A 06a Country Life (1)

by Tim Anders <Timlovesjase@yahoo.com.au>

Country Life (1) by Tim Anders (Extensively revised sequel to "Bush Treatment")

Copyright Tim Anders © 1998, 2001

Dad had sorted out my problems with school and with Mum, or rather, their problems with me. One of the results was some very tangible attention to my backside, including a rigorous trip up the bush. The other was a family decision that I should live with Dad for a while.

A couple of weeks later I arrived in this town, which was to become my new home. My only experience of life in the bush so far had been that sleepy one-horse place 'Woop-Woop', and I didn't really know what to expect of life in this larger, much more urban country town.

I did know that life with Dad would be more structured and disciplined than it had been of late in the Big Smoke and, believe it or not, that was exactly why I was so keen to come and live with him. I couldn't have said it in so many words at the time, but I didn't really like myself the way I was. I didn't enjoy driving everyone mad, making them angry and frustrated, and instinctively I felt Dad would somehow sort it out.

Ever since I was a little kid, Dad was the one that pulled me out of the _s_h_i_t_ I kept getting into and discouraged repetition (or tried to) by inscribing salutory lessons on my backside. I must have been a very slow learner because I found myself many times in the same _s_h_i_t_ again, and the lessons became more resounding every time they had to be repeated.

I guess what I'm saying is, when I asked to live with Dad, I would be pulled into line quick smart with a hiding whenever required, as a matter of course, and that's how it ought to be. I genuinely believed Dad's tangible lessons would help me become a more likeable person and at the same time restore in me that secure feeling of knowing my bounds and the consequences if I overstepped them. He definitely succeeded in the latter.

So, here I was, determined to make a new start, with the prospect of an imminent tanned backside, the last instalment Dad had held over at the end of our bush trip. To be honest, every time I thought about it, my little mate kept raising his head, poking through his cap in anticipation, even though I knew it was going to hurt, and of course there was always that familiar afterglow, combined with the feeling of having paid for my sins.

Dad picked me up from the station, and I had that really happy feeling. On our way to his house at the edge of the town he pointed out the school I was to attend and some other points of interest. The house was a rambling old place in a huge garden, and my room was more than twice the size of the one I had in suburban Melbourne.

We had a barbecue that evening, just the two of us. Afterwards I did the dishes like a good boy, collecting Brownie points, and after that, we talked a while, me always wondering how long it'd take till we got to the topic of discipline and my still outstanding punishment.

I asked if there was anything on the telly. Dad said we could check later, but there was still something we needed to discuss. I didn't have to guess what that was.

"Seeing we're going to live together for a while," he said, "and after the way you've been behaving lately, we need to re-establish some rules."

"Fair enough."

"Including your punishments if and when you break the rules, agreed?"

Conflicting thoughts were racing through my head, On the one hand I felt at sixteen I was getting a bit too old for that, on the other I knew I needed and wanted it. I also remembered Dave telling me that he still got the cane from his old man, and he was over sixteen already then. "Yes, I know I've blotted my copy book," I finally said.

"That took you a while," he grinned. "I just want you to really think about it. You are not a little kid any more and you have to learn to take more responsibility for your actions."

"Yeah, sure, I will." I'd heard all that responsibility stuff before.

"Good," he said, "but I want more than promises, mate. For starters, I want you to take an active part in the decisions about discipline."

That sounded a bit intimidating. "How d'you mean, Dad?"

"I want you to front up when you deserve to be punished, and tell me what you think your punishment should be."

"You mean I have to come and ask for it?"

"If you think you deserve it. That's what taking responsibility is all about."

"Geez, Dad. I don't know - "

He ignored my hesitation. "That's what I expect in the future, mate, be a man, not a kid. You got yourself into a lot of strife lately, and this is the end of it. I know you can do better."

"That's why I wanted to come and live with you, mate." That should go down well! But apart from ingratiating myself, I was telling the truth.

He put his arm around my shoulder, "I don't mind telling you now, I was really touched when you asked for that, mate." Having Dad's arm around me made me feel so safe and protected, I felt like crying.

"I did miss you, you know."

"Even though I've been strict and tanned your backside?" He slapped my bum and my little mate stirred at the question, "and I'll do it again if I have to."

