Y2k12 - Part Six

by Frost Spinner (Click for Author's Home Page)<Frostspinner@yahoo.com>

Jared walked back to the bedroom and pulled on some pants. On the bed were the sweats that Todd had worn. The temptation of pursuit was strong but he knew there would be no finding him tonight.

He walked back outside onto the porch. It was chilly out; nights were very cool up in the mountains. He hoped Todd would be all right. That he'd find a place warm, safe and dry.

"Cut it out, Jared."

He was only making himself more miserable and feeling sorry for himself. That was useless. He made up his mind right there. He was leaving in the morning for Denver, home. He'd find Todd. Denver was big, but with the money and resources he had at his disposal, he was confident that Todd would be found. And then?

"Enjoy your freedom, little rebel. 'Cause when I find you and I will find you. You will be sleeping on your stomach for a week," Jared growled into the darkness. Closing the door, he began to ready the cabin for his departure in the morning. In his packing he found the ID's that were Todd's, all except for two. Todd Ansley and Tom Cruise. That was a start. Day after tomorrow he would have Deek, his right hand man start hunting. He packed and buttoned up the cabin till the wee hours. Finally too tired to do any more he climbed into bed.

Even the downy softness couldn't comfort him. Sleep didn't come gently, he fretted over Todd. Alone out there now, still not completely healed from the wreck. Finally able to talk himself into the fact that Todd had experience in surviving on his own. Tossing and turning he couldn't relax. Who was he to dictate to the kid?.What exactly was Todd to him? What did he want from Todd? Rolling on his stomach he closed his eyes and tried again to drift. The sheets carried Todd's scent. Beating down the pillows in frustration, Jared tossed and turned till he finally drifted off.

Dreams of Todd plagued his sleep. Todd mangled in a wreck, Todd getting sent to a camp, Todd in danger, Todd with another man. That did it, he was wide awake, had the cabin locked and was on the road before the sheets were cold.

Todd spent a goodly portion of the night on the road. Not very safe but he wanted distance between him and Jared. The bridge was back up, he had worried about that. Spending the night hiding between the bridge and the cabin didn't hold much appeal. He didn't think Jared would come after him. But with the tank, you never knew.

By early morning he found an old barn back off the road in a huge pasture and spent a couple hours getting some sleep. Or rest anyway. His shoulder ached, the vibrations from the handlebars were agony. He made a bed on the ground with his army blanket. The ground was cold and hard. Not like the big bed at the cabin. He lay there a long time wide awake. He couldn't shake the funny feeling inside. Instead of being happy and relieved he got away, he was almost disappointed. He felt tears burning behind his eyes.

Telling himself it was just because he was sore and tired, he curled up and closed his eyes. Just as he drifted he wondered what Jared was doing right now. Little did he know what Jared was doing, was rearranging the gear in the bed of his truck, but a few yards from the barn. In his haste, this morning, Jared didn't tie down anything and it was flying about in the bed, so he had pulled onto the shoulder to get the tarp tied down over them. Neither man knew just how close they were to each other, or that it would be a month before they got within sight of each other again.

For the first few days home. Jared jumped back into his routine, he was calm and gave his top investigator and right hand man, Deek, what information he had on Todd. He didn't give any clue as to why he was looking for the kid. But he didn't need to. One of the perk's of being the boss.

Days went by and no information was surfacing, nothing. Jared became more and more irritable and began to pull other resources on this one case. He worked until exhausted, ate and slept little, talked less. His top people and closest friends were getting concerned. He wasn't himself. He had stacks of messages from his brother all unanswered. He stared drinking at night to help get him to sleep. Not something he did often, but it was working for now.

Deacon Harris, or Deek as he was called, walked in to Jared's study with the practiced ease of someone accustomed to such familiarity. These two men went way back. Deek's dad worked for the Sherman's even after the blackout. He knew both brothers well and was practically family. In fact, Deek lived just one floor down from Jared. He and a few others had large condo style homes on the seventh floor.

Jared's family had this building used for oil research in better times. It was now home base for Jared's research firm. That was located mainly on the 4th and 5th floors. The executive offices and computer servers were on the 6th floor. The first three floors were leased out with security and a gym on the main floor.

"That help'n any?"

