The Colonel And That British Stick

by Cal

While the old British Colonial mentality that still prevails at times in the Asian sub-continent these days might not be of interest to all, the following correspondence on the spanking of one retired British Colonel's "boy" recently, might be of interest to some.

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"Now could you be so kind as to tell me a bit more about this British Colonial and his Malay friend?"


"How old was the Malay?"

That's hard to judge in a SE Asian, as I'm sure you recognize, but this particular boy is around 20-23 I'm sure.

"was he the man's lover or adopted son?"

Certainly not the Colonel's "lover" but I'm not sure if he's "adopted" in a legal sense or not. It is not real common, but it is also not all that uncommon, for British men, often retired here (though many work and are younger, including Northern Europeans but a lot of Swiss for some reason) that a Western man (not always straight) will have an Asian young man or sometimes several staying in his home and clearly under his patronage. The Malay boy in question here that you asked about is clearly in his early twenties though his slight build and manner might make him appear sixteen or so to a Westerner's eye. While I know this Colonel (apparently he tells mutual friends he is my friend, which to my mind vastly overstates it), I don't know the technical aspects of his relationship of this young man or others I have seen him with. I do know, however, that he certainly treats this boy as a "son" and that the young man is in some kind of Institute school program. The Retired Colonel is well knows for his views on the lack of discipline in younger men today and in a conversation, whether the young man is present or not, it would be soon obvious that his solution to most issues young people face today is that swaggart (spelling uncertain?) stick he always has in his hand. The Britts seem to have a special thing about that stick thing from their Asian campaigns.

"You said you saw the boy get the stick on several occasions?"

Yes, now and then over several years.

"What were the occasions?"

Sometimes when I was visiting mutual friends socially and the Colonel was there are dropped by or there was a social affair for which many were invited. I don't go to many of these kinds of things, but sometimes I do, I'll admit that.

"What had the boy done?"

On this last occasion that I referred to, I can't really say that I know for sure. There were only a few of us (men) at a mutual friend's place for a drink (I think it was just a drink) and we were discussing Britain's participation with America in the Sadaam on-going thing (Blair/Clinton, and the current jokes that all Americans now suffer with on this Monica/Billy thing). I had gone into the adjourning area to add some additional ice, and remember being started with the Colonel's booming voice (he's always loud anyway and very gruff with a gravel voice) saying something like "What did you say?" It was real quiet when I walked back to my seat, but the Colonel's face was fuming red and the Malay boy's face was more than just a little flushed. He was talking wildly and apologizing (as I recall) and justifying whatever it was. I wasn't really paying attention to the Colonel before he boomed it out. At that point, it was impossible to ignore.

"Was he spanked bare?"

Absolutely! We don't wear shoes or socks inside there, but the Colonel had very quickly jerked the boy up, pulled down his slacks and briefs while ignoring the boy's pleadings and promises and in very short order, that boy was over the Colonel's lap unabashedly bare and open to all of our view and obviously about to get a spanking no matter what he said or who was there.

"how did he react to the spanking did he sulk ,cry, etc.?"

At first he was talking fast and furiously, though never loudly, trying to correct or apologize for whatever it was that had ticked the Colonel off. While I specifically recall his glancing my way (thought I've no idea why?) and saw his embarrassment all over his face, he was immediately focused only on his slacks and briefs coming down (which he did not show any signs of objecting to) and then maintaining his balance while pleading with the Colonel who by that time was only focused on the boy's bare bottom up over his lap, patting it, positioning his legs in the ways he preferred (each man I know who spanks a boy is different). The Colonel, I'm sure, appreciates the beauty of a young boy's bare bottom like this clinching and moving and performing just like this (they all do, the boy's that is, do their best to protect their fannies and react to knowing what's coming) and while taking this disciplining of the boy very seriously and planning on making it clear punishment, also knows the pleasure it's going to afford him). the boy was unset and it was obvious as he hung there waiting for it. The Colonel as I recall, brought that stick down hard from the very first slap and that boy's went to hell and back, crying out more than freely and openly. He spanked him fast with that stick and laced stripes across his bare bottom that were severe and very well placed. Then he stood him up while the boy was still crying hard and then told him to get into another room and pull himself together and never repeat it! The Colonel was still red, the boy was holding his eyes, and the boy ran out, not bothering with his slacks or briefs left on the floor. The Colonel had made zero attempts to comfort the crying lad or touch him in any way when he'd been spanked (physically or emotionally). Actually, a bit later I took his briefs and slacks into the side room into which the boy had taken refuge and gave them to him.

The others there were very openly supportive of the Colonel I said little. I don't spank anyone like that. The Colonel is very well known for his views and he's not the gentle or play around type. I don't know how really close he is to this boy, but the boy looked so sad when I took them to him and his bare bottom was more than just a little bruised and "damaged." I'd take him in in a minute, but I'd never, ever treat him like that. Spanking a boy, at least in my mind, should be a more personal interaction (even if someone is present in the room when you turn him over) and it's extremely pleasurable to give a boy you know well his spanking, helping him get it all out and squirming around seductively, and then his more personal reactions once's he's crying and is in your arms getting back connected. It's an experience that surpasses all others (emotionally for the boy too as they will ultimately tell you). I hope you too experience it someday.

" If you could answer these questions I would be eternally grateful, it would really make my weekend."

Assignment done, my friend. I can't always promise to respond so quickly, but when and as time permits, I will try.

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