Adam had just finished his final year at school and was anxious to obtain a three month holiday job in order that he may save some money for university and asked his father for permission to do so. He was anxious to get away from the city and to do some labouring work in the country.
His father, however, was very reluctant to entrust the boy to any employer as he knew the handicap of his son's attitude to work.
Whilst both his son's abilities and physique would be more than suitable for the job, he felt that his general attitude tended to be more than a little slack on numerous occasions and that he would let any potential employer down badly.
Adam's work history was well established. He worked well when encouraged but the only effective encouragement for the lad over the years was a regular flogging and the boy knew that well.
But the lad consistently pleaded with his father for permission.
"Adam, you know as well as I do that you can't be trusted to consistently work hard. Unless you're frequently punished and punished severely you just slack off, don't you?" his father asked.
"Yes, but I really would like to get myself a job over the holidays, Dad."
"And let down an employer? Because that's what's likely to happen."
"What if I really promised that I would work hard and not slack off?" the boy asked.
"How many times have you promised that in the past?"
There was silence.
"I'll tell you what you can do. You may put an ad in the paper asking for work on condition that you advise your employer that you tend to slacken off at times."
"Fair enough," the boy agreed.
"And that you are prepared to accept very strong punishment if this is the case," his father added. "How does that sound to you?"
"That's all right with me," Adam replied.
"All right, then. You word the advertisement and let me have a look at it. But I warn you it had better be to the point."
"What do you feel I should put in the ad?"
"I think you should state that you are a strong young man and have the ability to work really well when punished regularly. I also think it would be a good idea to spell out exactly the punishment that is required to keep you on your toes. All right?"
"Yes, I can do that."
"All right, then, go to it and if the ad is a fair warning of what you're like, I'll approve of the job."
"Thanks, Dad."
Adam spent some considerable time wording the ad. He knew exactly what his father had in mind. He must clearly state that he expected severe punishment when he slackened off and also that punishment was also needed on a regular basis to stop him slacking off.
Eventually, after he had written several draft copies and his father had given additional input, they came up with the final copy.
And this was the copy - headed with "Work Wanted":
ADAM, 18 year old youth, blond, well built, tanned and strong body with firm buttocks. Seeks employment as labourer on farm property or similar outdoor work during vacation period. Good worker but extreme discipline needs to be enforced on a frequent basis. Used to very strict upbringing and is willing to accept strong correction when required. To ensure maximum work performance he needs to be completely stripped at least once a week and flogged with a cane and/or thick leather strap on the bare buttocks to keep him on his toes. Absolute minimum of thirty solid strokes is anticipated on each occasion. Lighter punishments are a waste of time. Similar floggings are expected at additional times when any dissatisfaction at all is evident. Employer thus needs to be a dominant father figure who is both able and prepared to administer the required heavy, regular doses of punishment. An initial sound whipping is recommended at commencement of employment. Phone Mr Warren Hodgkins at 5678.1234.
"It's rather strict, isn't it, Dad?"
"It is. But if you get this job you'll be be away from home for nearly three months and I won't be around to keep you on your toes, will I?"
"I suppose not."
"So, if you're happy with it, we'll place the ad and you can see what comes up," his father said.
"Go to it," Adam replied.
"But my name goes on the ad as I want to speak to any prospective employer first. All right?"
"That's O. K. with me."
The advertisement was duly placed in the press and both Adam and his father waited to see the response. After a few days, a call was received from a farmer in the country.
"Good morning. Is that Mr Hodgkins?"
"It is."
"Jack Whitehurst is my name. I'm calling about your ad in the local press. It's harvesting time up here and I could do with a good worker. However, it's hard work and involves a good deal of lifting. You mentioned that your son was a strong young man?"
"He's very fit and very strong, I can assure you."
"Fair enough, but I really want someone who is also reliable and can work without constant supervision. Do you think he's up to it?"
"As I mentioned in the ad, Jack, may I call you 'Jack' ? The boy is strong and a good worker but he does require fairly constant discipline. If you're prepared to give him a good dose of punishment on a fairly regular basis, I don't believe you'll have any trouble whatsoever."
"That's no problem. I'm used to that. I have five boys of my own one of whom is still on the farm with me. He still gets some strong reminders from me on a fairly regular basis. Most boys still need a good hiding in my opinion."
