The Punishment Ritual

by Sisyphus

Never spank your boy when you are angry. If you do, he will learn littleabout behavior and only remember your anger. Instead, postpone theimpending punishment until you are quite calm and can administer thechastisement in a way that produces the proper degree of humility andpain.

The most effective punishment, in fact, requires ritual perfection thatneeds to be taught to the boy just as you might teach him proper tablemanners or how to serve drinks with propriety to your guests. He shouldbe made to understand that your administration of the punishment processis almost your sacred rite and one not to be breached by inappropriatebehavior on his part.

The first step is to tell him why he is about to be punished. You shouldnot waste much time on this. Undoubtedly he is already well aware of thefact that he stepped out of line, and to spend too much time explainingthis only results in his turning his attention elsewhere. You will wantall his focus on the pain he will soon experience, and he will sensethis by your silence and not by your words.

Next, have him take off every stitch of his clothing. For him to standbefore you naked will not only embarrass him greatly but will make himaware of the fact that he is to have no possible protection from thespanking he is about to receive. Nudity, in fact, will make him feelmuch more vulnerable and remorseful because of his "crime" than he wouldbe otherwise.

Once he has stripped down to his birthday suit and is standing beforeyou fully exposed, it becomes the time for you to conduct a carefulinspection of his cleanliness. After all, he should have the sense toappear before you as well-washed as possible. Cleanliness, you mightremind him, is next to godliness. If you suspect that he might need abath before you begin the inspection, give him ten minutes to take ashower and thoroughly dry himself. Remind him that any dirt you findwill count against him so that the shower becomes a part of thepunishment routine and keeps his attention on the upcoming consequenceswhile you are waiting for him. Even look at your watch before he leavesto clean himself up so as to make it clear to him that you will betiming those ten minutes and he should not dawdle as he prepares to comebefore you again.

The inspection itself should be exceedingly detailed. Check his hands,fingernails, ears, feet, hair, and teeth. Make him bend over and pullhis ass cheeks apart so that you can inspect his "glory hole." This maycause him particular embarrassment, but it will be good training. Alsoinspect his _s_e_x_ual organ thoroughly and carefully as some boys forgetthis part of their anatomy when they are trying to be hygienic. If hehappens to get an erection as you do so, sternly point this out to himand tell him that he obviously seems to be unable to control himself andthat he should be old enough to do so by now. If he shows greatnervousness and even sweats somewhat during your inspection, that is tobe expected and is a proper part of the discipline. It means that he isbeing properly humiliated and is anticipating the more painful part ofthe ritual. Some people even prolong this inspection routine until theboy begins to sweat profusely, but this is a matter of individual tasteand style, not necessarily a part of the ritual.

Now it is time to have him prepare the punishment altar and to obtainthe implement chosen for his chastisement. Don't do these things forhim. He is the one who needs to learn.

Remind him once again of why he is being punished and ask him if he hasanything to say before his sentence is administered. Usually at thispoint the boy will say that he is terribly sorry for what he did and hewill plead for mercy. It is best if you show no response to such pleas.If, for some strange reason, you decide to give him some mercy, youcertainly should not let him know it at this point. After all, you don'twant to give him the impression that he can ever twist you around hisfinger. Let him plead as long as he wants, but you should continue toexhibit a bored countenance.

The next thing to tell him to do is to get a chair, stool, or whateverobject you have decided he should bend over and bring it to the centerof the room. This accomplished, have him go and get the paddle, cane,belt, tawse, spoon or whatever object you have chosen to apply to hisbottom. It is often wise to ask him first what object he thinks youshould use on his backside, even though you should have already decidedon one. This will add to his nervousness because he will know that if hepicks one that you think will produce too little pain for thisparticular punishment session, you will tell him to get another,possibly one that produces more pain than you originally intended using.And if he picks one that will be more painful than the one you hadmentally selected, you can go with his choice.

However you decide to handle the implement-obtaining step, when hereturns with it and hands it to you, tell him to get into position. Usesome care in adjusting him over the chair or stool so as to make surethat the fleshiest part of his rump is within easy reach of your arm andpunishment tool. There is no reason that you should have to experienceany discomfort as you chastise him. Whatever discomfort there is shouldbe his alone.

It is now wise to wait a few minutes before you apply the device. Youmay want to spend the time testing the flexibility of the implement inthe air or its strength against some object in the room so as to producea sound that will be unpleasant to his ears. Build up his anticipationas much as possible, even though some boys at this point may break intotears and loudly plead for mercy.

An alternative to this waiting period is to invite someone into the roomto observe the boy's punishment. This should always be someone he knowsbut wouldn't expect to be there, someone who has been waiting for thismoment in another room unbeknownst to the boy. It is best if this issome friend of his or someone he respects. The emotional shock that theperson's entry into the room can produce is likely to be as effective atraining device as the pain that your implement produces.

With the scene now set and the boy ready to have his ass blistered, youcan either tell him the number of strokes he will be receiving or saynothing and let him sweat out the experience. If you designate aspecific number of strokes, be sure that each is placed with the sameforce as all the others. One weak blow will suggest to him that you areweakening in your determination. An undesignated number can be varied instrength from one stroke to the next so that he may suddenly harbor theillusion that you are about to cease striking him.

Wait a few seconds after every stroke you apply to his bottom so thatthe pain has time to sink into his consciousness. In fact it is good todevelop a certain slow rhythm of your arm. Erratic movements will onlyconfuse the boy. It is probable that he will emit some loud noises asyou work him over -- grunts, sobs, yells, screams. Be aware that some ofthese may be faked in order to coax you into stopping the punishment.Often the more noise he makes, the more effective the discipline.

Finally, when you have completed the spanking, have him remain inposition for a specified number of minutes so that you can admire yourwork and he can stop crying and calm down. If another person is presentin the room, you might use this opportunity to discuss the coloration ofthe boy's posterior now in comparison to what it was before you began topaddle him or to evaluate the distance between and evenness of the redlines left by your cane.

"It's over. I hope you have learned your lesson," is what you say to himwhen you allow him to rise and dress himself again. Ignore whatever hesays at this point and never again bring up the subject of thisparticular punishment. You don't have to remind him of it. He willremember the experience long after you have forgotten it.

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