The Prison VI

by Jamie <>

Please read the disclaimer at the beginning of Chapter IV if you are in doubt as to whether you should or would like to read this material. 6. At work in the fields

Alex and the other seventeen young men from the cellblock were marched into the orchard where they began the task of picking fruit for sale by the prison. Each was preoccupied with his own thoughts as he went about his assigned duties. Each was acutely aware of the pain in his rear from both his formal punishment and from the assault upon his virginity during the previous evening.

Most were not as worldly as Deiter and their experiences had left them stunned as well as uncomfortable.

Christian kept thinking that there should have been something he could have done to avoid the brutality which the former blacksmith had inflicted and relived the scene time and again throughout the day. Even now, Christian could feel the incredible pain which the blacksmith had inflicted during his spanking and was amazed that so much agony could be inflicted by a single hand. Being forced to provide the lubrication to the blacksmith's organ in preparation for the assault on his own hole had been a true shock to the young man and his almost bilious reaction to the sight and smell had earned him only further spanks.

Christian shuddered as his thoughts went to the moment when the short but very thick penis had positioned itself at his rear and sweat broke out on Christian's brow and down his back as he mentally relived the moment of entry. Nothing, not even the savage beatings, had prepared Christian for the pain of that moment and he could not help but cry for mercy as the organ entered. Christian had not realised that taking his virginity in the most excruciatingly painful manner was indeed the blacksmith's intention. Nor had he realised that the pain of entry would only be exacerbated by the withdrawal and re-entry of the organ into his rectum.

This procedure had gone on for some time and throughout Christian had cried and pleaded for the man to stop. And now, here in the sunlight, Christian could only blush as he realised that he had finally started to become erect as the man's stubby organ had pounded that special spot deep within from which Christian's _s_e_x_ual pleasure derived. Now Christian was glad that he had not achieved an orgasm last night for that would have given his assailant a sense of triumph which Christian was glad to deny him. Looking down at his obscenely tight pants, Christian could see that even though he was revolted by the incident, his body showed ample evidence of some inner hunger for _s_e_x_ual relief.

Nearby, Peter was going through the same emotions although his treatment had been somewhat harsher because of his resistence to his assailant.

Peter had heard the warning from the warder about the penalty for disobeying but when the craggy old man who had purchased his services exposed himself and commanded Peter to use his mouth on the monstrous organ which hung in front of him, Peter turned and fled. Peter knew that resistence was useless but as he crashed into the waiting arms of one of the warders he was more inclined to ask his captor to take him rather than confront the weapon upon which he would eventually be speared.

The warder had dragged the protesting boy back to his "owner" and had proposed that such disobedience should deserve a visit to the "horse". The wizened banker stroked his impossibly large member and readily agreed with the suggestion.

Peter was quickly taken to a vaulting horse on one side of the main room and there was held fast while his clothes were removed. Naked, the boy was then bent over the horse and held firmly while the banker proceeded to remove a birch rod from a nearby bucket and shake it dry. From his vantage point, Peter almost smiled at the thought of the old man wielding the rod but any sense of relief disappeared as the old man handed the birch to one of the warders.

The first stroke knocked the breath out of Peter, such was the force and shock and he had barely time to recover his breath when the second stroke landed. Methodically the birch was applied to Peter's backside and specks of blood soon appeared. By the time the beating had finished, Peter was begging for his life and blood was trickling down his nether cheeks.

Peter recalled how he had been shocked at the feeling of something warm and fleshy rubbing across his swollen backside and the feeling of disbelief when he realised that that 'something' was indeed the monstrous organ of the old man. Peter almost passed out as he recalled the feeling of that obscenely huge weapon being pressed against his anus and the repeated stabbing which it made as the old man tried to gain entry. When, finally, Peter's hole gave way and the head of the weapon entered, Peter felt the skin around his hole being torn and, for a brief moment, lost consciousness.

Peter now remembered that he must have come too almost immediately for he could recall the searing pain and great internal discomfort as the invader was pushed further and further into his bowels. Time and again the old man had thrust further into Peter, reorganising his innards as he did so and Peter imagined the weapon going right through him when he finally felt the weight of the old mans body resting on his.

Slowly the huge weapon had been almost totally withdrawn which itself seemed to take an eternity, and then it returned. For more than half an hour, Peter endured the pain and discomfort until the old man spent himself deep within Peter's innards. As he mindlessly picked fruit from the trees, Peter recalled how it was more than an hour after he had been returned to his cell that the old man's juice had finally made its was to his hole and oozed out. With disgust, Peter recalled lying on his side as the man's semen spilled from him for he was too weak and in too much pain to make the effort to reach the toilet in his cell.

As Christian and Peter were reliving the events of the previous evening for perhaps the hundredth time, Alex was overwhelmed by the recollections which flooded through his brain. He recalled Dr Weiss' hint that he might serve the doctor rather than have to offer his charms to all and sundry and how that thought had initially held some attraction. But when he recalled the fiendishly brutal rape by the doctor, any thought of accepting that suggestion quickly disappeared.

Dr Weiss reveled in causing pain and he knew how to do it. He had ordered Alex to lied upon the bed and had then secured his hands to the bed head and tied his feet together for this would make the pain of the penetration even more severe. Weiss had brought himself to a quick erection by just looking at his victim and had then nestled the head of his prick against Alex's hole.

