Paddled at Springfield High Story 02

by Nathan <>

The following story is fiction, but its based on fact. It forms the second in a series of stories taking place in a mythical high school in the year 1972. I had a lot of feedback from the first story, and so have added another one to appease and to thank the many people that enjoyed the original. Again, while I made this story up, what happens here happened to more than one teenager, maybe not EXACTLY like this, but close enough..... If you like the story, or dislike it, I'd appreciate knowing. It's through the feedback of the readers that I decide to write. Nathan [nathan9001@yahoo. com]

As a recap, the year was 1972, and Springfield High was like a lot of schools, full of kids from all kinds of backgrounds with all kinds of aspirations. Seventy-five percent of it's graduates went on to college, and the teachers were considered some of the best in the state. Like most schools of the time, the principal was authorized to use the paddle as one of many forms of discipline, right along with the usual in-school and out-of-school suspensions for those times when a kid dared to cross the line.

Tommy Freshour was 16, and well, right now he was staring and what until two days ago had been his two best friends in all the world. Barbara was so _d_a_m_n_ hot, his girlfriend since September, and the girl of his dreams. She was the hottest girl in the school, the leading cheerleader, and right now she was glaring at him with a look that literally burned right through him. Her big tits were jutting outward in her blouse, and her blond hair was flowing down and her blue eyes were so _f_u_c_k_ing beautiful. _s_h_i_t_! And, to make matters worse, sitting right next to her, was Mark Gibson, another junior and who he had thought until today was his best friend. He was holding her hand, sorta stroking it for God's sake, and as he sat there next to her Tommy noticed that Mark's left eye was slowly turning a shade of black. He smiled as he saw it---served him right it did! Yeah, he had given his two timing once best friend a real hit. The weird part of it all was that only last week! he and Mark were doing everything together! It had been that way for so long that many people thought they were brothers. They had snowboarded together, fished together, camped together, and even double-dated together. Hell, he had been over at Mark's house almost as much as Mark had been over at his. They lived only six houses apart, and had been friends since Junior High. _d_a_m_n_! They had also spent countless weekends together, and had stayed up all night more than once playing video games. They were best friends---yeah, they WERE. Hell, just a few weeks ago they had even talked about girls all night and bragged the way teen guys brag. Yeah, he remembered that night especially, and the way they had jacked off together before it was over. God had that been hot! Yeah, everything had been perfect until Mark had started dating his girlfriend, and well, now the son-of-a-bitch was sitting in the school office holding HIS girls hand and everything, EVERYTHING wa! s crashing down and Tommy felt defeated and the anger just welled up i nside of him. How could Mark have stolen his girl?

As the trio set in the office at school, the bustle that defines a high school office was in full swing. People were coming in and out, and the help behind the desk was busy answering telephones and filling out paperwork. The three of them were sitting there, waiting to see Mr Chandler, and there wasn't much doubt that the principal wasn't going to be too amused at the fight that had taken place just a short while ago. Occasionally, someone would look up and stare at them, wondering who was going to be getting paddled and curious about what had happened. _d_a_m_n_!

Suddenly, the principal's door opened, and Mr Chandler, looking grim faced and not just a little pissed off, said "All right, you three get in here and let's try to figure out what's going on."

With that, Barbara leaped off the chair and all but skipped into the inner office, a smile on her face that everyone noticed. Mark was right on her tail, but moving a lot slower, and looking about as nervous as Tommy. Tommy followed, third, the feeling of trepidation building as his mind raced through the possibilities. He knew as soon as he came into the door that the rumors were true—there on the desk was a _f_u_c_k_ing paddle and GOD it was long and wide and thick. _s_h_i_t_! And it would take an idiot not to notice the holes. GOD! As he found a seat, across from his girl and Mark, he felt his bottom sorta twitch on its own and his heart started to pound in his chest. Speaking of pounding, yeah, Mark and him had been pounding on each other pretty hard during the fight, and suddenly, he was starting to get concerned about more than losing his girlfriend. Yeah, the paddle wasn't laying on the desk for nothing, and Tommy sure wasn't stupid. At least he figured Mark woul! d be getting' it too, and that would at least make it more tolerable. If anything, knowing that paddle would soon be burning his once best friend's ass as much as his own was something to at least look forward to.