"Would you like me to send him up there so you can meet him? You can see if you think he's suitable."
"That would be fine. I'll get my foreman to meet him at the station."
Warren gave his son the good news and warned him that Mr Whitehurst had assured him that he was in for a good few beltings to keep him in line.
Adam was excited and, after packing his bags, was on the next train to Tamworth.
Beltings were the least of his worry. He was more anxious to earn some good money.
Eventually, the train arrived at Tamworth but there was no one there to meet him. He enquired at the Station Master's Office and was told that John Hopkins, the station foreman had phoned and was on his way in to town.
It seemed a long wait as he stood there, his bag at his feet but eventually the foreman showed up.
"Are you Adam Hodgkins?" the man asked.
"Yes, Sir," the boy replied.
"Well, hop in and let's go."
The pair of them headed for the farm. Adam's wishes had come true!
As the farm came into view, Adam's excitement grew even more.
"What's he like to work for?" the boy enquired.
"Very good."
John Hopkins showed Adam around the farm. He explained to him the workings of the property and the work that he would be required to do, much of it would be heavy work lifting the bales of hay onto the trucks. But this did not deter the boy at all.
"Come on," said Mr Hopkins, "and we'll take you in to meet Mr Whitehurst. I warn you. You'll need to impress him to get the job. He's very particular who works for him."
"Is he a hard boss to work for?" Adam asked.
"No, but he won't put up with any nonsense. If you do the right thing by him, he'll do the right thing by you. Can you cope with that?"
"No worry," replied Adam.
Adam was led into the homestead and taken direct to Mr Whitehurst's study. He had been awaiting Adam's arrival.
"Welcome to 'Comstock' young man."
"Thank you, Sir."
"Has John showed you around the property and told you what is involved?"
"He has. It looks great."
"Now all I have to decide is if you're the man for the job, don't I?"
"I won't let you down, Sir," Adam replied.
"Your father tells me that you're a good worker, but you do expect to receive a good bit of punishment from time to time to keep you on your toes. Is that right?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Well, you'll certainly get that here, young man. I've had five boys grow up on this farm and they've all been on the receiving end from time to time. One of my sons still works for me on the farm. He's the same age as you are."
"I expect to be punished frequently, Sir. We stated that in the ad."
"Fair enough. Now, I require a very strong young worker. There's a lot of heavy work about the farm. So, strip down to your briefs and let's see if we think you're physically up to the job."
Adam did as he was instructed.
"Well, what do you think, John? Do you think he looks fit enough for the job?" Mr Whitehurst asked of his foreman.
"Physically he looks fine for the job. It's just his attitude that concerns me," John replied.
"That's easily kept in check the same way I keep Mark in check, wouldn't you agree?"
Turning to Adam he said, "So are you interested in the job, young man?"
"Yes please, Sir. I'd really welcome the opportunity."
"O. K. Well the job pays $400 per week plus board and keep."
Adam was thrilled. That was more than he expected.
"But you'll need to work hard at all times. I am not prepared to have slackers on the property. Your ad says that you are prepared to accept a regular flogging to keep you on your toes."
"Yes, Sir. Dad tells me I'm never too old for a good belting."
"Well, we don't use either a cane or a leather strap here young man. Once a boy turns sixteen, he gets the whip across the bare backside whenever needed, the same as my own son still gets."
The foreman placed the whip on the study desk in front of Adam. It was comprised of seven thin strips of leather about thirty centimetres long. Adam shuddered.
"My son, Mark, tells me that it has a very lasting effect. What do you think?"
"I reckon!"
"So, is that still all right with you?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Well, we're really going to warm your buttocks up for you, young man. John, I want you to take Adam out to the shed, get his briefs off and give him fifty lashes across the backside. And lay it on as hard as you possibly can."
"Fifty?" Adam protested.
"You clearly stated, let me read your ad 'an initial sound whipping is required at the commencement of employment' is that not correct?"
"Yes, Sir, but I was expecting only thirty with a cane or a leather strap, not fifty lashes with a whip."
"Adam, you're a strong well built young man. I'm sure you'll cope quite adequately. But if you don't want the job, that's your choice."
"But I do want the job, Sir."
"I'll take the fifty strokes of the whip, Sir. Dad would probably say it would do me good."
"Right, well you get yourself out to the shed with John and when you've had your punishment, you can come back here and we'll decide if you still want the job or not."