Jared turned in his leather chair and found the large black man lounging in the matching sofa passive statement on his face. White teeth showing in a pleasant smile, Deek was the most easygoing man Jared ever met. A big man he was about 6'4 and weighed around 280 -290 all hard muscle. Deacon was a champion weight builder in the junior ranks, had lots of promise until the black out. He was a corporal in the Army in California at the time. When the pulse hit he stayed in for his full hitch and then came back home.

The Sherman boys welcomed him like family and here he stayed. Jared looked into Deek's hazel eye's and grinned. Deek loved to change his eye color with contacts. Must cost him his paycheck each time.

"No, not really."

Deek flashed a smile, and waited. Jared could feel that Deek had something on his mind and he had a pretty good idea what it was. He sipped his drink and slouched in his chair.

"Okay, Deek, what's on your mind?"

"I'm wondering what's on yours, Jared."

"What do you mean?"

Deek leaned deeper into the sofa. Quirking a smile at the man at the desk. "You know what I mean. Why is this case so important to YOU?"

"It's not... "

"Bull_s_h_i_t_, Jared, you have pulled resources off of other cases, important ones, just for this one kid. This case is eating you up. Why? I need to know why. Jared, if you want this kid found I need to know everything."

Jared got up and looked out his study window. He downed the whiskey in one gulp. Deek did have a right. He was out there looking for Todd. But they had come up dry. Without turning around he told Deacon everything that happened on his trip to the cabin. When he finished he looked at the big man in the window reflection and waited.

"I see."

"Yeah? What do you see, Deek?"

"You care about this kid, you want him off the streets and safe here with you. I can understand that, Jared. I might feel the same."

Jared turned and smiled sadly at the other man.

"No, Deek, I don't think you would. See, I have other feelings for this kid. Other than the need to see him safe which I definitely do, but I feel a whole other "need". Get me? I get near him and I "want" him."

Deek was quiet a moment. He knew about Jared's _s_e_x_ual appetites. He and Jared had long talks about it when he came home from California. He was cool with it. Jared has been and always would be his close friend not to mention boss.

"So, what's the problem...okay other than we can't find him. Yet."

"Oh, I don't know, Deacon...the fact that he's jail bait." Deek ignored Jared's sarcasm.

"Like anyone care's about that crap any more these days. Not everyone tosses the little ones back. Sounds to me like he isn't so small. He's taken care of himself out there. You know better than anyone what we find out there."

A chill went down Jared's spine. Yeah, and Todd was out there in it.

"People got more on their minds than if some 25 year old is shagging a 17---almost 18 year old. As for any others?...what agencies we have are tied up with real problems. Cop's? Hey, as long as there is someone responsible for a kid and he's in relative safety they got bigger fish to fry. With you and Todd they would probably write it off as a gay thing anyway. Remember the Peterson case. The guy was in his 30's and he hooked up with a kid Todd's age. They turned out fine. Jared he might not feel the same, sounds to me like he doesn't want your help."

"I know. I want him someplace safe. Deacon, I can't just leave him out there. I can't."

Standing up Deek walked over to his friend. "Okay, girlfriend."

Using his nickname for Jared, he got a familiar sour look followed by a lopsided grin. At least it was better than the grim looks he had been firing the around the building lately. Relieved that he could unload some of what had been chewing on him. Jared sat down with Deek and they went over all the information they had on Todd Ansley.

"Here's the plan, tomorrow I'll leave for Arizona and see what I can find out. You said Phoenix and Tucson right. Well there is a place to start. Then I'll hit the streets hard here. Maybe Mauhser can help. But let's get some of those resources back on other cases ....hu? You know the ones that we get paid for."

Jared just nodded. "Thanks, Deek"

"No prob. Oh, by the way, your brother's on his way over."

Great just what Jared needed...... Not. "Great...just great."

Deek smiled as he left the study. "Hey you brought it on yourself, pal. You have at least a dozen messages from Bry. Later, girlfriend!"

Jared just tossed a pencil at his friend's large back. Jared went to his kitchen and made an attempt at eating but had no stomach for it. Awhile later, Jared returned to his study. His brother was sitting in his chair with his long legs up on the desk, crossed at the ankles, hands steepled against his chin.

Jared had to shake off the mental photographs of standing before his brother like this for some misdeed. The last time was only 3 years ago and it was one he'd never forget. Ever. He had just started this business while still working for Brian. He got a lead on a case and just took off...for three days. When he came back home Brian read him the riot act in front of the whole office staff and then dragged him home and processed to beat his ass purple for the worry he caused.

