Dad and Lad - Chapter 2

by Eric Blyton (Click for Author's Home Page)<>

Caleb Richardson marked off the last day on his calendar. It had now been exactly one month from the day that hed violated his grounding. One month from the day that Dad had threatened him with grounding for a month. One month from the day that he spanked him instead.

It had been a very hard spanking; twelve licks with a heavy wooden scrub brush on his bare bottom. It had hurt like crazy; even now Caleb could remember the searing pain it had caused though he recognized that one could not recollect the full intensity of it unless you were actually experiencing it at the moment. He had kept this calendar so that at the end of a month he could balance one punishment over the other. Each day, hed recorded the things hed done for fun; things hed have missed if hed have been grounded. It was a long list; he was a very active boy with a number of friends. The question was, then, with hindsight what punishment would he have chosen? On paper, the answer was simple. A few minutes of pain vs. a whole month of fun? The spanking was the obvious choice. But to a twelve-year-old boy, sometimes things are not so cut and dried. Grounding was, at the end of the day, a mere inconvenience. Spanking was something much more. At the end of the day, it was all academic anyway. Dad hadnt given him a choice in the matter and was unlikely to do so in the future. Besides, Caleb didnt really want to be offered a choice. It was Dads job to decide how he should be punished, not his.

It had driven home the message, though. Over the month, Caleb had done a few things that he ought not to have. Nothing major, but things that he could get into a bit of trouble for. Each time, hed told his Dad about it and had gotten of fairly lightly. He didnt know if hed have gotten a spanking if hed tried to hide any of them, but he did not want to find out.

The one part of the experience that he did not understand was the fact that hed gotten an errection afterwards when he was sitting naked in his Dads lap. He still didnt know what that was about although Dad assured him that it was normal. He didnt feel ashamed about it, just slightly confused. Caleb supposed he ought to talk to Dad about it again. One thing about his father, hed always been very frank and open talking about anything to do with _s_e_x_. Still, this was not the same as academic discussions about impending wet dreams, dropping testicles and when pubic hair might start to sprout on his currently bald penis. In some way, Dad had been the cause of Calebs errection though he wasnt able to sort out if it had something to do with the spanking, the strong emotions unleashed or the fact that Dad had been hugging him while he was naked in his lap. As open as Dad was with him, Caleb just didnt have the nerve to pursue the conversation any further. He was just glad that Dad had made him feel comfortable about it.

Caleb got boners all the time, or course. Mostly, they would just go away after a few minutes. If he was laying in his bed, sometimes hed stroke his hard penis for a while. His Dad had told him all about masturbation, of course. What Caleb hadnt been able to figure out is how to actually complete the act. After a few minutes of rubbing, the friction would go from pleasant to uncomfortable. Dad had told him that hed find out what felt best for him, but he didnt seem to have found it yet. It was actually a source of frustration because Caleb was dying to know what an orgasm felt like. Everything hed ever heard suggested that it was going to be mind-blowingly fantastic. Last night hed been lying in bed thinking that it had been nearly a month since the spanking. Reliving the experience had given him another inexplicable errection, so hed eased his underpants down to his knees and tried stroking the underside of his shaft with his fingers. It felt good, but after a while, the pleasure leveled off and he could not find a way to increase it. Eventually, the pleasure was replaced with an irritated feeling and he pulled his briefs back up in frustration. He must be the only boy in the world who couldnt figure out how to jerk off!

Caleb put the calendar away and looked at his watch. There was a social studies test on Friday and he really should study for it, but one of his favorite shows was coming on. Friday was still two days away; there was plenty of time to go over his work.

Of course, two days passed much faster than a twelve-year-old boy thought possible and Friday morning he found himself staring blankly as a series of multiple-choice questions racking his brain for any bit of inspiration. Some things he did remember, but this was only half of the test. _d_a_m_n_, this was a big test, too! His eyes darted up and to the right to Stacie Thomas paper. As usual, she had her test exposed. Stacie was smart enough; Caleb started copying her answers. He had to hurry because class was almost over, but he had just enough time. Moments before the bell rang, he noticed that shed answered on question differently to him, so he crossed it out and put D instead of B. He left class feeling relieved; he probably wouldnt get an A, but as long as he passed, he didnt care. He thought about finding some subtle way of thanking Stacie, but she was a tad stuck up. Most of the boys considered her to be hot and their attention had gone to her head. She didnt interest Caleb at all and her attitude annoyed him. Caleb didnt realize that most of the girls in his class also considered him to be hot and his ignoring of them caused no end of frustration.

