Lord Byron 01-02

by John C <Jc23a@hotmail.com>

01 - Coming out! If you are just interested in the s_e_x_ scenes, please scroll down to the next section of the story as there is very little in this section.

Lord Byron, as he later came to be known, was born George Byron Lord in Trinidad on July the fourth, 1964. He stood five foot and six inches tall with a slim thirty inch waist and a lithe muscular body. He had ebony coloured skin and a tight cropped head of heavy black curls. Apart from that, his two most notable features were his right arm and his c_o_c_k_. Both of these were too big for the rest of his small body, in fact they were just plain overdeveloped!

George's parents moved to England in late 1969 when he was just five years old so he never regarded himself as fully Trinidadian. However, race relations in the part of Manchester where they lived at that time were not the best and so he never felt that he was British either. The attitudes of his classmates in the local comprehensive school were quite bad so his parents moved him into the local boys' grammar school. Life there was even worse. There were only a handful of boys from ethnic minorities in that school and George was very much more an outsider there than he was in the comprehensive. In his attempt to carve out a life and an identity for himself he learnt what he could of his people and his homeland from the excellent history section of the school library. The stories about the slave trade and the role of the English in it made George particularly angry. He read Uncle Tom's Cabin and saw the serialised version of Roots on television and he began to wish that he could get some revenge on the whites for what they had done to his ancestors.

By the time that he was fourteen years of age George knew that he was queer. He was quite agile and good at sports and so he snatched plenty of glimpses of the milky white arses of his classmates in the changing rooms after gym class. By the time he was sixteen he was playing midfield on the school soccer team and he was on the swimming team. That year (1980) he was due to sit his O-levels and he hoped to get out of school immediately after that. Most of the other boys would be staying on to do their A-levels at eighteen but George didn't think that he could stick another two years in that school. Being the only black student in his class and probably the only queer one as well made him a natural outcast. And the reward of myriad glimpses of cute white arses in the changing rooms was no compensation for the loneliness he felt in being at school.

Around that time the gym teacher brought George's class out to play rugby and that experience ignited a moment of liberation for the fettered ambitions that were growing inside George's handsome head. The raw physical contact of the young black athlete with the lightly covered arses of his white classmates on the rugby pitch gave George an idea of how he would take his revenge on the descendants of the slavers – he would dedicate the rest of his lives to whipping and f_u_c_k_ing every white English arse that ever would come his way just as these boys' ancestors had done to his! As he walked to the changing rooms he fantasised about dominating and punishing his classmates, he would be the master, the lord of the house and his white companions would be his slaves. But, by the time that he arrived to the door of the changing room he knew that this idea was likely to be a fantasy that he would probably never realise.

That same afternoon George was introduced to the works of Lord George Byron by Mister Venables, the English teacher. Poetry wasn't his first interest but the poet's name was remarkable similar to his own and he liked the idea of using a masterful title like Lord for himself. Mr. Venables began to read the opening lines of Don Juan in his usual monotonous voice. As Venables droned on George sat at his desk he thought of the new name – George Byron Lord could easily change his name to Lord George Byron. The powerful resonance of this new name excited him and his sizable black c_o_c_k_ began to push against the flies of his grey school trousers. It wasn't long before his eight inch c_o_c_k_ was rock solid and straining against the underside of his wooden desk. "Lord! Stand!" George panicked when he heard Mr. Venables' voice. "I said stand!" the teacher reiterated firmly. George looked around nervously as all twenty five sets of eyes in the room turned in his direction. He blushed but the dark skin didn't show that as clearly as it would have on any of his classmates. His horn was refusing to subside and he knew that if he stood out as instructed that the bulge would be highly noticeable to the entire class. "I will not tell you again!" Mr. Venables said in a menacing voice as he walked towards George's desk. George, fearing the teacher's ire, stood slowly as the man approached. When Venables noticed that George was complying with his instructions, he stopped and stared at the black youth who was embarrassed by his predicament. "What has got into you today?" the teacher asked impatiently as the class began to snigger. Venables looked around in a rage at the boys and glared at them, "and what do you lot find so amusing?" he snapped. As he turned he noticed the standing flies of George's trousers and realised immediately what the source of the mirth was. "Sit down Lord!" he instructed quietly and turned to return to his desk at the top of the class – "teenagers!" he muttered. "now boys read the first two pages of the poem to yourselves!"