I swallowed, "I know, Dad. I always deserved it. But I'm talking about all the fun we used to have together, playing sports, going fishing, bushwalking . . . I really missed all that, honest."

"Yeah, I'm sorry Tim, but we can retrieve some of that if you pull your weight and don't louse up your schooling." Dad had a real hang-up about education because he never finished his course. The local footy club didn't give a _d_a_m_n_ about qualifications, he was the best masseur they ever had. He once was a pretty hot football player himself, too, maybe that helped.

"OK, mate, I'll do my best, promise."

"I want you to work really hard," he continued, "you got a lot to catch up on, and you can do it. You used to be in the top five of the class, for heaven's sake! I want you back there, you got the brains. So don't bugger up your last chance, or I'll be down on you like ton of bricks."

"I'm sorry. I guess I just got off the rails a bit."

"A bit? You stuffed up good and proper, son! How's your bum, still sore?"

"No, of course not."

"Just wondered."

"It's been two weeks, Dad."

"About time for a reminder then, is it?"

"What, already?" I said, half hoping he was joking, but something was stirring in my jeans.

"I've got some proper canes now."

"Have you?" My little mate said 'yippee!'.

"Yep, five of them."

"FIVE!!?? What for?"

"You know what for."

"I mean why so many?"

"Why not?"

"Where d'you get them?"

"A craft shop in town. I know the owners, Mike and Josie. Nice couple. You'll meet them on Sunday. We'll be going there for a barbecue."

"Er, - did you tell them what you wanted them for?" I enquired nervously.



"Didn't have to, they knew when I asked could they cut them to the right length."

"_s_h_i_t_!! It'll be all over town, Mark's boy is still getting his bottom caned at sixteen!"

"Don't worry, mate, they said quite a few people have asked for cut lengths of the stuff."

"I don't think I want to go to this BBQ."

"Please yourself, it's a free country. But I know they'd like to meet you."

"I'd be too embarrassed."

"Then you'll meet them next time they come over here. We're good friends."

"Great!!" I said facetiously, "what about all the others?"

"What others? It's just a small group of friends."

"Yeah, and they all know, I bet."

"This may surprise you, mate, but in the great scheme of things your bum and what happens to it is of no consequence, except to yourself. It's not likely to be a hot conversation topic."

"Glad to hear it," I said somewhat snippily, "anyone my age?"

Dad looked a bit impatient, "No idea, mate, depends who else is coming. Last time there were at least half a dozen, from about twelve upwards, bloody noisy they were, too."

"And I suppose they all know I get the stick, too!"

"Tim, you're too young to be neurotic. There are plenty of things to talk about, other than you or your bum. You're not the navel of the universe, you know.."

"I don't mean they'll talk about it, Dad, I mean, they'll know."

"Frankly, I don't know if they do or don't. My guess is they're probably in the same boat and wouldn't think twice about it. Does it matter?"

"It does to me!"

"Look, I massage young blokes with pink and red marks on their backsides and it's pretty clear how they got there. Doesn't seem to worry them, even when I mention it."

"Dad! You wouldn't!"

"Sure I do. I just joke 'had an argument with the old man, eh?' Most of them just say 'and how!' or just 'hmm', some even tell me all about it."

"Honest? I couldn't do that, I'd just clam up or run."

"It's no big deal, mate. They're proud how they took it, even brag how tough they are."

"You're making that up!"

"Well, if you won't believe me, I refuse to tell you any more lies, so there!" An old family joke Dad and Mum used to tease each other with.

"I don't know how they can do it, I'd never tell anybody."

"Usually they don't till I say something, except one, he always warns me as soon as he gets in, even before he says G'day."

My little mate got very excited. "Really?"

"He goes: 'I got stripes on me bum again, mate, no prize for guessin' what from.' And then he drops his daks."

I just couldn't believe it. "What do you say to him, then?"

"I just grin and say 'makes no difference to me, mate, you probably earned it,' and he sort of grins back."

"Geez, Dad, I'd be soo embarrassed!"

"That's what I'm talking about, son. Relax, it's no big deal, I keep telling you. I mean, if I see him in the street, or any of the others, d'you reckon I instantly think of their red bums?

