A Brat Babysits

by Nelson (Click for Author's Home Page)<Storiesbynelson@aol.com>

Zach and Nelson sat at the kitchen table eating dinner, which consisted of flounder, coleslaw and fries (baked on a cookie sheet, of course - no deep frying in THIS house).

Zach poked at the fish, "So, we're babysitting tomorrow night?"

Nelson finished chewing the mouthful he was eating, nodding his head.

"Yep. Justin called me this afternoon. He and Jordan are going to have their 'date night' tomorrow."

Justin was Nelson's younger brother. Nelson and Zach provided sitting service once a month so Justin and his wife could go out for adult fun rather than eat at McDonald's and play in the balls.

"Justin will bring Christien by around 3:30 so you'll need to come straight home tomorrow. Is that a problem?" Nelson asked.

"Nah, I'll be home in time. Maybe I can take him to the mall until it's time for you to come home."

"I'd rather you didn't," Nelson said, which is to say "no" in a nice way. "Christien is a bundle of energy and doesn't listen to you very well."

"He doesn't listen to anyone very well," Zach commented.

"I know, but he does better when I'm around. Just hang out here until I get home. I won't be late and we can go somewhere then."

"Okay. I wish I had half his energy," Zach said, stabbing at a French fry.

Nelson fell back against his chair with a shocked look on his face, "I don't! You have more than enough energy as it is. Unless, of course, you need it for yard work."

Zach grinned through a mouthful of fish and playfully punched Nelson in the arm.

"But, I love you just like you are," Nelson said, dramatically rubbing his arm from the punch and making a kissing motion towards his partner with his lips.

Christien was a precocious five year old who gave new meaning to the words "strong-willed". Nelson often wondered how his brother, who was raised by the same man as Nelson, could let Christien by with some of the things he did. He loved his nephew dearly but he could be a handful, even for Nelson.

The next afternoon, Zach was talking with Ben after school beside his car.

"So, I can't hang around today. I have to get home to watch Christien," Zach said, digging in his jeans for keys.

"What are you guys going to do this time?"

"I don't know. Nelson wants us to wait for him so I guess its video games until then."

"Have fun," Ben said, crossing the parking lot to his car with a wave to Zach.

Zach got in his vehicle and headed home. Justin pulled in right behind him in the driveway. Zach ran back to their car before Justin could get out and started waving at Christien through the back window. Christien's face lit up and he waved back. Zach could read his lips through the window saying "hello" to Uncle Zach. Zach pulled the car door open and helped Christien out of his car seat.

"Hi, Zach. How was school?" Justin asked, pulling himself up to his full height of 6'2". He was tall like Nelson and had the same dark sandy blonde hair. Christien was tall for his age and looked as if he would match his father and uncle when he was older.

"Good, thanks. What are you guys doing tonight?"

"I don't think Jordan has decided. Maybe dinner and a chick flick. It's her turn to pick," he answered, turning up his nose.

"Oh, well. You'll get your turn next month."

"Come ON, Uncle Zach! Let's go in and see Rudy!" Christien insisted, pulling Zach by the fingers.

Rudy was Zach's pet _c_o_c_k_atiel. He got him around Christmas and named him Rudolph, Rudy for short. Christien liked talking to him through the cage but refused to hold him.

"I'm being paged," he said, shrugging apologetically to Justin.

"Believe me, I understand," Justin laughed, grabbing Christien's overnight bag and car seat out of the back.

"Here ya go," he said as he handed them to Zach. He hugged Christien and said, "You be a good boy for Uncle Zach and Uncle Nelson. Okay?"

Christien pulled away and started tugging at Zach's pant leg since Zachs hands were now full.

"Did you hear me, Christien?" Justin asked. He didn't respond.

"Christien?" he asked again.

"I heard! I'll be good," Christien finally responded.

Zach figured he would have gotten a swat for ignoring Nelson that way and he was a grown man. He and his brother were not too much alike in the discipline category. He wished Nelson would talk to Justin and pick up a few tips.

"See you later. We'll be by to pick him up around 10:00 in the morning if that's okay."

"Sure, see ya."

Christien pulled Zach inside and headed straight over to Rudy's cage. He talked louder than Rudy cared for and was far too animated near his cage. Rudy hissed warningly at him.

"You're scaring him. Don't wave your arms around his cage like that," Zach said.

Christien never stopped.

"Christien, I said stop it."

"Why? I'm not hurting him."

"You're scaring him. That's why he hissed at you."

"That's why he hissed at me?"

Christien had picked up the habit of repeating things that confused or awed him in the form of a question as if asking for confirmation.

"That's right," Zach said, moving him away from the cage.

"Let's play video games until Uncle Nelson gets home," Zach suggested.

