her now wet hand.
"Jake, hon, you're both drenched. Okay, both of you strip now. I'll be right back."
Brad looked to Jake.
"You heard her, son. Shuck them clothes." Jake began to rid himself of his soggy garments. Lynn returned with sweats for both. Brad shyly started to undress. Lynn went into the living room so they could finish in semi-private. Once in warm, dry clothes, Jake indicated to Brad to head into the kitchen. Once there they all sat at the table with hot cups of coffee for the adults and cocoa for Brad.
Silence was thick in the room. Brad could hardly swallow and never looked up at anyone, just studied the patterns of wood in the table. It took the rest of his strength not to hurl himself at Lynn and beg her to hit him, yell at him, anything to stop this guilt.
A chair scraping the wood floor brought his attention to his foster dad's face. Again that fierce look.
"Well, son, it seems to me you have had quite a busy couple of days. Not what I would call time well spent, mind you. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Brad continued to study the wood grain of the table. All he could do was shake his head. Finely he looked over to Lynn. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to knock you down. Honest, Lynn." He was real close to tears.
Lynn cupped his hand with her's, "I know, Bradley. I knew that then, too. But you shouldn't have run off. You caused me a lot of worry, son. Your father, too."
"Bradley, I nearly hit you out on the road."
Lynn looked from one to the other. "What!!!!"
"_d_a_m_n_ fool kid ran right out in front of me. I nearly didn't stop in time. Then Ol' lickity split here ran off through the woods like a _d_a_m_n_ jackrabbit."
"Bradley!!!! What were you thinking?"
"Son, where were you going to go? By mornin' you'd have been lost or worst the way you were running."
"What does it matter? You caught me didn't you," Brad snapped back.
Jake stood up, and both Lynn and Brad watched as he poured another cup of coffee for himself. He took a long sip and looked over the rim the whole time drilling Brad with those golden eyes, one brow arched as if to ask if Brad wanted to keep it up.
Bradley leaned forward and rested his head on the table. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he said as he lightly hit his forehead on the table.
"Here, stop that now. Bradley, sit up," Jake ordered. "I know your sorry, son. But that isn't enough right now. You're in trouble. Deep. You told me everything in the truck?"
"Yes, sir."
"Anything more to add?"
"No, sir."
"Fine. Go on up to your room. Your Mom and I need to talk a moment. Don't get too comfortable we're not done, yet. Not by a _d_a_m_n_ sight."
Brad got up slowly and walked up the stairs that just a few hours ago he flew down. He laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He tossed his baseball up and down to help relieve some tension. He was so tired. He rolled his head over and looked at his closet. Getting up he opened the door. There in with all his new clothes was his duffel. He began to pack it. Slowly. Making sure to pack only what he came with. This is how the Granger's found him.
"What do you think you're doing, Bradley?" The question was asked so quietly he jumped.
" might... I thought..."
"No, you haven't been doing any thinking the way I see it, son."
Brad stopped stuffing the bag and sat on his bed waiting.
"Well, we have discussed the situation, Brad, and have come to only one conclusion."
Brad felt a heavy dread settling in. "I'm leaving? "
Jake just shook his head. "No, son, you're getting your wayward rump tanned."
Brad looked at them like they spoke another language. What did he just say?
"Did you think a few well chosen chores would be all you had to do? What did you think of those? Great hangover remedy."
Brad gave Lynn an accusing glare.
"Better change that look, son. You're in enough trouble. I don't think you want to add any more."
That brow arched again. "Uh, I mean no, sir. "
"That's better."
"So what are you going to do?"
"Your father told you, you're going to be spanked," Lynn said as she stepped closer.
Spanking? What? Were they kidding? Yelled at, lots, there was no doubt. Grounded for sure, but spanked? Oh hell, no!! Brad's tough-guy mouth kicked in, again. "_f_u_c_k_ that, man," Brad said getting up off the bed and standing in front of them.
