Dear James - (20) A Boy Disciplined Well!

by Cal <>

Dear James,

A friend about your age just wrote me the following letter that I thought you might enjoy. Remember, you have a birthday coming soon? I'll just paste his letter here now so you can read it yourself. Cal


I knew I was in for it the moment I saw that look in his eyes as he sat there across the table from me munching on some cake. I was going to get it. I could tell. I could see it in his eyes! I shifted on my chair under his gaze which was making me feel uncomfortable the way he was looking at me, but that movement of on the hard wooden dining room chair in my folk's place as I squirmed on my seat only made me more aware of the skimpy _s_e_x_y briefs I was wearing under my jeans and the deep, hot hurt I was now for sure going to feel later when he would surely slowly pull them down for me later and apply the large right flat of his hand across my sure to be then bare bottom. I knew how that could feel from those past few occasions -- more frequently, OK, I'll admit, recently -- when he had become angry enough with me to decide to punish me for one dumb thing or another. I knew I'd be squirming and crying and wiggling my little butt off to escape that punishing hand when he really wanted to spank me and teach me a good lesson. It wasn't what I'd planned at all for tonight. Not at all. Tonight was my Birthday and I wanted to spend it alone with him, giving myself to him, with a tenderness that he used to show when we'd first met and gotten together.

His icy glare across that table told me what I knew was now coming as he mouthed slowly that word I've come to dread on his lips. "Later!"

I shifted my glance and looked around the room nervously. No one seemed to have noticed. Not my brother and his current girl friend or my friend I grew up with, certainly not my parents, uncle, or grandmother, thank God for that! They all though he was just what I needed. Some of them even knew what I really needed on those occasions when I would cross that line. Heck, my Dad and Uncle didn't hesitate to give it to me either. Not even now, these days, when my teen years had disappeared into my twenties. I'd been getting it for as long as I could remember from both of them., and regularly too, especially before I moved out recently and moved in with him. OK, so I could be cheeky sometimes. It's just the way I've always been, I guess. But, well, they were always dumping on me, criticising me sometimes, and gee, even for things that weren't so bad, I mean like when I was just having some fun and screwing around a bit, nothing major. It didn't matter. If my Dad especially saw me, I still got escorted off into a side room somewhere and yea, he'd take down my jeans and briefs and all and you better believe I still got spankings! Yea, you heard me right. Even at my age, I still got spanked!

But this time, I mean like the way he looked at me across that table, stoned faced and I, I knew it was going to be different. I'd crossed that imaginary line he always knew how to draw but I never understood where it was. I'd just been joking and toasting and enjoying myself. I mean like it was MY Birthday, after all. But, I guess, I hadn't though or I really wouldn't have joked a bit, OK, mocked him just a little bit, about his being older and all. The moment I said it, I knew his sense of humour, to the degree he ever had one really, was history. Yea, my _s_e_x_y bikini briefs, silk no less and a present from him, that I'd worn just for him, well, he's still going to be taking them down all right, but it wouldn't be for what I had in mind!

I tried everything to get him over it. We all joked, played, toasted, even talked about how great it was since he was in my life. . . well mostly but I'm still not really sure about everything. . . but his smile never returned on what should have been a really happy occasion for me and it made me more and more edgy and sweating under my collar as the party went on around him.

Jeez! Come on, I don't deserve to be spanked for it! I just don't.

Trying to handle my nervousness, which by this time was almost consuming me with worry now, I walked outside to gasp some very deep breaths and get myself back under control. That might not have been my best idea of the day for as I walked away from that table, I knew he sat there looking at the bottom of my jeans. It was if I could feel his eyes there focused on my ass covered in denim as I walked in the most non-appealing, masculine way I could muster. Were my jeans too tight? Was I just bringing his attention to what he loved to bare and take any time he wanted to anyway? _s_h_i_t_! Mistake! He was my lover. He'd always taken me when he felt like it anyway, but I knew tonight would be different. He was angry! He'd take down my jeans and bikini and tan my bare bottom purple for that comment. I just knew he would. But I kept walking. I had to get out of there.

Outside I relaxed a little. At least he couldn't see me and I didn't have to bear his cold, hard stare for the moment. My high school best Pal was there. What a relief!

"What's wrong?" OK, so he knew me well enough that I couldn't hide, at least not from him, that I was upset.

"Nothing." So give it that old college try anyway and change the topic.

"No, something's bothering you. You've looked nervous all afternoon."

_s_h_i_t_, was nothing sacred. He already knew my lover spanked me sometimes, and, although he never said it, I knew he approved.

Secretly, although I knew he'd never ever admit it to anyone, especially me, I think he envied my having a man who wouldn't let me get away with anything. He just couldn't bring himself to admit it. But, I don't want to talk about this on my Birthday!