Then Mr. Chandler spoke: "OK, I want to sort this out and then we will deal with it." Then turning his head until he was staring at Tommy, he continued: "From what the lunchroom monitor has said, you young man just were out of control an hour ago. You walked in, started screaming at this young lady, and when Mr. Gibson here tried to calm you down you literally assaulted him. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Tommy swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing and he looked down at the floor. Oh GOD—that was a pretty one-sided question! Then he began to speak: "Sir, Mark here, he, well, he stole my girl sir. He took her to the dance on Friday, and well, the two of them set it up and lied to me as they did it. I didn't assault nobody sir. Nope, I didn't. I was just telling him to stay the hell away from my girl and he started swinging at me sir and well, she's mine sir, and she was supposed to go with me, but......"

"I am NOT HIS!" Barbara interrupted.

Mr. Chandler then spoke: "That's enough--both of you! Ah, a girl thing. OK, I'm getting the picture here. Miss Gunter, what do you have to say about this?"

Barbara answered "I'm not HIS girl. He thinks he owns me—you heard him! He's always harassing me, pretending he owns me like some piece of property. All I did was go to the dance with Mark here, who is very nice I might add. A real gentleman, not like HIM (as she pointed). He's crazy---just walked up and started yelling at me, and then when Mark tried to help he started pulverizing him. Look at his eye---God its black. Oh Mark...I hope its OK...."

Tommy Freshour glared at her, almost shocked at the way she was trying to put the blame all on him. He could only hope that Mr. Chandler wouldn't buy it. _d_a_m_n_. He was sure listening at her intently, as she tried to paint Mark as the innocent and hurt boyfriend. God, if Chandler bought that he was screwed, and he knew it. Oh God, this had to be the worst day of his entire 16 year old life. Yeah, it had to be, and things were rapidly going from bad to worse.

Mr. Chandler looked at Mark, and said "That's a pretty good shiner starting there son. It looks like the two of you had one heck of a fight. Fighting is not tolerated in this school, regardless of the reason. And in my experience, it normally takes two to make a fight. What do you have to say about all of this?"

Mark had been staring at the paddle, and with Mr. Chandlers words he looked up with a start and then said "Yes she said sir......I don't know what's wrong with HIM, he just hit me sir. Just up and hit me. I tried not to hit him back, I wasn't trying to fight him sir, just defend myself He was like a madman, just started swinging and hitting and hitting and hitting. He doesn't own her, and he acts like he does. I didn't really fight him sir, I just didn't."

Tommy yelled "YES YOU DID YOU SON-OF-A-BITCH! You were swinging as much as I wassssss....."

"YOU BE QUIET, NOW FRESHOUR---NOT ANOTHER WORD!!!!!" yelled the principal, shutting Tommy off in mid-sentence. Then, as Tommy swallowed and stared, Mr. Chandler looked back at Mark and said "Continue please."

Tommy was shocked—God, Mark had hit him too! Hell, they had been pounding on each other about equally. He might not have a black eye, but he had been punched more than once, yeah he had, and now the son-of-a-bitch was trying to make out like the little innocent kid and avoid the paddle in the process. _d_a_m_n_!

Mark looked at Tommy, and then smiled. Putting on his best puppy-dog face, he continued "Well sir, like I was saying, he was just out of control. Yeah, and I didn't fight him. It was all one sided sir, he just was pounding on me and if Mr. Jones hadn't pulled us apart, I don't know what would have happened to me sir."

The principal looked at the girl, and then said "Well, Mr. Jones said the two of you were pretty much pounding on each other when he pulled you apart, but he only saw the very end of things and he told me it was pretty blurred and he didn't sit around watching things to figure out what was actually going on before he stopped it. How did you see it Miss Gunter?"

Barbara looked at Mark, and then over at Tommy, a smirk on her face as she did so. "Yes sir, Tommy was the only one fighting sir. He just was out of control and Mark didn't do anything to deserve it sir. Just look at his eye!"

Mark, glancing back from the paddle, added "Sir, I didn't fight him sir. Tommy's trying to pull me into this, but I didn't touch him really, just tried to block what he was doing to me."

Tommy screamed "THAT'S A LIE!" and then, before he could say more, Mr. Chandler cut him off with a motion of his hand and a look that would freeze ice. Tommy sat in his seat, fuming. As he looked down he saw that both of his hands were clinched tightly into fists.

