Michael Survives the Crymaker - Part 4 in the Series

by Nathan <Nathan9001@yahoo.com>

(Authors note: This story is a post punishment and follow-up report of Michael Hanson; see Michael meets the Crymaker. If you haven't read parts I, II, and III I would suggest you do that first. This part of the story was an original idea written and submitted to me by Andrew Goodyear. I modified it extensively and use it here with Andrew's permission, as it enhances the overall storyline and forms the 4th part of the Crymaker series. It's not written with the same intensity of the other stories posted so far, but it adds so much I felt it fit. If you like it, I give credit to Andrew. If you don't, I take the blame. Nathan)

BRINRICK COUNTY Juvenile Justice Division SUBJECT: Status report on punishment administered to Hanson, Michael, age 17, male [case #01FH982AM]

DATE OF ADMINISTRATION: Saturday, 14 March at 1300.

PHYSICIAN REPORT: Subject seen by Doctor Robert Matthews, prison staff physician, immediately after being unhooked and led away from the punishment area. Subject walking tentatively, needed to be guided, and still crying and in obvious pain. Subject, 17 year old adolescent male. Notable indications include: Reddened, blistered buttocks with some marking of the epidermis and discoloration of the surrounding area consistent with judicial paddling. Substantial but temporary rise in blood pressure, 179/96; elevated pulse, resting 93. Height 69", Weight 160 lbs. No permanent physical damage detected. _s_e_x_ual notation: Subject male is a normal male with development consistent with stated age of 17 years. Penis is circumcised, unremarkable except for some markings of epidermal irritation along shaft length from recent self-induced movement from the state mandated penile cuff humiliation ring. Pubic growth normal, testicles are normal, bi-lateral, and unremarkable. Recent involuntary ejaculation induced during first punishment phase due to friction of penile cuff caused by subject's squirming motions. Ejaculated seminal fluid has normal consistency, sperm motility, and quantity.

PSYCHOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS: Prolonged, continuous verbal yelling and screaming during duration of punishment phase. Significant contraindications: Extensive, open crying noted after third judicial paddle strike of state punishment apparatus. Extreme emotional distress observed in subject resulting from completion of state sponsored "State Humiliation Protocol Number One." For subject male, most significant contraindications revolved around his involuntary public ejaculation occurring in front of former girlfriend, adult crime victims, and majority of high school classmates, all school faculty and staff.

POST-PUNISHMENT TREATMENT: Dr. Matthews prescribed Neosporin ointment to be topically administered to affected area, buttocks, and on penile shaft. Administered 15-milligrams Valium orally to subject in an effort to calm him and end crying. This was effective in stated purpose. Subject was then given paper gown and told to rest on cot in exam room. After 45 minutes youth was sufficiently calmed down and his mother, Mrs. Gloria Hanson, was allowed to enter examination room. Mother provided regular clean clothing to be worn for return home after release.

NOTEWORTHY SUBJECT RESPONSES Subject demonstrates normal responses consistent with post punishment trauma. Reflexes normal, eyes clear and vision normal 20/20. It was noted that the subject quietly acknowledged presence of his mother. When subject was instructed to remove gown and dress in the clothes she provided youth complied without complaint as his mother looked on. No modesty apparent, normal reaction for adolescent males who have undergone recent humiliation protocol through the state sponsored punishment apparatus.

RELEASE MEDICATION AND POST PUNISHMENT TREATMENT Dr. Matthews gave Mrs. Hanson a prescription for 20, 5-milligram Valium tablets, non-refillable. Medication to be administered to subject on an as needed basis at mother's direction/discretion.

PRE-RELEASE CONFERENCE: James Harding, Brinrick Juvenile Justice Administrator, held conference with subject and his mother in his office. He explained terms of release, probation requirements, and possibility of further punishment for any violations thereof.