My little mate would have loved to hear more about this, but I couldn't very well ask Dad for more details. But the thought of becoming a masseur did cross my mind?

Later, Dad showed me the canes he'd bought. They were about 70 to 80 cm long, and about 5 to 8 mm thick. My little mate was getting excited imagining them connecting with my bum, and I was hoping the bulge wasn't too obvious.

As if he'd read my mind, Dad said "We'll have to test them, of course."


How d'you think?"

"Aw, Dad!"

"Give you some idea what to expect if you step out of line," he swished one through the air, making that ominous noise of a cane just before it stings your buns.

"I guess so, but I'm really going to try hard, Dad, - "

"I'm sure you will, but there's still some unfinished business from our bush trip."

"Yes, I know, I've been wondering about that." I could feel my stomach knotting up. As usual, what I'd been looking forward to in theory, was about to explode, and the bulge in my jeans shrank rapidly.

"OK, mate, I don't want this to be any worse than it has to be. You still have to be punished -"

"I know, Dad."

" - so we'll combine your punishment with the testing of the canes."


"No time like the present," he said, making the cane sing through the air again. "They're thin, and they'll hurt like hell."

"Yes, Dad." I pointed to one of the canes, "that one's a bit thicker, by the looks of it."

He picked it up, "for special occasions, if for some reason you can't take your pants off."

What was he talking about? Surely, he wasn't thinking of punishing me with others around!?

Dad interrupted my thoughts, "now, seeing it's been a while since all this started, I want you to tell me once more, in your own words, why you're being punished."

I have always found it very difficult to enumerate my sins and offences, while at the same time worrying about what inevitably has to follow. I said what I had to say, and I was honestly ashamed of how I had behaved, especially to Mum. For good measure I stated once again I'd be trying to do much better in future.

"Come on then, bend over for the first two."

I bent over and he whacked the thicker one across my jeans covered bum twice in quick succession. I yelped and jumped up, rubbing my backside, "_s_h_i_t_, that hurt, Dad!"

"Good, we've hit the spot, as they say." I hate it when he's 'being funny' while my bum's on fire. "Now, for the remaining eight, - -"

I knew they had to be bare bum so I took everything off, but as I was about to pull off my shirt as well, he said "don't worry about that now. Just make sure it doesn't get in the way."

I stood there, and - believe it or not - I could feel my little mate stirring again, fortunately hidden under my shirt.

"The rest will come as two each with the remaining four canes."

I shuddered. "Dad! I - -"

"Last part of your punishment and a taste of what happens if you don't pull your socks up."

"I will, Dad, honest!"

"Glad to hear it. Now, bend over."

I bent right down, with my shirt ending up round my neck. I heard it coming and then I felt a sharp cut across my naked buns. "OW!" I yelled, and the next one followed so quickly, I nearly choked. I jumped up, rubbing my bum, "HELL, that hurts!"

"I know," he said, "your grandpa was an expert with the cane, I still remember the sting." Dad had never told me that before. It didn't ease the pain but somehow made me feel closer to him. "Come on, bend over for the next two." And so we tested them all, to the bitter end. I straightened up after the last one, a bit teary-eyed, Dad put his arms around me and ruffled my hair. "All over, mate."

"I'm sorry, Dad!"

"Course you are, I know that. Now make sure the slate stays clean."

I really felt like a burden was off my back after that, and I made a real effort to stay on my best behaviour. It took nearly a month till I felt one of those canes on my backside again.

I did go along to the BBQ, feeling extremely self-conscious, especially when Dad introduced me to Mike and Josie. I was sure, they gave me a knowing grin, but Dad said I was imagining things. Nobody ever said a word, but I had a distinct feeling, everybody 'knew'.

There were four or five guys about my age and they seemed to stick together and not take much notice of me. Two of them came over after a while, and we got to talk. Craig was nearly 17, working part-time in his parents' newsagency, while still struggling through year 11 at High School, and Dean, a motor mechanics apprentice, had just turned 16, same as me. We kicked the footy and mucked around for a while, and then Craig winked at Dean and suggested we shoot through and go over to his place.

Dean winked back at him, "yeah, let's!" He seemed really keen.

