Double Busting for Rob

by Okayda <>

Rob and his brother Jeremy were in their room and they were supposed to be getting ready to go somewhere with their parents. Rob was 17, a good looking kid with dark hair and looks. Jeremy was a few years younger and a typical pain in the butt little brother. Rob was just about to find out how big a pain in the butt Jeremy could be.

Jeremy reminded Rob that they were supposed to be getting ready but Rob did not want to be told what to do by his little brother.

"_f_u_c_k_ you..shut up" he told him.

Just as Rob said this, the door to their bedroom opened and their dad looked in. "Time to go!"

Rob looked up at his dad, he said "In a minute"

That was the wrong thing to say. "Don't smart off to me, son, I am getting tired of your smart mouth.

Rob didn't like to back down, at 17,he figured he was too big for any thing like a busting or spanking. So he glared at his dad and said, "I am tired of your mouth too."

His dad's face darkened and he turned and left. A few moments he came back and had the Board in his hand. The Board was what Rob and his little brother had been spanked with, in fact Jeremy still got it from time tot ime. It was literally a piece of wood, like a short fence stake, that really was a stinger. Rob was stunned to see it in his dad's hand. He thought the days of his spankings were long gone.

"Get up read, Rob, and take em down."

Rob tried to talk his dad out of it, telling him he was too old for a spanking.

"You're too old when I say you're too old. Get those jeans down."

Rob tried talking some more, saying he was sorry and would be good.

"Stop delaying, Rob, get those jeans down or you'll get a lot more."

Rob unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them to hjs knees, standing there just in his black silk boxer shorts.

"Turn around!"

Rob turned around and stood straight up. His dad had this belief it hurt more to get spanked standing straight up so if he or his little brother bent over or moved while they were getting busted, they got extra.

His dad took the Board and gave Rob his first swat. WHAM! Rob couldn't help himself and let out a loud "OW"

WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM "ow, dad, please, I'll be good" WHAM WHAM

Rob moved away from where he was standing.

"Where are you going boy? Get back over here."

Rob was crying a little bit, sore and unhappy at being spanked in front of his little brother. He came back over near his father, who reached over and pulled his black silk boxers to his knees, along with his jeans.

"Turn around, son."

Rob pleaded some more but turned around.

WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM "Get those hands out of the way or I'll hit them." WHAM WHAM WHAM

Rob's butt was bright red and his brother Jeremy was enjoying watching the Board landing all over Rob's butt, seeing it smack against the white butt and making a red stripe.

Finally, Rob's dad said, "Five more, boy" WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM WHAM. "your mother and I are going without you, you both stay in your room today." With that, their dad took the Board and left Rob standing there crying and rubbing his butt in front of his little brother.

Jeremy giggled at Rob and Rob came ove and punched him hard on the chest.

"I'm telling dad that you said _f_u_c_k_" Jeremy said.

"Don't do that, he'll spank me some more." Jeremy said he was going to tell unless..

"Unless what?"

"Unless you let me spank you."

After some refusal, Rob realized he had no choice. Jeremy jumped up and went to their closet and selected one of Rob's belts....a pretty heavy black leather belt that one of Robs friends had given him. Jeremy came over and doubled up the belt. HE swung it WHACK. Rob was surprised that his little brother could deliver such a hard lick. It was not as bad as their dad's but it still stung. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK "Ow" Rob began to cry again because his butt was already sore from the busting with the Board. WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK Rob could hardly stand it and was ready to run away when Jeremy stopped and handed him his belt, "Okay, we're even."

Rob rubbed his red butt really good and pulled up his black boxers, then his jeans, which made his butt hurt all the more. He thought he had learned his lesson but of course, he hadn't.

Other stories byOkayda