RELEASE TERMS: Michael Hanson, hereafter known as a probational teenager, will maintain a clear and consistent and constant behavior that will be unremarkable. He will address adults with proper terms of respect, and will not ridicule, humiliate, or in any other manner take any action verbal or otherwise, to cause discomfort to any other individual for the terms of this probation. He is expected to be trustworthy at all times, and helpful to all adults that request his aid or service. He will be courteous to his peers and adults alike, and he will obey any adult in a position of authority immediately and without complaint, including, but not limited to, any policeman, teacher, principal, youth leader, coach, or parent. Further, he will within one grading period acquire a grade point average of not less than 3.0, and he will maintain that grade point average until graduation from high school. He will have no absences from school without a written excuse from a state approved doctor. Absences required for medical or dental appointments, family needs, and similar requirements will be pre-coordinated through this office and prior approval must have been obtained. Under no circumstances will he break any law, rule, or ordinance, of this state, community, or his school. Within 30 days he will provide a written apology, copy to this office, to all the victims so listed in his arrest report. These probation requirements will not be altered without written consent from this office and then only with concurrence of his probation officer. Subject probational teenager will maintain all terms of this probation until he reaches an age of 20 years since birth, at which time the probation period will be considered ended.

Failure to meet all terms of this probation release will result in immediate arrest and incarceration and a return to the state punishment apparatus for completion of initial sentence without reprieve. Victims of original distress will be so notified and invited for witness. Further, under the recommendation of the probation officer additional punishment protocols may be imposed with the concurrence of the superior court of Brinrick county, consistent with the nature of the probation offense.

Subject was asked if he understands these terms. He appeared sullen and close to tears, but answered affirmatively in a shaky voice. Custodial parent requested permission for her son to miss school on Monday. Permission was denied. All release terms were agreed to and signed by subject male and Mrs. Hanson, the custodial parent. Follow-up conference with Mrs. Hanson regarding her son's behavior over the next two weeks to be scheduled by telephone with Detention Secretary on Monday.

Release from custody occurred at 1545.

BRINRICK COUNTY Juvenile Justice Division SUBJECT: Status report on follow-up telephone interview concerning Hanson, Michael, age 17, male [case #01FH982AM]. Interview between Mrs Gloria Hanson, custodial parent of Michael Hanson, subject probational teen, and Mr James Harding, Brinrick Juvenile Justice Administrator.

DATE OF INTERVIEW: Saturday, 12 March at 1500.


Mr. Harding: Good afternoon, Mrs. Hanson.

Mrs. Hanson: Hello, Mr. Harding, I was waiting for your call.

Mr. Harding: Well, I appreciate your making time for this. It's nice to speak with you again. Is this still a good time for me to interview you regarding your son, Michael.

Mrs. Hanson: Yes, now would be fine.

Mr. Harding: OK, well, this shouldn't take too long. I need to tell you that this conversation is being recorded, and I am also required to tell you that any false statements that are made could result in immediate additional punishment for you son. Do you understand this?

Mrs. Hanson: Yes...I understand. I will tell you anything you want to know. I just want to get this behind me. Poor Michael has been through so much these past few days you know.

Mr. Harding: Yes, well, as I said, this shouldn't take too long. Did Michael return to school last Monday, and were there any particular problems that day?

Mrs. Hanson: He did return on Monday. He didn't argue and just quietly ate breakfast before leaving. I know he was sore, and he didn't want to go, but I couldn't get an absence approved for him so he just went.

Mr. Harding: Do you know of any particular problems that occurred that day?

Mrs. Hanson: Not with Michael's behavior or attitude in classes. In fact, one of his teachers even called to inform me of how quiet and respectful he was in her class, in contrast to some previous poor behavior. I have to say that was really a surprise call. I'm used to hearing about his antics, and it was really nice to get a nice call for a change.

Mr. Harding: That sounds very good. What was Michael's general demeanor when he returned home?

Mrs. Hanson: Very different than what I'm used to. In the past, most days he would not be home until near dinnertime. He'd be hanging out with his friends somewhere. Now, he's just always home right at 3:30, dropped off by the school bus.

Mr. Harding: Did he say anything to you after he entered the house on that fist Monday?

Mrs. Hanson: He politely said hello. Then he told me he'd be in his bedroom doing his homework. I could hardly believe it. Normally, I have to nag him to do his schoolwork, but now he seems to go right after it. I did notice that his face was kind of flushed and his eyes looked red.