"Hey black boy!" George froze as he heard the whispered voice of John Keegan, the boy who sat behind him. John was the class bully. He was a handsome and stocky youth with wavy black hair. He was a little bit taller than George was but not as athletic. "Is it the poetry or Venables that's getting you all horny?" Byron clenched his teeth and looked straight ahead. "Well which is it?" "Neither!" muttered George. "Well who is it then?" Keegan sang. "It's certainly not f_u_c_k_ing you!" George snarled through his teeth. "Maybe not! I suppose it's me f_u_c_k_ing you that's getting you going!" George looked down at his book and tried his best to ignore the taunts from behind him. "We know your type!" Keegan continued, "I saw you today on the rugby field. Copping a feel here, a quick grope there. A quick peep at the boys' mickeys in the showers .... you're just a little black faggot!" "Keegan!" Venables hollered, "Yes sir!" "What are you talking about?" "Was I talking sir? Sorry sir! I must have been reading the poem under my breath!" Venables sighed, "read it quietly will you!" "Yes sir! Sorry sir!" Venables moved to the window and stared out over the playing fields. Mr. Chadwick, the gym teacher, had the seniors out playing rugby. "Hey fag boy!" Keegan whispered, "I bet you'd just love to feel my big white c_o_c_k_ sliding in and out of your greasy black arse, wouldn't you? Is that making you horny black-fag?" "Keegan!" Venables roared. "Sorry sir!" The bell rang.

As the class tumbled out Keegan walked behind George and grabbed his arse. "Hey fag-boy! Would you like me to ...." Before Keegan had a chance to finish, George had swung a right hook and landed a punch firmly onto Keegan's nose. The bully fell backwards but a few of his mates prevented him from falling down. "That's it faggot! You're mine after soccer practice this evening!"

Venables was in the secretary's office at the back of the building after school finished when he heard the commotion beneath the window. He looked down at the group gathered in the gardener's tool-yard by the playing fields. From his vantage point Venables could see only the tops of the boys' heads but he recognised Keegan and George quite easily. He opened the window to hear what was going on. What he heard shocked him! "Okay nigger!" he heard Keegan say, "down on your f_u_c_k_ing knees and suck my c_o_c_k_ or I'll f_u_c_k_ing beat you to a f_u_c_k_ing black pulp!" The English teacher knew that he had to stop this, this was by far the most explicit piece of bullying he had ever encountered in twenty years of teaching. He tried to open the window but it wouldn't move. He knocked on the glass and roared, but the boys below couldn't hear him. Just as he turned to leave the room he heard the caretaker lock the office door from outside. He ran to the door and began to pound on it and call the caretaker. But old Charlie Jones the caretaker was a bit deaf and didn't hear Venables through the heavy wooden door. The door had leather silencing pads on it from the time that it was the dean of discipline's office in earlier days. He ran to the desk and called the staff room to get somebody up to release him, but there were no teachers on the premises and Venables got no answer.

By now the two boys that were holding George had forced him to the ground and Keegan was rubbing his flaccid c_o_c_k_ around the restrained boy's mouth. "Suck it nigger!" Keegan ordered. "F_u_c_k_ off pervert!" George replied through gritted teeth. "If you don't suck it I'll f_u_c_k_ your worthless black arse you f_u_c_k_ing faggot! Suck!" George continued in his refusal. Venables rang the sports hall hoping that Chadwick would still be there. It took a few moments before he got an answer. "Michael!" he panted, "get over to the gardener's compound quickly, some of the boys are acting up over there, quick it's urgent!" "Peter? Is that you? Where are you ringing from? What's going on?" "I'm locked into the secretary's office. Don't mind me, George Lord is in danger, quick go and help him!" Chadwick dropped the phone and ran towards the compound.

"Okay boys!" Keegan ordered the other two, "stand him up and turn him around!" George struggled against the boys' efforts but they managed to get him up and bent him over an oil drum. Keegan moved behind and yanked down George's football shorts in a single jerk. He took his c_o_c_k_ and ran it along the dark crevice of George's arse. "Okay nigger boy! Beg me to f_u_c_k_ you!" Just as Keegan spoke Chadwick burst through the gates of the compound. He marched the four boys over to his office in the sports' hall and sat them outside it. He left to find old Charlie Jones and got Peter Venables released from the secretary's office.

The four boys waited in silence for ten minutes before Chadwick and Venables returned. Keegan was crying – he knew that he was in big trouble. "Mr. Venables and I are both witnesses to what happened out there. This is a most serious matter, give me your parents' phone numbers immediately!" Chadwick ordered the boys to shower and dress and then to return to the office immediately. He and Venables went into the office and called Mr. Bromley, the school principal. Bromley went to George's house to tell his parents personally what he had heard. Chadwick called the other boys' parents and they arrived at the school to an urgent meeting with the principal.

The outcome of the meeting was predictable. The three boys' parents offered to withdraw their respective sons from the school immediately. George's parents were upset but they made it clear that they didn't want to press charges against the other boys. The other boys' parents thanked the Lords for their generosity and understanding. "Boys will be boys!" said Mr. Lord sadly as he put his arm around his son and with his wife holding the boy's hand they led him from the room."

