Second Time

by John Smith <>

My second time: It was Sunday afternoon around 2 P. M. dad called me into the living room and said we need to talk. Saturday I received a letter from school. The letter said you were not in school Tuesday? Is this so yes! Than mom handed dad a letter from school it said your son was not in school last Wednesday please call the school so we can disuse this incident. Dad asked me if I was in school these days? I said yes. Some thing is wrong with this. Dad said ok I'd be at your school Wednesday if you are lying you will be in big trouble. Mom told dad he should be spanked this is the second letter like this in a week. Something is wrong. Dads said tell me the truth now or else. 1. 2 .3. I said I cut school. Dad ok you know what is going to happen? NO! Go to your room. About 3 P. M. dad came in my room. And sat on the bed and told me to stand in front of him. You will get a spanking you will remember this the rest of your life. Stripe nude now. I'll be back. Ok lets go to the living room now. I was bent over the couch started than dad stated to strap made me jump. Dad held my back down. Dad told me to stay still or it will hurt more be the theirs whack I jumped again. Lets go to your room this is not over he closed the door, put me over the knee he took the paddle this time and started whacking me. Now count out loud. I will paddle you ten times for each day. Than I was told lay on the bed face down he put 2 pillows under my stomach. I will get six times for each day I cut school. Than the strap came down this went on till I counted till twelve wakes. Now we will talk to your lying. Come into the living room at 4 P. M. don't be late, stay the way you are. At 4 P. M. I walked into the living room. Dad told me to come over hear, stand hear hands at your side. Mom and I dusted the pushment. For lying you will get paddled six times and 6 times with the strapped. Lets go over my knees, count out loud. Now stand up. Bend over the couch count out loud. Your pushment will be 30 days, no out, friends, television, games, nothing if your friends come over or call you must tell them you are punished. On Tuesday when I go to your school we will talk againe. Let's go to your room now. Put your underwear on lets have dinner now, you con put your robe for mails. Dads May I eat in hear? No The whole family saw you nude and knows what you did and the spanking that went on. You should of have thought about this before you cut school & lied to me you are only 11 years old. The whole spanking should be done do in front of the family. I may spank you after dinner again if needed. You will shower after dinner, than go to your room and face the wall nude. Shortly fought mom & dad walked in they were going to spank my. Mom started she smacked my ass with a wooden spoon, dad held me down. Dad had a black leather strap made for this Oceanus. I was told twenty times for lying and thirty times for cutting school. After the six wack I could not take it any more, dad stopped we will give you six whacks a day before school and six after school until 50 times is dome. I will talk to your teachers on Tuesday we will be at your school and see what they say. My ass was saw for a week the strap he had made was hung on the headboard of the bed. In the morning the strap was a reminder go to school. This did not stop me.

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