Then, Barbara sealed his fate, as she added "Tommy's just a smart ass sir, always acting soooooo cool. That's what he is. He gets away with everything, and he was yelling at everyone. When Mr. Jones broke it up and told him we were coming in to see you, well sir, he even called you, if you will allow me, an ASSHOLE sir. That's what he called you sir, and well, I think he's the one that deserves a paddling, that's what I think." With that, she stared at Tommy, and a big smile spread across her face.

Tommy swallowed, his face blushing bright red. He couldn't help but notice the look in Mr. Chandler's eyes, and as he saw it a chill ran right down the back of his neck and almost unconsciously he felt his ass tighten. Screwed! God, the two of them were ganging up on him and oh _s_h_i_t_, his eyes looked at the paddle, lying on the desk, and OH GOD suddenly he knew, yeah, he KNEW, it wasn't going to be lying there much longer. _s_h_i_t_! OH GOD he saw the holes and oh there were a lot of them and he also knew, yeah, he KNEW they were going to REALLY hurt too.

Mr. Chandler said "You know what, I agree with you. One thing I cannot and will not tolerate is fighting, and well, high school relationships come and go but we aren't going to have fights every time they do." Looking at Tommy, he continued "Young man, you have verbally harassed one student at this school and physically assaulted another, and you deserve a suspension. But I'm not going to do that, because mid-terms are approaching and you're grades are good and well frankly, you are normally a well behaved young man. I feel you deserve a second chance to be allowed to stay in school. Besides, I know your father and I'm pretty sure what he'd want me to do with you. You are definitely out of line here though, and no matter what you think about this young man or this girl dating each other, you don't own either of them, and well, I am going to use your bottom to make sure you understand that. Do you understand ME Mister?"

Tommy stared, the words of his principal sinking in and he suddenly realizing he was definitely going to be paddled, and it was starting to sound like Mark was gettin' off free-and-clear! _s_h_i_t_! Oh GOD, he was 16 for God's sake, and _s_h_i_t_, just the thought made his face blush red and he swallowed from the fear. Knowing his fate was already sealed, he then said in desperation "What about HIM?---he hit me too----HE DID!!!!"

Mr. Chandler looked at Mark, and then said "Well, I don't see it that way. Yes, it may be partly true but its my understanding you brought this on yourself, you definitely started it, and now trying to bring him into your problem isn't going to cut the mustard. Nope, I'm not falling for that. You are the one needing a paddling here, and well, frankly, its about time to make that happen."

Tommy's face went bright red, as he stared at the girl and Mark, both looking relieved and smiles already spreading across their faces. "OH GOD sir, you don't have to do that sir! I won't hit anyone again, and I mean it sir! PLEASEEEEE, don't paddle me sir!"

Mr. Chandler loved it when they begged. Then, smiling, he answered: "Paddle you? Oh I'm going to paddle you all right. I am going to paddle that bottom of yours right off mister, yep, right OFF. You deserve it, and quite frankly, I think your friends deserve to see justice done. Yes sir, I'd say its time to warm that bottom of yours right up, so we can get it taken care of, you can learn a well deserved lesson, and then we can get all of you back to class."

Tommy swallowed, and then in desperation he almost yelled "WHAT?!? God sir, I don't want THEM seeing me get paddl...."

Mr. Chandler cutting him off again, "Freshour, if I were you I'd just shut up, before I start adding more strokes for you insolence. You hurt these two students, and well, they deserve to watch you get your bottom warmed. Unless they don't want to watch that is?"

Both Mark and Barbara spoke almost eagerly and simultaneously "Oh we would LOVE TO WATCH!"

Tommy's face was literally glowing crimson, his lips quivering in desperation. God NO! NO! "Oh PLEASE MR. CHANDLER....OH NO, PLEASE SIR........" as he began to beg to somehow, some way save himself from the humiliation that was already beginning and was destined to get infinitely worse.

Mr. Chandler then waved his hand again, cutting him off, and said "Save it Freshour. Its time to get this little show on the road....." Then he walked to the door, and yelled out into the outer office "I NEED A FACULTY MEMBER IN HERE---I'VE GOT A PADDLING TO ADMINISTER!"