As soon as Zach's hands were off his shoulders, Christien went directly back over to the cage and picked up a clump of seeds laying on the floor. He tried to poke it through the cage and Rudy again hissed his disapproval.

"Crap!" Zach exclaimed. "I was supposed to pick up some more seed for him before I came home. Don't poke at him!"

Zach peered into Rudy's bowl and found it empty. He needed to get the seed and feed him, but Nelson had told him to stay at home. Really, that order had been in response to Zach's wanting to take Christien to the mall. Surely the pet store wouldn't fall into the same category. He had to get Rudy's food. He went back and forth in his mind and finally decided he had to go and Nelson would just have to understand. That is, if he found out.

"Hey, Christien. Want to go with me to the pet store?"


"Okay, but you can only go if you promise to keep it a secret. You canNOT tell Uncle Nelson."

Christien grinned and recognized they were up to something. That suited him just fine.

"I won't tell him."



"Let's go then. We have to hurry before he comes home."

Zach threw the car seat into the back of his car and got Christien buckled in. He carefully drove to the pet shop and rushed in to find what he needed. Christien stopped him at the cat section peering into the cages.

"I want to hold one," Christien said.

"No, we don't have..." Zach started, then was interrupted by an employee nearby.

"You want to hold one, sweetie?" she said smiling at Christien.

"We really don't have time," Zach finished.

A scowl crossed Christien's face and he stomped his little foot.

"I want to hold one, Uncle Zach."

"I know you do, but we have to hurry. Uncle Nelson will be home soon. Maybe we can come back later," Zach reasoned with the child.

Christien raised his voice to a pitch that carried it across the store and possibly into the parking lot, Zach thought.


Zach turned twelve shades of red and he tried to shush Christien. He only got louder, demanding again to hold a cat.

"Okay, okay!" Zach gave in before he melted with embarrassment.

"Hurry up," he said gruffly to the girl, who scurried off to get a key.

She returned and pulled out a little kitten small enough for Christien to handle. He sat in the floor and played with the ball of fur.

"Can I have it, Uncle Zach?" he asked.

"No, we can't buy a kitten, Christien. Maybe your Mom and Dad will get it for you."

He got up, holding the cat around its middle, its legs dangling. "But, I WANT it!"

"I can't get it for you, though. You don't want Uncle Nelson to get mad at me, do you?" Zach pleaded with the five year old.

"No, but he won't get mad. I know he won't."

Trust me, Zach thought, he would be most unhappy. He would be mad enough just at the fact they were at the pet store, much less if they brought back a pet.

"We can't. Please give it back Christien."

"No." he said, backing away from Zach and turning his upper body so the kitten would be out of reach.

"Christien, I mean it! I'm not buying that kitten. Uncle Nelson AND your parents would kill me. Now, give it back!" Zach demanded, his own arms at his side with fists clamped tightly.

"What's up, Zach?" a voice called from behind him.

Zach turned around to see a classmate watching the production. Zach could feel his face flush with embarrassment.

"Hi, Jeremy."

"What's going on?"

"I can't seem to convince my nephew that the cat can't come home with us."

Jeremy looked disapprovingly at Christien, eyes narrowed. He shook his head and looked back at Zach.

"That's because you don't CONVINCE a kid to do what you tell them."

He turned back to Christien, "Give me that cat, young man."

He reached out toward the kitten and didn't get the least bit of fight from his young nephew. Christien pouted but didn't protest, handing over the kitten as willingly as possible.

My God, Zach thought. He's a top in the making. He sounded just like Nelson.

"How did you do that?" Zach asked Jeremy in surprise.

"Do what?" Jeremy responded calmly, stroking the kitten.

"Get him to give you the kitten without screeching."

"You just have to be in control. Children like boundaries and behave better when they have them."

Zach knew it was good in theory, but he just couldn't seem to pull it off.

"Christien, this is my friend, Jeremy."

"Hi, Jeremy," he said, pronouncing the name Jermy. "Why do they call you Jermy? Are you sick?"

The older boys laughed at Christien's statement, knowing he was thinking Jeremy's name was "Germy" by the way he pronounced it.

"Not Germy, Christien. JER-E-MY." Zach repeated clearly.

"Oh, Jer-e-my." Christien repeated.

"That's right," Jeremy said. "Why were you acting up with your Uncle Zach?"

"I don't know. I just wanted Uncle Zach to buy that little kitten, but he said 'nooOOOoo'," Christien sang out the "no" with sass and a scowl to match his tone.

"And if he said, 'no', that MEANs no, right?"

"It might not," Christien said, then dropped his eyes down when he saw the look on Jeremy's face. "I guess it means no."

Zach was amazed. It was just like a scene from his and Nelson's house.