Jared was stripped of his jeans and shorts and laid over the desk in his brother's study for the worst belting of his life. No amount of cussing or pleading or crying saved him from a single lick. Jared only missed out on a trip over Meg's lap, due to some fast talking and down right begging. Jared was bruised and sore for days. He never made that mistake again. He'd always checked in, still to this day with Brian....that is up till now.

He faced his unhappy brother and tried to shove the memory back in the cobwebs. "Brian."

He greeted his brother in what he hoped was cold acknowledgment. But even to his own ears it sounded nervous.

"Jared" Brian responded coolly. Jared went to pour himself a drink.

"Need that?"

Jared tensed and then relaxed and set the glass down and faced Brian.

"I'm a big boy now, Bry, and I'm thirsty."

"Uh hu. From what I'm hearing, you're thirsty a lot and not acting like such a big boy."

That's the problem with a family business, someone always knew your's.

"Who's the mole in my company?" Jared asked as he flopped down in the overstuffed leather sofa.


Meg Jennings had been employed in the Sherman companies just a few years after Jared was borne. She hired on to his investigation firm the first year he started. She was his father's personal secretary and then his brother's. Actually Jared guessed Brian had a lot to do with her coming on board. She had practically been his mom after his parents died. She was the one to talk to about sensitive things, and sooth his hurts. Usually after a visit with his brother's belt. Brian had perfected belting his baby brother into an art form. It is said that practice makes perfect.

Meg on the other hand was no push over. Even when he grew much larger than she. The Ol'gal could keep him in line. Brian occasionally too. She could weld a hairbrush with the best of tennis pro's. Each trip over her lap was like a Wimbledon championship. For her. It had been years since the last match. She had Mauhser now to look after. But she still kept tabs on her boy obviously. She must have called Brian about Jared's behavior lately. He really didn't want to get into this with Brian.

"Yeah. What'd she tell you?"

"Ohhh, not much. Just that you've been a complete prick since your trip to the cabin. Short tempered. You won't talk to anyone. I have left several messages, you know. And that you don't eat or sleep. Just stuff like that."

Jared rubbed his forehead, he could see he had some apologies to make in the morning.

"Everything okay at the cabin?"

"Yes, the cabin is fine, no problems."

He knew that's not what Brian meant. Brian got up and walked around the desk. Poured them both a glass of whiskey and sat down next to his not so little brother, eyeing Jared meaningfully.

"A night cap."

Jared understood the hint. No more tonight. He reached for the glass and downed it, letting it burn its way down.


"Okay, Jare spill it."

Spill it he did. Even as a kid, when he had done wrong, he could always talk to Brian. Brian was the first he came out to about his _s_e_x_uality. Brain was not exactly thrilled, but not totally surprised either. Supportive for sure. It was the single most important conversation he ever had with his brother. Brian had broken the somber situation by telling him that he had always wanted a baby sister. Brian found out how hard his baby "sister" could hit. Family, what can you do?

Jared told Brian all about Todd. His finding him, patching him up and the feelings he felt for the boy. His problems with the age thing. The moral dilemma of taking in a kid who needed help and definitely guidance. Not just out of kindness of his heart but something a little further south as well. He felt something like a degenerate. What he did know, was that he wanted Todd safe off the streets. Regardless of his feelings for the boy and said as much.

"I know one thing, Bry. I don't want him sent to a camp. I've seen what they are like and the Automatons they produce. He's not the type that would make it in that kind of system. All pressure and no release that's what he has now. He's so closed off as he is. Brian was thoughtful a while. He was not a big fan of the camps himself. But for the right circumstances it was the right answer.

Jared felt uneasy waiting for the older man to weigh all he had told him. Brian watched Jared as well. He knew his little brother like his own self. Jared's emotions and feelings ran deep like the mountain lakes he loved so much. He didn't think him a degenerate. Jared could no more molest a child than Brian could his own son. Whatever Jared felt for the kid, whoever he was, was strong, and it was eating him alive. He clapped Jared on the back.

