Dear James, 8 December 1996
Thanks for your e-mail. I'm looking forward to seeing you some time soon too, but I'm not sure when. I'll be in the States for Christmas this year. Sorry to hear your Dad spanked you last night, but I think you must have deserved it. Boys your age usually do now and then even though you seem to think you're too old for it. Anyway, carry on.
Life here continues to go on too. You'll remember Niwat? He's the lad I showed his father how to use the switch on a month or so ago, then his Dad sent him over for a few weeks of straightening out but in the meantime found a lady friend who's moved in and now his Dad isn't anxious to have him back? Well, no real progress with Niwat's Dad . . . yet. Niwat's a guy most would kill for, beautiful boy, good English, but depressed about his situation. I loaned him the small amount he owed the Univ. from when he was drinking and didn't pay them so he's back attending classes, some days with his bottom nice and rosy under his favourite jeans after I've spanked him in the morning. Yea, I still spank him. His Prof. doesn't know it. It's a shame he's not in your class! He could use a friend. So, I'm still exploring options and discussing the problem with others, including some gentlemen overseas where he might continue school and still receive the more personal education he needs on his nice tight bottom when he strays.
Sorry to say he did need to accompany me to the market where I picked out a nice wooden hairbrush as he watched. I had other things to do, but when we finally got back home early evening (with him as nervous as Hell), I took his jeans and briefs down and stood him in the corner to think. Then later when I had time, with him over my knees, I spread his thighs and applied his nice new hairbrush intimately as I had threatened to. It never fails to work! He was howling immediately with a frantically gyrating bare bottom that was enjoyable to watch as he was getting spanked, for the first time with his new hair brush. He cried solidly that night, believe me! Niwat's actually been a bit better since then. Self pity never solves things but a hairbrush, if one knows how to use it, works wonders at taking a boy's thoughts off his perceived problems and focusing them precisely where I tell him to focus. Someday maybe he'll thank me, but for now he's simply afraid. It's going to be awhile before he's grateful, but I'm trying to solve the larger problem as soon as possible. The best option is, of course, to return him to his Dad's for his Dad to paddle him and take over and that's the option I'm pushing though his Dad's saying he's not convinced the boy's behaviour has really changed -- to which I said last night, OK, but let's agree on a date when I'll bring him back and we'll both paddle him and take it from there. I don't think he has to live at my place just to get paddled when, after all, Dad can always just send him over if he really has a problem. If he must for a bit longer, my next step will be to introduce him to the thin glass thermometer.
Guess who phoned out of the blue? Recall the woman with the very good-looking teenager when I affirmed to her question there was nothing wrong with her having him drop his pants, bare his young fanny, and paddle him? She ask me to join her for dinner at the Regent's Spice Market and I did. She owns her business, divorced her husband (rare here), and is bringing up her kids alone. Younger than I, she dressed immaculately, with exquisite jewellery. The evening was fun and I've promised to take her dancing sometime. Turns out she has 3 sons and a daughter. She didn't talk specifically about whether she had taken my advice and paddled that one boy's bare bottom, but from one remark alluding to his being a "bit better now following our conversation," I got the feeling she might have. She's petite, dainty, feminine but as CEO she's also used to having her words followed. I smiled thinking about this tiny woman having that teenage boy's bare bottom over her lap. Wonder how she could spank or paddle him hard enough for the boy to even feel it, let alone how she could possibly control him if he objected?
Do you recall the story I wrote, told from the perspective of the boy with the Arab sister who inherited her family's company in LA and wanted her brother in College in San Diego? I was doing hourly consulting for her; the story was true. Recall, she kept switches in a floral arrangement in the dining room by the French doors and would have him present himself bare and stretch out over the table after dinner and switch him if she was displeased about anything and she was often "displeased!" She whipped him like that frequently and, boy, was she good at it! She, too, was much smaller (only slightly older) than her brother, but she controlled him with an iron fist and had the servant hold his arms if he couldn't control himself. That boy told me he obeyed because of their particular Middle Eastern "culture" and because she held all the power and the money after the death of his father. Anyway, I was reminded of her/him and have sent a note to find out where they are now (assuming her office hasn't changed)? Real life remains stranger than fiction most times.
Mea's was paddled a bit ago for neglecting to make proper arrangements with the driver during the trip South, but other than that one time, he's been fine. Paolo's back to his normal self following our trip to Rome and Rual's expecting his first school report. Raul's been extra cautious and has still to find his bottom bare and over my lap for correction, but he's seen Mea get it and Niwat, too. He's apprehensive. He knows it's coming soon.
But it's young Chris who's been the concern these past few days. He phoned from Washington the other night all upset and sniffling. You'll remember I encouraged his Dad to paddle him right if he was going to bother at all when he went back for his Senior Year and it sounds like Melvin (his Dad) has decided to have a real go at it. Anyway, Chris was beside himself on the phone and saying his Dad had just taken away his car privileges and he had to be in by 11 p.m. even when he had a date all this month and had just hauled him across his knees and paddled him with his old ping pong paddle when he complained. To him, it just wasn't fair at all! When I suggested there must have been a good reason, he whimpered and admitted there was but said it didn't justify all three punishments at once and restrictions for the whole month of December! All I could do was smile. Chris just hasn't learned.
Chris has had it hard this fall in Washington. When he flew from here at the end of the summer, he'd stopped in Los Angeles and stayed with my friends there (Bruce's family, the ones that believe in the Spencer Plan). Then when he landed at Dulles and his own Dad met him, Melvin made it clear things had changed and that he, as well as his brothers, were going to feel that old ping pong paddle when they failed to follow Melvin's wishes. Melvin's said that before, but he's such a nerdy accountant that he never was able to pull it off. Well, now Melvin's apparently "pulling it off!" One night he even told Chris in front of his girl friend that when he got him home he was to go up to his room and wait for him there. Apparently the girl friend guessed, Chris was mortified a thousand deaths, but when they got back home, the lad did go to his room and Melvin finally followed through and came up, took down his jeans and briefs, and took him over his lap and paddled him! Chris told me the story in horror, but actually I'd already known it because as you might recall Melvin and I talk sometime as well. So, the paddle's been reintroduced in that family as well even though it took Melvin close to maybe nine months to do it right. Unbelievable man!
Well, got to run. Tomorrow's a work day. Cal