
by Culloden Cowboy <>

It was the first cool day we'd had in four months so I decided to saddle up Miss M and do a little training. She'd only been ridden three times so this wouldn't be a long lesson. It was 2 PM and Jack wasn't due until 5 so I had plenty of time.

She was very anxious as I mounted the saddle, and seemed to know when my feet were in the stirrups. I knew she loved to buck and was thankful she waited for me to get my seat. She tensed and let her whole ass-end fly into the air three times before she decided to run, and run she did.

It was so luxurious that we were a guarter mile down the field before I pulled back and gave the verbal command, "WALK." After several attempts to slow her down, we settled into a rather choppy, but stable gait.

Using reins and feet I guided her into a wide arc and began the walk back to the oak tree. Once she had run the novelty out, she walked with style and grace as though we'd been doing this for years.

She had settled into a most comfortable rythm when a loud "THUMP" and the squeeling of tires on the still damp blacktop startled us both.

Miss M bolted and ran, and I, like a dummy, just sat there gazing toward the road. Then gravity happened, and so did the ground. _d_a_m_n_! My ass was already sore from the bucking ride and this would make it worse!

Before I could stand I felt a nuzzling on my head. Miss M had returned to retrieve her package. I climbed back up and we cautiously walked to the fallen oak. She stopped and waited for me to dismount.

I was anxious to investigate the noise that had startled her, but didn't want to take her to the road yet so I tied the reins around the tree and began walking up the driveway.

As I rounded the turn I heard voices near the road. I stopped to listen and realized they were approaching my gate. I quickly stepped into the woods and hid behind some brush to watch.

This was the spot where I always waited for new boys to arrive for their first discipline "VISIT", so my _c_o_c_k_ was already beginning to stir when first one, then a second, and then a third young "cowboy" squeezed through the gap in the gate post and passed me heading toward the barn. I sneaked back into the drive and quietly followed them.

From the rear they looked like triplets, all wearing black boots, white hats, Brooks and Dunn shirts, and Black 501 jeans, which fit their round asses like they were sprayed on. I felt my dick stir again as I called out to them, "HEY!"

They stopped and turned to face me and all three began talking at once. I approached the one who had entered the gate first as I ordered with a stern voice, "Shut up, all of you! You are trespassing and I will do the talking here!"

They fell silent immediately. I addressed the first boy."What happened?"

"You got a tractor?" he asked. "My trucks stuck in the ditch. How about pulling it out? I'll pay you $20.00."

"Keep your money, boy," I replied. "Let's go have a look." Again I couldn't stop staring at their asses and again, my dick stirred in my jeans.

Then I spotted the mangled carcass of a deer lying in the driveway entrance.

"MISSISSIPPI !" I screamed as I recognized the lifeless doe.

"Your deer? Sorry, man, she ran out in front of us and we couldn't stop in time. I hope she didn't _f_u_c_k_ up my truck, man," replied the first boy as he proceeded across the road to the truck.

"No, son, she was my friend." I replied,

"Sorry, dude. How about my truck? My dad will kill me if anythings hapened to that truck!" he said.

"LOOK, boy!" I growled at him. "First of all I'M not DUDE, and secondly, you'll take care of this deer before I take care of your truck!"

"OK, man, chill." he responded in a guivering tone. "But I think she's dead."

"You killed her, you'll bury her." I said in as calm a tone as I could muster.

"What?" he barked.

"You want your truck, boy?" I asked.

"Well yea," he answered.

I gritted my teeth and squeezed my fists, "Say Yes SIR to me, boy!"

He hesitated long enough to see me reach for my belt buckle before he meakly replied, "Yes sir."

"You two are awfully quiet," I addressed the two silent boys as I unbuckled my belt and removed it with a snap. "Do you understand me, boys?"

All three replied as one, " Yes SIR."

I knew I had them right where I wanted them.

"What's your name, son?" I asked the first boy.

"Jack." he answered.