Tommy's stomach lurched, and he looked at the paddle again. OH GOD it was huge! Just as he was staring at it, in less than a minute in walked Miss Ann Jenkins, one of the newest teachers in the school and the coach for the school's swim team. Oh GOD, not HER! Tommy was on the swim team, and he sure didn't want HER to see him get paddled! Of all the teachers--NO! She was small and petite, a brand new teacher fresh from college, and all the guys liked to make jokes about how _s_e_x_y she was, especially in her swim suit. As she walked into the room, her perfume permeated the air, and as Tommy saw her he almost died! And now, oh now, she was HERE, here to see him get PADDLED! Oh _s_h_i_t_!

As Miss Jenkins walked into the room, she said "Whose the unlucky boy?.....oh, I see.....hellooooo Thomas!" and then she smiled, a delighted sparkle in her eyes.

Suddenly, Mr. Chandler was in control, and started to speak like he had done what was to follow a hundred times before. "OK FRESHOUR. EMPTY YOUR POCKETS AND PLACE YOUR WALLET ON THE DESK. PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE DESKTOP, MOVE YOUR FEET BACK, AND SPREAD YOUR LEGS."

Reluctantly, Tommy Freshour did what he was told. Hell, he was out of options, out of ideas, and all he could do was just hope he could somehow survive this nightmare that was somehow getting worse by the second. As every eye in the room watched him, he slowly reached into his pockets, and dished out the remainder of his lunch money and dropped it on the desk. Next, he pulled out his wallet, its thick leather no longer able to provide any protection to his ass. He gulped, pushed back the tears he felt trying to come, and threw his head back flipping his hair in a defiant gesture of coolness. Mr. Chandler was already holding the _d_a_m_n_ paddle, and he tapped it on the desktop indicating where he was supposed to place his hands. Reluctantly, he did as he was told, leaning forward and placing his hands on the desk, fairly wide apart. His legs were spread and open, perching his ass up for everyone to see. God it was humiliating!

Mr. Chandler smiled....he loved it when they were waiting for it. He saw that the windows were closed, and he went over to them and opened them, the sounds from the gym class outside filling the room instantly. He noticed the Freshour boy's face go red, as he realized the open window would allow the cracks of the paddle to carry outside of the office.

Tommy swallowed, taking a big gulp that sent his Adam's apple moving up and down. God he was scared, and as he stared out the open window he, like those that had been there before him, realized that soon if anyone outside bothered to look his way they would be staring right into the office. _s_h_i_t_! Yeah, EVERYONE would be watching him, watching HIM GET PADDLED. And there was nothing he could do to prevent it. _s_h_i_t_!

Mr. Chandler then directed the witnesses to move "OVER THERE" and soon he had them where he always put them, right in front of the boy about to be paddled. He liked the boy to see the witnesses, to stare at them eyeball to eyeball, making every smirk and grunt visible and clear. He knew it always added immensely to the boy's humiliation, which was certainly a part of the punishment protocol. This boy needed it worse than most. As they came around, Tommy was bent over, almost eye to eye with his friend Mark, his face level with his friend's crotch. Next to him was the girl, standing with a huge smile and holding Marks hand. She was smiling right at Tommy, a huge smirk on her face, her tits almost in Tommy's face. Mr. Chandler noted how red the teen's face was already, and he hadn't even felt the first smack of the paddle! Then, the principal moved the paddle up to the boy, resting it gently on his bottom. As he did so, he noticed the teenager gasp, sucking in air as he felt the board of education against his rear. Oh yeah, sometimes they deserved it, and this was one of those times. This bottom was especially sweet, and he could hardly wait to lay into it. Then, even though the boy was really in a pretty good position to take his paddling, Mr. Chandler called out, like he always did, because he knew it made them jump and added to their misery: "WIDER...... Spread those legs mister, and get that butt OUT! I want that butt OUT FRESHOUR, and READY, right where it belongs! Your bottom needs to be begging for it!"

Oh God. Slowly, the boy forced his legs further apart, his tight ass encased in his jeans that were so tight they were almost splitting. Mr. Chandler watched every movement of the boys tight little ass. Yeah, this little defiant jerk needed it, and he couldn't help a smile as he watched the boy's firm buttocks rounded and ready, sticking out and almost asking for the kiss of the paddle. Mr. Chandler savored the moment, where the boy was waiting, waiting for IT, and all pretexes of teenage smugness gone completely. Oh how they sure were well behaved when the paddle was resting on their ass!

