School Trouble--Part 4

by Boy Spanker <>

The routine was simple. Each teacher had to indicate on a form Mr. Fredericks provided whether or not Ben behaved in school each day. Since Ben was one of the students they always watched, it was fairly easy to do. His first day under this system, two teachers marked that Ben had misbehaved. Ben didn't think that was fair. People had talked to him and he all he had done was answer them.

The next day, three did. One teacher said he wasn't paying attention; one said he was goofing off during study time; and the third said Ben was talking with the boy next to him. Ben was trying to behave. He knew that his teachers were watching him carefully. That same day, his science teacher had to separate him and another boy—and commented on the separation in the note.

Mr. Fredericks didn't say anything. He just collected the daily reports and put them in his desk. By Friday, Ben was up to eight bad reports. He didn't think that was all that bad, since he had six classes every day—and six chances every day to get a bad mark. Mr. Fredericks obviously thought otherwise.

"Ben," the teacher said Friday when the boy turned in his report form, "be sure to wear the thin pants on Monday. You have an appointment with the paddle."

Ben's face went white. He had hoped that Mr. Fredericks could see that he was really trying to behave. The teacher could see that Ben wanted to say something and decided to stop him in his tracks.

"Don't say anything, Ben, or you will get double on Monday. You made the deal. You will live with the consequences."

"Y-yes, sir," Ben stammered. He left, knowing that his spanking on Monday was surely going to hurt.

Ben tried not to think about his appointment with Mr. Fredericks on Monday. Yet he found that he couldn't escape it. Strangely, though, he found that part of him really anticipated it as well.

On Monday, Ben took the thin pants out of their drawer and put them on. Again he marveled at how exposed he felt. He reached back and could feel the warmth of his buttocks through the seat. He hoped he would be brave when it was time for Mr. Fredericks to spank him.

During the day, Ben squirmed through several classes in anticipation. In fact, he earned two more negative marks because he couldn't sit still. Mr. Fredericks had smiled at him in homeroom—and Ben knew exactly what the smile meant.

Ten minutes after school ended for the day, Ben walked into Mr. Fredericks' classroom.

"You are punctual, Ben. I like that. Please have a seat and wait for a few minutes while I finish grading these papers."

Ben sat uneasily. It reminded him of the times when his dad made him sit naked in his bedroom before coming up to spank his bottom. The boy squirmed. He knew that his butt was going to be plenty sore real soon. The young teen felt his penis erect again.

Finally the man put his the papers down. He took the paddle out of the drawer.

"Come over here, Ben," he commanded. "Two swats per bad mark. By my calculations you have earned 20 swats with the paddle. Let's get it over with."

"Please, sir, could I get a hand spanking instead?"

"Are you sure, Ben? You will get three hand spanks for every paddle spank—and I will spank hard with my hand."

"Yes," the boy whispered, approaching his teacher and allowing himself to be guided over the man's lap.

"OK, then, Ben, this is going to really hurt. But you have earned every one of them." Mr. Fredericks reached down and smoothed down Ben's pants, making sure that Ben wasn't trying to cheat and ensuring that each time he hit the boy, the buttocks would feel the full impact. The teacher felt Ben's erection, and thought that it was best to simply ignore it.

Without further commentary, Mr. Fredericks raised his hand high in the air and brought it down across Ben's buttocks. Smack!! Again. Smack!! And again. Smack!!

"_d_a_m_n_," Ben thought to himself, "this hurts almost as much as the paddle does." Smack!! Smack!! Smack!!

The teacher found a steady rhythm, hitting Ben's buttocks over and over, giving the boy a few seconds to feel each blow before delivering another one. Smack!! Smack!! Smack!!

Ben tried to hold back his tears. Smack!! Smack!! Smack!! Smack!! He wasn't very successful. Smack!! Like Mr. Fredericks had advertised, this spanking was going to hurt. Smack!! Smack!! Smack!!

Smack!! Smack!! Smack!!

The teacher looked down at the boy, who was jerking with each blow. Smack!! Ben needed this kind of punishment. Smack!! Maybe if the boy learned discipline, his teachers could actually teach. Smack!! Smack!! He certainly planned on making sure Ben had a lesson he would not soon forget. Smack!!

Ben started crying. Smack!! He couldn't help himself. Smack!! He wanted to be brave. Smack!! He wanted to show Mr. Fredericks that he was a big boy. Smack!! But the spanking just hurt too much. Smack!! Smack!!

Smack!! Smack!! Smack!! Smack!! Smack!!

The spanking continued with regular monotony. Smack!! Ben's sobbing was getting louder and louder. Smack!! His buttocks burned. Smack!! He wanted to reach back and try to sooth them, but knew that would only make Mr. Fredericks mad. Smack!! Smack!!

"Ow, please stop," the boy begged. Smack!! "Please," Smack!! "I'm begging you!" Smack!! Smack!! "Please." Smack!!

Mr. Fredericks ignored him. Smack!! Boys like Ben sometimes needed this hard of a spanking. Smack!! In fact, boys like Ben usually needed this hard of a spanking. Smack!! The teacher knew that Ben was in pain, but redoubled his efforts. Smack!! A deal was a deal. Smack!!

The teacher had carefully kept count in his head. Smack!! He knew that he was on the last ten. Smack!! He decided that these had to be extra hard to make Ben behave in the future. Smack!! So the man concentrated on areas that he knew he had hit hard before. Smack!! The boy's yelps and moans told him that he was having the desired effect. Smack!!

Ben surrendered completely. Smack!! He had no more fight. Smack!! He knew he needed the spanking. Smack!! He was just glad that it was Mr. Fredericks and not his dad. Smack!! Smack!!

"OK, Ben, get up."

Ben staggered to his feet. His butt was on fire. He reached back and started rubbing them vigorously, trying to put the fire out. Through his tears, he saw that Mr. Fredericks was sitting back with a content look on his face.

"Go on home, Ben. Hopefully your behavior will improve and we won't need a repeat of today's session."

Without saying a word, the boy fled the classroom. Because he knew that his eyes were still red from the tears, he hoped that none of his friends would see him. Luckily for him, nobody did.

When he got home that night, Ben eased the thin pants down his legs. His buttocks were red, almost purple. He tried sitting and moaned. As much as he didn't want to, he knew that he had to practice sitting so that he wouldn't squirm at the dinner table. The last thing he needed was for his dad to see that he had been spanked that day.

More stories byBoy Spanker