A 06b Country Life (2)

by Tim Anders <Timlovesjase@yahoo.com.au>

Country Life (2) by Tim Anders (Extensively revised sequel to "Bush Treatment")

Copyright Tim Anders © 1998, 2001

Dedicated to Dad who hugged me when I came out

As much as I appreciated living with Dad again and the chance of a new start in a new school and all that, the episode with Craig and Dean brought back memories of Dave. It made me more aware of my inner loneliness and the deep longing for a close mate to love and respect.

The hardest part was not being able to talk about it. Dad was about my closest mate, and I even thought maybe I'd just fess up to him that I liked boys better than girls, but he always made such a thing about how he wanted me to grow up and be 'manly', presumably provide him with grandchildren and all that. He mentioned gays only in passing, and when they came up in conversation with other guys, we only made fun of them as limp-wristed, mincing queens, and I didn't want to be one of 'them poofters'! Gay, as I understood it, was never an option.

On the other hand, I was very aware that my little mate responded to boys in a way he never reacted to girls, no matter how _s_e_x_y people said they were. I guess quite a few young guys can identify with the confusion and insecurity during those years of growing up. Luckily we all outgrow that phase in one way or another.

But while my little mate was a good indicator, there was more to it. Some boys evoked such a deep longing in me: 'I want to be with you, I want to hug and kiss you, I want you to hold me tight and be my best mate forever!' They were strapping, athletic, masculine guys, often a bit older, who didn't fit the general 'queer' image at all. Most of them would have knocked my teeth out, most likely, if I'd told them. Why did I feel like that and they didn't? It was all so bewildering.

Steve was one of those guys. I had first noticed him riding his bike past our house, a day after I arrived. He was about my age, with very striking blond hair that seemed almost white, and he wore the cutest shorts, making my little mate jump to attention every time I saw him. But, although I saw him ride past several times, he never looked my way, even when I was out on the front lawn. I tried to think of some ruse to attract his attention, but I didn't really know what I'd say if it worked, so it all remained a dream until the day I started school.

I arrived a bit early and reported to the Secretary who directed me to my class room, saying the teacher wouldn't be far behind. Imagine my surprise and joy, when I saw my pin-up boy there among the 20 odd boys and girls, probably bragging about their conquests over the weekend. He looked even more beautiful and was clearly 'one of the boys', horseplaying and fooling around. My heart sank, he wasn't going to need me for a friend, he had them all!

I stood there in the door for a moment, but nobody took any notice of me. As I'm not the type who barges in with 'hey, look at me', I turned to wait outside the room, and then I felt a hand on my shoulder, "you the new one?" I turned around, it was his hand!!

WOW!! I was so taken aback, I almost lost my voice and nodded "yes."

"They told us about you, what's your name? I'm Steve."

"Tim," I said, and we shook hands.

"Come, meet the others," he grabbed my arm and pulled me along, introducing me to the rest of the class. They all seemed quite friendly but I knew I'd only remember half of the names. I was amazed Steve took such an interest in me, and when he said "you can sit next to me if you want," my knees went so wobbly, I could have cried.

"Thanks," I stammered, "I'd like that, if it's OK with the teacher."

"Ah, leave her to me!" With that brief remark Steve had opened a part of my heart that made him very special. I've always admired self-assured guys who knew what they wanted and how to get it. I would have loved to be like that myself, but I only ever managed to adore and attach myself to someone to whom it came naturally. Some things never change . . .

Mrs. Clay, the teacher, never even questioned the seating arrangement. She welcomed me to the class and then embarrassed me by raving about my 'academic record'. I couldn't imagine where she got that from, she was obviously talking abut the dim past. Could Dad have 'built up' my image, so they'd take me? I just wanted to crawl under the floor boards.

I assured Steve and the others later that she'd grossly overstated the case, but Steve rejoiced, "I knew it was a good move to get you sitting next to me! With your brains and my charisma, we'll go a long way together!" He certainly had no modesty problem, but he didn't need my brain power, either.

Steve's remark proved prophetic in that we became good mates in no time, and before very long I was totally infatuated with him. He was very bright and talented, and his lack of scholastic success was largely due to lack of application, as had been the case with me back in my old school. I was amply motivated with the threat of the cane and, more importantly, of being sent back to the city if I didn't shape up. So, I made an effort and, as we often did our homework and projects together, it rubbed off on Steve and results began to show.