The rest of the day went well until the afternoon bell rang. Caleb was at his locker when Mr. Saunders, his Social Studies teacher tapped him on the shoulder.

"Caleb, can I see you in my classroom before you leave for the weekend?" he said. Caleb nodded, blissfully forgetful about his actions of the morning. It wasnt until he was standing in front of Mr. Saunders desk looking down on his and Stacie Thomas tests side-by-side that he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach.

"I saw you looking at her paper, of course," his teacher was saying. "I do wish shed cover it but she claims her arm cramps. Ive learned to keep an eye on her desk, but I was very disappointed to see you looking at her paper. I thought better of you, Caleb. By the way, you had number 24 correct the first time. The answer was B. Copying the incorrect answer off of Stacies test was the final proof I needed."

"Im sorry, Mr. Saunders!" Caleb said. "I just forgot to study! Ive never cheated before!"

"I believe you. I keep a close eye on my class. I know who tries to pull things on me and who doesnt. Heres what Im supposed to do. Im supposed to give you and F on this test and report you for cheating. However, in cases like yours I use my discretion. Your record is peaty clean and I imagine youd prefer to keep it that way. I will let you take a make-up test Monday afternoon. Whatever grade you get on it, I will reduce by a letter and mark that as your score for this test. You will take this letter detailing the incident home to your parents and have them sign it and return it to me on Monday. Is all that clear?"

"Yes, Sir," Caleb said meekly.

"Good. Study hard over the weekend, Caleb. I dont make exceptions for many people so dont let me down again."

Caleb took the letter and left. He had to hurry to make the school bus. On the way home, he sat by himself in the back. The letter was sealed, but it was addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Richardson. Apparently Mr. Saunders hadnt checked Calebs file or else hed have known that his mother had run off over a year ago. At least that meant he wasnt giving him a second change out of pity. Caleb had had a belly full of that. He didnt want anyones pity and it didnt help anyway.

When he got home, he took out his social studies book and tried to study. It wasnt easy; he kept thinking about the letter and what his Dads reaction to it would be. A few weeks ago hed have been able to reliably predict a grounding. With last months events in mind and knowing how his Dad felt about cheating, Caleb feared that it was more likely hed be getting a spanking. The more he thought about it, the harder it was to study and so he gave it up as a bad job. He tried TV, but that was an equally unsatisfactory distraction. When he thought about the potential spanking, there was nothing but dread about how badly it would hurt his bottom. Certainly there was no sign of an errection; Calebs penis was shrunken in fright.

Dad got home shortly after five. Caleb had been going to give him the letter then but he lost his nerve. Instead he gave short, non-committal answers about how his day had gone and retreated to the safety of his room. He came out for supper but after eating and loading the dishwasher he went back to his room, leaving Dad alone in the den. Over an hour passed and Caleb had tied his stomach into knots. How could he sleep like this? He looked at the _d_a_m_n_ing letter on his desk and made a decision.

Im not going to spend the whole weekend worrying like this, he thought. Im going to take the letter to Dad now and let him read it. Putting it off will only make things worse. Maybe if I give it to him now, I wont get spanked. cause please, please, God, I dont want him to spank me! Please, Ill never cheat again!

Caleb took the letter and marched into the Den with it. The TV was off and the room was dark. Where was Dad? Caleb walked back to the bedroom and saw flickering light coming under his Dads bedroom door. While his nerve was still holding, he knocked on the door.

"Come in," Dad said and he stepped inside.

"I thought you were in the den," Caleb said to start the conversation.

"Well, since you were being anti-social, I thought I might have an early night," Dad said with a touch of friendly rebuke as he put down his book. Caleb never understood how he could read and watch TV at the same time. "Whats up?"

Caleb walked over and silently handed him the letter. Dad saw that it was on school stationary.

"Oh. I suspect this is the reason why youve been so silent tonight."

Caleb nodded but Dad was already reading the letter and didnt notice. It didnt take him long; Mr. Richardson was a speed-reader.

"Todays actions not withstanding, your teacher seems to think quite highly of you," Dad said as he put the letter down.