Mr. Harding: Do you think he was upset over anything?

Mrs. Hanson: Yes....yes I know he is hurting inside. Later on that first night I went upstairs, and his door was open, and he was on his bed crying. You have to understand how strange this was to me. Prior to his punishment last week, I had not seen Michael cry since about age 11. He was always so solid...like his father I guess.

Mr. Harding: Now, his father, does he live there as well?

Mrs. Hanson: Oh no...my husband and I were divorced almost 6 years ago. I don't even know where he is....he was never there for the children anyway.

Mr. Harding: I see. Well, you said your son had been crying. Did you ask him what the problem was?

Mrs. Hanson: Yes, I went in and asked him why he was so upset. At first he couldn't answer. He just kept sobbing, and saying "ohhh Mom." Finally, he was able to get control of himself, and then he told me that he had experienced a day of frequent teasing and ridicule.

Mr. Harding: Did he get any more specific?

Mrs Hanson: He said that wherever he was, lunch, gym, and even in some classes, there were smirks and giggles. And in the hallways some crude _s_e_x_ual remarks were directed at him. His friends have left him since that punishment, and he seems very down. Some of them are calling him "crybaby." Another name some of the kids have used is "shooter".

Mr. Harding: "Shooter?"

Mrs. Harding: Yes, "Shooter." It references his...what would you call it, you know...when he....oh God...when he ejac----ulated. Oh, it's so embarrassing....

Mr. Harding: Well, yes, I suppose it is. Do you know if he responded to this teasing in any way?

Mrs. Hanson: He told me he just ignored it as best he could, and never responded. He fears that if he even asked for the kids to stop, it could get him in trouble. He's just sooo afraid of getting in any trouble-I really feel for him.

Mr. Harding: Well, yes, he really can't let something some kids say get to him. He can't afford an incident, and I'm glad he knows that. Did you have any problem getting him to go back the next day?

Mrs. Hanson: I could tell he hates going to school, but no, he never complains. He just gets up, gets ready, and goes. But I can see the fear in his eyes. Mothers notice those kinds of things you know. I don't think he's sharing all of his feelings with me; I think he even fears that I might become upset at him.

Mr. Harding: Well, under his probation he's not allowed to upset his parents, and I'm glad to see that he's being good at home. Overall, how was his academic performance this past week?

Mrs. Hanson: Oh, that part was excellent. He got A's on two tests in subjects he formerly got C's or D's in. In fact, in his math class he actually made a perfect score. He showed it to me, and I was really thrilled.

Mr. Harding: Well, that's good to hear.

Mrs. Hanson: I wasn't surprised. All the boy does is come right home from school and study. He's been working like crazy on some kind of science project, and I think it's very important to him that it work out. He told me it was a big part of his grade in that class. He reads his history book every night and I've even seen him outlining the chapters. I've just never seen him work so hard.

Mr. Harding: Well, I'm glad to see he is taking school seriously. Did he say any more about being harassed?

Mrs. Hanson: He'll only talk about it if I ask. Otherwise he doesn't complain. But I know he's getting it bad every day. Sometimes after he's been studying for a while, he will lay down on his bed and have a crying spell. I try and talk with him, but it seems like he doesn't want to think about it, yet I know it's on his mind all of the time.

Mr. Harding: Well, I think that is pretty normal, and I wouldn't worry too much about it. Have any adults he comes in contact with complained in any way about his attitude or behavior?

Mrs. Hanson: Oh no, quite the opposite. I've spoken to two of his other teachers. Both say he is very respectful and does anything asked of him by any of the faculty. I've even been told he called one of them "Sir" and says "Yes Sir" when he used to say "yeah." I have noticed here at home that now when I asked him to do something he jumps right on it, and usually says "Yes mom." That sure is different!

Mr. Harding: That's a major turnaround, I'd say.

Mrs. Hanson: That is for sure. Michael is not the same boy that he was before his punishment. His main goal seems to be to do anything to avoid having to return and take those extra strokes. I see real fear in his eyes sometimes. He is even respectful towards his sister, whom he used to tease a lot.