"And, when you're told no, that should be the end of it, shouldn't it?" Jeremy continued.

Christien nodded still looking down. Zach just shook his head, not believing the difference in Christien.

He turned to Jeremy and said, "You're great with him. He never listens to me. He listens to Nelson pretty well, but not me."

"You just need to establish dominance. Make sure he knows you're the boss."

Speaking of the boss, Zach looked at his watch, "Oh, I didn't realize how late it was. Sorry, but I've got to hurry. See ya tomorrow."

"Bye, nice meeting you Christien," Jeremy said with a wave, handing the kitten over to Zach.

Zach took the kitten and looked for the girl who started all this trouble. He glanced up and down the aisle, not seeing her anywhere.

"Come on, Christien. We have to find that girl."

He started walking and thought Zach was behind him. He rounded the next aisle and found the girl.

"Here's your kitten," he said, handing over the little bundle of yellow striped fur.

"Are you going to get it?"

"Probably," Zach said, realizing they may be late with the traffic. "Oh, you mean the kitten. No."

The girl looked at him slightly puzzled and stroked the squirming kitten.

"Okay, Christien, let's..." he stopped talking when he turned and didn't find Christien behind him.

"CHRISTIEN!" Zach screeched, instantly panicked. No answer.

He ran around the aisle where they had just been and his heart nearly stopped when he didn't see Christien anywhere. The girl with the kitten was coming back around and Zach ran up to her.

"Hey, you have to help me. I lost my little nephew. You know, the one that wanted the cat?"

"Oh, no. Hold on," she said, rushing to put the kitten back. "Come with me."

They went to the front of the store and got the manager.

"We need to watch the door," the manager said. "But, I'm sure he's here somewhere."

He got the kitten girl to watch the door since she knew what Christien looked like.

"Let's check the whole store," the manager said. "Don't worry."

He and Zach divided the store and began to search. They ended up back at the front of the store with no Christien. Zach was nearly in tears. He picked up his cell phone and dialed Nelson, hoping to reach him before he got all the way home.

"Hello?" Nelson answered.

Zach's voice was cracking as he tried to hold back the tears, "Nelson! I lost Christien!"

Nelson frowned, instantly disturbed at what he heard.

"Calm down, Zach. Where are you?"

"At the pet store," he answered, really frightened now. "Where are you?"

"I'm about five minutes from there. I'll be right over. Watch the door."

"What if he's already gone, Nelson? What if he's gone?" Zach was nearly hysterical.

"We don't know that. He's probably in the store somewhere. He's little enough to hide from you."

"HURRY UP! I'm so scared!"

"I'm coming, sweetheart. Just hang on."

Nelson was there in no time, but it seemed like forever to Zach. No children had left that looked like Christien since they watched the front door.

Zach ran to Nelson as soon as he saw him quickly approaching the store. He started babbling as soon as was within earshot.

"Nelson, he was RIGHT there, then he wasn't. I just don't know where he could be! What if someone took him?"

"Don't panic until we have a reason to," Nelson said, trying to calm Zach.

He was worried as well but didn't want to further upset Zach.

"I want you to stay by the door. I'm going to search the store. Where were you when you last saw him?" Nelson asked as they entered the store.

Zach pointed down the cat aisle, "Right over there. But we already searched the store!"

"Stay here. I'd like to look behind you."

Nelson took off down the aisle and didn't see any place a five year old may hide. He noticed some igloo doghouses at the end of the aisle as he came around the corner. Perfect. Nelson bent down and peered inside. He heard a giggle as he squatted down.

"Christien Jameson! Get your butt out of there right this instant, young man!" Nelson ordered.

The giggles stopped when Christien heard the tone Nelson used. It was the same tone that sent ice down Zach's back. Christien's head popped out the door of the little igloo doghouse. He turned his smiling eyes up to Nelson. Apparently, the tone didn't have QUITE the same effect on Christien as it did on Zach.

"Out. Now." Nelson stood up and pointed to the floor beside him.

"Hi, Uncle Nelson," Christien said, still grinning.

Nelson didn't respond, simply snapped his fingers, pointing again at the spot on the floor.

"Are you mad at Zach, Uncle Nelson? He said we couldn't tell you we were here."

"Is that a fact?" Nelson asked, filing the information away for later.

He took Christien's hand firmly as he reached the spot Nelson had indicated. He marched Christien to the front of the store and saw Zach wiping his eyes before he saw the two of them. Zach heard the approaching footsteps and looked around. He broke into a run when he saw Christien gripped firmly in Nelson's hand. Reaching Christien, he knelt and flung his arms around him.

"You scared me to death! Where were you?"

Christien still thought of this as a harmless joke so he answered smiling, "I was in the little igloo."


"Doghouse," Nelson interpreted.