"I guess."

"Are things as cut and dried as this letter makes them seem? Did you forget to study and then cheat off another students paper instead?"

"Yes, Dad," Caleb admitted as butterflies infested his stomach.

"Well, it was very nice of your teacher to give you a second chance to take the test but you know I just cant let this go, dont you?"

"No, Dad."

"Caleb, Im very sorry, but Im afraid Im going to have to spank you."

"No, Daaaaaaaaaad," Caleb said as his knees knocked together. "Cant I be grounded instead?"

"Not for cheating, son. Go and get me the brush I used before."

Not the brush! "Cant you use something else, please, Dad?"

"I could, but Im not going to. Go and fetch it now, Caleb. I dont want to have to ask again."

Dads voice was firm enough that Caleb obeyed without further debate. He trudged into the kitchen and found the scrub brush hanging from a nail under the sink. It was about eighteen inches long with a large oval business head. As he took it out, he remembered how much it had hurt! Why did Dad have to spank him with this? Why couldnt he just use a ping-pong paddle like he used to? It wasnt fair! This brush hurt too much!!

With eyes full of tears, he made his way back to Dads bedroom. Dad was standing by his dresser looking in one of the drawers. Since hed gotten him out of bed, he wasnt surprised that Dad was only wearing his underwear but looking at his fathers well-muscled physique didnt give him any comfort the way it usually did. This was the one time he wished his father was not all that strong. He hoped that Dad was looking for an alternate spanking implement; even a belt would be better than this brush, but Dad closed the drawer and took the brush from him.

What Caleb didnt know was that Blake had been looking for his pajama bottoms. His decision to spank Caleb had been fairly easy given the nature of the offence, but then he remembered the errection it had given him last time. Then hed been wearing his work slacks. Now, he only had on his Calvin Klein briefs. What if the same thing happened again? Hed better put on his pajamas just in case, though at the moment the thought of spanking Caleb was not causing any stirrings. Pawing through his drawer, he realized that they were in the hamper in the laundry room. _d_a_m_n_, if hed have remembered in time, he could have gotten the brush instead of sending Caleb and put them on at the same time. Now the boy was back and from the look in his eyes, he did not want things to be drawn out. He thought about putting on a pair of shorts, but he was reluctant to do it in front of Caleb. What message would it send if he put on clothes to take Calebs off? Hed gone out of his way not to give his son any hang-ups about his body and he wasnt going to risk it now. Last time was only an aberration anyway. Seeing the person he loved most in the world trembling in fright at the knowledge of what he was about to do to him was enough to smother any feelings of excitement.

Blake sat on the end of the bed and motioned for Caleb to stand in front of him. The lad was not wearing a shirt, but his shorts were still on and Blake unzipped them.

"Please, Dad," Caleb said as Blake tugged on the sides of his pants. The boys hands remained submissively at his sides, though, making no effort to hold onto his shorts.

"Caleb, if you want to keep your pants on, next time remember not to cheat. Ive only ever done this one way and I think its the right way. Its supposed to hurt and youre supposed to remember it."

His sons shorts fell to the floor and he stepped out of them. Blake pulled him over his lap so that his legs were dangling over the side of the bed and his bottom was raised up. Now all he had to do was pull those briefs down.

It was at this point that the feelings of _s_e_x_ual excitement hit full force. There was almost no warning; one minute he was all business and the next moment his hand had a little tremble in it as his penis started to swell in his underpants. Oh, God, what now! Why now!

For a moment he considered giving up the whole enterprise. This was just too confusing. On the other hand, aborting at this stage was likely to be even more confusing for Caleb. No, hed have to see in through. Perhaps hed do better to just spank his son on his underpants, though.

Three arguments went through his head on that point. Blake was honest enough to admit to himself that a part of him wanted to pull Calebs underpants down because the thought of it was exciting to him. He acknowledged that this wasnt a valid reason to do it, but there was no denying the thought was there. In fact, this provided the best argument NOT to do it. Spanking Caleb shouldnt be turning him on and therefore he should not do it on his sons bare bottom just to give him a thrill. Of course, the third argument was that he wasnt doing it to get a thrill. He had made the decision to spank Calebs bare rump before any other factors came into play. It seemed to him that if you make the decision to punish your child, you do so because you honestly believe it is in his best interests. Most of the time, you do not enjoy punishing them (especially with a spanking that causes physical pain), but you do it anyway because it is not about you. The reciprocal logic seemed to apply here; he wasnt spanking Caleb for any sort of _s_e_x_ual thrill – it was because hed cheated on a test. Blake would have to deal with the emotional byproducts on his own.