I'm not known for keeping things in though. "Hell! Can't I keep anything to myself from you? _d_a_m_n_ it anyway, but it been that way for such a long time I don't know why I ever try anymore." I immediately gave it.

"So, what's the matter." He moved closer as if he expected major confession time, whispering maybe just between the two of us.

"It's him." _d_a_m_n_ it! Why didn't I just shut up!


"My lover, you idiot!"

"Your lover what?" he looked like he didn't believe me and I guess he didn't.

"Can't you see the way he's been staring me down all afternoon?"

"Seems normal to me."

"_s_h_i_t_, man! Watch him. Ever since I made that little joke about his being older and all, I mean like man, I'm gonna' get disciplined tonight and I mean big time!"

"How you know that?" Didn't he see reality? As always he was very interested in my getting it. He used to be even when Dad would whip me and we were much younger.

"Look at the way he's looking at me. Do you know how long it's been since he's really punished me? I mean like now I just up and gave him a excuse and he's going to give it to me big time across my ass tonight, man. I just know it!

"So?" I couldn't believe him shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean, 'So'?" I couldn't believe my best friend had said that. "Do you know what it's gonna feel like and it's my Birthday and all, man!"

"You're over reacting. He's not going to spank you on your Birthday and even if he does, so what?" He shrugged again and went for a cigarette as if he didn't have a care in the world.

_d_a_m_n_ it! _d_a_m_n_ it! _d_a_m_n_ it!

I tried to get my Grandma involved in a discussion of my family roots and all, but she didn't seem up to it just then. My Uncle and I talked a bit, but even that didn't calm me down and he was my favourite Uncle!

I gave up and walked back inside the room. He still sat there and his eyes immediately met mine. "Later" he mouthed again!

I know I blushed, but the worse part was that my Brother's girl was standing there and saw it! My heart sunk. Would she be able to figure it out? Though we've never talked about it or much of anything openly, I'd made a mistake a few months ago and she found out coincidentally that I was still getting spanked even at my age. It was so humiliating to see her here now that I knew she too knew. It should be private!

The more I blushed, the more widely she smiled.

"Got a problem?" she swayed over and asked.

"No way!" I turned and walked on as quickly as I could.

I thought I was doing well thereafter and engaged in some stupid stuff with some of the others. I was doing well, I really think I was. Until that is, I realised he was standing right behind me. I turned. Handsome man! But he still wasn't smiling!

Then I heard him, "You need some corner time tonight when we get home." He spoke softly in a whisper, but it was like a bombshell in my mind. Please, Dear Everything and Anything, please tell me no one heard him say that!!!!! My stomach dropped.

The corner: _s_h_i_t_, _s_h_i_t_, _s_h_i_t_...just hate it. He's taking to make me do that a lot recently. Just standing there, waiting, standing there like that facing the corner and knowing what's coming, and like I can't even jiggle on my feel 'cause if I do he's gonna' crack me with his strap and then it's going to be much worse on me later. I just have to stand there and think about what I did wrong! That corner, _s_h_i_t_, yes. . . I just hate it! Then I have to tell him what I did wrong and then I'm supposed to understand it and half the time I don't. To me, it was just high spirits or having a bit of fun, not some spankable offence!

I tried to seem unaffected, but it affected me more deeply that anyone could imagine. He knew it would! But when I felt his right hand pat my butt, Jeez!

"Come on," I whispered, "I'm really sorry, really, really, really sorry, but please, please not tonight. It's my Birthday!" I felt like a five year old begging as I looked up at his big eyes.

"I know. You should have thought of that earlier." he said and smiled and walked away, mouthing that same word "later," over his shoulder, as he joined another group of celebrating relatives.


I looked over and saw the eye of my Pal who had walked in and pick up on the whole thing. He was smiling ear to ear! I wanted to give him the finger and did, but only halfway and down at my jeans so no one could see it. I didn't need another problem.

He just made a victory sign! _d_a_m_n_ it!

Owww, not again. Not a spanking tonight. I am too ill and will be for days, I know it. Maybe weeks even. Shut up you guys, I would never gloat if you were going to get your butt kicked. I have not earned a beating. I need lots of hugs right now. I need affection, not abuse.

I just want to crawl into his arms and cry, throw myself on the mercy of the court, but I couldn't. Too many people around. And it wouldn't have worked anyway if he had made up his mind to spank me.