A cold shiver ran up my spine. "_d_a_m_n_!" I said out loud as I remembered the visitor who was coming. Anger caused me to raise my voice again. "Take off your belt!" I demanded, and he just looked at me. "NOW, BOY!" I yelled as I doubled my belt and held the two ends tightly together.

"OK, man," he said as he started to unbuckle it.

"Say YES SIR to me, boy!" I ordered as the other two boys began to giggle. "YOU too, boys," I said . They hesitated, both with slightly sheepish grins on their faces. "BELTS!" I yelled, "NOW!!!"

"Yes SIR" they replied in unison again. I collected the three belts and dragged a limb out of the woods onto the driveway. I looped one belt over the front feet of the doe and another over the back feet. Then I looped another belt through each one and threaded the limb through these. "What's your name, boy?" I asked the second one.

"Tom," he answered, with a schoolboy smile.

"And yours?" I asked the other boy.

"Bobby, sir," he also smiled.

"Manners will get you everywhere, son. You two need to learn to answer me like Bobby here," I scolded the other two. "Tom, pick up the front end of that limb and put it on your shoulder. Jack, you get the back."

"I'll get blood on my shirt!" complained Jack.

"Take it off then" I chided. He looked at the others, then at me, and began to unbutton his shirt. Tom followed suit and when both boys were bare chested I held out my hand and they both laid their shirts across my arm. "Yours, too," I said to Bobby. He looked at me, puzzled. "You're gonna help, boy. You wanna get that pretty shirt all soiled with blood and Guts?" I teased. The other two boys laughed out loud and Bobby removed his shirt and handed it to me.

I walked into the edge of the woods and hung all three shirts on a tree limb. "You can pick them up on your way out," I said with a dry smile. "Now, lets move it."

I led the way as the boys hoisted the deer onto their shoulders and followed me to her final resting place, the fallen oak tree.

"Untie her feet and I'll get shovels," I ordered as I climbed into the saddle and headed toward the barn. I hurriedly tied two shovels to the straps behind the saddle and placed four railroad stakes in the saddle bags with the hammer.

I glanced at the clock. Jack was due in two hours so I'd have to hurry this along. I'd never met him and didn't want the boys here when he arrived. He seemed nervous enough this morning and extra company might frighten him off.

The boys were sitting down on the tree when I returned, and jumped to their feet as I dismounted. I untied the shovels and handed one to Bobby and one to Tom. "Start digging, boys," I said and indicated the spot.

"Come here, Jack" I said as I removed the stakes and hammer from the saddlebags. "You see those four stakes in the ground over there?" I asked as I pointed to the ones left from a previous "visit".

"Yessir, " he answered.

"You put these in a line with those, about four feet apart. You understand, son?" I asked.

"Yessir" he replied, and took the stakes and hammer from me. It didn't take the boys long to dig the hole deep enough to bury Mississippi, and she was planted and covered by the time I got the saddle off Miss M, placed and cinched onto the old oak tree, and released her to trot off to the barn.

The boys were hot and I told them to go down to the creek to cool off. As they left, I noticed the four belts still looped together laying on the ground with dirt on them. I picked them up, separated them and walked to the creek.

I dipped my bandana into the cool water and wiped my face with it. I then dipped the belts in the water, rubbing each one to thoroughly clean the dirt off, and raised them into the air.

"WHOSE?" I asked, and the boys stepped forward to claim them one at a time. " Lay them over the old oak to dry," I said, just as I saw Jack begin to put his back on, "and we'll have a little talk about this incident."

As the boys sat on the tree and laid their belts out beside them, I asked. "Jack, how in the hell did you hit that deer? Didn't you see her?"

"I tried to stop, but couldn't" he replied.

"BULL_s_h_i_t_, BOY! I heard the whole thing. You didn't hit your brakes until after you hit the deer! I ought to blister your ass for lying to me, son!" I yelled in his face and he turned pale and began to tremble.

"Yea, Whip his ass for driving so fast too. I tried to tell him to slow down!" piped Tom.

"YEA, and if his dad finds out he was drinking, HE"LL whip his ass, too!" replied Bobby.