"Why didn't you come when I called you? Didn't you hear me?"

"I was hiding from you. You couldn't find me," Christien laughed, covering his mouth.

"That's not funny! I thought you were gone for good!" Zach fussed, his face in a definite frown.

He stood up and crossed his arms, trying to adopt a Nelsonesque pose. It didn't faze Christien.

"Okay, I think we've had enough drama for one day. Let's go home," Nelson said, taking another firm grip of Christien.

They were almost at the door when Zach remembered he had not picked up the Nutriberries for Rudy.

"Wait! Nelson, I have to get Rudy's food. He's all out."

"Why don't you take my car home and I'll take yours since you have the car seat. I need to talk to Christien about his little game of hide and seek today."

"Okay," Zach said. "You'll have to stop for gas, though. I was going to get some on the way home."

"No problem," Nelson said, heading once again for the door.

Nelson continued out the door and Zach grabbed the seed clusters for Rudy. He was headed back to the checkout when it hit him. Nelson was going to "talk" to Christien. Was that the same as "discuss"? He hurried to the front of the store trying to get home quickly. Since Nelson had to stop for gas, he may be able to beat him home and stop him from spanking his nephew. He had been really scared by what Christien did but he didn't want Nelson to spank him.

He rushed to the car and tried to get home before it was too late. He saw Nelson was just on the porch when he pulled into the driveway. Zach blew the horn causing Nelson to turn around. He waved casually at Zach then turned to go into the house still hanging on to Christien as if he would get away again. Zach ran to the house, yelling for Nelson as he came in the door.

"Nelson! Wait!" Zach yelled.

He found Christien already seated on the sofa with Nelson standing in front of him. It was a familiar position to Zach when he was in trouble.

Nelson frowned and looked at Zach, "What, Zachary?"

"Don't spank him, Nelson! Please!"

Christien's eyes got big when he heard what Zach said. He didn't realize he was about to get his tail toasted until Zach let him in on it. His daddy had spanked him a few times. Not very often, but he knew he didn't like it. Uncle Nelson had only swatted him some, but never really spanked him. He began to cry and jumped up to move away from Nelson. Nelson was quick and grabbed his wrist before he could get away.

"Zach, leave us alone. You're upsetting Christien."

"I'M upsetting him?! I'm not the one who's getting ready to spank him!"

"Maybe if you did, he would listen to you," Nelson suggested, eyebrows raised.

Zach frowned, "Well, I'm not going to and I'm going to tell Justin if you spank him!"

Nelson smiled at the comment, "Thanks. It will save me the trouble of doing it."

Christien was still trying to pull away from Nelson and was getting more upset by the second. It was killing Zach to hear him cry. He couldn't stand it.

"Please, Nelson! It was my fault!" Zach said.

"I realize you had some responsibility for what happened, Zach. And, we will discuss your role in this tomorrow when Christien goes home."

Zach had been so worried about saving Christien's butt, he had totally forgotten about his own. Nelson's words made him realize just how much trouble he was in. He was caught up in the thought and didn't leave.

"Unless you want to discuss it with Christien here, I'd suggest you give us some privacy right now," Nelson warned.

Zach almost started crying himself at what was about to happen to Christien. It was breaking Zach's heart. He was also very worried about his own problems and didn't want to make it worse.

"Zach, what's it going to be?" Nelson said, pulling Christien close and putting an arm around him to calm him down.

Zach wiped at his eyes and left the room. He knew Nelson would spank Christien no matter what Zach said since he had made up his mind to do it. Staying would only make things worse when it was Zach's turn to face the music.

Zach went into the hallway standing just outside the living room door. He could hear Nelson talking to Christien but couldn't make out the words over Christien's cries. In no time, he heard the spanking start. He recognized the sound of skin against skin and realized Nelson had pulled Christien's pants down.

Christien wailed like Nelson was killing him, but he only got about ten swats before Nelson stopped. Zach knew from experience that Nelson did not have to spank a lot to for it to hurt. Christien continued to cry and Zach could envision Nelson comforting him as he did after he got spanked. The cries died down quickly and changed to sniffles.

Only at that point did Zach dare step closer to the living room so he could hear better. Nelson was talking to Christien now that he was calm.

"You really scared me and Uncle Zach, today."

"I'm sorry, Uncle Nelson. I was just playing."

"I know, but that kind of playing can be dangerous. You know better than to run off. If you do it again, I'll spank you again and it will be worse than this time. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, I won't ever do it again."

"I'm glad to hear it, sweetie," Nelson said to him and hugged him tightly.

Zach peeped around the doorway and saw Nelson hugging his nephew, getting a hug in return.

"I love you, little man," Nelson said.

"I love you, too, Uncle Nelson," Christien said, kissing Nelson's cheek.