Once we'd started improving our performance, we were competing not only with the rest of the class, but even with each other, it was like a drug. On my own I would have been shunned as a 'swot', but Mr. Popular's reputation never suffered, maybe even inspired others to new efforts, and I travelled in his backwash, loving him more every day.

Of course, we didn't only study together. We played lots of sports, especially tennis, and we both loved swimming in the river. Steve taught me to play chess, but I hardly ever managed to beat him. He had so many gifts, perfect pitch for one, and a natural ability to play the piano. We spent many hours with him 'fantasising', making up his own tunes, and me watching, listening and adoring him, often in tears of pride and happiness. He was MY MATE!!.

Steve's family didn't own a piano and he'd been using one at his grand parents house. Dad had bought an old one a while ago, goodness knows why, neither of us played, but whenever Steve came to our house, he headed straight for it. Dad was so impressed with his talent, he had the piano tuned and wanted me to take up lessons as well. But I stalled because I sensed I'd never be much good at it. Luckily he didn't persist.

As I have always enjoyed writing stories and plays, Steve and I decided to write a rock opera together and become famous. Yeah, well, the music was quite stirring, the plot was pretty thin but hilarious, and the lyrics were great, ranging from vulgar to downright offensive. The less said about the opus, the better, but it was fun. We thought we were the greatest team since Rodgers and Hammerstein or whatever their names were. And I loved it because 'my Steve' and I did it together, it was ours and nobody else's.

One day we were on a school excursion, visiting a nearby dam. As we were walking along this very narrow ridge and I got a bit worried, Steve just took my hand and led me along, for all to see. It may not mean anything to others, but I was deliriously happy and wished that walk would never finish. He probably thought nothing of it and of course let go as soon as we were past the ridge, but I have never forgotten that wonderful feeling, not just the touch, but the feeling he cared for me and didn't worry what the guys might think of him holding my hand.

I was very much in love with Steve, or, to put it more bluntly, I had a very bad case of the hots for him. He had taken Dave's place in my wanking fantasies very soon after we became mates, but apart from that hand-holding episode and an occasional enthusiastic hug, there was no sign of affection from him. I yearned for closer physical contact with him and often initiated some roughhousing as a way of getting it without arousing suspicion. During these bouts of wrestling or when we went skinny-dipping, I'd noticed his little mate got just as hard as mine, and we sometimes even wanked together, but never each other. Well, not yet, but all that was to change quite soon.

Dad and I had sorted out running the household along the lines 'whoever cooks doesn't wash up' and stuff like that. He wanted me to concentrate on my schooling, but I had to do my share of the house work too, which was fair enough. Some things we decided as they came up, but most of the routine stuff was assigned and organised and not a problem. At least it shouldn't have been.

The next time I got a hiding, about a month after my arrival, wasn't even for anything very serious. I'd just forgotten to take the rubbish bins out, which was one of my jobs. I'd already gone to school when Dad realised what had happened and did it himself. I hadn't given the bins a thought all day until I got home from school and saw the empties outside the house, and I knew I'd be in for it. But my wildest dreams couldn't have foreseen that the day would be much more momentous than I expected, for an entirely different reason.

As I went inside, debating whether I should make the first move and ask to be punished, I realised Dad had already dealt with it. There was a cane lying on the kitchen table. No sign of Dad. Just a note 'Back by 6. Be ready'. _s_h_i_t_! What did he mean by that? It wasn't even 5 p. m. yet. Did he expect me to strip and wait till he gets here? And what about that sudden erection? OK, I can deal with that, but there's no guarantee that'll be the end of it.

I went to my room, dropped my things and gave the room a clean-up, if only to remove any additional 'trouble spots'. As it was not really shorts weather, I changed into just my jeans and a jumper so I could to strip off quickly when Dad got back and I had to 'be ready'.

While I was sorting out the mess in my room, I heard the front door and a voice calling "Tim? You there?"

It was Steve. Oh gawd! Any other day! I looked at my watch, it was after 5:30. What now? I emerged from my room, Steve had already let himself in, looking a bloody mess.

"_s_h_i_t_, what happened to you mate?"

He'd come off his bike on the way home, some idiot car driver had pushed him off the road not far from our house. He was limping, his jeans were torn, his knees and hands were bloody, and I was shocked to see that sweet face scratched and bruised. I put my arm around him and I could feel him shaking.

