It was the end of a long day and I was in no mood for tomfoolery. I had only left the bathroom for two minutes, but when I returned it was to get a rear view of that silly little ass Lucas hurling a sponge at the shower wall. _s_h_i_t_, that makes a good noise, he remarks.
By swearing he has sealed his fate – I dont tolerate it, its a simple as that. Lucas, I should add, has only been in the school for six months. His parents are something important in the world of fashion – for which read excessively rich, frivolous and self-indulgent, to my blunt way of thinking. The boy himself is much in demand as a model, and occasionally disappears for what his parents call shoots. I suppose pretty little blond boys fit that bill. Slowly I am civilizing this spoilt child, but there are lapses from time to time....
Lucas is still blissfully unaware of my return. He does a silly little war-dance and then starts splashing water from his bath at the other boys. The other boys, of course, have registered my return, and Lucas gradually reads their faces. He turns round and his face falls. He cups his mouth, gives me a winning smile and trills Sorry, Sir.
You will be, I say softly. Winning smiles may work with the au pair girl but they cut no ice in my House, I think grimly. After a short pause I announce Go and fetch the slipper please, Lucas. You know where its kept.
Shall I put my pyjamas on, Sir?
Certainly not, I reply. The little boys face now registers the full horror: he is going to have his bare bottom soundly slippered in front of the whole dormitory.
Theres an unnatural silence. Nine other boys busy themselves with soaping their little bodies. Each of them is no doubt feeling the strange thrill of knowing he will get to watch Lucass bottom take its punishment.
Lucas returns with the slipper. Hes biting his lower lip and there is fear in his eyes as he hands me the implement. I slap the sole into my other palm, producing a satisfying (to me) thwack. Some years ago I discovered a very useful position for thrashing a naked boy in a bathroom: I stand Lucas just in front of his bath and order him to bend down and put his hands flat on the bottom of the bath. This raises his bottom nice and high and keeps his head low.
I stand behind the naked child and busy myself with getting his bottom just how I want it. I take a small, warm thigh in each hand and widen the boys legs a little – I want the maximum area of bottom-skin available for punishment. Push your bottom up high, please.
While I do this fine-tuning the other boys creep from their baths to take up viewing positions. As you will know, I believe a good beating should be conducted in an unhurried manner. I spend a few moment running my hands over the flesh I am about to punish – it is, in the cliché, as smooth as a babys bottom. I fetch the boys towel and dry each little bottom-cheek. Then I pick up the slipper and lay the leather on the skin. The boy squirms as he feels the contact. You will get four strokes – two on each side of your bottom, I announce.
I bring the slipper down hard on the centre of the little boys left buttock.
Owwww. I confess I have had little success in training this particular child to take his whippings stoically. Even extra strokes seem to have no effect: he squeals when hes beaten! I have come to accept this rather unseemly noise – every little boy is different in his reactions to a thrashing.
I now aim low at the left buttock in what I know will be an even more painful stroke, and Im rewarded with an indignant yell of protest. A slight titter rustles round the room. Out of the corner of my eye I observe a small detail I have noted before: young Robin playing with himself as he watches another boy being spanked.
The left buttock is now agreeably reddened and I turn my attention to its pale twin. I adjust my position slightly to deal with it to maximum effect. I bring the slipper down and theres the crack of leather on skin followed by a wail. Ive had enough, Sir. He starts to climb up from his submissive position, but I very firmly push him back down. I take this opportunity to cup a small red buttock in each palm and try to rub some of the boys pain away before delivering the final blow. Robin seems to imagine that half-hiding behind Ricky will conceal his shameless state: the rude child is pulling down his stiff little thing and letting it slap back up against his tummy.
Last one, Lucas. You may get up afterwards.
I aim it low and hard, as you might expect. Lucas flies up, jumping up and down as he clutches his punished bottom. Hes glaring at me indignantly, I note with a wry smile.
Gentlemen, plugs out, pyjamas on and off to bed. I leave the room, allowing the youngsters an opportunity to inspect Lucass sore backside with the experienced eyes and fingers of 12-year-old prep school boys.
A minute later I put my head round the door and note with amusement Peter Dickens bending down to get a good view of Lucass bottom. He runs his hand into his own bottom cleft and remarks Frankie always manages to get you right in here. Theres a boy who appreciates good thrashing technique!