Zach came into the living room hesitantly. Nelson looked up and motioned him over.

"I think you have something to say to Uncle Zach, don't you Christien?"

Christien hopped off Nelson's lap and threw his arms around Zach's legs, face scrunched against Zach's stomach.

"I'm sorry I scared you, Uncle Zach."

"That's okay," Zach said and patted Christien's back.

"How are you feeling?" Zach asked and glanced at Nelson. Nelson was looking back at him.

"My butt hurts, but I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure," Christien said and pulled away from Zach. "You wanna play video games now?"

Zach frowned in surprise. "You want to play now?"

"Yeah, let's GO!"

Christien was clearly more resilient than Zach. Zach looked questioningly at Nelson over his shoulder as Christien pulled him along. Nelson smiled and shrugged.

After all the excitement, Nelson thought pizza would be the best bet and called in an order. When the pizza arrived, he called for Brat, Jr. and Brat, Sr. to come for dinner. They emerged from the den with Christien wearing nothing but a t-shirt and his underwear.

"Where are your clothes, young man?" Nelson asked.

"I don't know," Christien answered, jumping around the table.

"They're all over the den. He's supposed to be someone called Under Bob," Zach explained.

"UNDER Bob? Is that anything like Under Dog?" Nelson asked, placing drinks on the table at each seat.

"Who's Under Dog?" Christien asked.

"He's a cartoon super hero," Zach told him.

"Well, Under Bob is a super hero, too," Christien said, plopping into the kitchen chair.

Zach grabbed a slice of pizza and explained to Nelson, "He made him up. Tell Uncle Nelson what he wears."

"He wears his underwear and a t-shirt, just like me. Zach was supposed to be my partner but he can't unless he wears the same thing and he won't change his clothes."

Nelson grinned while he was chewing and nodded his head, "So, what's the problem, Zachary?"

Zach rolled his eyes, "I am NOT running around in my underwear, even for Under Bob."

"You're no fun, Zach," Nelson teased.

"Yeah, you're no fun, Uncle Zach," Christien agreed, laughing at his uncle's jibe.

"Why don't you get Uncle NELSON to be your sidekick?" Zach asked Christien.

"Uncle Nelson doesn't wear the right kind of underwear," Nelson said, effectively dismissing the notion and saving himself from participating. "They're boxers and have absolutely no cartoon characters on them. Unlike Uncle Zach's."

"HEY!" Zach exclaimed.

They finished their dinner and spent the rest of the evening in front of the TV watching Nickelodeon. Nelson and Zach were subjected to Catdog, Rugrats and Spongebob, who Zach found to be entertaining in spite of himself.

At nine o'clock, Nelson decided it was time for Christien to go to bed. He didn't argue with Nelson at all the rest of the evening, his spanked bottom making him more agreeable to Nelson's suggestions. He even halfway listened to Zach. Zach would never admit it, but he thought a spanking now and then would do Christien some good if the change in him tonight were any indication.

They tucked Christien into bed together and turned on the nightlight for him.

"You call if you need us, all right?" Nelson said and then kissed the little blonde head goodnight.

"I will," he said.

Zach bent and gave a goodnight kiss to the tip of Christien's nose.

"Goodnight, Under Bob."

"Goodnight, Uncle Zach."

Zach and Nelson went back downstairs. Zach sat on the sofa expecting Nelson to do the same. He looked up when Nelson continued to stand and found him with his arms crossed looking down at Zach. This was the same familiar posture he witnessed earlier when Christien occupied a seat on the sofa. Zach began to squirm and tried to keep his eyes on Nelson.

"We need to talk about what happened today, young man."

"Yes, sir," Zach answered.

"What were you doing at the pet shop after I told you to stay here this afternoon?"

"Rudy was out of food and I forgot to go on the way home."

"Didn't I tell you when you got that bird you would have to take care of him? Running out of food in the first place was wrong."

"I didn't do it on purpose, Nelson. I just ran out today. It's not like he went without food."

"No, but you should have bought more when you were running low. You don't wait until you're totally out to get food for him."

"But as long as he..."

"Zachary, you don't wait," Nelson interrupted.

"Yes, sir," Zach answered, uncomfortably.

"Why didn't you stay until I came home like I asked you? Rudy wouldn't have starved if you waited for me first like you were supposed to."

"I usually feed him when I come home and I didn't have anything to give him."

"Again, he wouldn't have starved if he had to wait until I came home, would he?"

"No, sir."

"What should you have done, Zachary?"

"Waited for you to come home."

"So, you disobeyed me, didn't you?"

"...Yes, sir..." Zach hesitated, not liking where this was going at all, but not surprised.

Nelson paused, letting it sink in. Zach picked at his fingernails nervously.