"You want a drink, mate?"

"Just water, ta."

I guided him to the kitchen and poured a glass from the jug in the fridge.

"Where's your bike?"

"Left it in the ditch, bloody useless."

"We'll get it later but we better clean you up first, mate. Think you need a doctor?"

"Don't think so."

"My Dad's pretty good with medical stuff, he should be here any moment - "

Hell, I'd forgotten about THAT!! And the bloody cane is still on the kitchen table! And the note! Steve must have seen it, surely. Maybe he was in too much pain to notice?

All he said was, "you got any Dettol?"

I took him through to the bathroom and gave him the Dettol bottle.

"Can you help me?"

"Sure." We carefully pulled his torn jeans off, and his legs looked not too bad, apart from the knees. I just washed the dirt off them and then spread some Dettol over the wounds.

Steve yelped, "Gee, that stings!"

"Sorry, mate."

I'd just started on his face when I thought I heard the front door. _s_h_i_t_! What now?

"Is that you, Dad?" No answer.

"Listen, mate, keep working on your face, just dab it, I'll just go and see who --- "

"Tim?" Dad's voice.

"Coming!" I rushed out to the hall. "Dad, I'm sorry, we've got an emergency."

"What d'you mean, emergency?"

"Steve's had an accident." Dad had become quite fond of Steve from his many visits to our house and soon declared I couldn't have picked a nicer fellow for a mate. When I told him it was more a case of Steve picking me that first day at school, Dad was even more pleased and reckoned Steve'd be a good influence on me.

"What happened, where is he?"

"In the bathroom."

Steve was gingerly applying Dettol to his face, Dad looked him over and said "looks like you've come a real cropper, son. Nothing broken?"

"I - I don't think so, Mr. Anders."

"Let me have look." Dad looked him over, "I think you'll live, mate. At least you've done the sensible thing with the Dettol."

"Tim did most of that," said Steve with a little smile and ruffling my hair, which made me feel so good, I nearly went to jelly.

"Very good," said Dad, and then to Steve, "have you had a tetanus shot recently?"

"I don't think so. Mum would know, or the doc."

"Have you rung your mum yet?" Steve shook his head. "Well, better do it now," and with a light slap on his bottom, Dad directed him to the phone. My little mate stirred in my jeans and kept growing as I admired Steve limping down the passage, looking really cute in his little briefs and the shirt partly hanging over them.

While Steve was talking to his mum, Dad wanted to know more about the accident and I told him all I knew.

He was so angry, "drivers like that should be - - - "

I had a pretty good idea what Dad had in mind for 'drivers like that. I also worried that his anger might spill over into another area closer to home, and as he had made it very clear that I was old enough to take responsibility for my own punishments, I brought up the question again, "Dad, about your note and the cane - - - "

"Not now, mate, let's get young Steve sorted out first."

Steve came back to ask if Dad could drop him at the surgery, his Mum would meet him there.

"I'll talk to her," Dad went to the phone and persuaded her we'd take Steve to the doctor and bring him home afterwards, to save her the trip.

I was getting a bit jealous of Dad taking over. Steve was MY mate and I wanted to be the one doing things for him. I knew I couldn't drive him anywhere, but I still resented it. Steve's jeans were in shreds and he didn't want anything rubbing on his knees, so I lent him a pair of shorts. He looked really cute in them, even with his cuts and bruises. The fact they were MY shorts, gave me a wonderful warm feeling. I felt like sticking a label on them telling everyone: 'Steve is wearing his best mate Tim's shorts'. Silly, I know, but that's how I felt.

Steve got his tetanus shot, but he had to come back for X-rays, next morning. We took him home and Dad offered he could stay the night with us, and Dad would take him to the hospital for X-rays when he went to work in the morning. Steve's dad wasn't home and his mum didn't want to 'be a nuisance', but they lived 12 km out of town, and in the end she accepted.

Steve and I were really excited about him staying the night with us, even if it was in such miserable circumstances. As soon as we got home, we got the folding bed from the garage and set it up in my room while Dad was heating up the casserole Steve's mum had insisted we take along ("it's the least I can do").