Lynn reached for him. This time did grab his arm very firmly and propelled him past Jake and into the bathroom. Brad was taken off guard at the speed and force he was transported.
"Now you'd better watch that snotty mouth of yours, little boy. Sit!" Lynn snapped as she closed the lid on the john. Brad saw that Jake had followed, and was pointing for him to sit. So he sat, albeit somewhat huffily.
Lynn took a toothbrush and poured some soft soap on the bristles.
This can't be good, Brad thought.
"Here, brush that foul mouth of!"
Lynn was usually so even-tempered. This was so strange to him it had him all flustered and upset. "Lynn, please...I don't..."
"Bradley, you will do as I say and you will say 'yes, ma'am.' Now brush!"
He took the brush and grudgingly said, "Yes, ma'am."
He put the brush in his mouth and nearly gagged. As he was going to take it out, she grabbed his wrist and kept it in his mouth and began to brush for him. "I said brush."
When he began to brush she began to blast him for cussing, lack of respect. Once she was sure he had a good mouthful she continued to give him a royal bawling out. His eyes watered from trying not to gag. His mouth burned. Jake had to step away from the door to control himself. Brad looked so pathetic with that sad, puppy-eyed look and foam dripping down his oh so stubborn chin. When he regained his composer he returned just as Lynn was asking the boy if he could control his language. Brad emphatically said he could and was allowed to rinse. He jumped up to the sink and stuck his head under the faucet like a man too long in the desert. He was humbled by the experience. His mouth burned and the taste that lingered was horrible.
"Now, back into your room. We all have some unfinished business."
Jake pulled out a chair by the desk in the corner for Lynn. Lynn sat on the sisal rope chair pad and pointed to the bed. Brad sat down on his bed and waited.
"Well, mister, we are going to have a long talk about underage drinking and your disrespect for our rules here, and that running away tonight was not the way to deal with anything. Then you are going to be reminded that you are underage and under our authority here by being soundly spanked, young man," Jake said as he stood by Lynn with arms crossed and a stern look on his face. For the better part of an hour Bradley listened to both of his foster parents lecture him. Tell him that there will be some changes made in his attitude, language, no friends for a month, no phone for three weeks, no TV for two weeks, and tons of unpleasant chores. His muscles ached already at the thought.
Not once did either raise their voice to yell at him, but Jake's deep voice did more than any yelling could. Bradley did a lot of 'yes, sir's,' and 'ma'am's.
"All right, son. I don't see any reason to put this off any longer. It's been a long day for all of us. So let's just get it done. "
Lynn got up from the chair and Jake sat down and looked expectantly at his son who just stared at them. Wide eyed, there was no way to hide the fear and resentment displayed on his young face. "NO!!!!! I won't let you _f_u_c_k_ing hit me. You got no right."
Brad came off the bed hands in tight fists and ready to defend himself.
Jake just sighed and shook his head. When he looked at Brad he just looked patiently exasperated, like this was what he expected. He, too, stood up and walked the short distance to the kid. Brad took an involuntary step back, just one and then stood his ground. Placing hands on Brad's shoulders, Jake said, "Son, and you are my son, that is what right I have. Your mother and I have the right and responsibility to see that you do right and when you don't it's our job to correct you. Like right now, if you continue to cuss, I'LL be the one to clean out your mouth. And if I do, it will be a whole bar of soap this time."
Jake dropped his hands from the kid's shoulders. "When you moved in, didn't you say you wanted to be treated like family. That you wanted us to be like a real family. Or was that just a line of crap?"
That hit a mark. Brad's face said so. His tough guy bravado was cracking under the conflicting emotions.
"Well, were you, Bradley? "
He felt hurt and angry that Jake would think that. That conversation then was very emotional for him and he had truly meant it and still did. "Yes, I meant it," Brad said quietly.
"Well, if you were born into this family you would get punished for drinking and taking off like that and a spanking is how you would be punished. Not HIT or BEAT, but spanked, in private, at home. Lynn and I won't bust you one in public." Jake could see he was tying to think this out.