These thoughts went through his head in seconds. His original decision reaffirmed, he firmly removed Calebs briefs. The lad was now stark naked and Blake could feel his sons limp penis pressed against his thigh. Calebs feet were dangling a couple of inches off the floor and his arms were lying prone out in front of him. The lads pale white bottom was slightly elevated and totally exposed to the punishment Blake was about to inflict on it. As he picked up the brush, he had a moment to reflect about what he would do it Caleb tried to fight him. While there was no doubt that he could overpower his son physically, he was sure that hed never do it. If you needed to use brute force to make your point, you had already failed. To Blake, this was totally different. Everything here was about trust. His son was lying naked over his lap because he trusted him. Even though his Dad was about to hurt his young body, he trusted that father knew best and if father felt that he needed a hard spanking, well, then hed bend over for it. On a deeper level, it was no different from letting a doctor prick you with a needle to keep you from becoming sick.

"I wish you hadnt cheated, Caleb," he said. "I thought you understood how wrong that was. I think you did, but chose to do it anyway. Perhaps this will give you more to think about next time." And I wish my _c_o_c_k_ wasnt snaking to the side of my briefs, either.

Blake flexed his muscle and swung the brush, WHAP! It hit Caleb square in the center of his buttocks. He cried out in pain and his legs kicked in reflex. Blake did not believe in starting off slowly; it had been a hard spank and it left a red mark on his sons rear.

WHAP! he went with the second one. He saw the wave of the impact travel through the tender flesh of his sons bottom. There was another screech from Caleb. He counted off four seconds before going with the third, WHAP! one-onethousand-two-onethousand-three-ouethousand-four-onethousand, WHAP!

"Please, Daddy!" Caleb yelped as the fourth spank landed. Blake was a little surprised that he was begging for mercy so early. Regardless, the boy would just have to take it. A good, hard spanking wouldnt kill him, but hed sure remember it. WHAP! WHAP!

By now, Calebs bottom was turning quite red. Blake knew it would be stinging like fire and that each new spank, WHAP! would make it that much worse. While he was pleased that his son was submissively keeping his hands about his head, WHAP! and not trying to protect his naked bottom from the stinging spanks, that didnt mean, WHAP! that Blake was going to ease up on him and make the spanks any less hard, WHAP!!

Some involuntary movement was inevitable, though. Caleb was squirming in acute distress and his legs continued to kick out. While the boys cries tore at Blakes heart, the sight of his reddened, wiggling bottom was driving him crazy. How could two aspects of the same thing have such opposite reactions?

Blake had decided that fifteen good licks was sufficient punishment for cheating, but this meant that Caleb had five more coming. WHAP1! The lad bucked in his lap, raising his middle an inch into the air before landing back in the same spot. WHAP!! Blake smacked him just above the top of his thighs, making his legs jerk out almost parallel to the ground. WHAP!!! Right in the middle of his blazing butt, the area where the most spanks had landed and where it would hurt the most. WHAP!!!! And again. WHAP!!!!! And again!

Blake put the brush down on the floor. Caleb was crying loudly, sounding more like a boy of six who had fallen down and badly skinned his knee than a young man of twelve. His sobbing left him breathless and he was hitching to get enough air in his lungs so he could continue to wail out his distress. Blake waited for his son to put his arms behind him and rub his rump, but he didnt. Perhaps he was just worn out. Perhaps he was waiting for his Dad to do it as he had last time. Without thinking too much about it, Blake put his hand on his sons naked bottom. There was a momentary flinch as he touched the hot flesh, but his touch was gentle and he went in slow circles. Calebs crying gradually decreased in volume as he brought some measure of relief to his spanked cheeks.

Whatever Caleb was feeling, for Blake this was now all pleasure. No longer having to hurt his son, he was making him feel better. Granted, he was rubbing the bottom of a boy, not a woman, but there was no denying the erotic sensation he was getting from doing it. Calebs bottom was tender and hot to the touch and he relaxed totally as his Dad massaged it. Blakes eight inches were running from his crotch all the way to the side of his briefs and he could see a droplet of precum spreading there.