"Then we have the issue of Christien. How many times have I told you that you need to keep an eye on him when you're out?"

"I DID try to keep an eye on him!" Zach said, head snapping up to look at Nelson. He was now on the defense. The little rug rat snuck away, it wasn't because Zach wasn't paying attention.

"If you were watching him, how did he disappear?"

"I was talking to a friend from school and went to return a kitten that Christien HAD to hold. I thought he was behind me! It isn't my fault he snuck away!"

"I know you can't watch him every second and believe me, I know he can be difficult to manage. But, you need to be in control when you have him, Zach."

That was the second time today he had heard that lecture. Tops just didn't seem to understand that brats don't have control capacity. That's why they needed tops.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Zach challenged.

"How do I do it?" Nelson responded with another question.

"I can't spank him!"

"You don't have to spank him, but there need to be consequences when he disobeys you. He needs to know he has to do as you say regardless of whether I'm there or not."

"I just don't know how to make him listen to me."

"Well, you'd better figure it out. You're the adult, Zach. You need to act like it when you're responsible for Christien. And, teaching him to hide things from me is not a good example either."

Zach frowned, not understanding Nelson's comment.

"Christien told me you said to keep the pet shop trip from me," Nelson explained, noting the confusion on Zach's face.

"Oh." Big mouth, Zach thought. "I just thought we could hurry out there and back without any trouble."

"And without me finding out, right?" Zach squirmed again. "We both know that didn't happen. You taught Christien today that he could disobey without consequences as long as no one finds out what he does."

"I didn't think about it that way."

"Speaking of consequences, you have some of your own to face for what happened today. None of this would have happened if you had obeyed me to start with."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen. I just didn't think I would have a problem at the pet store."

"I'm sure if you thought there would be a problem like what happened, you wouldn't have gone. But, it should have been enough that I told you not to. Things could have turned out MUCH worse than they did. I think you know that."

"I know. It scared me so bad. I'm sorry, Nelson."

The guilt began to creep in under Nelson's lecture and Zach's eyes started to water at the thought of what could have happened.

"You're going to get a spanking, but not until Christien goes home tomorrow."

"Yes, sir," Zach answered quietly.

"I hate to drag this out until then, but I don't want Christien to hear."

Thanks a lot, Zach thought. He nodded at Nelson's words. He didn't want it hanging over him until the next day, but he wasnt in a hurry for it either. He really didn't want it to happen while Christien was there. His stomach was churning.

Zach was miserable, a tear streaked down his face. He was crying more from what could have happened than from the fact he would be spanked the next day. His thoughts wandered to how he felt when he couldn't find Christien. Nelson seemed to understand where the tears were coming from and slipped onto the sofa beside Zach putting his arms around him.

"It's okay, sweet pea. Everything turned out all right."

Zach really started to cry in the comfort of Nelson's embrace, "But I thought he was really gone!"

Nelson rubbed his back gently, "I know, sweetheart. But he wasn't. I'm sorry you were so scared, but maybe it will help you be more firm with him in the future."

Nelson let Zach cry. He wished he could spank him tonight. They could get it behind them and ease Zach's guilt. It would be a tough night ahead. Nelson fully expected Zach to toss and turn all night, which meant neither of them would get much sleep.

"It's my fault you had to spank him, too," Zach sobbed.

"What do you mean?" Nelson asked.

"If I had watched him better, he wouldn't have hidden and you wouldn't have spanked him."

Nelson took in that statement then responded, "Christien is responsible for his own actions, just like you are. I didn't kill him. You of all people should know I have a handle on how to spank a little brat," Nelson joked, trying to ease Zach's tension.

Zach pulled away, wiped his hand across his eyes and looked at Nelson.

"That's just it. I KNOW you know how to spank a guy and I didn't want him to go through it."

"You didn't think he'd get the same kind of spanking you would get, did you?"

"I don't know."

"Don't you recognize the fact that you get different degrees of spankings based on what you do? The worse the offense, the harsher the consequences."

"Yeah, I know that. And causing the kind trouble Christien did today was a pretty big offense."

"It was. And, for Christien, the punishment fit the crime. He is rarely spanked so just the act alone was enough to get his attention. I didn't need to use the belt or the paddle to make an impression. Plus, he's a five year old. I wouldn't punish him the same way I punish you."

He didn't say it, but it was implied that the case would be different for Zach. He'd get more than ten licks for sure. Zach's stomach churned again.

"By the way," Nelson said, "don't you ever interfere when I'm disciplining him."

"I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to spank him."

"You need to trust me with Christien just like you trust me with you."

"I do trust you. I just didn't want him to be hurt."

"I didn't HURT him, I punished him. I'm sure his is bottom was stinging when I was done, but I didn't hurt him. You should know better."