"You can rest assured that Todd got his butt toasted this morning, if not last night," Lynn chimed in. "Do you think there is something wrong with his relationship with his folks, Brad?" With that she said she was going to leave them to talk. She had to warm up dinner. She left Brad alone with Jake thinking about what she had said.
Todd had a great dad. Brad at first envied Todd's closeness to his dad, but as he got more comfortable with Jake he felt the fluttering of a similar bond growing. No. Todd often spoke of getting "it" now and again. Never hinting at abuse.
"Bradley, there is no discussion about this. You made a bad choice last night and this is the consequence of that choice. Now, let's get it over with."
Jake reached out again, "C'mon, son. "
Brad let himself be pulled to Jake's side. He was so confused, everything his foster parents said was true, but to surrender to this, to be... " No!!!! I..I can't.."
Brad jerked away from Jake. Wildly looking for a way out.
"Oh, no you don't, little man," Jake said grabbing a hold of him and in one swift movement sat and placed a struggling boy across his lap.
"You might not, son. But I can. Now settle down, Bradley."
Bradley found himself facing the bedroom carpet, it felt awkward and very scary. His stomach tightened. Jake's arms felt like steel bands around his middle. No give as he tried to break free. Then Jake unexpectedly grabbed his waistband and yanked down his sweats.
"No!!!!don't!!!!!! "
Before he could protest much more, Jake's hand came down hard on his still damp jockey clad butt. Hard. It didn't hurt much at first, but after a few more steady spanks Jake was generating some real heat. SWAT...SWAT...SWAT...SWAT.
Brad bucked and tried to squirm out from the swats, Jake merely trapped Brad's legs under his own very neatly containing the boy without missing a beat. Lynn tried to drown out as much as she could with running water and starting the wash. She wasn't afraid to punish the boy herself but felt this first time should be handled by the father and son alone. She had no doubts about Jake's ability to handle the situation. None whatsoever.
Brad resolved himself not to make any noise or cry.
As Jake spanked from time to time he would lecture Brad further on his actions. Still never raising his voice. SWAT..SWAT..SWAT..SWAT..steady and hard.
Brad didn't cry out, but a whimper or two escaped. Tears began to build and he felt a kind of panic forming. Like if Jake didn't stop soon he wouldn't be able to keep from really crying. Finally, Jake did stop.
"Okay, Bradley, that was the attention getter. I do have your attention, don't I?"
"What was that?"
"Uh...yes...yes, sir....ouch!"
"That's better. Now you will be punished for sneaking out and drinking."
"No! I've had enough. Let me up."
"I decide when you have had enough, little man. Not you. And we have only begun. That was just a warm up son," Jake sounded so reasonable, like he should just go and say "okay beat my ass s'more."
Then Jake really turned up the heat. The swats came fast and much harder. Bradley squirmed and bucked hard as he could. Still trying to hold it in. His right arm swung back to deflect the blows but was captured and held back and out of the way.
"That's enough, Jake, .don't...Jake, more..c'mon..._s_h_i_t_...stop... " Brad yelled.
"_f_u_c_k_, Jake, that hurts. Stop..._s_h_i_t_..argh.."
"I'm sorry, but it's suppose to hurt," Jake's voice was soft and had a real tint of regret.
"_s_h_i_t_, Jake, no more..stop it.._f_u_c_k_.. "
'" Boy, I warned you about that mouth of your's." Jake laid on some very hard swats punctuating each word. Brad arched and strained, he began to kick as best he could. He wouldn't be able to take much more as tears were already flooding his eyes.
" more, Jake...Jake..stop...I don't want..Owwwwwwaa..I
don't wanna stay
anymore..I wanna leave..stop..It hurt.._s_h_i_t_..sorry..sorry..stop.(gasp)
don't .Stop and I'll go
Jake did stop. He could feel the sobs that Brad was holding in. The boy was very close to losing it. He new that the pain was what made Brad try bargaining and he knew pleading would be next.