We had our meal, and I was glad that cane and note had gone from the table. Steve and I washed and dried the dishes, but he nearly fell asleep standing up. Maybe it was the pain killer. Dad said bed might be a good idea, and Steve agreed. I went with him to make sure he got into in my bed, since he was an invalid. I insisted I'd sleep on the folding bed and Steve was too tired to argue. He declined my offer of pyjamas, saying he always slept with nothing on. 'Just like me', I thought. My little mate stirred again when he just stripped, lay down and bombed out as his head hit the pillow. He looked so angelic, I nearly cried. I wanted to lie beside him, hold and kiss him, but I resisted the temptation and just covered him up.

I went back to the sitting room, "Dad, about the note - "

He put his book down, "I must say I was bloody disappointed, just when I thought you were beginning to lift your game."

"I'm really sorry, Dad, honest. That was really careless and stupid, and I was going to be ready as you wanted me but - "

"I'm not talking about that, mate. It's about you not sticking to the rules. No big deal taking the bins out myself, but you're not going to drift back into your 'she'll-be-right' mode again."

"I won't, Dad, but I know I deserve the cane for that, so, can we please get it over with."

"What about your mate in there?"

"He's fast asleep. Anyway, he probably saw the cane on the table. Didn't say anything, but."

Dad got up from his armchair, "see me in the kitchen, the cane's on the washing machine."

I took the cane to the kitchen, gave it to Dad and took my jeans off.

I was about to take my jumper off, but he stopped me. "It's not that warm any more." The jumper was too short to even reach my bottom, and there was no chance of it getting in the way anyhow, but I pulled it up out of habit, as I bent over the kitchen table.

"This is going to hurt, mate. Six, and I want you to count them."

Six! Yikes! It had been quite a while since I'd felt the cane on my bum, but I was determined to take it 'like a man', no matter what, if only to avoid waking Steve.

It hit me like a knife. My "ONE" came out louder than intended, "TWO" - _f_u_c_k_, I can't take six of those!! Of course I did. When I shouted "SIX", I had a very 'moist' view of the world.

"OK, mate, I hope you got the message."

"Geez, Dad, I'd forgotten how much it hurts!" I was rubbing my bottom furiously, pulling faces and wiping my eyes.

He gave ma a hug, "I don't want any more repeats Tim, [I was in two minds about that], go to bed now, it's getting late."

I took the cane back to the laundry, rubbing my hot buns, collected my jeans from the floor, said good night to Dad and then quietly sneaked into my room and bed, gently rubbing my tingling bottom, tracing the stripes left by the cane with my fingers, and my little mate was getting excited again. I wanted a good wank but Steve was stirring in his sleep, so I tried to keep as still as possible, but I couldn't get comfortable and kept turning from one side to the other. Just as I was half drifting off to dreamland, I felt a hand on my bottom. I woke with a start, and even before my hand went back there, I knew it was Steve.

He nuzzled my neck from behind, "Sorry, mate - is it very sore?"

I turned around, grabbed his head and pulled his face very close to mine, "not your fault," was all I could say. I wanted to kiss him but was too scared.

Steve's fingers ran through my hair, "must have been bad, mate, I could hear you."

"My old man's an expert," I said, bursting into tears and trying to pull him into my bed at the same time, but it creaked badly as if it might collapse.

Steve stood up, the room was dark but I could see his contours in the small light from the clock radio. He took me by the hand, like that time on the ridge, "come to my bed," and led me across, "or rather your bed," he corrected himself. We cuddled, he rubbed my sore buns and our not so little mates met. I kissed him gently and let my fingers run through his hair, but he winced. I'd almost forgotten his injuries.

"Sorry, mate, I forgot how sore YOU are."

"That's OK, I'll be fine in the morning."

We just lay there, holding each other, and then he suddenly said "I like you a lot, Tim."

I was so overcome, I kissed him again and said, "I think I love you, Steve."

"Rubbish," he chuckled, "you can only love chicks."

I bit my tongue, even more confused, just as things seemed to be falling into place, and I did a Scarlett O'Hara ('Ill think about that tomorrow'). More pressing things were at hand, so to speak: sore as we were in other areas, our little mates did get exercised that night after all, and I went to sleep the happiest boy in the universe.

Next thing I knew was Dad throwing the door open and turning the light on.

"C'mon guys, time to get up," and he was gone.

"_s_h_i_t_! Was that your Dad?" Steve was out of bed like a shot. He looked gorgeous in his nakedness, in spite of all the scratches and bruises.