Tommy could hardly believe how bad things had turned out. He was bent over and waiting, and as he looked up he was staring at the tits of his girlfriend, his EX-GIRLFRIEND, who was only a few feet away and obviously eagerly waiting for the paddle to do its thing. Oh GOD! He fought hard to control the tears, this was just so _d_a_m_n_ humiliating. He looked over at his friend Mark, but the face that was staring back wasn't the face of his friend. It was the face of a jerk, sporting a black eye, who was as eager to see him get it as she was. _f_u_c_k_!

Then, Mr. Chandler again, saying the words he always said: "LOOK UP FRESHOUR--AT THE WITNESSES. And DON'T MOVE! I'll tell you when you're done. If you move, you will receive extra, do you UNDERSTAND?"

He nodded, gritted his teeth and tried to brace himself for the first hit. Everything was going wrong, and just when he didn't see how things could get any worse, they suddenly did.

Mark spoke up and said, "Ahhh, Mr. Chandler, you should probably know that Tommy here...well gym sir I noticed...well, I noticed that he put on extra clothing stop the sting I guess sir, stop the sting in case he got paddled later. In fact sir, he's got two shirts tucked in, plus an extra pair of pants on underneath."

Time stood still. The paddle, still resting on his ass. Tommy stared at Mark, what? Oh God you son of a bitch! It wasn't like that, and Mark knew it....Suddenly, Mr. Chandler almost screamed "WHAT! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?"

Mark answered 'Nothing sir, just that he has on extra clothes, yeah, ......he does....."

Tom looked at Mark, stared at him, GLARED at him. Still in position, the paddle resting on his ass, time literally standing still. Then he spoke "Sir, its not what you's not sir...."

Mr. Chandler had all but exploded. "DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT HAVE EXTRA CLOTHING ON YOUNG MAN?"

Tommy gulped. Sir, I ran out of time in gym class....that's all. I've done it before sir. I just threw on my shirt and jeans over my gym clothes sir, I didn't have time to change. I wasn't trying to, hell, I didn't even know sir that I was....Mark knows I......"


Tommy turned to face the principal and as he did so he gasped as he saw his principal more angry than he had ever seen the man. "Sir, I didn't.....I'm only wearing my gym clothes sir, I'm not avoiding.....please, sir......I didn't.....sir....." Mr. Chandler then spoke "Freshour, I don't know what kind of stunt you are trying to pull here. But no one, absolutely NO ONE, will ever come into my office wearing padding to avoid a paddling. I will not tolerate it, not now, not EVER, do YOU UNDERSTAND ME FRESHOUR!!!?"

Tommy answered "Sir, yes sir.....yes.....but I wasn't!"


Tommy's lip started quivering, and then, making a decision, he said "No sirrrrrr.....I won't sir....I'm, I am not taking down my jeans cant do that to cant paddle me without my clothes sir. Please....."...then, looking at the only other adult in the room, he pleaded to Miss Jenkins, literally begging: "Please ma'me...tell him he cant take my pants off of me!!!!

Every eye turned to look at the new teacher, Tommy's remark demanding a reply. She smiled, and then with these words she smashed his hope for a reprieve: "Well Thomas, actually there isn't much difference in the Speedo suit you wear during swim practice and the underwear you have on now. Either outfit meets the criteria outlined in the student manual, and is therefor suitable for a spanking, so I'd have to agree with the principal's actions which seem justified in light of your deception."

Tommy stared....her words sinking in. He turned back to Mr. Chandler, but before he could speak the principal cut him off.

Mr. Chandler: "Mr. Freshour, right now you are looking at two weeks suspension, plus a paddling like you have never felt before. If I have to call your father in here, I will. You deserve to be paddle on your bare butt mister, and I'm pretty sure knowing your father that if I called your dad that's the way he'd want you to get it. However, I don't have to do that, but I sure as _s_h_i_t_ can paddle you on your underwear. I can, and I will. You brought this on yourself mister. I will not tolerate you wearing extra pants to avoid a paddling. So, I'm going to count to ten, and if you aren't in position, with your two shirttails out of the way and your pants down to your ankles and your bottom sticking back out asking for it then your done---DONE. If you make that mistake young man you will regret ever having known me. Now, Mister MOVE IT........ONE."