If I just stay here forever, I will still be safe, no spanking until I get home. Then he will probably do it Tuesday night after I get home from work...but only if I'm feeling OK. I think I'm going to be feeling 'very, very, very, unwell'. Waaayyyy too ill to be spanked, yes, definitely, waaaaaaayyyyyyyy too ill!,

I can already see it happening. That stupid corner _s_h_i_t_ with me on display and trying like hell to control myself into standing still and act like I'm thinking hard there in that corner like he's told me to do and then that stupider apology knowing it's not gonna' do a _d_a_m_n_ed bit of good cause it never does and all that "yes, I screwed up again"speech and "yea, you're right, I know I need a spanking" even though I'm always thinking "like hell, you Bastard!" I'd like to see how he likes it, but then again he didn't grow up like I did in a family with a Dad and Uncle who thought nothing about humiliating the hell out of me and spanking the hell out of me in their own private version of spare the rod and spoil the boy while I'm getting it family style across the knee and hell yes they still spank me, but I think I said that before. Dad up and gave me long one just a few weeks ago when he got mad at me about one _d_a_m_n_ed thing or another, I never knew exactly why, but I don't think he should be doing it to me any more, especially take my pants down. I mean, I got a lover who handles me now! And, you better believe when I tell him I'm sorry and admit his right and I deserve a spanking, I'm real sincere. At least I try to sound real sincere even if I'm not. But I don't know if he ever believes me really or not, but he really likes to drag it out and all then I'm jerked promising and begging over his knees or over a chair or something with my bare ass and privates and well, you know, with everything right up there and really on display for his pleasure or whatever. Sure, I know I've got a good tight little bun, but I'm still horrified when I'm over him like that. And then when he's good and ready and he never considers my feelings at that point, he just lays into my bare ass and blisters my bare bottom with his bare hand or this new leather paddle he really fancies. _d_a_m_n_ed right, he's good at it. Hard and fast it comes! He doesn't cut me no slack either, just a good firm spanking. And you better believe it doesn't take long 'til I'm screaming Glory Hallelujah and crying my eyes out, begging, promising, and hoping against hope he'd stop before I'm completely out of control. He never does though. It's just another task he like doing until the next time cause he feels responsible for me and believe me that next time won't be long in coming! Someone's always seeing something wrong with my behaviour. OK, so I _f_u_c_k_ up sometimes, but still, Jeez does it hurt when your man spanks you. OK, then you know what comes later.

But, not, I repeat NOT tonight!!!!! It's my Birthday!

Jeez, it feels like everyone is looking at me now. Is it that obvious that I'm upset? Go to Hell! Why's everyone looking at me like that? _s_h_i_t_, suppose he'd told the and they're all talking behind my back about my gonna' get a MAJOR SPANKING tonight?


Sorry! I didn't say that!

_d_a_m_n_ it! My whole birthday in front of everyone's all screwed up because of my stupid mouth! I can already feel my little buns clenching and that feeling building up in my _c_o_c_k_ and balls 'cause like I know it's coming!

_s_h_i_t_! To Hell With it! OK, OK, I know, I know. I brought this one on myself and I know I'm going to get it across my bare bottom, so what the Hell, I'll either whine my way out of it or just lay there and let him do it, but I'll be _d_a_m_n_ed if I'll give him the satisfaction of ruining my Party!

And with my new attitude, yea. The rest of the afternoon went much better even though I know and you know I really never completely calmed down.

He and I were going to dinner after this anyway. A little nice talk and I know I'll get out of it anyway. To hell with you! You're not going to see me get it even it happens. I hope. _s_h_i_t_! He wouldn't!?!

My party went on. I got some really great presents and actually I finally began to enjoy myself. My folks got me some stuff I've been needing for work. Maybe things will turn out OK after all? At least I could hope for that until I caught him glancing at me again. Inevitably folk began to head off. I mean like how many times can you sing Happy Birthday to me? But, the more that left the more uptight I could feel myself becoming.

Finally, I heard the death knell. "OK, Boy, time to go."

"Yes, Sir." I replied calmly and quietly. It's amazing what a settling effect it has on you when you know your getting closer to your spanking. Kind'a just want'a get it over with.

I though we were going home for it though I'd prefer the dinner he'd promised, but when he took the freeway he went toward the beach to one of the more exclusive five star hotels.

"Aren't we going home?" I questioned as the cute valet in tight shorts showing his basket and smile approached the car .

"It's your Birthday." He said smiling. "Remember? I'd like to take you to dinner."

Wheew! Solid! Solid! Solid! No argument from me on that part of it. Now for sure I could get him to forget! Way to go! We walked into the spacious lobby, as that valet winked at him, and up the stairs into the more elegant continental dining room. You know the type with the fancy Host and the white linen tables cloths with more silver on the table than anyone could ever use, three wine glasses, yea, the whole nine yards. I was surprised they'd let me in in jeans, but hey, this is tourist country and even the snooty continentals can relax if they want your money.

We sat down and had drinks. I really began to relax now. Appetisers arrived and we were finally talking like humans again. I'd lost my fear. Dinner was super. I was fine! He wasn't going to spank me after all I was positive. Dessert came flaming and Happy Birthday resounded. A moment later, a man about 6'3" walked over with a bottle of Champagne and my lover stood up and greeted him warmly. Must be a business contact. My lover up and invited him to join us. Just what I don't need! Some stupid contact! _s_h_i_t_!