John picked up the whip from the table and led Adam to the shed. The boy looked decidedly ill at ease but he badly wanted that job. But never in his life had he taken fifty strokes of punishment at the one time.
The foreman, who was a solidly built man, stripped to the waste, ready to administer a really solid punishment.
"Right, boy. Drop your briefs and face the wall."
Adam was terrified and did exactly as instructed.
"Stand back two paces. Place your hands high on the wall above your head and spread your feet wide."
John really laid into him. Despite the fact that he was such a strapping young man he screamed loudly at every stroke as each of the seven leather strands cut heavily across both buttocks. It was an intense beating.
"I'll stop the punishment if you want," John stated.
"No, keep going," Adam sobbed. "Let's get it over with."
And the punishment continued. John Hopkins spared no mercy. He laid it on hard as his boss had instructed. However, at the half way point, when he could see that Adam was in an almost uncontrollable state, he stopped.
"All right, boy. Relax. Hands down. Turn around."
Adam dropped his hands and immediately reached for his buttocks. He rubbed them hard trying to alleviate the agonising pain.
"I don't think you can take any more, Adam," he said to the boy. "I'll go and ask Mr Whitehurst if he wants the punishment to continue."
Adam was distraught and was in no real hurry for the foreman to return. When eventually he did he advised the boy that Mr Whitehurst had just phoned his father.
"He asked your father if the punishment should cease and he should send you home. Your dad said that it was up to you. What do you want me to do?"
"I want the job. I'll take the punishment."
Adam resumed the punishment position against the wall and John laid into him with the remaining 25 lashes.
When the punishment concluded, the boy was told to return to the homestead when he had composed himself. It was at least forty minutes before he did so. He was unable to dress completely as his clothes were still in the homestead. However, he put his briefs back on but even that hurt as it rubbed against his raw buttocks. He wouldn't forget this punishment too soon.
"So, young man," Mr Whitehurst addressed Adam as he returned to the study, "Do you think that'll keep you on your toes for a while?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Do you want the job?"
"I do."
"All right, then. To keep you on your toes your application says you should get a minimum of thirty strokes every week with an additional thirty whenever you step out of line. Is that right?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Well, I think we should perhaps make it a little easier on you. Friday night will be punishment night on the property for both you and my son, Mark. However, you can have a choice. You can agree now to either thirty lashes each week with another thirty whenever I'm displeased with your work or we can halve the weekly floggings to fifteen lashes. But if you choose the fifteen, then any time you need additional punishment you'll be given another fifty strokes. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sir.•
"Well, what would you prefer?"
"I'll take the fifteen each Friday night, please Sir."
"O. K. But you run the risk of another fifty lashes. Are you sure you want to take that risk?"
"I'm sure. After what I've just had and with a reminder of fifteen each week to keep me on my toes, I don't believe I'll slacken off at all."
"Fair enough. Now, any questions?"
"Just one, Sir. As it's now Wednesday afternoon and I've just had a severe whipping, do we start the Friday punishments this week or next?"
"I think we'll leave it until next week."
"Thank you, Sir. I'll really try to please you with my work and thank you for giving me the opportunity."
"You're welcome. Now just don't let me regret it."
"I won't."
"Now get dressed. You may have the rest of the afternoon off and you are to report to Mr Hopkins outside the shed at 7.30 a. m. tomorrow morning."
"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."
Adam left his employer and retreated to his own quarters. He had been given a bunk room, adequately furnished, behind the toolshed.
The first thing he did was to head for the shower block for a long cold shower in an attempt to alleviate the pain from his buttocks. It seemed to have very little effect, however, and he returned to his room.
Although Adam was well used to a strict upbringing and respected the need for a good thrashing from time to time, he had never in his life experienced such a severe flogging as he had just received.
However, he was excited that he had got the job and telephoned his father to give him the news. His father was indeed pleased to hear that Adam had secured his employment but was anxious how the lad had come through his initial punishment.
"Adam, Congratulations. I hope you really enjoy it up there."
"Thanks, Dad."
"I'm concerned, however. Mr Whitehurst phoned me earlier. Apparently his foreman had told him that he felt you weren't able to take your punishment. He asked me if he should send you back home, instead. I told him it was up to you. What happened?"