The following day Mr Venables looked at the depleted class. Rumours and stories were flying in all directions. He took a deep breath and explained the previous evening's events to his class. They listened in silence as Venables explained that this was not a story for repeating in gossip. "This was a sad and serious matter," he said, "it's not the kind of story you should tell anybody lightly. If anything good can come of this it would be that you would all learn to treat people in a polite and special way. I hope boys that you can let this sad incident die a dignified death and learn from it. In later life remember that you should never do anything with another person without their consent!" "Will Lord be coming back to school?" one of the students asked. "I don't know Richard!" Venables replied, "I just don't know!"

When Carlyle and Chrissie Lord got their son home they were still very upset. "Do you want a doctor son?" Carlyle asked. "No Dad! I'm fine!" "Are you sure?" Chrissie asked as she dried her eyes. "Yeah! I'm sure!" "How did this happen?" Carlyle asked. "Well Dad, the boys in school slag me off all the time because I'm queer!" "No! now listen son!" Carlyle jutted in immediately, "the boys slag you because they think you're queer, not because you are! There's a big difference!" George knew that the moment had come when he had to tell his parents how he felt. "I'm sorry Dad, what I said is what I wanted to say!" "What do you mean?" Chrissie asked as she looked at her son with a huge sadness in her eyes – she knew what was coming. "Dad, Mum, I am queer!" Chrissie began to sob. "Shut up woman!" Carlyle snapped as he looked tenderly at his only child. "Please son! You're only sixteen, you cannot be sure of what you are so early!" "But I am Dad! You met mum when you were fifteen, how were you so sure of what you wanted at that stage?" "It's different son ...." his father began but George cut him dead. "No it's not!" he said confidently, "I'm big enough, old enough and bright enough to know who I am and what I feel!" Carlyle stared at his son intently. "maybe we should talk about this later!" "No Dad! We've started now and I want to finish! Please?" "Go on son!" George stood and hugged his parents. "Mom, Dad! I'm queer, I've always been queer and I don't really mind being queer but I'm still George and I love you two very much and I hope you will still love me always!"

Carlyle joined his wife as the two of them cried quietly. "Is there anything we can do for you son?" Carlyle asked wiping his eyes. "Like what?" George asked. "Do you want to move to another school?" "No!" George replied with a sobbed confidence in his voice, "I'm in a grammar school and that's the best kind of school to be in. If I leave now I will only be running away and I don't want to do that!" "Please son!" Chrissie begged, "you know you've never been happy there!" "Please mum, don't start on that! I am black and I am queer, I live in a country that is racist and homophobic. I have to learn to stand my ground or I won't survive at all!" "Your mum is right," Carlyle added, "you have been very unhappy in that school for nearly three years now!" "I wasn't unhappy in school!" George stated, "I was unhappy because I felt my life wasn't worth _s_h_i_t_ and that nobody would love me if I was queer and I was. Now that you both know who I am I think I can be happy again!" Carlyle and Chrissie hugged their son. "Maybe that bastard Keegan did me a good turn after all!" George said as he returned his parents' loving hugs with gusto.

02 - The School Holidays. Two days after the incident in the gardener's compound, George returned to school. He walked into the classroom and was met by an uncomfortable silence. The other boys in his class looked down, nobody was quite sure how they should react to George's return.

By the end of his second week back at school George had changed. He withdrew from the soccer team and other extra-curricular activities. This upset Mr. Chadwick but he couldn't force the boy's hand. George still attended standard gym classes and excelled but he never took an active role in sports activities right up to the day of his O-levels.

George did very well in his examinations. He secured three grade A's in English Literature, History and French. He also manages a B grade in Mathematics, Science, Geography and German. His teachers persuaded him to stay on and complete his A-levels with the hope of him attending Oxbridge. After much thought, George returned to school in September 1980 to study for the A-levels. But during that summer George had changed. Away from the regular life of the school, and free in his s_e_x_uality, George changed his name to Lord Byron and like any decent aristocrat he set off hunting for prey. He bought a studded leather belt, a cane and a ping-pong bat and set out to find a nice white arse to whip. The fantasy born on the rugby field that day was soon to become a reality!

On Tuesday, the fifteenth of July, Byron set off into the city in search of a nice white arse to whip and maybe even to f_u_c_k_. By lunchtime he still hadn't thought of a way of getting somebody to come home with him. He went into McDonald's for lunch. He folded up his newspaper to leave after he had eaten but stopped by for a quick piss before he resumed his quest.

He entered the toilet. There was a youngish man in a suit standing at one of the urinals. He was about thirty years of age, slim and just short of six foot. He had thick fair hair that fell in a heavy fringe over his forehead. Byron thought that the man was quite cute but he did not expect what would happen next to happen! Byron approached the only other urinal in the room and slowly released his substantial c_o_c_k_. Byron peeked over at the young man in the suit and saw that the man was watching him. He pulled the long tube of flesh out and gave it a quick shake. The man was still watching him but he hadn't noticed that Byron was watching back out of the corner of his eye. Bingo! Byron had found a queer!

