Fun As a Babysitter Continued2

by Jordan <>

I don't know why the other part of my story didn't get posted on those last two trys, but im trying it again, and just posted from where it cut it off last time, and down, so read those, or at leaste the ending of "Fun as a babysitter' either the first or continued

We all three talked on the phone for a while until Brent got another impulse and started pressing buttons. I hung up the cord phone down and ran into his room where he was pressing buttons, and I smiled as I ripped the phone outa his hands. "Could I call you back?" I asked her. And when she complied I hung up and jumped on Brent.

He was just giggling and giggling, and I was smiling too as I straddled his small body on his bed. As I got back up to place the phone in the charger, he flipped himself over so that he was on his stomach and kept on laughing. I was still pretending to be mad, so I could touch his warm body one more time. I placed my hand on his back and pretended to be mad, and he knew I was just kidding, and I slapped his bottom and he laughed even harder, and I slapped it again and he threw his legs up, so I pulled them down with one hand and used the hand on his back to slap his butt 3 more times. Laughing hysterically, still, I slapped him a few more times, then threw myself down on the bed next to him. We laughed together and smiled, and he reached around to slap my butt a few times, and I let him have his fun for about 15 or 20 hard as he could slaps. Then took his hands and pulled him down next to me, so that his back was to me, and I held him there, with the whole back of his body pressed up against mine. We both calmed down and he started experimenting with each other again. He reached backwards and rubbed my leg again, and I ran my fingers through his hair and around his neck and back.

I try not to go to far with Brent, with his parents home or not, I like to play around with him, but I try not to go any farther then he wants, or even close. I don't know how much time went by as we sat there, now face to face, loving every moment of it. Until we heard jon comming up the stairs, we continued talking about his homework and school, and life while Jon was there, and when he came up he needed my help with some math, so all three of us went downstiars to work on some more homework at 9:20 or 9:30pm.

Yawn* "Gettin pretty late you guys." I lied.

"Oh come on! Come on!" "Want to play a board game?" "Ah sure, why not." I replied, and we started a long somewhat boring game of Monopoly.

To try and hurry this story up, I skip some more things that Brent and I did when Jon wasn't watching, and go to where we were going to go to sleep. Hope this isn't boreing.

I tucked both of them in like a mother,

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