This is not good, one part of him said. What else are you supposed to do? said the other.

Caleb was not thinking at all about how his Dad felt. All he was concerned with was the awful burning in his rear and the efforts Dad was now making to relieve them. It had been a hard spanking – harder than the last one for sure and harder than hed expected. He was just glad that it was over. He could have rubbed himself, but liked that Dad was doing it for him. The sensations of his fathers hand moving over his smooth skin were almost pleasurable. No, scratch the almost. Despite the intense heat still burning in his rump, there was no denying that what Dad was doing felt good. Caleb continued to cry longer than he otherwise might have so that he would keep doing it.

"Are you ready to sit up now?" Blake asked a few minutes later. His son had stopped crying at last. The situation was now even more complicated than before. His errection had not gone anywhere.

Caleb made some noises, stammering mostly.

"Caleb, I know you have an errection. I can feel it on my leg. Like I said the time before, its nothing to be ashamed of." His sons penis might only be half the length of his while hard, but hed felt it expanding on his thigh while he rubbed the boys behind. Blake considered it unlikely that it would be going down on its own, so he supposed theyd have to talk about it.

"I cant help it, Dad," Caleb said. "It just happened!"

"I understand, son. You neednt worry about it. Look...." he paused. There was no point trying to hide what would be obvious as soon as Caleb turned his head. "Ive got one as well."

"You do?" The boy swung his head and stared at his fathers midsection. The evidence of his arousal was in plain sight. He looked at it for long moments before shifting his eyes to his fathers.

"Its so big," Caleb said in a tone of soft wonderment. Blake felt a moment of unexpected pride.

"Well, these things happen sometimes and thats all there is too it. No need to be embarrassed between us guys." Blake was trying to sound cool and in control but he was thoroughly flustered inside. Caleb was slowly moving into a sitting position, all the while keeping his eyes on his father.

"Did you like it?" he asked. The spanking, Blake realized he meant. It was phrased in a curious way, not as an accusation.

"No more than you did," he answered. That was fudging things a bit, but the truth was a bit too complicated to put into words right now.

"Perhaps we should both put some clothes back on," Blake suggested. "We can talk about it. We should talk about it, but it might be better."

"That didnt work last time, Dad," Caleb said. "I stayed hard for nearly an hour. It just wouldnt go down."

This surprised Blake. Hed assumed that it had either gone away or that Caleb had beaten off like he did.

"Caleb, dont you know how to....relieve yourself?" Theyd always had frank discussions about _s_e_x_ and Blake had tried to strike a balance between using a lot of locker room language and sounding too clinical.

"Jerk off, you mean?" Caleb said after a short pause.

"Yes, well, thats the fastest way to make it go down."

"Um," he looked up at his Dad, then down to the bed. He blushed deeply and looked back at his father.

"No," he admitted softly.

"Oh, Im sorry. I didnt mean to embarrass you with that question, Caleb. I had assumed that it was something you were doing. It its not something youre comfortable with yet, you neednt worry about it. Theres no hurry."

"No....No thats not it. Its just that...." Caleb blushed even more than before. "I cant seem to do it right!"

The conversation had moved a bit from its source, something Blake was grateful for. Neither fathers nor sons errections showed any signs of flagging, but at least the topic wasnt his.

"Do you want to talk about this, Caleb?" He asked. "I dont mind answering your questions, but Ill understand if its too private a subject."

"No, I....I want to talk about it. Can we?"

"Yes, we can," Blake repeated. "How about if I ask you some questions and see if I can figure out what the problem is?"

He suspected that this would be easier on Caleb than having the boy ask him questions when he might not even understand the questions to ask.

"Okay, when you try, do you have an errection already?" Caleb nodded and he pressed on.

"Do you take your clothes off or do it through your pants?"

"I get naked and lay on my bed," Caleb said.

"Do you stroke it or just squeeze it? And does it feel good?" Both knew what it was without having to name it.

"Mostly stroke it. It feels good for a while, but then it stops."

"Hmm. Do you use anything for lubrication? Baby oil or lotion? Spit, even?"

"No. Am I supposed to?"

"That would probably make the difference, Caleb."