As Byron began to piss the man in the suit finished. He shook his own c_o_c_k_ to release the last few drops and then hurried off to wash his hands. Byron began to think that this chap might slip away so he finished in mid-stream and walked up behind the man at the hand-dryer. He clasped a hand on the man's left cheek and the man turned to look at Byron in terror. "I saw you looking at my c_o_c_k_!" Byron stated. "I'm sorry!" the man stuttered in reply, "I just couldn't help noticing how, well, how big you are for such a young man!" "So, do you like my c_o_c_k_?" Byron asked as he pointed down to where his c_o_c_k_ was still hanging out of his jeans. The man in the suit looked down and nodded, his jaw still dropped as he admired Byron's big black c_o_c_k_. "Would you like to find yourself sitting on the end of it?" Byron asked. The man nodded again. "Good!" said Byron, "but there's a small problem!" "There always is!" the suit muttered as he began to walk away. "Stop!" Byron instructed, "it's a problem that could be rectified!" "If it's money you want forget it!" the man said. Byron removed his hand from the man's arse and the man began to move away. As he moved Byron pulled back his hand and landed a sharp spank on the man's thigh. "How dare you think that I am some sort of rent-boy!" Byron growled, "you now have two problems! First of all you looked at the sacred Black Cobra without permission and secondly you insulted me! For that you must be punished." The man looked at the black teenager in mild bemusement. "And how must I be punished?" he asked in a whisper. "Call me sir!" Byron snarled. "Oops! Sorry lad! And how should I be punished sir?" the man asked with a smile. "You won't be smiling like that when I pull you across my knee and whip your lily-white arse until it glows in the dark!" Byron snarled. "Sounds like fun to me!" the man said. "What's your name?" Byron snapped. "Brian Harrison," the man replied. "Well Brian Harrison – none of my slaves has fun when they're across my knee! Where do you work?" "In Lloyds Bank," Brian replied, "I'm an assistant manager with them!" "Impressive!" Byron said just as the door opened and another man entered. Byron motioned Brian to leave and the two of them returned to the restaurant. "Ring the bank and tell them you'll be late back from lunch!" "I can't do that I have an appointment at three thirty!" Brian said. "Ring them and tell them that you have a dental appointment you forgot about and you'll be back to work in time for your appointment!" Brian looked at the wily youth and smiled. "And what is this appointment for?" he asked. "Corrective action!" Byron suggested with a smile. Brian entered a call-box and rang the bank. When he returned he looked at Byron – "okay then sir! My place or yours?" "Where do you live?" Byron asked. "About ten minutes on the bus from here, sir!" Brian replied. Byron looked at his watch, it was just gone half-past-one. "That's closer than where I live. Let's go!" he said.

Byron and Brian caught the bus and travelled in silence to Brian's flat. Byron was a bit shaky with this, Brian was cute but Byron was a raw virgin. As soon as they walked through the door, Byron cast his reservations aside and swung Brian around by the shoulder. He raised his right arm and landed a hard slap on Brian's arse. "F_u_c_k_ it!" Brian exclaimed, "you don't waste any time do you?" "Shut up and get your f_u_c_k_ing clothes off!" Byron snapped he could feel the raw excitement making his voice quiver a bit. Brian stumbled across the room trying to undress. Byron placed his quivering hands on his hips and watched. He hoped that he struck a decent masterful pose for Brian. When Brian was stripped Byron walked over and retrieved the belt form the trousers on the floor. "Bend boy!" Byron said as he approached the man slapping the belt lightly against his own leg. Brian obeyed. Byron walked up beside the man and looked down. His c_o_c_k_ was already rock hard and pushing against the waist of his jeans in its attempt to get out. Brian could feel the blood rushing to his face when the first of stroke landed – WHACK! "One sir!" Brian roared. WHACK! "Two sir!" WHACK! "Three sir!" "Don't forget to thank me!" Byron snapped . WHACK! "Four sir, thank you sir!" WHACK! "Five sir, thank you sir!" WHACK! "Six sir, thank you sir!" WHACK! "Seven sir, thank you sir!" WHACK! "Eight sir, thank you sir!" Byron was beginning to get really excited by this. WHACK! "Nine sir, thank you sir!" He had never imagined how much fun it would be to make a white arse red. WHACK! "Ten sir, thank you sir!" WHACK! "Now go stand by the armchair and I'll join you in a minute!" WHACK!