"Please sir....oh GOD....Mr. Chandler....please...."



Tommy's hands, shaking, went to his belt......then with tears in his eyes, he opened the buckle


Tommy was shaking all over......his hands on his jeans........the tears, his face bright red, his trembling hands opening his fly....and oh _s_h_i_t_ oh no on what choice did he have? "GOD....OH PLEASE SIR!"


Tommy closed his eyes, and with a single movement pulled his jeans down to his knees......his face so red with shame he could have died.

Mr. Chandler: "Get the extra shorts down too........I WANT YOU IN YOUR BRIEFS MISTER! I'm NOT HERE TO PADDLE YOUR PANTS....I'm HERE TO PADDLE YOUR BOTTOM!!!"


Tommy was moving now, realizing he was out of options and OH GOD OH NO OH _s_h_i_t_. He jerked his gym shorts down too, adding them to the top of his jeans. His bright white jockeys literally shown in the room, and following where the principal was pointing, he turned and started to get back into position.

"SHIRTS TOO FRESHOUR. You're wearing two _d_a_m_n_ shirts----take em off! You can put them back on when I'm through with your bottom mister. I want it exposed and ready...IM TIRED OF YOUR ANTICS SO DO IT NOW!!!!"

Tommy hesitated.....


He was defeated, and he simply gave up.....pulling his shirts off all at one time. Over his head, and then, dropping them onto the corner of the desk and fighting to control the tears that were filling his eyes.



God! Shaking, and feeling almost naked, he was rushing now....hurrying to get out of his pants and back into position as fast as he could. God! Rushing---RUSHING just so he could get paddled---and ONLY IN HIS UNDERWEAR! It was a nightmare! He threw his hands apart, wide on the desktop, pushing his ass out and up, spreading his legs wide just as Mr. Chandler said "TEN!"

Oh God! Even though he still wore his briefs, he felt totally naked and totally exposed. And as he waited in position he looked up into the eyes of the three witnesses staring wide-eyed at him, staring at him and his almost naked body. He noticed Barbara's eyes were lingering on his crotch. He felt his dick stir, and as he felt it move he knew from their expressions that they all could see that it had. His faced blushed crimson, and as he felt the paddle once again shoved up against his bottom, he tightened his ass and realized it was virtually and almost totally unprotected. Oh please!

Mr. Chandler---stick it OUT. I want it perched OUT---BEGGING for it! Tommy did, pushing his rear covered only in his white jockeys out some more, and up, perched, as the principal put it, like he was BEGGING for it. He was so humiliated! He stared ahead, feeling the paddle resting on his barely clad bottom.

Time stood still---the moment hanging in the room like the quiet before a rainstorm. You could hear the typewriters in the outer office, a phone ringing somewhere, the breathing of the teen waiting under the paddle. Mark was staring at Tommy, who had closed his eyes as he waited, noticing the light hair on his legs, the tuffs of light brown hair visible under his arms. Sweat was already visible on the boy's baby face, a few longer blond hairs looking like peach fuzz on his cheeks. He had a hard body, and his smooth chest accentuated his tiny dark nipples that jutted like points. Mark couldn't help but notice the bulge in Tommy's jockeys, his dick at least semi-stiff and sticking off to the left and outward, stretching the material. Its outline was clearly visible, and seemed to be at least six inches. As Mark stared at IT, he too felt his own _c_o_c_k_ begin to grow.

Suddenly, the moment was broken, as Mr. Chandler put the paddle in motion, and as he did everyone heard the movement, the air whistling through the holes in the paddle so fast that it made a sound that almost immediately was terminated with a CRACKKKKKKKKKKK!

"YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Tommy yelled, his entire buttocks slammed so hard he felt dizzy from the blow. OH GOD the burn, a fire really, a fire that immediately radiated all the way across his ass and he felt his dick spasming. _f_u_c_k_! He almost pissed himself! He was staring straight ahead, no longer looking at the faces of the witnesses, instead staring right into his friends crotch, literally less than a foot from his face. Oh God! As he felt the burn, like a torch consuming him, he also noticed the bulge in front of him and even with the burn he was aware of his own dick stiffening by the second.

