Red Versus Bruised Bottoms

by RCWoodshed <>

"Boy" or "lad" means an *adult son or overgrown child* at my woodshed. My tutorials are intended as general guidelines for *adult play*!

I am continuing my "academic tutorials" on spanking and other CP matters. These are personal points of view. I am interested in receiving comments, both positive and critical about my postings. I promise not to spank you for an unfavorable review! :>)

You guys will have to make you own decisions about how to spank, and especially how severely should it be done. I remind you that your partner has a big say in how *his* bottom is dealt with. Today I'm looking at the necessity to be tuned in to your playmate. You must be aware of what is happening to his body (rump!) and his psyche. Is he enjoying the hard spanking you're giving him ... or is he "enduring" it. The flesh of some guys bruises more easily than others. My experience is that very few guys want bruises. Such consideration is important, especially if they have significant others, wives and/or boy/girlfriends who might see more than they, or the bottom's owner wants them to see!

Bruising can be viewed as a sign of an out-of-control or callous top. In fairness, though, in the adult CP world it's more commonly a *careless* or *inexperienced* dominant. He is not paying attention to what is happening with his partner. He might be too obsessed by his own agenda to be concerned about what the bottom needs, or doesn't need. Also he might be able to take more emotionally than his flesh can take ...

A bottom's willingness to take more and more even when you see bruising is not necessarily an "invitation" to mark him up. A spankee may well be unaware of what is happening back there. When one of my boys is taking a serious spanking, I periodically take him to a full length mirror and have him look at what is happening to his rear end. That's a turn on for him, of course ... but if there is some early evidence of bruising or welting potential, he can decide if he wants to go on. I put the responsibility on him ... if he goes home with a few marks, then that is his decision.

A lovely pink to bright red bottom is a true visual treat! Turn out the light and watch his butt *glow in the dark*! It's a sensual color ... and the heat radiating from this reddened bottom will keep the room warm on a cold day! A red bottom will generally quickly return to a light pink ... meaning he is *ready for a second spanking*!

A bruised bottom is one that will need time to heal and often brings a enjoyable encounter to a premature end. That is not a happy development, Dads! If you have plans for a second or subsequent sessions, he likely cannot take it. Seeing a battered, bruised butt is no turnon ... for me anyway. Many sons/students will take their butts elsewhere if you leave bruises for boy/girl friends or wives/lovers to see days later or he has to hide his butt at the fitness center for three or more days.

There is some evidence that a red bottom is a turnon for *primordial* reasons. Our prehistoric ancestors likely showed a red rear and genitalia when _s_e_x_ually receptive like many modern simians do. Maybe far fetched, but some experimental psychologists see that as a real possibility! I do know that a pink and red bottom to me, and blushing facial cheeks, it a real visual treat ... yes, *turnon* for me! A spanking should redden the bottom ... and add enough "humiliation" to put a sweet blush on your partner's face!

Having said that ... I am also aware that some guys have anatomy that is prone to bruising. He might not know about that. In the following unfortunate case, he chose not to tell me about it:

I felt bad a few years ago when a young man visited me for a spanking. I gave him a firm, but hardly excessive hand smacking. At first all I saw was a delightful red. However, within a half hour, a few dark red, blotchy bruises appeared. A day later they turned black and blue. Turned out that he fibbed about being "experienced" ... it was his first time!

"No, Sir ... bruising is never a problem with me." That means, as tops we must watch our spankee carefully, especially first time visitors. Be a bit dubious about their professed experiences. Bruises can be latent and appear minutes or even hours after a spanking begins.

Then there is the reality of those who want "souvenirs" of their visit. I suppose if a spankee consents clearly to your doing it, there is nothing wrong with leaving some bruises to remember you by. The ex-military medic in me won't let me leave *intentional* bruises. I tell him, "You want bruises? You'll have to find another dad." However, I certainly do not pass judgement other dads of adult sons doing so ... but please be sure it's *consensual* !

RCWoodshed September 29, 1998

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