Mr. Harding: What do you think prompted the change with his sister?

Mrs. Hanson: I'm not sure. His sister is taking some teasing at school as well over her brother and what happened to him. When he came home that was the first time I think she had ever seen him cry. And the _s_e_x_ual aspect of his punishment really has set her off...and I caught her on a few occasions kidding him about it. I finally had to talk to her privately to explain exactly why that happened to Michael.

Mr. Harding: Tell me, does your daughter know exactly what her brother went through?

Mrs. Hanson: Oh yes. Most definitely. She listened to the talk radio the other day, and her friends from his school have told her all about it. I wish she had seen what happened instead of just hearing about it though.

Mr. Harding: Why is that?

Mrs. Hanson: Only because I wish she knew how much suffering her brother had. She thinks its funny, and she says that she still cant see why he...well, why he did IT there on stage? I can see how uncomfortable Michael is around her. She doesn't tease him any more; I won't permit that, but she no longer sees him as the strong big brother either.

Mr. Harding: Do you think that's a bad thing?

Mrs. Hanson: I just know that every day in school Michael faces shame and embarrassment. I just think at home he needs a respite, to not be constantly reminded how everyone saw him. Sometimes my daughter will just smile at him and he will start to tear up again.

Mr. Harding: Any other concerns?

Mrs. Hanson: I am going to ask the school principal if they can get the kids to tone down the teasing. Michael is trying very hard to do everything correctly. I know the faculty doesn't stop it since everyone was told humiliation was part of the deal. But in view of his exemplary behavior so far, I feel he does deserve a break from the outright mocking and so forth.

Mr. Harding: I will leave that in your hands. You should know that typically the teasing tends to drop off after a while on its own. I am going to file a report that Michael is doing all that's expected of him. You can tell him that if he keeps doing what he's doing and watching his behavior I don't think he has anything to worry about. As long as he behaves himself, he won't be returning to see us....or the machine.

Mrs. Hanson: Thanks, Mr. Harding. I will tell Michael that. I know he will be encouraged to know you are filing a favorable report. I think he's just very afraid he's going to screw up somewhere. Knowing that he is doing OK may help him to be better able to bear what he has to in school.

Mr. Harding: Do you have any questions for me?

Mrs. Hanson: Well, yes. I'm very concerned about his friends all leaving him. His girlfriend was really important to him two weeks ago, and now he won't even mention her. There are no telephone calls for him, and before he used to talk for hours on the phone. I just don't know if he can handle this.

Mr. Harding: Well, I should tell you that the immediate loss of friends is normal following a state administered judicial paddling. In fact, it is very typical for an entire circle of friends to shift. You need to understand that he is no longer the same individual in the eyes of his previous friends, and for the most part they don't want to be seen with him, much less seen socializing with him. But usually some real good comes out of that, and I think over the next six months that you will notice he will begin to acquire some new friends to replace the ones he's lost.

Mrs. Hanson: I certainly hope so. Right now he just doesn't have anyone, and I hope there are some kids in that school that will be his friend.

Mr. Harding: Well, I'm sure that there are. Right now all the old friends have rejected him, and his behavior changes have been too recent to attract new ones. However, what my experience has shown with these kids is that as they improve their grades, make the honor society or what have you, they start to gain some self-esteem back from what they can do. As long as they can start excelling academically, they find that they fit in with another crowd, and are usually accepted there for what they can do. For parents, often this new friendship circle is a blessing.

Mrs. Hanson: Well, I'll hope that comes to pass then. Thank you...you seem very sincere.

Mr. Harding: Well, I appreciate you for saying that Mrs. Hanson. And I also want to thank you for your time. I'll have the secretary call you and schedule another telephone interview a month or so from now.

Mrs. Hanson: Thank you and goodbye then.

Mr. Harding: Goodbye.

[Authors comment: Read punishments have a lot of depth to them, and this jointly written story adds some of that depth to Michael's character, and in turn, to the Crymaker series. -Nathan9001@yahoo. com]

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