I was a bit unsure, but I liked them both, and this BBQ wasn't really my scene. So, I checked with Dad and he said "fine, just be home for dinner".

The newsagency was closed all afternoon, so we got in through the backdoor, and then Craig showed us some 'Adult' magazines in a far corner of the shop. Most of them were sealed, but some could be easily slipped out of their wrappers. The 'better ones' were harder to get at, but Craig knew how to undo them.

"Just watch out," he warned us, as we were leafing through the mags, "don't make any marks on 'em, I gotta close the _f_u_c_k_in' wrapper again and pretend I never seen 'em. If me old man finds out about this, I'm dead meat."

"I got the friggin' stick this morning," Dean volunteered.

"Me last night," said Craig, and they high fived each other.

"What for?" Dean wanted to know

"Me big mouth again," Craig smirked, "can't help it, he reckons he knows _f_u_c_k_in' everythin'."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Dean sympathised, "mine carries on as if I'm bloody stupid."

"Well aren't ya?" Craig teased.

But Dean didn't bite, except for a mumbled "ah get _f_u_c_k_ed."

"Ta, mate! I'll think about it. I thought yer ole man's shearin' up north?"

"Course he is, I bloody told ya, - "

"So Phil blistered yer bum, did he?" Craig grinned.

I felt very left out, but my little mate got excited by all this talk. I butted in "who's Phil?"

"Me brother," said Dean with an expression on his face that seemed to reflect the agony Phil had caused him earlier that morning.

"Ex-army," said Craig with some awe.

"Army reserve," Dean qualified.

"He belted me once too," Craig boasted, "packs a bloody punch, mate, no _s_h_i_t_."

"Yeah, we both _f_u_c_k_in' got it then, didn't we, mate?" I was beginning to envy them, they were so close, so uninhibited with each other, and I was thinking of Dave again.

"Me bum was striped for days," Craig kept bragging.

"And mine," Dean wasn't going to be outdone, "I got a lot more than you, remember."

"So ye should, ye _f_u_c_k_in' started it all," Craig teased.

"Hey you b- " Dean was about to start a wrestling match, but Craig pinned his arms down.

"Careful, man, don't break the bloody china!" he laughed as Dean valiantly struggled to free himself, while I picked up the magazines that had dropped to the floor.

"Arsehole!" Dean spat out, following it up with a few more choice obscenities.

"Now, now, keep yerself nice, mate - hey, come on, settle down! " Craig was nearly a year older and had little trouble restraining Dean. "Geez, what're ye so bloody touchy for? Only joshing ya, mate." Dean stopped struggling and looked miffed as Craig let go of him. He brightened up when Craig put his arm around him, and I wondered if they were more than just good mates.

Craig looked at me, "no crap, mate, I got a _f_u_c_k_in' raw arse from Phi, but he flamin' took it out on Deano coz he's his bloody brother and I'm not. Wasn't _f_u_c_k_in' fair, no Siree."

I wanted to ask more details about the why and how of their thrashings from Phil and was still wondering how to phrase my question without raising suspicion, when Craig asked Dean, "so what happened this mornin'? Missed bloody church again, did ya?"

"Ha-_f_u_c_k_in-ha!! Very funny!"

"Well, what then?"

"Caught me in his _f_u_c_k_in' room, didn't he."

"Doin' what?"

"Bloody nothin'."

"C'mon, mate, he didn't belt ya for just standin' there. I know Phil."

"Yeah, well, I was puttin' one of his _f_u_c_k_in' porn mags back, wasn't I - "

"Ye pinched one of his mags??"

"Only bloody BORROWED it!! You _f_u_c_k_in' deaf or somethin'? I said I was puttin' it back."

"_s_h_i_t_, mate, I'm not surprised he kicked yer arse. How many did ye get?"

"Six with that _d_a_m_n_ new cane he got. Wasn't bloody funny, mate, bare arsed, too."

"I always get it bare arsed, never less than six, mate," Craig bragged.

"Well, ten's the most I ever got from me ole man but with him I only pull me shorts down or me jeans, never me underpants."

"You're spoiled, mate."

"Ah, stick a stinkin' sock in it - "

"So Phil pulls yer undies off?"

