
by Witness <>

"Hello, Paul."

Paul was 16, light brown curly hair, long freckly smooth face, blue eyes. Just back from school.

"Hello grandad. Who...?"

There were three other men round the kitchen table, all about grandad's age.

"Friends. Go and get changed into your punishment clothes..."

Paul looked round anxiously again, made as if to say something, seemed to think better of it, and went up to his room.

He returned five minutes or so later. He was wearing black leather shoes, grey long socks, grey school uniform shorts, a grey shirt and a blue and silver tie.

"You get punished in front of my pals," his grandad growled.

Paul's face started to redden.

"And you get it where we take you," his uncle said.

They led him out to an eight-seater and drove off.

Half an hour later, they arrived at a campsite and drew up at a large caravan, remote from other parts of the site.

They took him inside, drew the curtains, turned on the lights.

They sat round three sides of a long table. They bent him over the other edge, hands outstretched. "He has a cute butt," his grandfather said, standing behind him and stroking and squeezing his bottom.

"Grandad!" Paul moaned. "Please don't. It's embarrassing in front of these men."

"Should have thought about that before you transgressed," his grandad said. "Have a feel, guys."

The three men took it in turns to play with the seat of his shorts. Paul's face was bright red by the time they had finished.

"Lie on your back on the table, Paul," his grandad said, "hands behind head."

Paul did so. There was a palpable bulge in the front of his shorts."Boy gets easily hard," his grandad said, squeezing the bulge.

"Grandad!" Paul protested, starting to lift himself up, "Please!"

His grandad pressed him back down. "Here, feel it, " his grandad said to the others, "It's growing even now." They all felt; Paul's dick pressed upward, hard, in his shorts.

"Let's strip him down to his underwear," his grandad said.

All working together, the three men quickly had Paul stripped down to his white briefs and long grey socks. He was still hard.

His grandad had him kneel doggie-fashion on the table, knees spread, head down. "Take it in turns to feel, guys," he said, "Feel under his briefs if you like. Really embarrass him."

They felt him everywhere: dick, balls, buttocks, anus. They discovered he had no pubic hair - regularly shaved by his grandad. He was powerless in their hands.

Then they bent him over the table end and pulled down his briefs to his ankles. His uncle took out a very broad leather strap and began to strap his bottom, enough to sting each time, but never too fiercely. Each man took it in turns to continue, gradually, building up the pain and the redness until each stroke with the belt caused him to writhe and cry out...

His grandad stopped and had him kneel back in his doggie posture on the table. He took out a tin of cold cream. They each dipped their fingers into it and started work on his bottom....


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