"Let's be democratic about this," I smiled. "Everyone who thinks I should whip Jacks ass say AYE." Three out of four won the vote.

"Over the saddle, Jack" I demanded. He hesitated just long enough for me to grab his feet. Then Tom and Bobby each grabbed a wrist, and over he went ...

I reached up and pulled the rope from the saddlehorn and quickly tied Jack's feet together. Then I threw the end of the rope under the saddle. Tom grabbed it and tied Jack's left hand tightly at the wrist. "Tie it to that stake" I said.

As Tom tied the rope to the stake, I reached into the saddlebags and got my hunting knife out and cut the rope running under the saddle just below Jack's wrist. I then untied his right foot and tied the left one to the stake below it. I cut the rope and tied the end of it to Jack's right ankle and wrapped the rope around the stake four feet from the left one and pulled. His right leg followed the tension of the rope until his legs were spread nearly four feet apart, his feet about two inches off the ground. I tied his right ankle to the stake securely. This left only his right hand free, but not for long.

Bobby got the idea and grabbed the remaining rope and secured it around Jacks right wrist and pulled it around the remaining stake and tied it off. Jack was now helpless, spreadeagled, and trembling.

Bobby and Tom were smiling as they looked at their friends helplessly exposed rearend.

I reached into the saddlebags and retrieved my phone. "What's your number, boy?" I asked.

"What for?" he wanted to know.

"You're gonna call your dad and tell him what happened, son," I said.

"No, I can't, he'll kill me!" he cried.

"I don't think he will do that, boy. Now what is the number?"

"I know it" Tom said as he took the phone and began to dial.

"But he doesn't know I borrowed his truck!"Jack yelled.

Tom turned white and hit the 'end' button before anyone answered.

"Why'd you do that, boy?" I asked.

"Because HE stole Jacks dads truck, because Jack was chicken to. That's why." laughed Bobby.

"Then I guess we'll have 2 asswhippings today, boys," I proclaimed.

Before he could protest Bobby and I had Tom bent over the tree and were tieing his hands and feet to the stakes in front of him. I tied his right foot to the same stake Jacks left foot was tied to, and Bobby did the same with his wrist. then we tied his left foot and wrist to the stakes to the left of him.

Bobby was all grins to see this, his two best friends tied together, about to receive dual asswhippings.

I hit the redial button and heard the phone ringing, and held it to Jacks face.

"Tell him, boy!" I demanded.

"Daddy, I need to tell you something," Jack quavered into the phone. In less than a minute jack looked up at me and said. "He wants to talk to you."

The voice on the other end was that of a very angry man telling me to keep his boy here, even if I had to hogtie him, until he got here. Then he asked to speak to Bobby, who gave him directions.

Bobby hung up and said,"He's on his way."

"I wish I'd never let you buy me that beer now," said Jack, his voice cracking with fear.

"Who, son?" I asked.

"Bobby!" both Jack and Tom shouted together.

"Do I hear THREE?" I asked loudly and got a resounding "YES" as I wrestled the helplessly shocked Bobby over the tree.

Now this was a K0DAK moment; Jack in the middle over the saddle, Tom on his left, and now Bobby on his right, all tied together, spreadeagled, asses up and ready for discipline.

I unbuckled my belt and snatched it from the beltloops of my jeans, rellishing the looks on the boys faces as I announced aloud,"LET THE BEATINGS BEGIN !!!!"

I waved the belt in the air with enough force to make it whistle slightly before whipping it in a downward spiral to slice squarely across Jacks upturned ass.

The thud I heard as it landed didn't sound quite right to my attuned ear. Immediately I knew why. His wallet had absorbed most of the blow.

I started with Jack and one by one I moved in front of the boys, straddled their heads, reached over and removed their wallets, and Tom's bandana.

As I returned to position behind the boys, I reprimanded them for not remembering to remove all asspadding, and began again.

This time the "POP" of the belt on Jack's ass was followed by a slight guttural cry from him.