"It's a pleasure to meet you." The man extended his hand and shook mine firmly. "Happy Birthday to you!" He was warm enough and I melted a bit. Nice guy!

He handed me a small box and in it was a small stone carving I really liked. He talked, we all talked a bit. He seemed strangely familiar almost as if I knew him, but I didn't.

Then my lover through in his punch line.

"Don't you recognise who this is?" he said.

"Somebody you work with?" I replied. I hadn't a clue.

They both roared out laughing at me.

"I invited him here tonight as a surprise for your Birthday."

"A surprise?"

"Bigger than you know of."

I looked at that man -- strong, tall features, very distinguished in a suit and tie, tan, more tan than most of those around here even the tourists.

"Why don't we adjourn to my Suite?" the man offered, "where we can talk about things more personally and share more Champagne?"

My lover stood up and walked out talking together with him with my being left to trail along behind. I didn't know what else to do but follow so I ran after them and caught up to them just as the elevator doors were beginning to close. Would they have just left me there?

At the door to his place on the 19th floor, the gentleman walked in and I was propelled by a push from my lover next. My lover got half way in and looked at me, that stern look was back on his face. He grabbed me by my ass as I squirmed. The door was still half open!

"I'm surprised you don't recognise him," he said, "but never mind, it doesn't really matter."

I looked at that tall blondish, man, but I didn't know him I was sure! The door slammed shut and he locked it. We stood in a beautiful two room suite.

But the tall man just stood there, smiling in a way that was unnerving me, as my lover kept talking. "I warned you to settle down, but you just couldn't, could you?"

"Sorry." I was becoming more than a little concerned now at all this and with this stranger standing there silently.

". . . but no, you had to let your mouth run off at the seams, didn't you?

He looked angry. I knew he would be, but why was this man just standing there? How can I argue with a stranger standing here?

". . . you just had to make it worse on yourself. Well, my friend, your comments today were inappropriate. and you know my feelings about that sort of cut up behaviour. I've warned you about it before, several times."

OK, Ok, I know that.

". . . I was going to spank you anyway tonight, but now you're going to get a real lesson. You're going to get that spanking you _d_a_m_n_ well better understand you need now, for sure; and you're going to get it right here, right now!"

I automatically tensed and hesitated, stiffening, I could tell. I'd never been spanked in front of a stranger!

". . . in this room. You're going to get it from him!"

As he said that the tall man grabbed my forearm. His grip was firm. I looked between the both of them. I didn't I liked what I was seeing and hearing at all! Before I could object though, he was talking again and stepping back. I though he was about to strip off his leather belt but he didn't. He stared coldly at me like he hadn't done too many time before.

"I don't think I need to tell you, you're to do whatever he tells you, if you don't, you're going to feel my strap in ways you can't believe. Relax, he's a friend." He looked directly in my eyes. I knew he was dead serious.

Then, he just all of a sudden turned and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. I stood there with this tall, tan stranger, still holding my arm firmly. _d_a_m_n_ it! Who was he? Somehow he seemed familiar, the way he talked and all, but I was sure I'd never seen this man who now was going to spank me! He led me gently over to the door, locking it and bolting it securely, then he pulled me into the side bedroom where the floor to ceiling windows provided a spectacular view of the bay. He seemed perfectly at ease with all of this. I wasn't! I looked around to see how I could get out of there. There were roses on a small table by that window and a straight backed chair. Then I saw something else. There was a small leather strap on the small table.


"Come here, Baby!" the tall man spoke firmly but softly. He reeked authoritarian respect and I found myself scared to death. Immobile. But all it took was a sharp, curt word of authority from his lips and I moved meekly closer towards him in immediate obedience.

He took me in his arms and hugged me. I'd not had that before. There was a tenderness but still a strong firmness about the way he hugged me that caused me to start to melt deep inside. But I didn't know who he was? He was familiar, maybe; but who was he?

He took my head and cradled it in his hands, moving it so I was looking directly into his deep eyes. "Still need that spanking, Baby, don't ya'?"

Baby? Those words, his deliberateness, his smile, with me like that in his arms I melted more and then all of a sudden I threw myself around him and hugged him for all it was worth. I knew him! Now I knew him! It was a joke! It was the Man I'd spoken with too often! We'd talked lots about lots of stuff, but he didn't live near. How did he get here? How did my lover know him? _s_h_i_t_! I hugged him and almost started to cry. I'd thought about meeting him many times, but we never had. Now, tonight, my Birthday! His hand moved down and grasped my ass firmly as he held me in his arms. No question. It was him! It had to be him! I wanted to talk, say something cute, but I couldn't. Let's sing and forget the joke?