Brian scurried over to the chair and stood by it. He placed his hands against his sore arse in a futile effort to sooth it. Byron followed him and sat in the chair. He roughly pulled Brian over his thigh and caressed the hot arse, Brian raised his arse a bit in response to the young black hand that was massaging his sore bum. "That's it white-boy!" said Byron, "Lift your arse just a little bit higher so I can do this properly. Lift your arse up good and high for me so your master can do this properly." Brian complied, raising his stinging buttocks as high as he could. Brian thrust his hips back and proffered his arse. SMACK! Brian hollered. Byron was stronger than he had looked initially to Brian. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Stop sir,. Please Byron, stop!" Byron kept striking the sore arse. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "You don't really want me to stop, do you?" he shouted without stopping SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Brian's arse was starting to really sting. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He could feel his c_o_c_k_ stiffen against Byron's thigh, SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The pressure in his nuts became intense. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Brian was beginning to shoot. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! His c_o_c_k_ shuddered and just as the last SMACK hit his arse he shot all over Byron's thigh! Byron felt the warm liquid through his jeans, Byron smiled. He had never seen a man eager for a spanking. "Look at that mess on my jeans!" he shouted, "Bend down now and clean it up!" Brian bent down and started to suck his own cum off Byron's jeans. "Your arse will be worked until it sizzles." Brian closed his eyes "Oh yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I just need a spanking from you so bad."

When he had cleaned the mess up, Byron ordered him to stand again. "Now, and grab your ankles." Brian adjusted his position as instructed. Byron stared at the tightly stretched arse on display before him. SMACK! Brian jumped at the sting of the slap. Byron watched as Brian tried to steady himself for the strokes he knew were still to come. SMACK! SMACK! Two sharp swats. Brian gripped his ankles. "Oh yeah, Master Byron. Please give it to me." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! "Ah! Oh, Master Byron. Please, Master Byron!" Yes! "OK, Brian, it's real punishment time!" said Byron, "Just so you remember why you are being punished. I am punishing you because you looked at the Black Cobra without permission and you called me a slut!" Byron took the belt, raised it over Brian's buttocks and brought it down with a loud crack. Slowly he repeated the action and the again and again – Byron whipped Brian for a solid twenty minutes.

At half past two Byron stopped. Brian was whimpering on the floor with his arse looking rather the worst for wear. Byron silently complimented himself on a job well done. "I won't have time to f_u_c_k_ you now – get dressed and go back to work! I'll wait here for you and f_u_c_k_ your white arse when you get home!" Brian looked up at the dominating teenager and smiled. "Is it safe leaving you here on your own?" Byron wasn't offended by the man's caution. "The contents of your home are perfectly safe. You have nothing to worry about!" "Great! I'll be home just after six." "I'll be waiting white-boy!"

Brian dressed and left for work. He did his work as best as he could but his mind was reeling with excitement at the thought of what was waiting for him when he got home. His sore arse was a continual reminder of a promising evening with a big black c_o_c_k_ buried up his hole. It was good that he spent most of the afternoon sitting at his desk, it afforded some cover for his constant erection!

When Brian left Byron explored the flat. It was a comfortable place with two bedrooms. Byron noted that Brian had quite expensive tastes. He had a video recorder and a top-quality stereo. He had an excellent collection of classical music. Byron didn't know much about classical music, he liked Reggae and the sort of stuff that most teenagers liked in 1980. He took a video from the selection in the cabinet under the television. Byron took about five minutes to get the video to play and was amazed by what he saw. The video showed Brian on his knees with another bloke shafting him doggy-style. This was a god-send for Byron. He had never f_u_c_k_ed anybody or anything before and he knew he might learn something by watching how it was done. He didn't want to appear inexperienced before Brian.

The f_u_c_k_er lined up his c_o_c_k_ at Brian's arsehole. Byron noticed that the man's c_o_c_k_ looked greasy. He wished he could see the man's face but the video camera was obviously on a tripod and the man's head wasn't in the frame. Just then the man reached forward and his head moved into the picture. Byron couldn't make out what the man looked like because the man's arm covered the side of his head. The man had black hair and was very thin. He saw what looked like a jar of Vaseline in the man's hand as he moved back into his upright kneeling position. He placed the jar on Brian's upturned arse and Byron knew now that it was Vaseline. The man dipped his fingers into the jar and then reached between Brian's buttocks and started sliding his fingers in and out. Byron guessed that the man must have been sticking his fingers into Brian's hole because there was nowhere else they could have been going. Brian was moaning. Byron started pulling his own c_o_c_k_ through the fabric of his jeans. The man wiped his hands on Brian's arse and lined his c_o_c_k_ against Brian's greased hole. He slid forward and he was in. At that same moment Byron shot a load inside his underpants! His legs went wobbly and his knees began to shake. He sat back into the armchair feeling dizzy!

"Ready to take this all the way up your f_u_c_k_ing arse?" the man in the video asked. Byron's heart skipped a beat – "I know that voice!" he thought to himself. Who could it be? Byron had never seen the man's body before. "I suppose it's just that he sounds like the rest of the blokes in this city!" he thought, "I certainly think I know his voice!" "Yeah Johnny!" Brian sighed, "give it to me!" "Johnny?" Byron thought, he knew plenty of Johns and Johnnies but none of them looked like the man in the video. He moved closer to the screen to look for a clue but he couldn't find one! He watched intently as the f_u_c_k_er's c_o_c_k_ slammed in and out of Brian's hole. Byron grabbed his c_o_c_k_ again. It felt cold and sticky inside his messed underpants. "Take my f_u_c_k_ing c_o_c_k_ uncle Brian you faggot!" the f_u_c_k_er snarled. Byron was shocked – "f_u_c_k_ this!" he said out loudly, "this bloke has s_e_x_ with his own family!" He was disgusted and began to think about leaving right then. There was no way that Byron could stomach being with some kind of pervert that was into incest.

