Hernando (The New Guy) Responds

by Christopher <Chrisvirginia@hotmail.com>

My name is Hernando, and as you should know I am now Christopher's supervisor at the office. This means I monitor his computer activities, and thus I have read his MMSA Stories reports (which happen to be true accounts of what's going on). Since Christopher has been reporting these goings on during company time, I will respond here on MMSA Stories -- and decide, with MMSA Stories readers, along with giving my side of the story) what Christopher's punishment should be for writing all this on company time.

Handsome Christopher is 32. I am 22. And yes, originally he did hire me at this office, he did rent me the basement apt. in the townhouse that he owns, and he did help me along at the office in areas that were difficult for me.

Once I found documents in his townhouse that he was not supposed to have, Christopher was potentially in big trouble. I had no problem convincing Mr. Preston (pres of co) that there should be some big changes. In summary, Christopher reports to me and gets a much smaller salary and knows that he follows my instructions to the letter. I am making a really good salary now and Mr. Preston (who insists I call him Tom and requires Christopher to address him as "Mr. Preston" and address me as "Mr. Juarez").

I am surprised how cooperative Christopher has been about moving to the basement apt., leaving me with the townhouse to myself. He cleans the house, does my errands, and has had a curfew of 8pm, which means being naked and ready for bed at that time. At the office, he's allowed to wear a tanktop and loose gym shorts with sandals until 5pm. then, when the secretaries leave, he's naked until i send him home.

now i will let christopher read this to learn about the new set of rules. since i am now monitoring christopher's email -- and seeing everything before he does -- i invite MMSA Stories readers to advise me. when christopher was my supervisor and landlord, he was condescending and arrogant. so, now that the situation is reversed, these rules are appropriate:

1. effective immediately, i am renting out the basement apt. to make some income for myself. mr. preston and i decided christopher can live in the little room in the basement of the office building. there's a cot, a dresser, a shower, and a sink. the guy who works in the mailroom went to get christopher's things (those that he's allowed to have) and bring them to the little room in the basement.)

2. instead of wearing a tanktop and gym shorts, christopher will be wearing a very skimpy white bikini bathing suit -- 2 sizes too small. given he has not been allowed to milk himself or be milked by me since we switched positions, there will be little doubt about the status of his dick with a tight, undersized bikini on.

3. at 5pm each day, the bikini comes off and he reports to my office for instructions.

4. at 6pm (after doing his pushups and getting belted) he eats a sandwich and goes down to his room by 7pm. lights off. stays in bed -- naked, of course -- until 7am the next morning.

5. at 7am after washing up, he puts on the bikini bathing suit and reports to the office up here on the 7th floor.

6. on saturdays, he spends the day cleaning the townhouse. to bed at 7pm

7. on sundays, he gets up at 7am, does the assignments that i've left him until noon. then he goes to his room, lights out, and stays in bed until 7am monday morning.

christopher just reported to my office. i'm going to let him read this, give him 100 with the belt (after explaining his new position -- standing three feet from the wall, hands spread wide and held against the wall, legs spread), and then send him off to bed.

i need MMSA Stories readers' advice regarding further discipline, one of the guys in the office thinks i'm being too lenient. and christopher again has requested to be milked -- says it's really necessary.

let me know, readers.

to be continued

More stories by Christopher