Aaron: Just an Old Fashioned Spanking on a Country Friday Night - Part Xvi

by Cal <Cal22722z@yahoo.com>

Those feelings of Aaron¡¯s that had been developing deep down in his loins had only increased as they got closer to Jeb¡¯s house and the house was not far now. There was definitely something about Jeb¡¯s taking him to his home specifically for a spanking that had gripped his attention. In spite of himself he was getting an erection. He hoped Jeb could not tell. He crossed his legs and rested his hands on his lap just to be sure. But try as he might, his whole body and his emotions were alive. He was also afraid! After all, this was not just some thought from Tommy in a late night e-mail. Aaron already knew Jeb¡¯s hand could hurt! He knew for sure he would hate getting spanked; but he also knew Jeb¡¯s touch would send him through the ceiling. He liked the guy. He really liked the guy!

Aaron did not have a lot of time to continue thinking about his deepest thoughts or about those comments of Tommy. It was only a few minutes after that that Jeb¡¯s house was right in front of them right then. The house was big and imposing. Somehow it looked much bigger than the last time he had been here with Pa!

When that truck Jeb was driving with Aaron sitting quietly beside him arrived in front of Jeb¡¯s house, Jeb drove around the back and parked it inside the garage like he always did. Jeb jumped out quickly and slammed his door. Aaron, on the other hand, continued to sit in the car and did not opened the door on his side. Aaron did, yet he did not, want to get out! Regardless, any option not to get out was taken from him shortly, however, when Jeb opened Aaron¡¯s door, and taking him by the arm, pulled him out, shut his door, and walked him up toward the back kitchen door of his house. Jeb¡¯s grip was firm on his arm and it stayed there. Jeb was not hurting him, but the boy knew he was being taken in the house for something he was not sure he would want. Then again, maybe he did. At this point, though, Aaron knew that what he did or did not want no longer mattered once they were inside Jeb¡¯s house. Jeb¡¯s grip on him stayed very firm. There was no way he could get away from him but even if he could, where would he run too? The closest neighbor was Pa and his place was a good mile as the crow flies across the fields from where he was now!

Jeb opened the kitchen door and pushed Aaron roughly inside. I moment later Jeb actually locked that back door behind them. That was something no one did around here. It was clear Jeb did not want to be disturbed. Jeb pushed him forward into the kitchen. Aaron could see inside. Suddenly Aaron did not want to go any further. Inside the kitchen the huge kitchen table dominated everything he could see before him. It was the only thing he focused on and the only thing he realized he could see. There on the table was a small paddle. Aaron panicked! He knew, he just knew that paddle was sitting there and just waiting for his ass! Jeb had only said he was going to spank him. Why the paddle there? Was Jeb planning on paddling him too! He had to be! Why else would it be there? Aaron began to panic. Jeb was planning on spanking him and paddling him too!

Not unlike most young men who had yet to be disciplined by a strong man with strong beliefs, Aaron literally and absolutely panicked. He froze in his footsteps. He couldn¡¯t go further but he couldn¡¯t go backwards either. He couldn¡¯t¡¯ move! It was one thing to be spanked but paddled? He wanted to run and to run anywhere. But Jeb had noticed the boy¡¯s stiffening up and his grip on Aaron¡¯s arm tightened. It hurt now the way Jeb was tightly gripping him. He dug in his heels the best he could, but Jeb was now pushing him forwards and into that room forcefully now. No matter that Aaron was resisting the best he could, Jeb was bigger, stronger, and had become very determined as soon as he had gotten the boy inside with the back door bolted. With his free hand, Jeb reached down and grabbed the seat of Aaron¡¯s pants.

¡°Pleeeeeeese,¡± Aaron spoke out, ¡°I don¡¯t want to.¡±

¡°You don¡¯t want to what, son?¡± Jeb sounded sarcastic.

¡°Please,¡± the boy replied, ¡°let¡¯s just talk then, please, take me home.¡±

At that Jeb roared out in deep laughter, ¡°Take you home? What you talking about, son? Didn¡¯t you hear me tell you back there I was bringing you over here for a spanking?¡± Jeb was pointed, but he never relaxed his grip on the boy¡¯s arm.

¡°Yea, but I don¡¯t WANT one. Come on. OK, let¡¯s talk, but you don¡¯t have to do it to me,¡± he said, ¡°Pleeeeeese?¡±

¡°Aaron,¡± Jeb replied, ¡°you can whine all you want, but I did not bring you all the way over her to talk about anything. You are going to get that spanking I promised you.¡±

¡°Pleeese, don¡¯t,¡± Aaron continued whining, ¡°you don¡¯t have to do it to me.¡±

¡°Son, I¡¯m going to spank you. Now shut up!¡±

¡°OK, OK, OK, but,¡± Aaron pleaded, ¡°but please, please, pleeeese don¡¯t paddle me with THAT! Pleeeeeeeeeese!¡± Aaron was now pointing to the paddle setting there on the kitchen table.