"Better, boy?" I asked. No answer was quickly followed by two fierce blows, KAWAAPP!! KAWAAPP!!!

"OOWWWWW" Jack wailed loud enough to rouse the horses from the barn.

"I said, is that BETTER, boy?"" I asked again.

He immediately answered "Yessir" in a muffled voice.

"LOUDER, Boy!" I yelled as I followed through with another "KAAWHAAAKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"YES SIR!!!" he screamed. The other two boys were straining their necks to look sideways; not at Jack's face, but at the business I was about.

I turned my back and stepped away from the boys view, circled and landed a lashing sting across Tom's unsuspecting ass. "WHAACKKK!!!

He Jerked violently and his muscles tensed across his back as he clenched his eyes shut and frowned, but remained silent.

"Did that STING, boy?" I asked in a gruff tone.

Three seconds later he replied " A little". "KAAWWHAAAP!!!!! "How 'bout THAT, boy?!" I yelled.

Another three seconds and "yeah" was his reply.

I counted to ten as I reached over to the saddle and removed the riding crop. "Say SIR to me, boy!!" I yelled and let the crop fly with all my might three swift licks to the same spot on his left cheek. "WHAP! WHAP! WHAP!"

"YES SIR" he cried out.


"OOOOWWWWW" he bellowed "Please, no more, please!"

"KAWHAAAPPP!!!! "SIR, boy!!!"


'OW. SIR, no more sir, please sir!

I silently shifted to position behind Bobby, but all three boys knew where I was standing. I raised my belt and swung it overhead, again making it sing before landing on Jack's ass again. KAWHAP!

He yelped like a puppy and tears welled up in his eyes. "That's for assuming I was finished with YOUR ass, boy!"

Again I raised the belt and whistled it to it's new target. "PAWHAPPP!!!!! it snapped against Bobby's tight ass.

He winced and attempted to thrash about, but his bindings held him in place. "OUCH!, that HURT!" he whined.

"It's supposed to hurt, son. That's what whippings do, boy, They HURT!"





"OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWOOOOO!" the boy cried as tears rolled down his face.

I moved around to face the boys, and noticed only Bobby was actually crying. He was the oldest, but apparently not the toughest. "You ever had an asswhipping before, boy?" I asked.

"No sir" he replied and sniffed his nose. When I reached into my pocket and held my bandana to his face for him to blow, he began to cry like a baby.

I cradled his head against my thigh and brushed the hair from his eyes as he settled down enough to catch his breath. He was staring at my crotch and must have felt my hard _c_o_c_k_ when I cradled his head. He looked up at me with a yearning in his eyes and I knew exactly what he wanted.

As I contemplated the compromising situation with this legal, but young boy before me, my wandering thoughts were broken by some astonishing words from Jack. "Why don't you stick your crotch in his face again? He loves that, don't you Bobby?!"

"SHUT UP, JACK!" Bobby yelled. I slowly moved to the front of Jack, who was smirking at Bobby like someone who knows a secret and is about to tell it.

"You sure do talk big for someone who is so afraid of your daddy, boy!" I calmly said to him. "Maybe you need a little more respect training, son, to learn to keep your mouth shut.

I reached behind me and took my bandana from my pocket again. I opened it up, held my hand up as if to shoot a bird at Jack, laid the bandana over it and pulled it down like a rubber over my middle finger. I stepped forward and straddled Jack's head, grabbing his hair with my free hand and rubbing his nose in my crotch before leaning over and sliding my bandana wrapped finger under the waistband of his jeans and underwear.

I inched my finger down between his asscheeks until I felt the warmth of his chute , and then I curled my finger slightly and forced it into his tight boyhole.

He tried to lift me with his head, but I forced my finger further into his chute and his head dropped as he tried to catch his breath. I wiggled and turned my finger inside his asshole until he began to groan. I withdrew it, held it in front of his nose for him to smell, and then rammed it into his mouth.

"Suck it, boy!" I ordered as I pinched his nose shut. And of course, he sucked!