"That was him allright," I said, getting out of bed. In spite of the shock, we both burst out laughing as we looked at each others stiffies.

Steve was worried, "what're we going to do?"

I didn't know what to think and grabbed his little mate instead, "what about?"

"Not that, you idiot!!" But he weakened as I kicked the door shut and kissed him. He grabbed mine, and we resolved each other's problems without delay.

I was worried, too, but somehow I sensed if Dad had been really mad, he would have raised hell instead of just walking out and leaving us to it. I pointed that out as a good sign, but Steve was too embarrassed for any rational thought and wanted to just run.

We showered, got dressed and went out to the kitchen, wondering what Dad would say about finding us in bed together. He didn't mention it until we all sat at the table.

"You gave me a bit of a surprise then," he started. We both blushed, not knowing where this was heading. "First time?"

"Oh yes," I piped up, "we've never - - -"

Steve was so embarrassed he just mumbled, "sorry, Mr. Anders."

"Don't look so worried, guys! Best mates comfort each other sometimes, I remember it well." We looked at each other in amazement. "After all, you were both pretty sore last night, weren't you?"

I blushed, but Steve put his hand on mine, "I started it, Mr. Anders."

I protested, "no, I -"

But he pressed my hand very hard, "shut up, Tim," then again to Dad, "I felt sorry because I heard Tim getting - " he looked at me apologetically.

Dad smiled, "Did you? Tim said you were asleep."

Steve nodded, "I was, but I woke up again, maybe I was worried."

"What about?"

"I saw the cane on the table and I guessed - "

I started wishing I was somewhere else.

"And you put two and two together."

"I know what a cane looks like and what it's for and I saw the note," he looked at me, "sorry, mate, it's the truth."

"Dad!! Do we have to?"

Dad raised his eyebrows as if to say, 'watch it, mate,' then to Steve, "and you waited so you could comfort Tim?"

Steve blushed and nodded, "sorry Mr. Anders." He then looked at me and I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

Before I knew what I was doing, I put my arms around him and pulled his face close, so our cheeks were touching. "Thanks, mate," I whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek.

When I let go of him and looked back, Dad had got up and was standing by the sink, "anybody for a cuppa?" I knew then, he really wasn't mad with us at all.

"Yes, please," we both said as one, holding hands below the table.

Dad cleared his throat as he was pouring the coffee, "for what it's worth, but I am pleased you're such good mates and," to Steve, "there's no reason to be sorry."

"Thanks, Dad," was about all I could manage.

"Just a bit of advice, boys, be very careful so you don't get hurt." He looked almost benign. We maintained our silence. "If you want to talk about it, I'm here, but I want you to know I didn't see a thing, OK?"

"Thanks, mate." I was so proud of him, I could have kissed him.

"It's perfectly normal at your age to experiment, and absolutely harmless, just like wanking, but not everyone agrees with me."

"I don't think my Dad would be so cool about it," Steve said with a worried look on his face, "I reckon he'd have a fit if he found us - erm - like you did."

"You mean sharing a bed? Well, as long as you're under age, he has have every right to object and even stop you - "

"But you didn't," I interjected. I was really proud of my "cool" Dad.

"Mate, you know if you do the wrong thing, you get a sore bum." I blushed, but Steve's hand on my leg under the table eased my discomfort. "But I see nothing wrong with a couple of young colts having a bit of fun, as long as you don't go overboard." I wondered but didn't ask what he meant by that.

Steve and I became inseparable. He did stay over occasionally, and we'd share the bed, but Dad never barged in again. He'd knock on the door in the mornings, "c'mon guys, time to get up!" But in spite of Dad's cool approach, we kept feeling as if we shouldn't be doing what we were doing, which was only kissing and cuddling and playing with each other's little mates.

Although we had '_s_e_x_ education' at school, we were totally ignorant about gay _s_e_x_. Asking Dad was out of the question because I was convinced he saw the whole thing as a temporary aberration which I would outgrow, while I knew deep inside that I would always be 'like that'.

So, all our information came from others jeering about what 'poofters' did, which, according to them was noting but wearing dresses and wigs and _f_u_c_k_ing each other's bums. We both found that so disgusting, we were quite relieved we weren't like 'that', after all. At the same time it was so confusing because if we agreed with the straights on those things, why were we so keen on kissing and wanking each other - things they would never do? Or would they?