He stopped as he walked to the door and browsed Brian's well stocked bookshelf. He took down one of the photo-albums and opened it. It was full of holiday snaps of Brian with various male friends. There were several photographs of Brian with other cute blokes on holiday in sunny places. They were wearing Speedos in quite a few of them. Byron felt his c_o_c_k_ rising as he looked at the photos, these blokes were s_e_x_y and not one of them was ugly. He wondered which one of them was Johnny. Johnny Harrison, Byron didn't know anybody of that name. Maybe he wasn't his nephew at all and it was some kind of role play fantasy – Byron decided that Johnny wasn't related to Brian and put the matter to the back of his mind. He turned a few more pages and wished that Brian would have had a few nude photographs of these blokes but there weren't any. He took down a second album, but these were snaps of Brian's family and childhood so Byron put back the album after flicking through the first five or six pages – there was nobody that looked like Johnny in the photographs, all the Harrison family had fair hair.

He moved on to explore the rest of the flat. The kitchen was well equipped and spotless, the bathroom gleamed – Brian was a very clean and organised man. He had an excellent selection of expensive after-shaves and toiletries in the bathroom. Byron looked into the smaller bedroom. It looked comfortable and then he continued into Brian's own room.

He opened the wardrobe and gasped when he saw the array of good clothing that hung neatly there. The cum in his underpants was dried up now and he wanted to change clothes, he felt a bit dirty. He stripped off and tried on some of Brian's stuff but it was all too big for him. He opened one of the drawers and whistled at the selection of silk and rubber underwear that lay there. He picked up a pair of navy silk boxers and pulled them on. The silk felt good against his skin. Byron had never worn silk before. He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. There were black satin sheets on the bed. Byron hopped in and pulled the covers up. This was wonderful! He opened the bedside locker and found, much to his delight, Brian's copies of old Zipper and Vulcan magazines and a jar of Vaseline. What Byron missed in the photo albums was available here – lots of pictures of cute young blokes wearing nothing but smiles. But his attention was caught by a comic strip book written by a man called Tom of Finland. Byron flicked through the pages of erotic drawings. It was a picture adventure of a white man in the jungle who got captured by an African tribe while having a piss. The tribe tied him up and started to have s_e_x_ with him but the man got rescued by a Tarzan look-alike whom he later f_u_c_k_s. Byron stared at these pictures with special interest. The men in the drawings all had huge c_o_c_k_s. Byron was conscious of his own size and thought he was a bit of a freak. He didn't object to having a big one because all the lads in school used to boast about their sizes. He had seen plenty of c_o_c_k_s in school but they were all smaller than his. These pictures proved to the then naïve Byron that there were many other men in the world with similar c_o_c_k_s and even bigger c_o_c_k_s than his own.

He lay back into the satin covered pillows and began to pull his plum. The cartoon men were really exciting him and he pounded furiously on his steel-hard c_o_c_k_. Up and down he pulled his c_o_c_k_, jerking and sliding with rapid strokes. He could feel a load bubbling in the tubes and he arched his back up as he coated his hand with think white semen. He collapsed back down on the bed and the covers flopped over him. "I'll make Brian suck the stain off later!" he thought to himself as he closed his eyes to rest after his second coming.

Byron woke to find Brian between his legs, sucking and slurping on his big black c_o_c_k_ as it poked through the opening of the silk boxers. Byron lay there, kept his eyes closed, and enjoyed the sensation of what was happening. He moaned – "Oh yeah white-boy! Stop sucking now and grease me up to go inside!" Brian stopped sucking and took the jar of Vaseline. He scooped a bit onto his fingers and then began to oil the hard black rod that was jutting straight up from Byron's groin. He was extra careful not to get any Vaseline on the boxers. When he had oiled the full length of the thick black shaft he placed a glob of Vaseline on his hole and moved into a standing position above the black beauty below him. Brian lowered his arse until Byron's dark shaft entered him from below. He slid slowly down the long c_o_c_k_ until Byron was buried inside a man's arse for the first time. "Oh Byron," Brian said, "I just love your c_o_c_k_, I love your c_o_c_k_ in my arse." He started to slide up and down the shaft, f_u_c_k_ing himself on Byron's tool. Brian moved his body up and down, impaling himself with each downward thrust on Byron's rock hard horn. "You can have my c_o_c_k_ up your arse whenever you want," said Byron "as long as I get to whip your arse first!" "You can f_u_c_k_ me anytime you want to Byron," Brian cried. "F_u_c_k_ me! F_u_c_k_ me harder sir!" Byron arched his lower back and pushed his c_o_c_k_ further up into Brian's arse, watching as Brian's eyes glazed over. Brian continued to impale himself on Byron' tool, trying to pull ever last bit of it up his arse as his c_o_c_k_ spewed its juices onto Byron' stomach. "Get off my c_o_c_k_!" asked Byron, "I want to try this from a different angle!"