CRACKKKKKKKKKKK! "YOWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Not again!!! "Oh _s_h_i_t_" he screamed, the burn 1000 times more intense now, oh God oh no oh _s_h_i_t_ oh please oh no. The burn was spreading like a flame, the pain radiating across his ass and over the top of his thighs----OH GOD his underwear felt like it wasn't even there! He looked up and Mark and Barbara were all smiles, and with tears in his eyes Tommy began to plead for mercy....

"Oh pleaseeeeeee....ok ok ok more.....pleaseeee......"

Ignoring his begging, Mr. Chandler had the board moving again, and as the board's holes picked up the air and began their whistle it was followed by another tremendous CRACKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! OH GOD! OH _f_u_c_k_!

His begging was cut off in mid sentence, the burn of the paddle slamming into the teenage rear with an intensity that literally reverberated across the room. Outside, the gym class that had been in full swing had stopped cold, every eye going to the office windows and every student watching. As they noticed and recognized Tommy Freshour, clad only in his snow white briefs, which from the window angle were obviously fully tented and bulging they began to giggle and smirk. Soon, what started as only a ripple of laughter slowly grew and grew. was a sight no one would ever forget! Tommy cringed at the realization of all those guys and girls out there on the field, seeing him in just his underpants, bent over the principal's desk and being paddled like a kid! He desperately didn't want to cry in front of an entire P. E. class!

Mr. Chandler paused after the third stroke....resting the paddle on the boy's bottom, letting the heat build and giving the boy time to feel the feeling. As he slid the paddle back and forth across his ass, it was obvious the boy was trying hard not to cry, to somehow brave his way through this. Yeah, the teen was on the verge of crying though, and it wouldn't take much to put him over the edge. He could literally see the red of the boys ass shining through his undershorts, and he could also see the involuntary twitching as his ass muscles cinched his hole open and closed. The boy was learning now, and the fight was sure getting paddle out of him. Standing to the boys side, he also noticed the white jockeys tented out, the boy's young dick jutting out hard and almost eager for more, the tip pushing out so hard that its entire outline left nothing to the imagination. The principal then spoke "You gettin' the message yet FRESHOUR?" as he put the paddle in motion agai! n.

The boy had squinted his eyes shut, and he didn't answer......then the paddle was going so fast the eyes watching couldn't even track it. It covered the full swing in a 10th of a second, and with another CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK it slammed into the jockey covered butt with a vengeance, the boy grunting in shock before he yelled from the burn: "AGHHHHHHHHH...oh YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!" With that, the boy just lost it, his eyes pouring out the tears like a _d_a_m_n_ had broken. God! He was crying in front of so many of his classmates who were watching from outside the window, along with those in the office and he couldnt stop it! He was staring straight ahead now, right into the crotch of his friend, his mouth agape and the snot coming out his nose like a little boys. He was just bawling, all the while his dick was jutting hard against the fabric, the tip of his erection clearly visible to the three witnesses standing in front of him and staring down at it. At the tip itself! , a wetness had started to penetrate the fabric, and with it the fabric looked almost transparent, hiding nothing. God, he had popped a full fledge boner!

As the teen started to cry, Mr. Chandler smiled and then he spoke: "I DIDN'T HEAR YOU MISTER....... I ASKED IF YOU'RE GETTIN' THE MESSAGE YET FRESHOUR?"

Tommy nodded, then tried to answer "Yessss Sirrrrr" which squeaked out several octaves higher than normal and for the most part he was just babbling through his tears. His voice had cracked like a pre-teens, and as he sucked the snot back in the paddle was whistling yet again.....As he heard the whistle he screamed "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" just as it impacted his rear with yet another CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKK. With the impact he grunted, his grunt immediately followed by another involuntary scream.


"YEOWWWWWWWWWWWW!" With the impact, the boy fell forward, on top the desk, his naked chest flat on the desk and his ass over the side leaving his face staring at the floor.

Mr. Chandler was really smiling now....the boy was a wreck now, a crying mass of hysteria and misery and with the look of a well paddled little boy. He was flat out on his desk, still squirming and the boy's sweat glistened down his back. His hair was also wet with sweat, and his perspiration had even wetted his underwear right along the crack of his ass. Mr. Chandler liked a good well paddle teen--there was something about taking them down a peg or two that he thoroughly enjoyed. Especially the fighters and the cool kids. Yeah, they were the best ones to paddle! As he studied the Freshour boy he smiled from the sight. He especially liked the redness of the kid's ass which was quite apparent through the thin stretched fabric, and from his angle he could make out the boys balls that were tucked up firm and tight resting in the little pouch of the shorts. Yes sir, a very well paddled boy with a well paddled bottom. Indeed!