In contrast to the 'anal option', the oral one had a great appeal for me. I don't think anyone told me about it as an option, I just felt a great desire to kiss Steve's little mate and maybe even take him in my mouth. It was one of my many wanking fantasies to pull his foreskin back very slowly and let my tongue play over his gorgeous head and shaft, but I was too scared to suggest, let alone do it, until one day -

We were having a wrestle in one of his family's paddocks out in the middle of nowhere. The wrestling match developed along our usual lines, our little mates were getting pretty excited, we kissed and pulled each other's shorts off and played with each other's dicks. We rolled over and under each other, and I noticed some marks on Steve's bum. He'd never told me he got the stick at home but that's exactly what they looked like, and I was pretty familiar with that kind of marks. I held him down and let my fingers run over the faint stripes.

"What are these, mate?"


"You got the stick or something?"

"Ah that, yeah, coupl'a days ago." He tried to wriggle away, but I held him firmly down and he didn't struggle very hard.

"Why didn't you tell me, mate?" I felt almost betrayed. "You always know when I get it."

"Dunno, - forgot maybe - wasn't much anyway."

"Not much? There are, let me see, one, two, three - - - at least eight stripes here, mate."

"Ten actually."

I planted my lips on his left bun and tickled it with my tongue. He giggled, "don't do that," but he held quite still.

"Why? You've kissed mine better when I got a hiding."

"Mmhmm," he purred, "that's nice."

My little mate was rampant and I reached around to confirm my expectation that his was just as upright. Sure enough. I kept soothing his battle scars with my mouth and fingers. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Not much to tell, mate. You said it. I got the stick."

"That's a bit new isn't it? I mean you never told me . . . " I kept nuzzling his buns.

"Not really new, mate, I just don't get it as much as you. Must've been a year since last time."

My little mate got very excited, "all the more reason to tell me, when you get hurt, mate."

"Wasn't hat bad."

"How long ago you say this was?"

"Dunno, coupl'a days, three maybe."

"Must have been pretty bad. Mine don't last that long usually."

"Yeah, you got a tougher hide," he giggled.

I slapped his bottom, not very hard, "don't be rude!"


And that's when it happened. Steve managed to turn over, swinging his leg over my head and I was right there between his legs with his little mate staring me in the face, asking for attention. I gently kissed the tight little pouch which held his cute balls, he held totally still. There was just a kind of contented sigh, which gave me courage to work my way up to the top and the half exposed head. I gently bared it with my hand, and at last fulfilled my long held dream with my mouth and tongue. The excitement was too great, and within a few seconds he came with huge spurts and so did I without even touching my own little mate. He pulled me and I moved up to kiss him.


"_s_h_i_t_, mate, where did you learn that??"

"Nowhere, I'm just a natural talent."

"Must be. What brought that on, anyway?"

"Just your cute bum, I guess."

"Those stripes turn you on. or something?"

"Umm - - - " I wasn't sure how to answer that, but he didn't let up.

"C'mon, fess up," he was now on top of me, spreadeagling me to the ground, our little mates touching, rapidly getting rigid again, "or do I have to spank it out of you?"

"NOOO," I shouted, "OK, OK, yes, they turn me on."

"Good," he kissed me, "so I can admit I get turned on when you're getting it, mate. Sorry."

I felt quite relieved by that statement. "No need to be sorry, mate."

"Guess not," then half jokingly, "you reckon there's something wrong with us?"

"Do you?"

"Don't know."

We lay beside each other for a long while after that, looking at the blue sky shimmering through the gum tree above us, kissing, touching, as if we'd just discovered each other's bodies, full of innocent happiness. And yet, a little lingering doubt raised its head again.

"Wonder what your old man would say if he'd seen you doing that, mate," Steve chortled.

"Aw, _s_h_i_t_, do you have to?"

"Just joking, mate," he half raised himself, looked down into my face and placed his hand firmly on my little mate, "can I do it for you next time?"

"Sure, mate," I pulled his face down for a kiss, then I had this brain wave, I thought, "maybe we can do it to each other?" I didn't know I was suggesting something called '69' in the world of the 'grown-ups'.

That's how innocent we were . . .

to be continued (Comments are welcome)

More stories by Tim Anders