"Time for your spanking, Baby?" He looked down and repeated himself, smiling. That was all he said and then he sat down in that chair leaving me to stand in front of him, waiting. I was completely immobilised, unable to move, terrified yet happier than I had ever been before. Obedience. It was happening and it was all out of my control. Sure, I'd fantasised about it a lot in the past, how it might be; but seeing the look on his face, all my past visualisations disappeared, and I realised this one was for real and if he really was going to spank me, it was going to hurt. He wasn't kidding!

"Whoo, wait a minutes" just slipped out of my mouth, "can't we talk about this some, I mean like this is a joke, yes? You don't really have to spank me, do you?"

"For sure, Baby. It's time for your spanking." He looked directly at me and through me it seemed. "You've been needing this one for a long time. All the notes and conversations, you think I've forgotten them? Think I've come all this way just to have a cup of tea? And that wise crack at your family party, you think that was called for?"

Well, he had me on that one, but I still didn't like the tone of his voice and where this was leading. "No, Sir, but I'm sorry."

"You're right you're sorry, but you're going to be a whole lot sorrier when I'm done with you. Now step closer to me. It's time to take down those cute jeans and tan that little bare bottom you've been protecting so carefully. You know I like my boys with a nice red bare bottom."


"I mean, _d_a_m_n_ it, I didn't think you'd ever really do it. . . I mean we were just talking and all and . . . I just. . .."

"I said get over here and I mean NOW!"

This time the authority in his strong voice was clear. I knew he was serious and I _d_a_m_n_ed well had better do what he'd said! I moved toward him. I mean, I'm not stupid and though I seriously thought about bolting from the room, he looked like he could move fast enough to grab me even dressed in that formal, business suit and I wasn't prepared to risk that.

Think about it, would you try to dash from a man, bigger than you, who's in a locked and bolted hotel suite alone with you, when your lover's left you to get your bare ass spanked by him and warned you? I'm not that dumb! Besides, I could still see that small leather strap on that side table beside him and I knew from talking with him many times before how he sometimes used it on boys who didn't take what they had coming with dignity! He demanded full obedience and I knew he always got it! I was caught and I really knew it as I took that single step that felt like eternity.

"Please, we're friends, remember?" OK, keep trying!

"I said, get over here now!"

Apparently he didn't remember!

"Ok, OK, but go easy on me, huh?"


I guess "easy" is not part of the English vocabulary he understands best?

"Your shoes and socks, get 'em off."

"Yes, Sir." I bend down and removed them quickly tossing them aside and putting all my remaining hope in formal obedience. I suddenly realised I was giving him a full view of my ass as I bent, but I didn't have time to think about it much. He was going to do what he was going to do and I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it much. His look, what can I say, reeking dignity and power.! I recoiled. He was intend on spanking me! My fantasies of the past disappeared in the face of the stark reality now facing me. Yet I still, in some very strange way, felt comfortable with him and there was a strange aura of warmth, even care and respect, between us right then. Still, I knew what I thought was going to be just a major spanking from my Lover was now going to be much more! I'd always secretly feared he'd be too strong, too stern, too hard for a smaller guy like me.

Standing up as tall as I could muster and facing him, I knew I'd had it! He, though, just reached out and unbuckled my belt, slowly, almost gently, tugging it through it's loops, removing it from around my waist, on my Levi's. He doubled it for a moment, smiled at me, while I nearly fainted, positive he was going to use it on me, but then he just tossed it aside. His right hand was reaching around and grabbing my ass, propelling me towards him, into his arms. He hugged me. Somehow he had to be knowing how scared shirtless I was right at that moment. He could tell. He just hugged me tightly, firmly, until I relaxed just a little and all of a sudden I was hugging him back. I don't know what got into me but I just up and kissed him, feeling his arms surrounding me firmly, tightly and very, very securely. I was secure in his arms. I liked him!

It didn't last too long though.

"You know it's time I spank you now, Baby?" He almost made it sound like a moment of tenderness! Those words, but especially the way he said "Baby" to me, rolling it out deeply. Only he called me that. "Time I take you across my knees and spank you like a young boy, Baby? That's what you are, you know. A young boy who going to get his spanking."

"Please, no. . ." but he didn't seem to hear me and kept talking and looking at me!

"That's right." he was speaking slowly, deliberately, "my young boy who's finally going to get his spanking. For sure I'm going to have to give it to you on your little bare bottom. Just the way young boys always get it. Same as I do my own boys, you know, Baby. We're going to give you a real good spanking on your bare bottom. Turned up over my knees, nice and bare where I can see it real well and spank it nice and good for you. You don't have to be afraid, Baby. I'm just going to spank you good and hard, help you learn your lesson this time, help you cry and get it all out of you. You're going to feel real good when it's all over, Baby, and your bare bottom's all nice and hot and red. I'm going to be real proud of you."