"Dad, I know we both agreed that I needed a good flogging to get me fully motivated but this was far worse than you've ever given me. I mean . . . the cane and the strap are bad enough and they've always worked, but Mr Whitehurst thought that I was too old for what he called a simple' strapping."
"What did you get?"
"He uses a whip once you're over sixteen years of age. His own son gets it, he told me. The whip's lethal. It's about a metre long and it's got seven thin strands of leather. When they land on your bottom, it's a lot worse than the worst strapping you've ever given me, I can assure you. I don' think I'll step out of line here too often, Dad."
"Well, that's good to hear. How many did you get?"
"Are you going to get that every week?"
"He gave me an alternative. He said I could have the thirty lashes we'd agreed to in the ad whenever I was punished or I could take just fifteen each week if I agreed to take another fifty when I was out of line any time."
"What did you take?"
"I said I'd take the fifteen."
"That's a bit of a risk isn't it?"
"I hope not. After what I got today, I think fifteen each week will well and truly keep me on my toes."
"Well, good luck. I hope for your sake you're right."
"Thanks, Dad."
Adam generally was a model worker around the farm over the next ten weeks and spent very little of his $4000 that he earned.
As was the agreement, every Friday evening he stripped naked and fifteen heavy lashes of the whip were flayed across his bare buttocks. Depending upon the severity of the punishment, the bruising had barely recovered in time for the following week's disciplinary session.
But it generally succeeded in keeping him motivated and working well. Only once during his time on the farm did he step out of line and he shared that occasion with Mark when they were both caught avoiding their duties.
The boys knew what was in store for them. Mark was told to collect the whip and the pair of them were then instructed to go to the shed and strip to their briefs.
Unlike Adam, however, Mark had no idea as to the extent of the punishment.
"How many do you reckon we'll get, Adam?" Mark Asked.
"Fifty lashes."
"_s_h_i_t_! What makes you say that?
"I've been told before that if I step out of line that's what I will get."
"Do you think I'll get the same? I mean, I haven't been warned about getting fifty. I've never had as much as fifty at one time. Oh, _s_h_i_t_!"
Both Mr Whitehurst and his foreman soon arrived at the shed. "Adam, you've done well to date," Mr Whitehurst said. "But you know the arrangement we entered into, don't you, boy?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Well, what was it?"
"You offered me the alternative of thirty lashes each week and another thirty if I displeased you with my work or fifteen each week, but I would have to take the fifty strokes if I got into trouble."
"Correct! And you chose?"
"Fifteen each week, Sir."
"And so far it seems to have worked. You've kept out of trouble and applied yourself very well to your duties. I've been very pleased with you."
"Thank you, Sir."
"But now we find both you and Mark off the property when you were supposed to be working. What have you got to say for yourself, Adam?"
"Nothing really, Sir. I guess I'll just have to face up to my punishment. It's my own fault. I knew the conditions."
"You're _d_a_m_n_ed right you'll have to face up to it."
This was the moment Adam dreaded. He could clearly remember his first day at 'Comstock' and the fifty lashes he received. He would be unlikely to forget that for a long time. Still, he recognised that he had struck a deal and this was his own fault.
"O. K. John, lay on fifty hard strokes."
Adam dropped his briefs and assumed the punishment position.
"Mark. Observe Adam's punishment carefully because you're in for exactly the same, boy."
No sooner had Adam taken up his position against the wall, feet apart and hands high above his head when he felt the first of the fifty strokes of the whip lash across his buttocks. This was the one and only time during his employment that he had stepped out of line and he was now suffering the consequences.
Mark was already in tears as he witnessed Adam being flogged.
As the fiftieth stroke cut across his buttocks, the lad had the decency to turn to Mr Whitehouse and to apologise for letting him down.
"Your turn, Mark." Mr Whitehurst commanded.
Jack took hold of the whip and personally laid into his son. The boy screamed at every one of the fifty lashes.
But the pair of them knew that they had done wrong and deserved to be punished. In Adam's case, he had been warned in advance, not that it was a great consolation.
With the punishment completed, Jack Whitehurst addressed the two boys: "You have fifteen minutes to get yourself together and then I expect you both back at work. Do you understand?"
With that, he and his foreman left the boys to console each other and to regain their composure.
Never again during his time on the farm did Adam step out of line. Indeed, because of his generally great work Jack Whitehurst later told the boy that he was welcome to return to the property at any future time.