Caleb couldnt believe the conversation they were having. Seeing Dads boner had negated his own embarrassment. In fact, he found it terribly exciting. He couldnt believe how big it was! Would his grow to be that size? He wished he could see it, but there was no way he could ask Dad to take his underpants off. And now maybe Dad could finally tell him what he was doing wrong.

"What do you use?" he dared to ask. Dad had told him previously that he masturbated, using himself as an example of how normal it was for guys to do it, but Caleb had never asked anything specific before.

"This is what I use," Dad said, reaching into his dresser drawer and pulling out a bottle of clear liquid. Caleb had seen it before, but never known what it was for. Dad offered it too him and he took it, squeezing a drop onto his finger and rubbing it with his thumb. Yes, he could see how this would help. But what if it still wasnt enough? Would he ever be in a position to have this conversation again? Somehow, he doubted that hed get up the nerve.

"Dad, could you...." he started, but couldnt finish.

"Can I what, Caleb?" Dad asked.

He opened his mouth and then closed it again. No, he just couldnt ask. He was unable to get the words out and not at all sure he wanted to.

"Come here, son."

Caleb scooted up the bed and Dad put his arms around his shoulders. His stiff penis twitched as he felt the warmth of his fathers body touch his.

"Caleb, what we say here stays here. If you want to ask me something, dont hold back. I wont laugh or make you feel uncomfortable about anything. Now, you dont have to ask your question if you dont want to, but just understand that whatever it is, you can."

Safe in the arms of his Dad, Caleb believed him. What would it hurt to ask? The worst that would happen is hed gently tell him no. He turned and looked up at Dad.

"Dad, would you show me how?"

"Show you? How to jerk off? On me or you?" Blake did a good job of keeping his voice even, but the boldness of his sons question had caught him off guard.

Also caught off guard was Caleb. He had meant for his Dad to show him how he did it. It never occurred to him that Dad might consider touching him. While he was very interested to see Dads naked penis while it was hard, having Dad handle his was another matter entirely. The last one to touch it besides himself had been the doctor. Still, what if....?

"On me," Caleb decided. Dad might not agree, but what if he did? For sure, Dad would know what to do.

Blake was now more confused than at the start of the conversation. This had turned into something more than a father and son _s_e_x_ talk. Caleb was now not just asking for instruction, but wanted his father to actually touch him and bring him to orgasm. While Blake considered that it was probably harmless given that Caleb was the one initiating it, he knew that society would take a dim view of the matter.

What it he said no? It might be the best thing simply to tell Caleb that it would be best if he figured it out by himself but that hed be happy to answer questions. That would be what he should do, anyway.

And yet, Blake had been doing what the rules of society said he should do all his life. He had dated a girl he was only somewhat interested in because she was pretty and his friends had told him that hed be a fool not to. Not really believing in casual _s_e_x_, nonetheless hed gone ahead with it when Maria had made it clear that she wanted to do it. He had used protection, but on one occasion it had failed and she got pregnant. Right away, hed asked to marry her, despite the fact that neither of them loved each other. She might have had an abortion, but her parents were Catholics and shed told them of her condition.

So hed married her and had made the choice to fall in love with her. He did what he was supposed to do, worked hard and been a good husband and father to their infant child. She, on the other hand, was never satisfied and nothing he could do would ever please her. After ten years, she just up and left him for a footloose younger man. He had been devastated and had yet to recover.

The way hed seen it, hed played the game the way he was supposed to and following the rules had only gotten him badly hurt. Screw the rules, then! Caleb wanted this and Blake knew that he wanted to do it too. Not just to show his son what to do, but to be intimate with someone whom he knew without any doubt loved him completely.

"Ill do it for you if you want me to, Caleb," he said. "Would you like that?"

"You really will? You dont mind....touching me?"

"Caleb, I touched you there countless times when you were a baby and needed to be bathed or changed. Why do you think I would mind now?"

"What do you want me to do?" Caleb asked with mounting excitement. This was really going to happen!

"Come sit between my legs," Dad suggested.

Caleb crawled over his Dads right leg and sat in front of him. Dad put his left arm around his chest and gently pulled him back until he was resting against his body. He could feel the heat from Dads boner pressing against the small of his back. Next Dad lifted Calebs legs so that they hung over his thighs, spreading him wide. For the second time that night Caleb was naked and exposed to his father, but what a difference!