As Tommy Freshour bawled like a baby, Mr. Chandler swung the paddle one more time, a tremendous swing and a reverberating CRACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK that impacted hard right where the boy's legs met his bottom! That got to him! He screamed then again, thrusted forward at the same time, and then suddenly even as he cried he was grunting again and again and again. The series of grunts had nothing to do with the paddle, but even as his ass lay burning like a nuclear furnace the boy's teenage dick pulsated with a life of its own, and as it did so he literally ejaculated into his underpants, squirting his load through the fabric and pooling on the desktop below. It was the most humiliating moment of his life and as he grunted from the feeling and felt his semen pumping from his balls his face flushed bright red with shame! His complete mortification had now progressed to a new and horrible level.

Tommy really didn't understand what had happened. He felt himself squirting, in spite of the burn, but he didn't know why and he never really would figure it out. Perhaps it was his girlfriend's tits that had turned him on, or perhaps it was seeing Mark's _c_o_c_k_ growing with excitement as he had lay bent over taking the paddle. Or perhaps, it was simply getting paddled itself, the burn of the board somehow turning _s_e_x_ual as it punished him. No, Tommy would never figure any of that out. But as Mr. Chandler finished, and he had stood up, still bawling like a baby, he would never ever forget the look as everyone saw what he had done. His face was blushed crimson, matching his burning ass, the soaked underwear and the cum splotch on the desk stark reminders of his utter and total humiliation.

Barbara gasped as she saw it, then she said "Oh MY GOD!"

At that very moment, dropping the paddle onto the desk, next to the little puddle of semen, Mr. Chandler spoke: "All right Mr. Freshour, I'm finished with your bottom. I want to hear an apology, and then you may put your clothes back on. So, start apologizing NOW!"

Tommy started to babble, trying to talk, even as he was wiping his nose and trying to suck the snot back in. The tears had flooded his face, and as he stood facing Mark and Barbara and Miss Jenkins, standing there in his cum soaked underpants, with his dick rapidly shrinking by the second, he began to apologize. "Ohhhhh, I'm sorrrrrrrrry, I am! Pleaseeeeee, its OK........I shouldn't have hit anyone...oh Barbara.....oh GOD" and then, losing it all again, the tears just flooded out and his words became nothing more than a babbling bunch of syllables.

Mr. Chandler: "OK FRESHOUR--that's enough. I can see you're sorry... I KNOW your bottoms sorry, and I hope it feels nice and hot. Just remember the lesson, and learn from it and make sure you NEVER swing those fists of your again! I don't ever want to see you back in here--YOU UNDERSTAND?"

Tommy nodded and sensing more was called for, answered "YES SIRRRR!!!" as he wiped his nose again and struggled to stop the tears.

Just then, the school bell rang, indicating the period change that would put the students in motion for the next five minutes. It signaled 'passing time' and with the bell almost instantly you could here the rush of students outside begin as they started moving all at once throughout the school, rushing between classes.

As the bell rang, Miss Jenkins walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

Mr. Chandler then said: "Get dressed young man. I suggest you three get yourselves to your next class before the tardy bell rings." And with his words, Mark and Barbara rushed out the door, and Tommy reached for his jeanss and pulled them over his sticky jockey shorts so fast it was hard to follow him. As he pulled them up over his ass he winced from the pain, then grabbed one of the shirts, and threw it on. For a second he paused and looked at the principal. Their eyes connected, but just for a second, and then Tommy looked away in shame. Then, with a rush he was out of the office, carrying his gym shorts and his other shirt, his matted hair disheveled and his face still tear stained. He was in a real hurry, as he needed to stop at the bathroom before he went to his Science class. How would he ever face his classmates???

Mr Chandler shook his head, and as he glanced back to the paddle he stared at the spot of the boy's semen still pooled on his desk, a huge grin crossing his face as he looked at it. Oh yeah, he loved his job!

[If you like the story, or dislike it, I'd appreciate knowing. It's through the feedback of the readers that I decide to write. Nathan [nathan9001@yahoo. com]

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