I once had the great pleasure of spanking a nasty, cheeky little eleven year old who I oftern saw on my way to college. Every time he saw me he would yell some abuse like
"Hey you, you _f_u_c_k_ing spotty bastard"
One day I decided that I had had enough of him and decided to find out where he lived. I asked a man who lived in the same street exactlty which number this little brat lived at. He told me. I went to the house hoping that the little prat would have his little bum tanned. But I thought that his parents might be the sought who didn't care what their children did so didn't get my hopes up.
You couldn't imagine the shocked expression on that boy's face when he answered the door and found me standing there.
"Who is it James", a voice called from within the house.
"Oh...no one," stammed the boy wanting to close the door.
A man came to the door. I introduced myself and told him everything that his James had done.
"You little toerag," shouted his father. "Get yourself upstairs now. You're going to have your little ass tanned".
He turned to me. I am so sorry for my son's behaviour. Please come in and I'll show you what happens to James when he gets out of hand.
I was so shocked and delighted. I had never expected the boy to be spanked, never mind me actually seeing him get one. I followed the man and as we proceeded up the stairs the man undid his belt and handed it to me!
"You can spank him for me, he said. "It's only right as its you he's offended."
What a shock, this was getting better.
We entered the boys room to find James face down on the bed sobbing his little heart out. At this point seeing how little and helpless he was I felt sorry for him. How would I do it. I decided however that I must. I got the belt across my bare backside many times when I was his age and I came to thank my Dad for it.
"This mister is going to give you a taste of his belt" said his father.
"Oh, not the belt please, can't he just slipper me.
"NO, get up now James and bare that naughty bottom of yours," the father ordered.
"Oh no Dad please, not on the bare"
"Now James"
Slowly the boy lowered his shorts. He stood in his red underpants and begged again not to have to remove them.
His father was having no more. He grabbed James, pulled down his pants himself and delivered a good hard smack to his right bum cheek.
"Now do as you are told young man", said his father harshly. Bend over that bed or you'll get another dose from me.
The boy bent over presenting his little bottom for the belt. His bottom was milky white apart from a large red hand print were his father had spanked him.
"Give him eight", he told me.
The boy wailed as he heared his father's instruction.
I decided to spank James in the same way my father always used to spank me. The first stroke with the belt land across the centre of the naughty boy's little bottom. CRACK
"Ow," he yelled as a red welt.
I aimed the next stroke over the same spot remembering just over painful this was.
James cryed and drummed his feet, begging me to stop. I remember thinking at that point how cowardly this boy was. I never made a fuse like this when my father spanked me I would be doing no favours to stop, cowards needed a double dose in my view.
I then gave the boy two hard strokes across the bottom of his cheeks, just above his legs again as my father always did to me.
He continued to yell but I wasn't finished. I dicided to smack then any parts of his bum still left white. After I did this the whole of the boy's bottom was bright red. His father made him apologise and I left that house satisfied that the brat wouldn't be sitting down for quite some time. In future when he saw me he never gave me cheek.