"No _f_u_c_k_in' way, mate."

"So what happens?"

"He makes me _f_u_c_k_in' strip, reckons that's how they did it in camp."

"Real tough guy stuff - "

"He reckons. - I reckon it bloody stinks."


"Coz - "


"_f_u_c_k_ yerself!!"

"Maybe I should have a _f_u_c_k_in' word with me mate Phil about all that _f_u_c_k_in' foul language comin' from ya -" Craig teased.

"Real funny, comin' from YOU, mate!"

"Maybe he'll teach yer a long hard lesson with that new stick, maybe he'll let me watch."

"You'd get off on that, wouldn't ya?" Dean looked a little nervous, as if he thought it wasn't totally out of the question.

"Yeah - - real cool - - "

"Yeah, well, forget it, perve!" This was all in quite good humour but Dean seemed just a bit worried. Then he thought of a diversion, "hey, perve," he moved to undo his jeans, "wanna see what he done this mornin'?"

But Craig stopped him, "later in the shed, mate. Don' wanna hang around in here too long."

Bugger! I kept thinking about Dean's striped bottom as we perved through the mags. They didn't know I was only looking at the guys, but then, maybe they were too. My little mate was at full attention, and when I surreptitiously looked at them, their jeans seemed to be a bit more bulged in the front, too, but as we were all sitting on the floor, I couldn't be sure.

"OK, let's get outa here," Craig declared after a while and collected the mags. It didn't take him long to put them back in their wrappers and reseal them skilfully. He was obviously well practiced at it. We went outside and sat on the big woodpile in the backyard.

"That was real cool, mate, thanks," I showed my appreciation, wondering at the same time how to steer the conversation back to that fascinating topic.

"No sweat, mate, " Craig said, "just gotta be careful which ones ye open. Some of them bloody plastic buggers won't seal up again."

"Got quite a thrashing for that once, didn'ya, mate?" Dean asked with some glee.

Far from being embarrassed, Craig beamed, "yeah, me ole man went ballistic, coz if the cops found out, he'd be up _s_h_i_t_ creek with the law."

"Really?" I tried to keep him talking.

"Sure, that's why he's gotta keep all the real hot stuff in the corner - "friggin' adults only". Ha!! You're new to this hole, mate, but I'm tellin' ya, some of the _f_u_c_k_wits go in that corner to perve, I reckon I'm a lot more bloody adult than them."

I snorted, as my admiration for Craig and his self-assurance grew. As he didn't seem to mind talking about it, I followed through, "and your old man belted you when he found out - "

"Man, that was bad, real bad," Craig was revelling in it.

Even Dean, although he must have heard it all before, got excited, "I was pickin' him up for footy practice," he said, "and as I park me bike, I can hear voices and then him yellin' _f_u_c_k_in' blue murder from the shed over there."

Craig looked a bit uneasy, maybe he worried about his macho image getting dented, "wasn't that bad - "

"Bad enough, mate, I heard ya - "

"Yeah, but that was one of the worst floggins I ever got. Lucky I didn't dob yer in when the ole man asked if I done it by meself."

"I know mate, I owe ya one," grinned Dean.

"Too right, mate, jut remember - !"

Dean turned to me, changing the focus from himself, "what about you, then?"

"What about me?" I answered, somewhat caught by surprise.

"You getting' it bare arsed too, like him?" his head indicated Craig.

"Who says I'm getting 'it' at all?" I tried to stall, feeling my face burning. I wasn't ready for this personal turn.

"C'mon," said Craig, "Mark's no wimp. He told me I deserve everythin' I get."

"So?" was my inane response, I had to bite my tongue. Could Craig be the guy Dad told me about, the one who warns him about stripes on his bottom before the massage?

"So, you're his kid, I bet yer arse gets warmed when ye step outa line, mate. May's well fess up, mate, Mark takes no _s_h_i_t_!" I resented him talking like he knew Dad so intimately.

Dean joined Craig in the fishing expedition, "don't tell me he never gave ya a hidden', mate," he looked at Craig for support.

Craig obliged, "sop's I'll ask him next time I see him. We're good mates, Mark'n'me."