Well, yes, Jeb was amused, very amused, but he simply grabbed the boy¡¯s ass under those too old and too loose pants and at the same time forcefully pushed the young man forward to meet his fate. Nothing was going to change his mind now. Certainly not a young man¡¯s panic. Jeb had been looking forward to this all week long and nothing was going to get in the way of his plans now! This was not about Aaron¡¯s wishes. Jeb forcefully pushed Aaron forward into the room and when Aaron resisted even more, it took Jeb but a moment to wrestle the young man into a hammer lock and force him in the kitchen. He slapped Aaron¡¯s face and pushed him to sit down at the kitchen table anyway

¡°Sit there!¡± Jeb spoke clearly and loudly, ¡°and if you know what¡¯s good for you, you won¡¯t even think about moving.¡±

Aaron was shocked at being slapped. He had never been slapped before in his whole life. He had a look of panic on his face and quickly became teary-eyed, but he sat there stunned and looking up at Jeb standing there over him. All he could see before him through his now watery eyes was that paddle right there. Aaron did not move a muscle.

Jeb left the boy sitting there. He knew Aaron would not dare to move now. He went over to the ice box and broke out a beer for himself. It was obvious that Aaron was not wanting anything right now. Jeb did not offer the boy a thing. Instead Jeb looked at the boy with those now watery doe-like eyes. He was a cute kid, but he was about to get a good spanking anyway. If the truth had been known to young Aaron, Jeb had not planned on paddling him initially, but given Aaron¡¯s outburst and his refusal to enter the room on his own steam, those earlier plans went out the window. This was a boy who needed a real taming and who needed to understand a man is to be obeyed no matter what. It had been a long time since any boy had resisted Jeb. This one was going to regret his actions dearly! Jeb stared at Aaron as he chugged his beer. The empty bottle banged against the old wooden table as he sat it down and not too gently either. Jeb pulled up a chair in front of Aaron and sat down directly in front of the boy.

¡°What¡¯s got into you, son?¡± Jeb quietly questioned the teary boy in front of him. ¡°You know better than to resist me like that!¡±

But Aaron was not thinking or even listening straight at this point. ¡°Pleeeeeeeese, Jeb, pleeeeeese, pleeeese don¡¯t paddle me with that paddle!¡± he cried out half whining but have crying too. He was becoming more and more emotional.

Jeb had not noticed Aaron had been focused on that paddle still on the table but he sneered back at the boy anyway. ¡°Every boy needs to feel the good crack of the paddle across his bare ass sometimes, son,¡± he said, ¡°and you aren¡¯t any exception.¡±

Beginning to cry now, Aaron was steadily losing it, ¡°but . . . but what did I do? Please don¡¯t paddle me with that,¡± he pointed to the paddle on the table.

¡°What did you do?¡± Jeb sneered back at him ¡°Ask Pa. Don¡¯t ask me. As far as I¡¯m concerned nothing, son; absolutely nothing; but if Pa wants me to give you a spanking and he does, then you¡¯re going to get a spanking and a _d_a_m_n_ed good one. Period. End of story. That¡¯s it.¡± Jeb looked at the sad boy for a few moments. When he began to speak again, he spoke slowly and very deliberately, ¡°Now, get it through your thick skull, Aaron. I AM going to spank you. I¡¯m going to take down your pants and spank you right now. You understand that, boy?¡±

Aaron stared at Jeb in front of him, ¡°Yes, Sir.¡±

¡°That paddle is not there because I planned to paddle you right now or anybody else for that matter. But no, you can¡¯t calm down and take your spanking like other boys your age. No, you start all this throwing a fit and acting like a child. You want to act like a child, Aaron?¡± Jeb looked right in his eyes and held his chin in his hand, ¡°You want to act like a child, I¡¯ll treat you like a child. Sure, yea, after all this crap sure, now I¡¯m gonna¡¯ paddle your bare ass for you anyway whether you like it or not. Maybe you¡¯ll learn something this time. I hope so!¡±

Aaron broke down in tears. He covered his face in his hands. His whole body was shaking.

¡°I¡¯m sorry. OK, I didn¡¯t know. Spank me, OK, I can handle it, I want you to¡± Aaron sobbed, ¡°but please don¡¯t hit me with that paddle, Pleeeeeese.¡±

Jeb picked up on something, ¡°You want me to?¡±

¡°I¡¯m sorry, I shouldn¡¯t have said that,¡± Aaron sobbed.

¡°But you did,¡± Jeb was not willing to let it pass.

¡°I¡¯m sorry. I¡¯m sooooooo sorry,¡± he sobbed, ¡°I didn¡¯t mean it. It¡¯s just I¡¯m upset. OK. I mean I didn¡¯t do anything wrong. How would YOU feel? But, OK, if you¡¯re gonna spank me, OK, just spank me. Just pleeeeeeeese don¡¯t paddle me with that!¡± he looked down. He was sobbing more quietly now.