"One last time, Caleb," Dad asked, "Are you sure you want me to do this for you?"

Caleb was sure, but it took him a few moments to get an answer out anyway.

"Please," he said with an exhale of breath.

"Okay, here goes then," Dad said as he squirted some of the lotion into his right hand. Caleb watched, fascinated as Dads hand moved toward his throbbing penis. Where would he touch him first?

He hissed in excited pleasure as Dads fingers closed around his circumcised head. Dads grip was steady and sure and the warmth of his hand sent electric chills up Calebs spine. With a slow motion, Dad moved down to the base of his shaft, coating his sons penis with the lubricant. Due to the fact that Calebs dick was only four inches long, most of it was inside Dads fist, but it felt oh, so good! None of what Caleb had done to himself had felt anything like this.

Dad lifted his thumb and started to rub the head of Calebs penis in a small circle. The friction on the sensitive skin make the boys body jerk in pleasure. He had to say something!

"It feel soooo good, Dad!" he panted.

Blake was having almost as much fun as his son. Unless you counted fooling around with his cousins when he was a boy a bit younger than Caleb, hed never held another penis in his life. He was a little unsure if hed be able to do it well, but his sons reactions had relieved him of that doubt. Posing the boy like he had enabled him to imagine that it was his own _c_o_c_k_ he was stroking with the obvious proviso that it was much smaller. He adjusted to the fact that he was unable to use long strokes by moving his fingers more and this seemed to work well from listening to his sons murmurs and groans. With his left hand, he held Caleb tight against his chest. He did not even realize that he was using his finger to gently pinch his boys left nipple until he noticed that it was hard. It was then that he remembered that he was pleasuring a boy, not a woman, but since Caleb liked it, why stop? Then again, there were other places to give him pleasure. Perhaps he should move on to them.

He let his hand slide down his sons body so that even as he massaged Calebs hard penis, he was lightly tickling his tummy and the smooth area above his _c_o_c_k_. There wasnt room for two hands on Calebs dick, so he went past it, resting his fingers on his inner thigh. A moment later, he started to stroke Calebs scrotum, carefully probing at his testicles.

Caleb was stunned to feel Dads left hand on his balls. Hed never thought of them as anything but somewhere you didnt want to get kicked. Then again, hed never thought about his nipples, either, until Dad had played with them. Nothing could to the intense waves of pleasure spreading from his _c_o_c_k_, but the feeling of having his balls played with was a nice compliment to it. Now he could feel one of Dads fingers just below his nutsac. What was he doing? What he going to touch his butthole as well? No, he was pressing a spot about halfway between there and his balls. God, it felt so good!

"Dad!" he squeaked.

"Just relax, Caleb. Let it happen."

Everything was building up inside him. He was aware of every square inch of his body that was in contact with Dads, from feeling the mans chest hairs on his back, the muscles on his thighs, his neck resting against the back of his head but most of all his two hands; one on his balls and the other squeezing and stroking his turgid errection. Caleb cried out as he spasmed and a burst of pleasure erupted in his middle. A jet of clear liquid shot out of the head of his penis, splattering against his belly. Dad squeezed his _c_o_c_k_ tightly as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over him while he ejaculated for the first time in his life.

Caleb did not count the squirts but was sure that there had been more than six. Dad had let go of his penis (which was a good thing because it now felt kind of weirdly sensitive) but was still holding his balls.

"And that, young man," Dad was saying, "is how you jerk off."

"Wow!" was the best comeback Caleb could manage. It took him a moment to be able to move at all and then he put one of his fingers in the puddle of sperm that was on his middle.

"Its sticky," he said, rubbing it experimentally between his fingers.

"Would you like me to wipe it off?" Dad asked with a towel in his right hand. Caleb nodded. At some point he wanted to learn more about it, but now might not be the best time as it was about to run off his side onto the bed. He nodded and Dad deftly cleaned it up.

"Thanks, Dad," he said, leaning his head back on Dads shoulder so he could look up into his face.

"Youre welcome, son," Blake said.

Caleb moved off him with was a good thing because Blake had a slight cramp in his leg. He was able to stretch it out straight and if felt better. He notice that Calebs errection wasnt as big as it had been, but if was a long way from limp. Well, as much fun as hed had doing it for his son, he was sure that it had been even better for the boy. No wonder the lad was still keyed up.