Brian complied with the instruction immediately and Byron's long c_o_c_k_ slid slowly from his hole like a big lump of _s_h_i_t_e. Byron sensed that Brian's arse was loose now and ready to be f_u_c_k_ed, "I think I'll enjoy this better if I play rough with you!" Brian went down on all fours and Byron moved behind him. He was comfortable with this position because it was the same as the one he had seen on the video. He placed his greasy prong at the lubricated hole – Brian's arse was still quite red from the earlier spanking – he thrust forward and his c_o_c_k_ slid in quickly. Next Byron pulled back and then slammed his c_o_c_k_ forward in one forceful thrust. Brian fell forward on the bed. Byron's c_o_c_k_ slipped out of his hole but the black youth jumped forward and entered his victim with ease. Brian howled as Byron pulled back out again and then rammed back in.

Brian tried to pull away, he was well experienced at taking it up the arse but Byron's endowment was considerably more than he had ever taken before. The myths about black men being bigger were obviously true! Byron was now withdrawing by several inches and driving it back in with brutal force with each lunge. He thrust his c_o_c_k_ in and out of Brian's arse and Brian was getting off on the feel of the big c_o_c_k_ up his hole and the softness of the navy silk caressing his cheeks each time Byron drove home. By now Byron couldn't hold back any more and he began to shag Brian with long rough thrusts that pulled Brian's sphincter back with them.

After twenty minutes of rough f_u_c_k_ing, Byron's arsehole clenched and a wad of hot sperm splashed the insides of Brian's hole. As Brian felt the hot juices filling him, he knew that his shafting was over. What would happen next? Would Byron whip him or f_u_c_k_ him? Brian was open to either possibility. "Well Brian?" Byron began, "that was good wasn't it?" "Yes sir! You're one great f_u_c_k_er sir!" Byron kissed Brian's shoulder – he was pleased that Brian had not detected his inexperience, f_u_c_k_ing a man's arse had been a great experience and f_u_c_k_ing a man who didn't notice that he was being shafted by a virgin was a greater compliment than any words could have conveyed. "I'm a natural at this!" Byron thought to himself as he swelled with pride. "We must do this again .... on a regular basis!" Brian suggested. "White-boy! You are going to be my little white slave from now on. I'm going to whip your arse and you're going to spend your days serving my big black c_o_c_k_!" "You're a bit young aren't you?" Brian asked. "I'm old enough to f_u_c_k_ you!" Byron retorted. "What about your parents?" "Hey relax! My parents know I'm queer!" "Do they think that they'd approve of you going with a twenty-eight year old?" "I suppose they wouldn't! Now f_u_c_k_ them it's none of their f_u_c_k_ing business anyway! It's my c_o_c_k_ and I'll do what I want to do with it! And to prove that I'm going to shag my little twenty-eight year old slave again!" said Byron. And he lined up for re-entry!

"Okay then slave! I want to try a few different positions!" said Byron. He lay back with his big black horn sticking up in the air, "Sit on it!" he commanded. Brian did and Byron held his thighs as the man slid up and down his young master's shaft. Byron lay there and allowed Brian's arse to slowly milk his c_o_c_k_ by sliding up and down. After about ten minutes Brian's thigh muscles were beginning to strain. Byron sensed this and finished off by stopping Brian and thrusting violently from underneath until he shot his second load up Brian's c_o_c_k_-hungry hole.

Byron pushed the man off his c_o_c_k_, rolled over and then stood by the bed. He began to stuff his c_o_c_k_ into the boxers. "I have to go home now white-boy! Thanks for the ride!" "Will I ever see you again?" Brian asked. "Probably!" "Do you want to keep the boxers as a souvenir?" Byron was touched by the man's generosity. "Thanks! I will!" he said. He turned to retrieve his clothes from where they lay on the ground. He picked up his underpants and thought of something. He walked over to the where Brian was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Turn around and raise your arse!" he instructed. Brian obeyed and Byron wiped the mess in Brian's crack with the garment. "Here!" he said, "wrap this around your c_o_c_k_ and pull yourself off! I'm going to spank you until you cum!" Brian began to beat his meat furiously as Byron landed quick sharp smacks to his arse. It took almost five minutes of continual pulling and spanking before Brian shot a load into the cotton y-fronts. "Now put them on!" Byron instructed. Brian did so. He had quite a struggle to get them on fully as Byron was a smaller size than he was. As he struggled, Byron dressed in his own clothes. "If you want to see me again you will have to wear these all the time. As your master I have the right to inspect you at any time and if I find you without them you will never ever see me again. Do you understand?" Byron was tying his shoes. "Yes sir! I understand!" "See you around white-boy!" Byron said as he left.