I removed the bandana from his mouth, twisted it into a rope, then gagged him with it and tied it behind his head. He opened his mouth enough to attempt to yell just in time to get the bandana between his teeth. "You'll be glad to have something to bite down on, boy, 'cause I'm fixin' to tear that ass of yours up!"

I clamped his head tighter in a scissor lock, reached for my belt with my right hand, doubled it, raised it high into the air and "KWAAPPP!!! KWAAPPP!!! KWAAPPP!!! KWAAPPP!!!!! KWAAPPP!!!!

I heard him screaming through the gag, but his muffled cries were inaudible as I reined blow after blow on his rapidly heating ass. "HOLLER, BOY, But your wasting your breath. I'm gonna blister that ass, boy, so you might as well save it.'

I stood up and released his head from the scissor lock, backed up and looked at him. He looked up at me with tears streaking down his face and I knew he was in pain.

I moved behind him and reached over, and picked up his belt from the place he had laid it out to dry. It was still wet, and supple. I backed up a half step, shifted my weight, and let that wet leather fly down onto his burning ass.


He was silently screaming and the wet belt had left stripes on his jeans. I raised the belt again and Jack tightened his muscles and bit down hard on the gag.

The wet belt whistled loudly as it flew through the air, but fell silent just before making a resounding "KAPLAAAPPP!!!! on Tom's left cheek.

He winced, but too late, I began to rain hard blows with the full length of the wet belt across both cheeks of his ass. He began to sweat as his jeans became streaked from the swats of the belt.

KAPLAAPPP!! Each time it landed,

KAPLAAAPP!! the water sprayed from it

KAPLAAAPP!!! After the fifth swat, the seat of his jeans was wet and clinging to his round ass.

That was the first time I noticed, he wasn't wearing underwear. That must have really stung his ass, but still, there were no tears, and no screams, only profuse sweating; both his and mine!

I laid the belt back across the tree, and reached over Tom to retrieve HIS belt. It was smaller, and narrower than the others, and nearly dry.

I turned to step away and noticed Toms right foot was no longer tied to the stake, but was resting on the ground, yet he hadn't kicked once. This is a tough cookie, but he'll crumble yet I thought to myself.

I went down to the creek, dropped Toms belt into a shallow pool, and cupped my and and got a drink of water. Then I wiped my face with it, picked up the wet belt and returned to the tree.

I moved into place behind Tom, grabbed the waistband of his jeans and lifted him slightly off the tree. I reached underneath him and began to unbutton his jeans.

"What the hell..." he started, but never finished. I reached into his fly and his hard _c_o_c_k_ filled my hand. I lowered it to his balls and squeezed with just enough pressure to stop him in midsentence and take a breath.

I had his jeans down and his right foot free of them before he could respond. I then tied his right foot to the stake, again leaving him bound, barebutt and spreadeagled. I moved in front of him, doubled his belt and "SNAPPED!" it in his face.

He jumped, as water sprayed out into his eyes. I straddled his head, rubbing my crotch against his mouth and nose before leaning over and grabbing his left cheek with my hand and squeezing. "You'll cry yet, boy! That I can PROMISE you!"




The thin, wet belt laid stripe after stripe across this boys asscheeks.

"KAWHAAAAACKKK" landed one right into the crack. KAWAAACK!!!! Another into his crack . "SPPLAAATT!!! left another stripe on his already marked ass, but still, this boy made no sound.

As I stepped back to regroup I noticed his throbbing hard _c_o_c_k_ was pulsing against the oak tree he was strapped across, and his hips slightly gyrated with a rhythm which caused my own _c_o_c_k_ to pulse. I was transfixed by the motion and heat from this boys ass as it gently, but persistently rolled into swells and swalls as the surface of the writhing ocean against the tides beneath.

My daydreams were abruptly interrupted by the sound of a blowing horn. "_d_a_m_n_!" I said aloud, realizing there was a car at the gate.

