Spankings I Got Growing Up

by Joshinboston@aol.Com <>

I HATED getting spanked growing up, but looking back it helped teach me discipline and I guess was pretty effective. In our house, spankings were pretty intense, and generally it only took one or two of them to change the misbehavior of me and my brothers. I prefererred doing extra chores when possible, but hated getting long groundings. The spanking was painful but over quicker and cleared the air. I think that it helped me with self-esteem now that I think about it, and showed that my parents cared. Some of my friends I grew up with never got any sort of punishment and really have problems now.

I never got a "real" spanking until I was in 6th grade. In my house growing up, me and my brothers would sometimes get an occasional couple of swats on the seat of our jeans to get our attention, but once we turned 11 we were subject to "old fashioned bare-bottom" spankings.

Usually we were disciplined with grounding or extra chores, but some misbehavior, especially dishonest or doing something dangerous, meant a spanking. My mother only spanked me a couple of times with a "fanny paddle" that hung in the garage that my dad got from a christian bookstore as kind of a novelty. It was in a book that was hollow that was titled "The Complete Book of Child Rearing" and inside the book was the paddle. It was oval shaped and had a few smalls holes the size of buttons drilled in it on the business part and had a long hand which said "The Fanny Paddle" on it. It had a cartoon of a boy with his pants down crying and rubbing his butt and lightening bolts coming away from the butt to show that it was used, and said something like "guaranteed to improve the attitude of boys of all ages with liberal application." I hated that the paddle hung in the garage because my friends saw it, and REALLY hated that it said "fanny" paddle on it.

When my mom spanked, the rule was the we went to our room, pulled down our pants and laid on our bed like we were getting a shot at the doctors office. She would come in and administer a few swats. It stung and I would act like it did, but it wasn't anything as long or painful as my dads spankings. One time she pulled down my shorts to spank, one time I got it on the jockeys, which really didn't hurt much.

Spanking by my dad was generally with hand age 11 and 12, then the fanny paddle with the hand after that. Dad spanked in the garage, sat in the center of an old sofa out there, and had me drop my jeans and lay prone across his lap, feet on the sofa. Then he peeled down my shorts, slid up my jacket or shirttail and scolded me about my misdeed and how he had no choice but to spank me. I was then ordered to relax my bottom and clasp my hands and not even think about reaching back. He locked his left arm around my waist to hold me down and hold my jacket up, and I couldn't reach back if I tried.

Then did he ever spank away. He wasn't one of these two swats per year guys. He gave very long and very thorough spankings. It was pretty rapid fire, and believe me really stung. He spanked and spanked until I was crying and then finished up on the lower sit part of my butt. At the end, he would stop, pull my jacket over my bottom or pull my shorts up and ask me if I thought I deserved my spanking, what I learned and what would happen the next time I misbehaved. Most of the time I said the right thing, but a couple times I talked back and my bottom was quickly re-bared and the spanking continued until I was very apologetic.

Once I was 13, most of the spankings were given with the fanny paddle. It stung plenty. He would just alternate back and forth between cheeks til I was wiggling and whining and couldn't take much more. Then he would set down the paddle and finish the spanking by hand, delivering all of the hand spanks on the lower, sitting down part of the butt, on the EXACT same spot. When I was older, I tried so hard to be brave and not cry, especially if I could hear my friends or brother listening to me get it outside the garage, but it stung too much. It burned at the end, and felt like I sat on a hornets nest and I would break down crying.

A few times when I was 13 he spanked hand-only for major stuff, like shooting my brother with my bb gun. The hand actually stung worse and lasted longer than the paddle. He could spank forever. Also, the last two spankings I got in 10th grade were 100% bare hand on bare bottom. They were for stuff I could have gotten arrested for -- shoplifting and vandalism. I was a tall boy and resented getting turned over his lap, but it beat going to jail, and I never did those things again.

He never raised any bruises or blisters. AFter the spanking I would check out the damage in my closet mirror. My whole buttcheeks were red, and the lower sit part dark red. I would try in vain to rub the sting out, espcially if I was wearing my nylon umbro soccer shorts or shiny nylon down jacket, because it felt cooling. But there wasn't a lot I could do about it, and was just fonder of standing up than sitting down for the rest of the day, and careful the next day in PE class and basketball practice, because sometimes boys who had a red butt from a spanking got teased. I did twice, once because I had white hand prints on my red butt from a spanking before school. I was jealous of the guys who had red belt stripes, as it seemed more "grown up."

I would be curious to write or talk with other guys who got it, and think that it helped them.

Are there other guys who got it and learned from it?

More stories by Joshinboston@aol.Com