"I know you wouldn't HURT him but I know how it feels. It's been a long time for you, Nelson. You've probably forgotten what it's like to be on the receiving end."

"No, I haven't forgotten. I remember how it felt to find myself across my father's knees. It always got my attention. I can assure you, I was careful not to repeat the offense whenever it landed me in that position, and this was one offense I never want Christien to repeat."

Zach's tears had stopped as they talked and Zach was down to the occasional sniffle. It had been a long day.

"I think we've sliced and diced this afternoon enough, don't you? Why don't we go to bed?"

Nelson got up and took Zach's hand. He picked up the remote with the other hand and snapped off the television. They readied themselves for bed and crawled under the covers. Zach was still thinking about the afternoon.

"What will Justin and Jordan say? They're going to hate me."

"They'll understand. I'll talk to Justin. Now, let's get some sleep," Nelson said and kissed his lover.


"Shhhhh, go to sleep," Nelson interrupted.

Zach quieted down and fell asleep, but he spent the night tossing as Nelson expected. Every time he woke Nelson up squirming, Nelson wrapped his arms around him and whispered soothing words.

They made it through the restless night and got up around 7:00. Zach's tired eyes showed he hadn't slept well. Christien got up around 8:30 and they had breakfast. Right at 10:00, Justin rang the doorbell. Zach cast worried eyes at Nelson.

Nelson shook his head, "It's going to be fine, Zach. Don't worry."

Nelson opened the door for his brother.

"Hey, little bro. How was the date last night?"

"Good except for the movie. Definite chick flick."

Nelson laughed at his brother. Christien came running into the living room.

"Hi, Dad!"

"Hi, sport. Were you good for Uncle Zach and Uncle Nelson?"

"Not really," he responded honestly.

Justin looked at Nelson, "What did he do?"

Nelson explained what happened the day before and Justin pinned Christien with a look.

"Then, Uncle Nelson SPANKED me!" Christien said, dramatically with eyes wide.

"He should have," Justin responded.

Justin looked at Nelson, "That's something that needs to happen more often, obviously. Jordan doesn't like it but it's gotten to the point that I'm going to have to put my foot down on it. Time out and talking doesn't work nearly as effectively."

"It always got my attention," Nelson said.

"Mine, too. I remember Mom wasn't too happy about it when Dad spanked us, just like Jordan. When I tell her what happened yesterday, it should bring her around. If I was Dad, he'd be facing another spanking when he got home."

If he were Zach, he'd be facing another spanking when he got home, too, Nelson thought. Even if his brother started to crack down, it was obvious he wouldn't be as strict as Nelson. At least, not at first.

Justin looked at Christien who was listening to the exchange, "He needs to learn to do as he's told, don't you, young man?"

"I guess," Christien responded, not wanting to agree to this new line of discipline.

"Yes, sir or no, sir," Justin said.

"Yes, sir," Christien answered.

Maybe Justin could get the hang of it after all, Nelson thought.

"I'm sorry he was trouble," Justin said to Nelson, then back to Christien, "Did you tell Uncle Nelson you were sorry?"

"I told him AND Uncle Zach."

"Where is Zach?" Justin asked, noticing for the first time he was missing.

"He's in the kitchen. He was afraid you'd be mad," he said, then raised his voice toward the kitchen. "I'm sure he's listening, though, aren't you Zachary?"

Zach slipped around the door, and slinked out, eyes down.

"Zach, it wasn't your fault," Justin said, as Zach drew near. "He knows he's supposed to stay with an adult and not run off. We've told him time and again."

Zach kept his eyes down and moved over close to Nelson who rubbed his hand down Zach's back.

"I told you," Nelson reassured him.

"I'm sorry, Justin."

"It's okay, really. I'm sorry he scared you so much."

Zach still felt horrible, but he would feel better after Nelson was done with him this morning. He'd never admit it though.

Justin gathered Christien's things and headed out. Zach was nervous knowing he and Nelson were now alone and what that meant.

Nelson closed the front door after Justin pulled from the driveway. He turned around and took Zach's hand.

"Time for us to deal with yesterday once and for all, don't you think?"

"I guess so," Zach answered.

"Go get the paddle and bring it to me."

Zach's eyes began to sting but he didn't argue. He knew he had a good spanking coming and he went to the kitchen to get the paddle off the top of the refrigerator.

Nelson realized just how bad Zach felt about the incident when he didn't protest. He watched Zach walk slowly to the kitchen. Nelson went to the dining room between the living room and the kitchen and pulled out a chair turning it away from the table.

Zach came out of the kitchen and saw Nelson seated and waiting on him. He started to cry quietly, his face reflecting how upset he was. He bit his bottom lip in an effort to keep it from trembling.