I grabbed my knife and cut Toms bindings. "Pull up your pants, boy. We've got company!" I said almost casually. I reached over and pulled the gag from Jack's mouth, and he looked at me with a sad, almost 'I'm sorry' expression. "You stay put," I said to Jack. I untied Bobby and instructed him to get the key from my saddlebags and unlock the gate.

I returned the bandana to my pocket, adjusted my dick in my pants, and headed off to greet my guest.

I got only a few steps when a black 4 by 4 came slowly rolling down the driveway towing Jacks Ram behind it. The door to the 4 by 4 opened and a burly, bearlike man with a full beard and skintight cutoff jeans jumped onto the grass.

He looked my direction, waved a paw, and went around behind to meet the gentleman stepping out of Jacks truck. I didn't hear Tom at first, but then he appeared beside me.

"I can't believe he called my dad!" he said in my ear as he stared straight ahead. The two men unhooked the ram from the 4 by 4, the bear climbed back in and proceeded toward us. The other man followed on foot.

The 4 by 4 stopped 3 feet from me, and the driver emerged again, nodded to me, and proceeded to the back of his truck.

The other gentleman dressed in a business suit, and very sharp looking greeted me with a handshake. "Hello, I am Jacks Dad, and that is Toms dad," he said rather softly. "I hope they haven't been too big a pain for you," he said as he looked toward Jack, still bound over the saddle. "Looks as though you have things well in hand," he said with a slight smile. As he glanced down, and then back at Jack I realized I was still holding the wet belt. Embarrassed, and a little concerned, I said, "Well, we were thinking of teaching these boys a lesson in respect."

"There ain't but one thing that'll teach MY boy anything!" roared the bear as he approached me. "I'm sorry for the trouble these boys caused you mister, and I'm sure they are too. ain't you, son?" he said staring directly at TOM.

"Yes sir," Tom answered as he looked at the ground.

"Not yet, you aint, but you're fixin to be. Now get them britches off, boy." said the man, rather calmly.

"No, daddy, not here. Wait til we get home, daddy, PLEASE?!" Begged TOM. "

I said NOW, BOY!!! roared the bear, gritting his teeth as he spoke. Tom hesitated too long, and his dad reached over with one hand and tangled it in Toms hair and with the other grabbed the waistband of his pants and lifted him, pulling his tight jeans into his already sore asscrack. He carried the boy over to the front of his truck, stood him up, yanked on the front of his jeans, ripping them open and throwing Tom to the ground.

Before he could recover, the man had his jeans off and lifted him up facing the hood of the truck. "Stand on that bumper, boy, and bend over," he demanded as he roughly pushed Tom's head down onto the hood. "Don't move!" he said as he reached into the cab. In seconds he returned holding a black leather strap about four feet long, four inches wide and half an inch thick.

Tom, looking back over his shoulder, saw the strap and slumped onto the hood. "Get that ass back up, boy! You know the drill!" I don't want to damage this truck! Now STAND THAT ASS UP HIGH, BOY!"


Tom fell forward with the force of the strap.

"UP, BOY!" KAWAAAPPPP!!!! The strap contacted Tom's ass on its way back up, and he slipped and fell again.

The bear drew back with both hands on the strap like he was wielding a sledge hammer, yelled "_f_u_c_k_ IT!", and KKAWWWHHAAAAAAAPP!!!!

Tom screamed as his ass turned dark red from hip to hip.


"PLEASE, Daddy, PLEASE, I'm sor..."










The bear said nothing more. Tom slid of the hood of the truck, picked up his jeans, wiped off the hood and himself and got into the truck.

"Hey, mind if I borrow that?" Jack's dad asked the Bear.

"It'll do the trick!" he replied as he handed the strap out the window, and they drove off.

Jack's dad went over, untied Jack and told him to take Bobby and go home in the truck. He would follow in his car which was parked on the side of the road. I just stood and stared as the two boys drove out of the driveway.

Jacks dad broke my trance with "Why don't you lock the gate?"

I stared for a second, puzzled.

He held out the strap to me and said, "I'm Jack, your 5 o'clock."

More stories by Culloden Cowboy