"Please. . . Please, Sir." No one had ever talked to me like that before! I knew I was hanging on each word flowing smoothly from his moist rosy lips. He was transfixing me. I could feel my buns tensing and clenching, my _c_o_c_k_ stirring wildly. I was whimpering, whining, close to making a fool out of myself. I knew it but I just couldn't help it. I wanted him to do it, but I didn't want him to do it. I was helpless and knew it was he who was completely in control of me now. He was going to spank me.

He smiled again as I felt his fingers begin to unsnap my 501's, about to take down my jeans. Those metal buttons parted easily in his slender fingers. When he finished with them all and my jeans started to flop open at my fly, he sat down then his chair, leaving me standing straight, alone, before him as he finished unbuttoning them for me, tugging them open and with both his hands he tugged them gently, guiding them down to my knees, his fingers brushing my thighs as it did it, my bikini briefs right at his face where I know he couldn't help but see what he was doing to me.

My _c_o_c_k_ sprang to full mass as he did that, but I couldn't control it. What was horrifying was I suddenly realised I had on those skimpy silk ones from my lover! It was to be my special gift just for him, so we could make love together tonight and I'd really please him; but now it wasn't my lover who was seeing them clinging to my almost naked thighs, he was! He paused and I knew what he was looking at. His hands felt and cupped my balls in them as he smiled up at me while he placed his right had firmly on the silk covering my left cheek.

"Special boy, now aren't you, Baby?"

_s_h_i_t_! Why did I have to wear them tonight of all nights!?!?!

"Think it time we take these down too, or maybe not? I'll just bet you enjoyed getting your little fanny tanned in this _s_e_x_y red silk."

Jeez! I turned purple, green, blue, violet, scarlet, every colour imaginable in shame and humiliation! He knew me! He knew me so well!

"Yes, Sir" Ok, it was a stupid answer, but it just came out as he stood up again and taking me back into his arms, my jeans down abound my feet binding me in place, and he hugged me firmly but tenderly, his hands patting my silk covered bottom as he was feeling me. His hand was reaching around, drawing up the silk tightly in the rear furrow, clenching my butt. Then he began moving his long fingers slowly, crawling seductively and very slowly around the edges. I could feel myself clenching, even tingling. I was melting alive and scared to death all at the same time in his hands like that.

"Please. . .," It just came flowing out of me but it only made it worse as I could hear myself and it almost sounded like I was purring. _s_h_i_t_!

"Nice silk, Baby. Bet you were expecting someone else to take these down tonight, weren't ya?"

I know I turned purple again as I just snuggled tighter against his firm, defined chest I could feel under his starched white shirt. I know he had to feel how turned on I was becoming.

"Well, we'll just see." He said. "Now, let's just get you started on your first spanking and get this little bottom nice and red so you can learn from it, shall we?"

My whole face was burning as I squirmed ever closer against him, his fingers under my briefs now moving slowly. I'd heard him say "first." _s_h_i_t_, what did he mean "first!" I tried to answer but nothing came out of my mouth though I knew my lips were moving! I was about to get a spanking just like young boys are always spanked, bare naked, spread out over Daddy's knees! Nothing was going to be sacred anymore! I was frantically vowing to myself silently that no matter what, I wasn't going to cry for this Man!

"You about ready for a nice long spanking across my knees, Baby? Time I give you a nice long cry, Baby"

Something about the way he said that "long" -- and twice (!) -- caused tingles to crawl up my spine. Hell, No, way I wasn't "about ready!" Why should I be? But I sure as hell wasn't dumb enough to tell him that. No way, and certainly not when he had his hand on my ass like he did! And no way at all I was going to give him the satisfaction of letting him break me down like a ten year old, bawling, and screaming and like all. No way at all!

"Yes, Sir." _d_a_m_n_ it, what happened to my determination! It just slipped out quietly as I looked up at him and caught the smile in his eyes.


His hand landed hard against my ass and I jumped, very surprised he did it and ever more surprised by his strength. He didn't look that strong. It stung!

He grabbed me firmly by the arm, hugged me, and then, immediately, he sat down and guided me forcefully over his knees, taking time to adjust my position for his own pleasure and my comfort with my silk covered buns right up there waiting for him to take his pleasure and do to me what a Man has always done to his boy when his boy needs it. I struggled to get my balance and grabbed on to his ankle and the leg of his chair. I knew I was in for it now! I kept thinking, praying (!) about his not breaking me!

I was all tenses and ready for it, but what I didn't suspect was that he just all of a sudden moved his left hand around and under my stomach, his chest on my back holding me firmly as those fingers snaked under me and touched my _c_o_c_k_ and balls. Then I jerked in disbelief knowing for sure he was going to start slapping my bottom! For sure! But instead he rested his right hand on my briefs and my buns and moved his fingers and hand around slowly, ever so slowly, causing me to squirm and flex beyond my control. I couldn't move much though given the way he was holding me!