On the following Thursday, Byron entered Lloyds Bank and asked the receptionist if he could see Mr. Harrison for a minute. "He's at a meeting," she replied. "Can he be disturbed, this is a matter of the utmost importance and I must see him immediately." The receptionist led him to a small waiting room and invited him to sit. "And who may I tell him is waiting for him?" "Byron Lord." "He may be a few minutes Mr. Lord," she said. "That's okay, I can wait!"

A few minutes later a very flustered Brian Harrison entered the room. "What are you doing here?" he asked nervously. "I told you I have the right to inspect white-boy! Drop your trousers!" Brian looked around nervously. When he was sure that nobody could see him he slowly opened his trousers and lowered them to his knees. Byron walked behind him and lifted the flaps of his shirt. He smiled. Brian was wearing the underpants as instructed. "Good boy Brian! I'm glad to see that you're obedient!" Byron said softly and he squeezed Brian's left arse-cheek tightly. Byron walked straight out the door leaving Brian standing there with his trousers still around his knees. He left the door open as he walked and Brian dived quickly to where he couldn't be seen by the other staff. He managed to get behind the door and push it closed. As he closed the door over he looked up by chance and was dismayed – there was a security camera trained on the room!

He scurried from the room over to the security office to see if there was anybody there. He rapped on the door. "Come in Mr. Harrison!" a voice called out. Brian opened the door nervously. Joshua Maputo was sitting there. Brian blushed. "Relax Mr. Harrison," the big black man said with a smile, "I won't tell your uncle what I saw!" "Thanks Joshua!" "Hey Mr. Harrison, is that black boy your boyfriend?" Brian nodded. "I'd have never guessed that you liked black boys!" Joshua exclaimed. "He's the first one I've ever been with." "Really?" Joshua exclaimed loudly, "well if you like black boys you can do me a big favour to keep me quiet!" "What's that?" Joshua pointed repeatedly down at his bulge. "You can get down on your knees right now and kiss the black god that's going to save your arse!" Brian looked around nervously – "What? Right now!" Joshua nodded slowly, "Yeah boy!" he drawled in an American accent, "right now! You get down on them wobbly white knees of yours and get those pretty lips right around my big black tent pole!"

Brian knew that he had no alternative so he knelt between the security guard's legs and began to suck the large black truncheon. He was sucking for a good ten minutes before Joshua began to moan. Brian felt the c_o_c_k_ twitch in his mouth as Joshua began to spill his load. "Swallow it white-boy! Swallow it all!" Slowly Joshua's spunk seeped though his shaft and spilt into Brian's mouth. He gulped and swallowed the lot. When he finished Brian didn't wait to be told and just started to clean the guard's knob with his tongue. "You know something Mr Harrison?" Joshua said softly, "you suck real good! If that black boy ever gets tired of you remember that you can come in here anytime and I'll take care of your arse as well!" "Thanks for the offer!" Brian replied cattily. "Hey no problem!" "And you won't say anything to anybody?" "You have my word!" "Thanks Joshua!" "You're welcome!" As Brian opened the door Joshua called him again – "Mr Harrison?" "Yeah?" "Nice underpants!" "F_u_c_k_ off!" Brian replied with a smile. "Arsehole!" Joshua muttered as the assistant manager disappeared. Alone in his security office, Joshua rewound the video cassette and watched the scene between Byron and the boss's nephew over and over again. When he got tired of doing this he popped the cassette into his holdall and brought it home that evening.

Brian had expected Byron to call over that evening but he didn't. Byron met him as he left the bank the following day. Joshua was closing the shutters and he waved to the two of them as they went to McDonalds for an inspection. Brian showed Byron that he was wearing the underpants and so Byron went home and stayed the night with him. Byron also spent most of Saturday whipping and f_u_c_k_ing his new friend.

As August rolled by Byron spent more and more time with Brian. In early August Brian brought a few of his friends over to meet Byron. These were the men that he had seen in the photographs – in real life they looked even better. Byron spent the time before his return to school f_u_c_k_ing and beating Brian's friends' arses. In all he had been with ten different friends before school reopened. Byron attended all sorts of parties with these men. He really enjoyed the gay-scene, dancing to Abba, the Village People and Boney M. He became a bit limp-wristed and camp. His father objected but to no avail. Byron was having fun and nothing was going to stop him now. The fantasy of beating white arses that had begun on a rugby field last term had already become a reality and he had whipped eleven white men and f_u_c_k_ed them all by the time that his school holidays were over – his own arse was never penetrated!

More stories by John C