I resented Craig's brash presumption, but I was proud of Dad being held in such high esteem. I realised I was trapped and gave way, sort of, "sure I got hidings from him when he was around but he hasn't lived with us for quite a while. I only just arrived a couple of days ago."

"Won't be long then, mate."


"Till he uses the new stick he bought for yer bum, mate," blurted Craig.

I blushed to a deep red. Only that morning I had noticed there were still traces on my bum from the caning I got a couple of days earlier.

Dean kicked Craig in the shins, "shut yer bloody trap, arsehole!" Again they were wrestling and again Craig got the upper hand in no time.

"Ye wanna be more careful who yer callin' names, mate," Craig hissed as he made a grab for Dean's balls.

"Please, mate, don't," Dean pleaded, "if Phil finds out I blabbed about the stick, I'm history."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, mate, it's not funny."

I realised the secret about the canes was out, someone had 'blabbed', as Dean put it. For once, I showed some presence of mind, "how about you let me in on the secret you told Craig, before I ask Phil," I bluffed.

"Good one," Craig let go of Dean's family jewels and looked at me, "ye mean ye don't know?"

"I might," me trying to be mysterious, "tell me what you know and I'll tell you if you're right."

Before I knew it, they were both upon me, pinning me to the ground. I never was much of a fighter, so I gave up after a very brief struggle, spreadeagled in the dirt, but you'd swear they'd rehearsed it or done it many times before. Dean was holding my arms, Craig the legs, his knee dangerously close to my balls and pressing, I wished I was somewhere else.

What followed then, was quite bizarre. In spite of my precarious situation I got on my high horse. "You realise, of course," I bluffed, "I can talk to Phil, too - " _s_h_i_t_, Craig's knee nudged my balls again, "but more importantly, just remember, Mark is my Dad and I can talk to him any time I want."

BINGO!!! They say heroes grow out of desperation. It didn't make me a hero, but it sure worked. They both let go of me as if on cue, and I just lay there on the ground, grinning from ear to ear, enjoying the expression on their faces.

I got up and faced them both, "so, tell me what Phil's been saying - "

"Umm, - " Dean was very uncomfortable, probably more scared of Phil than anything else.

I reassured him, "don't worry, I'm not a dobber."

"Go on," Craig prodded.

"He - he says when he bought the new cane from the craft shop, he saw Mark pickin' up a bundle, and he asked Mark what they were for, but he wouldn't tell him."

"We couldn't work out what he'd do with them," Craig added, "but when you turned up - "

"It all fell into place," I completed the sentence. They looked at me, waiting for confirmation of their speculations. "OK, you're right. I've seen them. I've been in a bit of strife before I came here, and Dad bought them, just in case I need pulling into line. Happy now?"

"So why did Phil tell ya?" Craig looked at Dean.

"Search me, I guess it must of slipped out. He just said it's nobody's business and to keep me trap shut."

"Phil is right," I added sanctimoniously, "it IS nobody's business. That's probably what my Dad told him."

"Well let's go in the shed and look at our bums," Craig slapped Dean's shoulder, then turned to me, "wanna come along for a wank? I need one right now," and he clutched a bulge in the front of his jeans that had now become very obvious.

"Me too," said Dean, rubbing the front of his jeans.

For a moment I was torn, I would have loved to join them, but I was still uncomfortable about exposing myself, especially my striped bottom. So I declined, looking at my watch, "I better get home, maybe next time, eh?"

Craig jeered, "worried, Daddy might use one of them canes, are ya?"

"Something like that." I didn't want to get into another 'discussion'.

"Ah well, please yerself, mate." He took Dean by the shoulder, they turned and walked away.

"Sure, see ya," I called after them.

I looked at the two mates, arms around each other, heading for the shed, ready to inspect each other's damaged bunz and about to have a wonderful wank together. It reminded me of Dave again, and tears came to my eyes. I ran all the way home to deal with my little mate in private while dreaming of Dave and reviewing the events of the day.

That afternoon had turned out to be quite an eye opener. Listening to Craig and Dean discuss their chastisements in my presence like last week's cricket score made me wonder if maybe Dad did have a point and the whole thing was no big deal, after all.

to be continued (Comments are welcome)

More stories by Tim Anders