Alex recalled how the doctor had informed him that this would hurt especially since there was no lubricant and how the doctor had laughed as Alex shook in fear and begged for him to be gentle. With a massive shove, Weiss had penetrated Alex's defenses and in one which movement had thrust the entire nine inch _c_o_c_k_ all the way home. With equal speed Weiss had withdrawn completely as Alex cried out in pain. Time and again Weiss repeated the action, giving Alex no chance to get used to the invasion and no chance to relax.

Weiss had not spent himself during this attack and, Alex recalled, had taken a large _d_i_l_d_o_ and thrust it into the already tenderised anus of the youth. Weiss then proceeded to take a small whip to the boy and had lashed him from his shoulders to his ankles. While the whip did not cut the flesh, its lash stung the already tender boy much as a bee might sting and Alex could now recall writhing in agony from the incessant pain.

Alex had had nightmares later during the night about the moment when Weiss had untied Alex's feet and reached under him and pulled his distended organ downwards. The pain and the lash whipped the top three or four inches of Alex's ten inches had been indescribable and Alex had pleaded for mercy.

Weiss had then removed the _d_i_l_d_o_ and lashed Alex's hole a few times before he reentered and completed the subjugation of the boy. Once he spent himself within Alex, the doctor had simply left the lad lying exhausted on the bed.

Alex recalled with horror the feeling of another man climbing up behind him and taking him savagely and the relentless pounding as the man, who had apparently already spent himself, labored to reach another orgasm. It was with relief that Alex felt the man's organ expand and shoot its contents deep within him and then withdraw.

Alex thoughts were abruptly concluded as a loud 'crack' exploded behind him followed by a sharp pain in his posterior. He swung around to face the guard who had used his strap to jolt Alex out of idle reverie. Nothing was said. Alex simply turned his attention to his labours.

When the work party was summoned to their lunch, each of the boys and men were aching from their exertions and welcomed the opportunity to lie on the soft earth and refresh themselves. Talking was permitted in the fields and small groups formed and quiet discussion ensued.

Alex's group talked about their treatment and their experiences. Alex did not enlighten them on the information he had gained about the physical and _s_e_x_ual services which the prison sold to the landowners in the area since he did not want to alarm his new-found friends. He smiled quietly at the innocence of his fellow prisoners and took pleasure in the attractiveness of his comrades who, despite the grime from their labours, exhibited a beauty which Alex registered in his groin. Deiter noticed Alex's arousal and crawled over to Alex's side so that they could have a private conversation.

"You've noticed too, haven't you Alex!" declared Deiter quietly.

"Noticed what?" asked Alex.

"Doesn't it occur to you that it is mighty strange that all the fellows here are rather good looking. Look around you, there is no one here who is fat or otherwise unappealing to the eye. It's seems that we have been chosen as much for our looks and for our crimes," Deiter concluded.

"Yes, Deiter," replied Alex. "I fear that we were chosen for our looks. Let me tell you something. Dr Weiss told me that we would be sold to men and women who would want us either for service in their farms or service in their beds and I think that is why we are all reasonably good looking and healthy. Deiter, I think last night was just a foretaste of what is to come. Did you know that large sums were paid for the privilege of being the first to have _s_e_x_ with each of us?"

"No," replied Deiter laughing, "but I suspected as much. Well who knows, we might finish up with some nice rich woman pleasuring her in bed."

"Maybe" said Alex glumly, "but somehow I doubt that they pay good money for us to enjoy ourselves."

Dieter was about to pursue the conversation when everyone's attention was distracted by a scuffle and yelling in a group some little distance from where Alex and Deiter lay. Guards rushed towards the altercation between two young men who were calling each other all sorts of obscenities and they tried vainly to wrestle their opponent to the ground.

The guards pulled the two scuffling men apart and held them firmly. All the prisoners who had gathered around to watch the scuffle edged back quickly as one of the warders arrived. Without even inquiring as the cause of the commotion, the warder directed the two pugilists to strip off their flimsy clothing and directed the guards to prepare the two men for punishment. Turning on the assembled prisoners, the warder ordered them to sit on the ground and to see what awaited anyone who caused such trouble.

Meanwhile the two men had been secured with ropes around their wrists and these had been slung over the branch of an adjacent tree. Pull tight, the ropes left the two men with their feet barely touching the ground.

As the men were being secured, one of the guards had sauntered off to the nearby stream and had attacked a willow tree with a large knife and presently returned with several green branches from the tree and proceeded to strip the leaves from the timber. The two suspended men struggled to see what was happening and terror filled their eyes when they saw the instruments of their punishment being prepared.

The mens' terror turned to pain as the whippy rods sliced through the air and cut into their shoulders. Their cries were immediate and chilling to the assembled audience. Time and again the rods whipped through the air and slowly lacerated every inch of the men from their shoulders to their thighs. The mens' buttocks received special attention and were slowly turned to a mass of weals and livid stripes.

Finally, the lesson delivered, the prisoners were sent back to work while the two punished men were left suspended as a reminder of the punishment that awaited any others that misbehaved.

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