"Nice, Baby. Nice little bottom we got here. Too bad this one needs spanked well tonight." He was speaking even more softly now. "You've been needing this for a long time coming, now haven't you, Baby?"

"Yes, Sir." I spoke even more softly. I just couldn't help myself. I don't know what I was saying anymore!

"Been a bad boy, huh, Baby? Need a nice good spanking from me?"

"Please. Yes, Sir. You're right, Sir. I want a spanking from you." I couldn't' believe this was happening or I had said that. "From you!?!" _d_a_m_n_ it, I did, I wanted him to spank me! Something was happening that had never happened to me before in my whole life. I'd been spanked before, lots of times, but never, ever like this. I was choking up hanging there like that held firm over his knees, knowing about my getting spanked, but he's only slapped me once across the bottom.

"Please. . . Please, don't. . . Please don't spank me. . . I'll be good, I promise. . . Pleaseeeeees. . .." I didn't know what was happening? His fingers had moved far under my briefs to the base of my balls and he was applying pressure there and between my buns at the same time. _s_h_i_t_! I was wiggling and wanting him to begin yet praying my heart out that he wouldn't.

Then he stopped and his right hand pulled down my silk briefs off my bare ass and all the way down and off, yea, even my jeans, and I felt the cool air cross my bare ass and I knew I was right where he wanted me to be. He could see everything as I wiggled and his hand went again to where he was putting pressure at the base of my balls and between my buns. I was emotional, but I didn't know what or why this was happening to me!

"Pleeeeeese. . ." I heard myself whimpering out and then, _s_h_i_t_, I just started crying softly.

I'd never cried like that before! I mean, _d_a_m_n_ it, he hadn't even started to spank me and I'd promised myself I wasn't going to let him break me, but I was crying now. His fingers just kept up the pressure over my bare bottom that made me tingle and felt good but I was sobbing. He just held me like that and all of a sudden we started talking and I was telling him everything, just running at the mouth and crying, and tingling and I felt so alive, yet scared _s_h_i_t_less, about his spanking me and he hadn't even begun yet! He seemed to understand and listened and waited patiently, never for a moment lessening the firm grip he had on me until I got myself back under control.

Then I felt his right hand leave my buns and slap me far under my bare bottom. I whimpers and yelped like a small puppy. He was slow, almost gentle, but he kept it up. Each time his palm landed on my bare bottom I jumped from the sting and the warmth from the pain tingled through me. I was reaction emotionally to every slap. It stung, it tingled, his palm always caught me where I didn't expect it. His palm slapped me everywhere even in places I'd never been spanked before. Jeez! I knew I was getting my butt spanked but good but there was a warm feeling beginning to emanate throughout my bare bottom and everywhere as I squirmed uselessly. It wasn't like being spanked when my Dad was mad, but there was no question I WAS being spanked. And he kept talking to me.

"That a boy, lift that bare bottom up high for me. . . give it to me, Baby."

And, as if in a trance, I did! Slap! And I'd wiggle more.

"Come on, Baby, spread those buns for me. . ."

I did that too!

". . . that a boy, Daddy's going to give you a good one, right in here. . ."

Eeeou! ". . . Gonna' make it nice and red for you tonight, Baby, SPREAD 'EM!"

When his hand landed, I was flushing with the spreading sting, crying gently but mostly from the intense emotion of it all. I wanted to do what he told me. I had to do what he told me! His grip had me too firmly to resist, but I really wanted to obey for once in my life. I tried. I tried as he continued.

I could never tell where or when the next one would land or come, but he picked it up and within minutes I was wailing softly and then, _d_a_m_n_ it, I felt my bare ass getting hotter and hotter as he spanked me, and after I don't know how long it was, I just felt my emotions well up deep inside me and burst forth uncontrollably. I sobbed, letting it all out.

As if this was some kind of pre-historic ritual between a man and his boy, he rested and let me cry it out. He kept his hand right on my hot bottom and his fingers added pressures that caused my emotions to soar.

He left me like that over his lap, still holding me firmly. Finally, it was over. I was so happy, but I was also still crying softly and on an emotional high like I'd never experienced before.

"That a boy" He kept talking to me and I kept babbling on too. It was over. I'd gotten spanked just like he spanks the other guys. Now I knew what they meant, finally.

"Now, Baby, let's talk about those comments this afternoon, shall we?"

Whooooo! "It's OK, it's OK." I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to feel him holding me tightly, securely.

"Why did you make that wise crack about his age, Baby?"


"I don't know, Sir. Please, I'll never do it again. I'm sorry. I told him I was sorry. Please, believe me." I wanted him to believe me more than anything else in the whole world at that moment. He had to believe me!

"I believe you, Baby; I really do, but you hurt him, you hurt his feelings deeply."