"Hey, Dad," Caleb said.


"Are you gonna do yourself?"

Given that the boy was staring at his fathers errection when he asked this, there was no misunderstanding what he meant. And yes, Blake was going to jerk off for all he was worth just as soon as Caleb left the room. While he didnt want to hurry his son out after such an intimate and intense experience, he was worried that hed get blue balls if he wasnt able to relieve himself soon.

"Yes, in a bit," he answered.

"Can I...." Caleb bit his lower lip.

"Can you what?"

"Can I....stay and watch?" Caleb had a grin that was equal parts nervousness and excitement. Blakes first instinct was to tell him no. He wasnt sure he wanted his son watching him, anyway. He thought it through carefully, though and changed his mind. Caleb had let him touch him. What he was asking was less than that – he just wanted to watch. If there was no harm in what they had just done, how could there be harm in that?

"All right, if you want to," Blake said. "It wont take me long, though."

"s okay," Caleb said, laying on his front and propping his head up on his hands. Without knowing he was doing it, he pressed his pecker hard against the bed. Dad reached for the lotion and looked down at him.

"Here goes," he said as he reached for his briefs.

Hes nervous about me seeing his boner, Caleb realized. Thats funny. I cant wait to see it. Whip it out, Dad!

Dad pulled out the front of his underpants and his _c_o_c_k_ sprang into view. Caleb sucked his breath in softly. He knew it was big from looking at in through the briefs, but it looked that much bigger in the flesh. So thick! Dad eased his Jockeys down and hooked them under his balls. Caleb had been hoping hed take them all the way off, but hed take what he could get. He started at Dads member, jutting up from a thick matt of black pubic hair with a set of large testicles hanging below.

Wish mine looked like that, Caleb thought. Big and hairy like Dad. Not little and bald like mine. Hed seen his fathers naked penis any number of times, but never erect like this. It was so different it was like looking at if for the first time.

Dad put some lotion in his hand and started to stroke himself. Caleb noticed some of the same moved hed used on him, but recognized how Dad had modified what he did to compensate for Calebs smaller size. Watching Dad do it made it look so powerful!

It took Blake a few moments to adjust to Calebs presence, but then he let himself go. While he often closed his eyes when he jerked off, he made a point of keeping them open. Caleb was looking at his crotch, not his face, so he was able to study the boy while he jerked. Mostly, he looked at his bare bottom, still covered with red splotches from the spanking. Everything that had happened in this room tonight had been such an unexpected turn-on! He hoped Caleb didnt mind a short performance, because it had been less than two minutes and he was unable to hold back!

Caleb watched as his Dad went stiff, the muscles in his neck going taught. White sperm flew out of Dads _c_o_c_k_, arcing high in the air before it splattered back down on Dad. He counted six distinct shots and a couple more that seemed to dribble out of Dad with no velocity behind them. As hed been told, Dads sperm was milky white but he didnt get a chance to study it. Dad took the towel and cleaned himself off.

Our cum is mixed together, Caleb though and found this very exiting somehow.

"Well," Dad said, "I think thats enough for one night, dont you?" Caleb just nodded.

"Why dont you keep this," Dad said, offering up the bottle of lubricant. "Ill get some more."

"Thanks, Dad!" Caleb said, getting up off the bed. His _c_o_c_k_ was back to its full four inches. Blake had been afraid that the boy might want to try something else and he wasnt up to it. After cumming, his doubts about the wisdom off all this loomed larger than they had when his mind was fogged by lust. All the same, he wasnt sorry about any of it. He noticed that the boy had left his shorts and briefs on the floor. No doubt he was anxious to put the lube to good use.

Caleb went into his own bedroom and shut the door. What an amazing night! And to think it had all started with a spanking! He looked at his butt in the mirror. Yes, hed been spanked all right. Good and hard too, because he still felt sore back there. He lay down on his bed and put some fresh lotion on his hand. How had Dad done it? Ah, yes, just like that! God, that felt good! Caleb lay on his back, slowly reliving the whole night. With no reason to hurry, it was nearly twenty minutes later before he experienced his second orgasm. Both father and son slept soundly that night.

More stories by Eric Blyton