Nelson held out his hand and Zach dragged his feet along, closing the gap between him and Nelson. Nelson took the paddle and laid it behind him on the table, then pulled Zach to him.

Zach was still in his pajamas and t-shirt. Nelson took his hands and looked up at him.

"I think we covered everything we needed to talk about last night."

Tears were silently slipping down Zach's cheeks as he blinked. He nodded his head.

"Let's get this done, then," Nelson said and pulled Zach across his lap.

Nelson pushed the pajamas and underwear down to Zach's knees. Zach lay across his lap still not protesting at all. Nelson set to work purging Zach's conscience by setting his bottom on fire.

His hand fell onto the upturned bottom across his lap in a pattern that allowed Nelson to easily cover Zach's butt multiple times. He watched as Zach's rump turned from white to pink, then red. Zach was crying hard quickly, more from his emotions than from the spanking.

Nelson stopped and Zach continued to cry hard, his voice raising slightly as he waited for Nelson to apply the paddle he knew was coming next. His bottom was on fire and he clenched in anticipation.

Nelson picked up the paddle and brought it down against the already reddened cheeks. Zach yelled out and caught himself before he reached back.

Nelson saw the flinch and warned, "Your hand better not come back here, Zach. If it does, you're getting an extra five for it."

Zach tried hard not to cover his butt with his hand. Nelson continued to bring the paddle down, covering every inch of Zach's ass twice before he stopped.

Nelson put the paddle down and rubbed Zach's back gently. It took a while for him to start to calm. Nelson helped him up and pulled his crying lover into his lap, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

"I'm so sorry," Zach sobbed softly.

"I know. We're all done now, sweetie. You've been punished and it's over."

"What if we hadn't found him?"

"We DID find him and I know it won't happen again."

"How can you be sure?" Zach asked, frowning at Nelson's comment.

"Well, I don't think you'll let Christien out of your sight again for one thing."

"That's for sure," Zach agreed.

"And, I think Christien's bottom was warmed enough to keep him from running off again, at least when he's with us."

Zach sniffed, "Do you think so? He seemed to bounce back pretty quickly. More quickly than I do."

"You get spanked harder and kids get over things much quicker than us older guys."

"Don't put ME in the 'older guys' category."

Nelson smiled at the comment, "You're plenty older than Christien."

"Do you think Justin and Jordan will ever leave him with me again?"

"I'm sure of it," Nelson said, running his fingers through Zach's hair.

Nelson helped Zach off his lap and pulled his pants into place, then wrapped his arms around him, hugging him tightly. In Zach's mind, there was no comfort better than a bear hug from his partner.

"Why don't you get a shower and clean up? You'll feel better."

Nelson had already showered earlier. He had a list of chores for them to work on this morning.

Nelson had a good start on the chores when Zach came back downstairs, clean and changed. Nelson looked up when he heard the steps on the stairs. He was sitting on the sofa, polishing the coffee table.

"Come here, Zach," he said, smiling easily at his partner.

Zach came over and sat next to Nelson, wincing when the sofa touched his still tender bottom. Nelson put an arm around him and hugged.

"Are you ready to help with the chores?"

Zach grimaced, but was in no mood to argue, "I guess so."

Just then, he was saved from having to get started when the phone rang. Nelson reached over and answered it, hearing Jordan on the other end.

"I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. Justin and I have talked and we agree there are going to be some changes around here," Jordan said.

"I think that would be a good idea. Christien needs to learn to listen for his own safety."

"I know. If something ever happened to him because I didn't want him punished, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I really don't like Justin to spank him, but if that's what it takes..."

"It worked last night. We didn't have any problems with him after I was finished with him. And, he only got a mild spanking."

"I feel so badly for Zach. I know he was scared to death."

"He was. Now he's scared you and Justin won't trust him anymore," Nelson reported, looking over at Zach.

Zach's red eyes were looking up at him, filled with worry.

"Can I talk to him?" Jordan asked.

Nelson handed the phone over to Zach. "It's Jordan," he said to Zach.

"Hi, Jordan," Zach said.

Nelson watched him and listened to Zach's side of the conversation.

"I know...yeah, I was pretty scared...I barely took my eyes off him...no, don't worry about it...you mean, you'd really let me watch him again?...I'm so sorry...no, I don't think EITHER of us will let it happen again...thanks, bye."

Zach disconnected and handed the phone back to Nelson. Nelson laid it in the cradle and turned back to Zach putting his arm back around his partner's shoulder.

"Feel better, now?" Nelson asked.

"Yeah," Zach smiled.

"I guess we'll be on babysitting duty again next month after all."

"I guess we will," Zach said, happy to know he was still in the family's good graces.

The end.

More stories by Nelson