My Nephews 2

by Dad's Strap <>

My spoiled nephews were here for a visit recently. My wife and sister-in-law were going to visit a sick relative of theirs for the week and the lads were left with me.

My sister-in-law said that she didn't know what I had done the last time they stayed with me, but, they were well behaved for a month. She went on to say, "Keep up the good work." I was planning to!!!!

As soon as they left I took the boys into my den and told them that this would be a week of absolute obedience to me or they would pay the price. I told the older one to go to my bookshelf and take down the razor strop which hung there and bring it to me. A brief shiver ran through him and I could see his cheeks clench through his pants when he took it down from it's hook. He rubbed the leather between his fingers as he brought it to me.

I then told the him to lower his pants and underwear and bend over the back of the couch. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and asked what he had done. I told him that he and his brother were going to get one stripe each just so that they would know what to expect. At that the younger one began to cry and the older lowered his clothing. When he pulled down his underwear I noticed that he was hard as a rock, although he tried to hide it.

He bent over the couch and I was presented with a cute muscular young teenage ass. There were goose bumps on both cheeks and he was clenching and unclenching them in anticipation. I pulled my arm back and let fly with a full sweeping stroke. The strop whistled through the air and landed with a loud crack across both up-turned cheeks. The boy raised his head and sucked in his breath as his legs began to kick, his cute cheeks wriggled and a wide red stripe began to rise across the center of both cheeks.

When his kicking subsided I told the older boy to go to my desk and bring me the belt which was in the top left hand drawer. When he brought it to me I told him to return the strop to it's hook and hope that it remained there. I called the younger one to me and handed him the belt. I told him to hold it and rub it between his fingers and get to know it because I was sure that he and this belt would be spending a lot of time together this week. Tears again began to stream down his cheeks. I told him that the belt that he held was called "the strap", and it was the same strap that my father had used on my bare butt many times when I was his age.

I then took "the strap" from him and told him to take down his pants and underwear and, like his brother, bend over the back of the couch. He began to cry anew and plead that I use the paddle on him as I had in the past. I told him that since he was now 10 and wanted to be treated as a "big boy" that the strap was one of the less pleasant parts of growing up. I then said that he should either bare his butt and bend over now or I would up his stripes to 5.

He lowered his clothing and dutifully bent over. Now before me was presented a pair of cute little dimpled cheeks. Like his brother, he also had goosebumps and was clenching his cheeks furiously. I held the strap by the buckle end and let it hang full length.

Feeling the worn leather between my fingers reminded me of when I was bent over, bare and helpless, for a good strapping.

I brought my arm back and let fly bringing the strap in a full arc and striking the boys bare ass straight across the cheeks. The whistle of "the strap" and the crack when it made contact brought back very strong memories. The sounds were the exact sounds that I had heard as a child as my bare butt was being beaten.

As the strap made contact with his bare cheeks he began kicking his legs wildly, as I had done, and he screamed at the top of his lungs. I watched as the stripe rose and with it was the half circle shaped welt on his right cheek which I knew all too well was the trademark of "the strap".

I methodically applied the strap across both cheeks. Covering all of his ass with stripes. He kicked and screamed harder and louder as the strap landed. When I was finished he jumped to his feet and grapped his cheeks in both hands and did a little dance.

I and he will always remember that strapping!!

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