Jeb just looked at him sitting there. He watched him for what seemed liked hours but was only a moment or so and said, ¡°OK, enough of this crap. Time we get at it. You¡¯re going to get paddled. Keep it up and I¡¯ll get my strap out.¡±

¡°Nooooooo,¡± Aaron was crying softly but his voice had quieted down noticeably. He knew he was in big trouble right then.

Ignoring the boy, Jeb stood up and took the back of the very firm and very solid light oak kitchen chair he had been sitting on. He sat it away from the table. Then he went over to Aaron, grabbed him again by the arm, and then Jeb yanked him forcefully to his feet. Aaron resisted, but Jeb was stronger, much stronger. In a matter of minutes Aaron¡¯s fight was dissipating and he found himself standing near that chair. Jeb reached for Aaron¡¯s belt buckle, undid it, and pulled it from his pants.

Then he pulled those pants to a clump down around the young man¡¯s ankles. Aaron froze. He was like a stiff statue standing there. The boy was wearing old blue cotton boxers with some strange patterns, but it did not matter as Jeb had no intention of leaving those boxers up for long. No boy ever needed a spanking with his boxers on. They would come down.

Then Jeb sat down on the chair with Aaron now standing beside him and right there. Aaron¡¯s eyes were tightly closed. His hands were folded across his chest. He was as stoic and uncooperative as he could possibly be right then but when Jeb¡¯s hands reached up and over and yanked those boxers completely down, Aaron¡¯s hands flew to cover his manhood and protect them from Jeb¡¯s stare. Jeb very quickly slapped them away.

¡°Hands straight down your side, boy!¡± Jeb barked and Aaron obeyed. Aaron had no choice but obey. After all, the paddle was in reach of Jeb¡¯s hand for sure! ¡°Don¡¯t you ever try that again, boy!¡± Jeb¡¯s reference to Aaron¡¯s hiding himself from view was crystal clear ¡°or I¡¯ll take the switch to you!¡± Aaron knew he meant it too! The boy stood there almost at attention with his _c_o_c_k_ and balls and ass bare and there for Jeb to look at all he wanted to. He hated it! But he knew better than to move. He did not want the paddle. He did not like the scrutiny at all, but he knew he had no choice but to stand there and grit his teeth. That, for sure, he was doing!

Aaron did not have time to think much further though. Jeb very forcefully yanked the lad down over his knees and landed a major slap to his young ass. The sound bounced off the walls like a gun going off.

Aaron yelled out! He jerked his left leg out and automatically he tried to push himself up off Jeb¡¯s lap by his hands. Jeb held him firm. Aaron¡¯s bare bottom showed the stark redness where Jeb¡¯s hand had landed on his ass. It was all automatic for Aaron now; he was not thinking at all. He squirmed and yelled out, but Jeb was having none of it. Jeb leaned all his weight on Aaron¡¯s back and brought his strong, large right hand down again hard against the boy¡¯s bare bottom. Aaron yelled out again, only this time much louder; but it made no difference to Jeb how loud the boy yelled. He had waited a long time to spank this one and nothing was going to stop him now. Jeb continued spanking the boy and spanking him without mercy.

Aaron struggled. He struggled furiously, but Jeb was too strong and had too good a hold on the boy¡¯s half naked and struggling body. Jeb held the boy down tightly and spanked the hell out of his bare bottom. Jeb had no reason to hold back this time. He spanked the boy. He spanked him hard. He spanked him very well for sure.

Aaron choked, he cried out, he began to sob even more freely now, but nothing he did had any effect on his spanking. Jeb had let loose and nothing was going to stop him. Nothing did either.

Aaron got spanked that night and then he got paddled. With that paddle in Jeb¡¯s hand, the boy was quickly reduced to a crying, frantic, small child. And Jeb went after his ass forever!

Nothing funny went on that night over at Jeb¡¯s place. It was simple a Friday night and Jeb was giving a spanking. It was the paddle that caused Aaron¡¯s young body to go completely limp as he collapsed in tears over Jeb¡¯s knees. Jeb did not stop then either. Instead he reduced this young man to a sobbing child with a very, very, very red bare bottom!

As Jeb always had done with all the others, he finished up spanking Jeb by giving him even more with the palm of his hand. Aaron just sobbed.

When it was finally all over, Jeb pushed the boy off his knees and on to the floor. Aaron huddled there in front of Jeb¡¯s feet until Aaron finally pulled him to his knees and then all the way up on his feet. With the boy still sobbing, Jeb grabbed him and pulled him close in his arms. Aaron buried his head in Jeb¡¯s shoulder and continued crying. Jeb just help him tightly and comforted him.

The more the boy calmed down, the more he seemed to hug Jeb more and more tightly. And, if the truth be told, he began to get hard all over again.

The ice between the two of them had finally broken.

To be continued . . ..

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