"Son, you have this coming in spades and you will get the full dose, little man. I am sorry. If you still feel that you want to leave. I will call the social worker, AFTER we are done here."
"No, Jake, please."
Jake picked the beat right back up, but for just a few more swats. Bradley just lay there trying to regain his composure. When he tried to get up he was still held down. "No, not yet, son. This would have been it, but you fought Lynn."
"It..was an accident.._d_a_m_n_it it. I didn't .."
'I know it was, Bradley, but none-the-less you did fight her and then you ran away. That was very wrong. You could have been hurt, you would have ruined any chance of an other home if you had been caught by the police and tossed in Juvie. That was wrong, you deserve better even if you don't see it. Hell, I oughta whip your tail just for running out in front of the truck like that. For all of these reasons you are going to get more. You will find that running away never helps and only makes it worst."
Brad felt the large form holding him strain and bend backwards a moment, he heard something move on the dresser. He found out what that was all too soon. "This is what is going to impress upon you never to run away again," Jake said, brandishing Brad's wooden hairbrush. "Hopefully never to drink again, too, never hit anyone or thing in anger."
"I am not hitting you, I am spanking you and there is a big difference, young man."
Brad felt Jake's hand at his shorts. Jake rolled the seat into a makeshift thong. Bearing Brad's now red cheeks. Cool air hit his burning skin.
"Jake!! no!!!stopppp! no more..please, it hurts.. I've learned..honest. I won't squash a bug.... ..I won't run...just stop."
Bradley squirmed and fought as hard as he could. Little good it did. With no more preamble Jake brought the brush down on the red half moons wiggling in front of him. The sting stole Brad's breath from him, at first. Then he could no longer fight the tears, he cried out. Loudly, he begged Jake to stop.
Brad drummed his toes on the carpet, tossed his head back and forth crying loudly. He buck wildly tying to escape the horrible stinging of that brush. He knew he was bawling like a baby and didn't care.
A cuss word slipped from time to time earning him a brutal swat each time right on the underside of his butt where the cheeks met the thigh causing high pitched squeals of pain. He fought for all he could, but Jake had him dead to rights and not a thing he could do about it but lie there and take the spanking. He begged and made promises of sainthood but still the brush kept perfect tempo. Bradley was beside himself with bawling, tears and sweat and snot ran freely down his bruised scratched face onto the carpet floor.
Jake stopped the spanking when he felt all struggle leave the boy across his lap. Brad was just howling and the swats only changed the pitch of the howls. He had had enough. Jake dropped the brush and began to rub the boys convulsing back. Great racking sobs came from Brad. Jake knew he needed this, to purge himself.
Brad was crying so hard he didn't realize that the brush had stopped. It was quite awhile before he noticed the large hand rubbing his back, shoulders, and neck. When Brad did, he tried hard to pull himself together and failed miserably. He was hoisted upright, Jake stood and sat Brad down on the chair. Bradley cried harder as his burning backside made contact with the sisal chair pad. The sisal fibers poked and bit into his poor butt. He squirmed and tried to jump up but was held and firmly told to stay put. All he could do was cry and nod his head. A moment later a tissue was held to his nose and he was ordered to blow. He did, then a wash cloth cleaned his face.
"Owwwww," he groaned as the cloth moved over a deep scratch.
"Sorry, kiddo."
Brad was then stood up and his hand flew to his injured bottom, still sobbing and tears still flowing as he desperately rubbed. Brad couldn't help it he just rested his head on Jake's shoulder as Jake reached around and readjusted the boy's underpants. Jake then put his arms around Brad and let him cry.
"Hush! It's over now. You had that coming didn't you, son?"
The dark head nodded reluctantly. Sad, liquid brown eyes looked up at him. "I'm so sor..."
Jake pulled him in tightly, continuing to rub Brad's back and bottom gently. "Shhhh! I know. I know. It's done now."