"Ok, OK, I understand what you're saying, I'll make it up to him, I promise you I will for sure," I was pleading like a small boy now, like a kid who's Dad had caught him calling the neighbour boy fatso.

"I know you will, but I want you to promise me it will never happen again."

"Sure, sure, deal, got'ya, no problem, I will, believe me, I will!"

"Time to pay, my Boy!" I heard the worst words of my whole young life ever!

And then he really spanked me. I was holding on to the ankle of his leg for all I was worth, my mouth flying open with my sobs, and my head and hair jerking back and forth freely as he continued spanking me for what I knew I'd done. I started beating the rug with my hands, but I knew he was right. I'd done it!

"Pleaseees. . . . Oh, please. . . . please. . . . please." I cried, I wiggled, I squirmed, I promised, I pleaded, but he spanked me. He simply wasn't going to let me get away with how I'd hurt my lover. This time I knew what I'd done wrong, for sure; and, OK, I'll admit it! I respected him so much for not letting me get away with it! Believe me, I didn't get away with anything that night!

It wasn't that when he spanked me and used that tiny strap on me some that it was so hard. I'd been spanked harder by Dad for sure! And it wasn't that it was so fast or forceful, it wasn't. But there was something about the way he was holding me and spanking me and the emotions he'd built up inside of me. Well, I just couldn't control my tears as years of frustrations and self doubt flowed out as he spanked me like he spanks his own boys. Now I knew why there was such an incredible bond of love and respect between them all!

When he finished, he just rested his hand on my very well spanked and very hot-to-his-touch bare bottom. He held me like this, letting me cry it out, promising, promising, promising; and then he pulled me to my knees and took my tear streaked face into both his hands and kissed me. I just kept crying as my body and soul melted on his chest and I responded for all I was worth. Immediately I was hot, alive, and soaring high! I didn't care! He stood me up gently and I fell, dove, whatever into his arms, his right hand patting my very hot bottom. I couldn't help it, I felt the most incredible release of my life and I just started bawling again like that young boy I sometimes wanted to be. I was crying and very happy all at the same time and I was holding on to him as tightly as he was smothering me in his arms, against his chest.

We talked quietly, about things too personal to mention here. Then he swooped me up in his arms with no effort at all and carried me easily in his arms, toward the bed, flopping me down as I crawled and lay my still wet and very flushed face on his chest. We talked about me, we talked about him, and, yes, we ever talked about us.

It was real late a night when I finally wandered into his bathroom and turned around to look at the damage on my bare bottom. I'd never seen it so red absolutely everywhere and I really mean EVERYWHERE and I'd never felt it so hot to the touch, but there wasn't a bruise or blemish anywhere. No question, I'd been very well spanked. Hell, my knees were so weak I could hardly stand there and look in that mirror. But, OK, I'll admit it. I felt wonderful!

He showered with me, soap and all, that night and tossed me into bed and under the covers. There was a note from my lover on his bed stand and a single red rose. I opened it while he was still in the bathroom and pulled out the paper. Even the paper was scented with something.


He and my lover had planned the whole thing. My lover had gone out with other friends and wouldn't be back until the next evening anyway.

As he came out of the bathroom, he saw I had found the note. He winked and promised me he'd spank me again in the morning, and I believed him for sure. Only problem was, I was so exhausted and I slept so soundly on his hairy chest with his arm around me and on my very hot bare bottom that neither of us awoke until early afternoon. I couldn't believe how red by bare ass still was that next afternoon, but not a blemish or mark of any kind was anywhere!

I couldn't help talking my head off that next afternoon, and almost straight through at the pool, until then my lover joined us both for a great dinner he'd planned. I immediately started apologising to him for what I said but when I told him I'd been punished for my rudeness, he just smiled in that way that only he can melt me and said, "I know. It's over. I'm sure you learned that lesson well." He winked. I turned scarlet and kissed him right there in front of everyone!

That night after a great evening at a club with entertainment, it was my lover who walked me up into that same suite. You better believe we celebrated in our own special way, but my lover, well, zero jealousy at all, which really surprised me. The two of them had become friends.

As for that tall man, all of a sudden I just noticed he was gone but he left behind a Birthday card and another, much smaller, and much more personal gift that is always with me now.

I still don't know how it happened or how my lover found out about him, though I think it was my childhood Pal who put him up to it; but I've learned one major lesson from it all. I've got both a lover who loves me and I've also got a tall man who I can talk to about anything anytime confidentially and personally, who just shows up now and then, and both are in my life. I guess that's the lucky part. The part that might not be so very lucky is that both believe in spanking me when I cheek off. Add that to Dad and my Uncle, etc. and _d_a_m_n_, for sure, believe me, I'm changing real quickly these days and it's not because of old age either!

What a Birthday! I wonder what they'll do next year?

Other stories byCal