Robbie Wilson 2.6 Brotherly Affection

by Robert Wilson <>

Geoffrey BARNES was troubled, the week- end was nearly over and his "A" level Latin assignment was due in by noon on Monday. Latin had never come easily to him at the best of times but now when he really needed to concentrate he just could not settle. The nature of the problem was in some ways even more disturbing than the immediate issues of a poor or even late assignment - he could not clear his head of the thoughts and images of a 14 year old junior boy. It had never occurred to him before that he might be gay and certainly it had never featured in his long term plans for adult life. However, thoughts about Robbie WILSON occupied far more of his time than seemed proper or natural; dammit he'd spent 2 hours ( - which he could not really spare) watching the lad play in a school tennis match. He wasn't interested in tennis at all, but he was very interested in this boy's extremely long legs and too small shorts which barely concealed the charms of a very cute backside ( and other bits). Robbie seemed a bit like a foal a (too) long mane of blond hair, big eyes slim body and legs that went on for ever- just like his fingers. His movements were graceful and most of the time he had a _s_e_x_y smile but the overall impression he gave, was of being slightly lost and in need of protection. This might be a correct description but as Barnes well knew , appearances were often deceptive and Robbie was the last person to need protection, in fact he was very self assured and reliant. Barnes day dreamed about a naked Robbie- he'd already seen the lad starkers twice, and had been involved in beating Robbie's bare backside on three further occasions so it might just be that he was reliving his memories. It didn't matter what you called it, the effects were the same, a lack of progress with the Latin assignment and a progressively larger bulge in the front of BARNES' trousers.

The top floor of the boarding house was quiet, presumably all the other prefects who had study-bedrooms on this floor were either studying (not likely) or away playing sports. It was hot and stuffy and becoming rather tedious. A few minutes later, the peace had been dramatically shattered by a loud scream accompanied by shouting.

BARNES rushed to investigate, and was joined by JOSLING the house captain they, confirmed their joint opinion that the noises were coming form the study used by James COLLINGWOOD-WILSON ( Robbie's elder brother). With the outbreak of a second set of shouts they barged into the room - and stopped in blank amazement.

Robbie, wearing an excessively large white T-shirt and a pair of blue and red striped boxer shorts was laying face down across the single bed. His feet- when he wasn't squirming about- touched the floor. He was being held in place by his brother Jamie who was applying a half Nelson to one of Robbie's arms and at the same time partly kneeling on the youngster's lower back. His spare hand was wielding a school cane and administering a very severe beating to the boys arse and legs. Because of their relative positions ( and Robbie's failure to cooperate) most of these blows were falling along rather than across the legs of the victim. The beating had been savage and blood was oozing from two cuts.

Jamie had not welcomed his visitors, in fact, he told them that this was family business, nothing to do with school and that they should not get involved. However, he had stopped randomly hitting his brother and Robbie took advantage of the interlude to wriggle free, he had cupped his balls with both hands and curled up in the foetal position at the foot end of the bed.

By way of justification, Jamie told how he believed Robbie had stolen £50-00 from him- it could not possibly have been anyone else. Robbie's constant denials had annoyed him and so he had decided to beat the truth from him but it had gone badly, as Robbie had refused to submit to his brother's wishes. It was at this point that the two prefects had made their entrance- and of course "they knew from their own experience what a nasty little creep Robbie was and how he liked to play to the gallery- didn't they?"

C-W minor's story (told between sobs) was interestingly different. His version was that after tennis and supper he had showered and got ready for bed. Realising that he was low on cash and that he would need some money in order to buy 2 new CDs tomorrow when he went (with permission ) into town, he had gone in search of his brother to claim his share of the money which their father sent them via Jamie each month. As soon as he'd entered the room Jamie had accused him of stealing the money and when Robbie had denied the matter (and continued to do so) had started to beat him. The screams ? Well one of the strokes had caught his "right sorry Josling I mean er testicle" and it had hurt like mad- infact it still did."

Still sobbing Robbie was helped into Barnes' room where he lay face down on the bed as they washed his leg wounds and stopped the bleeding , there was not much any way. The sobs eased but Robbie still clung to his balls. After much persuasion he had turned onto his back and in a very embarrassed state had lowered the boxers so that his tackle might be inspected. There was no obvious damage but the embarrassment stakes were raised even more when blood was noticed on the inside of the shorts. The underwear was removed, Robbies legs spread apart and the youth was subject to a more intimate inspection to ascertain exactly from where the blood was coming . This proved to be a 0.5 cm cut on the back of the right ball. The bleeding was not copious but neither would it stop. Clearly elastoplast was not a good idea, so Barnes had spent 5 minutes pressing a wodge of cotton wool against Robbie's damaged scrotum. Josling was of the opinion that the boy should be taken to matron. Robbie however, was sufficiently recovered to object. That bearded crone had looked and felt inside his underpants too often he opined, if necessary he'd wait till morning and see the doctor. Or could he ( per chance) phone his Dad for advice ( Not only was dad a doctor but it would be a wonderful way to drop Jamie into the brown smelly stuff from a great height- it was after all family business) ?

A possible solution was proposed, If Robbie did not mind, they could cut away some of his pubic hair in the region of the bleeding , and then unimpeded by copious amounts of blond curls the cotton wool would be better able to help form a clot. Robbie was not over keen but it was better than baring all for the matron. A pair of nail scissors was found and the operation begun, it would be difficult to decide who was the more nervous. Robbie who never before had had anything sharp in such intimate contact with the delicate parts of his anatomy. Or Barnes who was tasked with holding and cutting towards the very same delicate bits which had so recently been the subject of his fantasy. It had worked , the clippings soon formed a blond pile and after 5 minutes being held in place by gentle pressure from Barnes' finger tips the cotton wool formed an effective clot. It was probably due to embarrassment or maybe the digital pressure to staunch the blood but what ever the reason, Robbie's erection caused amusement to Barnes and Josling and much self-consciousness to himself.

Robbie now wearing a tight pair of briefs - borrowed from Barnes - to keep the cotton wool in place, was helped to his own dorm and settled for the night. Barnes returned to his own room, tidied things up and was about to sweep the blond curly clippings into the bin when on a whim he paused then placed them gently in an envelope which he carefully filed away.

Across the corridor, James was about to settle for the night when Foster - a non prefect from the upper sixth knocked and entered.

" I hope you wont be upset, but I borrowed £50-00 this afternoon- I was taking a girl out on the town- any way I'll give you the money tomorrow when my fathers cheque is cleared - Hope that OK ?"

Throughout the boarding house teenage lads settled for the night. There were the usual sounds of the night but for three boys little rest was gained. Barnes was even more confused and troubled , Robbie was in considerable pain and had trouble finding a position which did not add to the pain in his backside and legs on the one hand or hiss balls on the other. And Jamie ? well probably for the first time ever he felt uncomfortable about the way he'd treated the kid, was it guilt ? Or was he worried for himself incase the little sh1t squealed to the head - or even worse to father ?

Comments would be most welcome, this is the 6th story in the second series and sofar the response is almost un noticeable- does anyone read them ? Please let me know

More stories byRobert Wilson