Jake held him a while longer then let him go. "I'm going downstairs. I want you to shower and get ready for bed. Then come down to dinner."
Brad made to say he didn't want any.
"I want you to eat something and have something to drink. Now move it. Or do you need some motivation?" The gleam in Jake's eyes softened the harshness of his orders.
", sir . Yes, sir." Jake ruffled his hair and left the room.
The hot shower felt like heaven. Well better than the hell that had been his day. Man, this day had really sucked. Brad let the water beat on him, all over except his butt, the sting had receded to a dull throb, still very tender.
Dressed back in his sweats and a clean t-shirt he went downstairs. His face flushed bright crimson when he walked into the kitchen and faced Lynn who had just placed a pillow on a chair. No doubt for him.
"Come and sit down, son. You need to eat something."
Brad sat very gingerly on the pillow. He was clearly sleeping on his stomach tonight and maybe the next. He wasn't hungry, but as she piled some chicken and dumplings on his plate his stomach announced itself loudly. He blushed even redder. Lynn and Jake looked at him funny, Brad just shrugged his shoulders and dove into the meal with gusto. His foster parents just chuckled and smiled at him.
The box that Jake had in the truck was in the kitchen corner. It moved!. Brad, startled by it looked up at the box, to Jake who was beaming. Jake got up and walked over to the box and opened it, reached in a pulled out a wiggling whimpering ball of multi-colored fur. He set it on the floor. It had four legs scrambling for balance. A puppy! Brad's eye flew from the Granger's to the puppy who was running around chaotically on the wood floor.
"He's yours, son. He's an Australian Sheppard. Good dogs, boy. You take care of him and he will be your best friend. "
Brad couldn't believe it. He got up from the table and snatched up the wiggling fur ball and was instantly rewarded by having his tonsils washed.
"Every boy should have a dog," Jake said beaming foolishly at Lynn.
"Boys, come finish your supper, Brad you and your puppy need to go to bed soon and I want that plate empty."
Apparently early bed times were going to be part of his punishment. It was only 8:30. Brad didn't mind, though, he was exhausted in mind and body. He watched them from beneath lowered eyes as they chatted amiably about Jake's trip and stuff around the ranch. Nothing more said about anything else. His butt was real sore. The pillow didn't help much. He was definitely not going to hint for awhile about learning to ride. He was sure his puppy would keep him occupied now.
The spanking really, really hurt, but he had no bruises other than from running in the woods. Lots of red skin back there but that was all. Just a red, sore butt, and that was more than enough. A lump in his throat made swallowing difficult. He remembered that Jake had given him a choice again. Tears filled his eyes and overflowed.
"Brad, honey, what is it?" Lynn asked, alarmed by his tears. Jake just looked at him with those golden eyes now soft with concern. Brad looked from one to the other through his tears and impatiently wiped at them. _f_u_c_k_..ooops flip, he couldn't remember the last time he cried so much.
Brad was having a very hard time forming the right words. It felt like he swallowed a whole dumpling and it was stuck.
"Have you made your mind up, son? " Jake asked in that calm voice.
Lynn looked confused, Jake held up his hand to let Brad finish.
Brad could only nod yes.
"Well, son, do we make that call?" Golden eyes bore into brown.
"No, sir. I still want to stay. Please." Tears flowed down his cheeks freely again.
"You know now what you can expect when you cross the line, right, son?"
Brad's face flushed hot. "Yes, sir. I know, I want to stay."
Jake got up and walked over to the boy. Bending down he wrapped his arms around Brad lightly and whispered in his ear.
That night Brad laid in bed (on his stomach) other than his tender butt he felt good. It felt right. He truly felt like someone's son. It was more than the sore butt. It was that he knew that someone really cared and took or rather gave "pains" to see that he was taken care of. Brad drifted off to sleep with his puppy, "Keeper," curled up on his bed and the words Jake whispered to him lulling him to sleep.
Remember MY son. This is for keeps.