"Well, little brother, here's what I think. You say this kid has been on the streets by himself since 14. Sounds to me like he knows how to survive. Wait, let me finish. I know that survival is not always enough. But he's 17 now and will be 18 some time this year. He'll be legal, not that that means anything these days. Brain was saying nothing that he hadn't thought about a million time himself

"He'll legally be an adult. Unless he is sent to a camp then he's legal at 21. I don't know this kid, but I agree that doesn't sound like the way to go with this youngster. You say he's too young for you to have...er...uh..well relations with. That he's too young, too young to be out there on his own...now I'm not disagreeing with you, I do agree that at his age he's still very much a kid and no adult. but how is so short a time going to make this kid a man. Will all this be worth a few short months of guardianship. More importantly, what good will a couple months make to someone who has known only that, out there, for so long?"

Jared just cradled his head in his hands. "Bry, I don't know. But I have to try. Wouldn't you?"

"Yeah...I think I would. But you...you never could resist a stray. Okay look, you haven't found the kid yet. Todd is it? So you have some time to figure some of this out. So the way I see it is that the first and foremost priority is that you find him. Find Todd, then worry about the details. Or they will work themselves out in the interim.

Jared felt a rush of relief and gratitude to his brother. Brian always could cut through the fog and make things clear.

"Now! As for you. I want you in bed. You are to sleep in tomorrow. Oh don't you dare interrupt me young man." Brian used a tone of voice that brought Jared up short before he could tell his brother off. A tone that even today Jared didn't dare challenge. He'd lose and he knew it.

"As I was saying. Sleep in tomorrow and eat something. Something that is good for you. And you better lay off the booze. What good will you do Todd if you can't take care of yourself?"

Jared just nodded his agreement. He had been wallowing in self-pity these days.

"Jared, you're a good man. Dad would be proud of you."

Jared lowered himself back down in swamp of self-pity. "Yeah...ol' dad could sure be proud of this son. He wanted a drag racer and got a drag queen." Brian was having none of that. Brian cuffed him painfully on the side of his head.

"Owwwwww. What the hell...."

"Oh that's fair to Dad. What kind of man do you remember him as? When did he ever put anyone down? When was he ever anything but proud of you, of us?"

Brian really chewed on him. Jared was nearly reduced to tears.

"...do you hear me? Jared you say anything like that again I'll whup your ass raw. Hell, I aught right now. Even at your age, I know I can still raise hell with your backside. Care to prove me wrong little brother?"

Brian was an imposing figure. Just as their dad was. Standing there fingering his belt menacingly. He didn't doubt his brother one second. Brian may be 10 years his senior, but he was no man to take lightly. Even if Jared thought for one minute that he could take him on and he did not. Jared would not, out of utter respect for his older sibling. Plus the chance he could lose and the hell it would bring down on him.

"No, sir."

ears of shame surfaced and hung on his lashes burning his eyes. The heat in Brian's eyes left as suddenly as it came. The sight of his kid brother who was not so little any more, standing there head down and contrite would have made him laugh under different circumstances. He thumped Jared in the chest in warning.

"Dad loved you, both he and mom did. Dad would not have chosen to have a gay son but he would have been supportive and proud of you and your accomplishments just the same. Just like I am. Do you understand me?"

Jared nodded his head and answered with a tear choked voice. "Yes, Sir, I understand. I'm....I'm sorry Bry.. I."

Brian turned him around and shoved him gently towards the door. "You're tired and have had too much whiskey and not enough food or sleep."

Brian pushed him down the hall to his room. Jared let him. He was too tired and more than a little wary of his brother's threat to his backside to resist. Brian shoved him firmly in his room.

"Now get to bed. I've left instructions with Meg to see that you are not to be disturbed and that you eat. Meg may no longer be a spring chick but I'm willing to lay odds she can still swing that _d_a_m_n_ brush of hers, hard as ever."

Jared had to laugh at Brian, standing there in the doorway rubbing his butt and wiggling his eyebrows. Brian laughed too.

"Now get some sleep, and _d_a_m_n_ it, next time just come see me. Don't shut me out. Or buddy you will be in for it."

Jared was already getting undressed. "Sorry, Bry. Thanks for coming over."

"Any time, little sister." Brian teased in a dead on John Wayne imitation and walked out.

Jared heard Brian close and lock the penthouse door. Even at 25 he was still being taken care of. It was a good feeling....most of the time. His butt tingled as he though of how close he came to an ass whupping. He almost wished he got one....almost. As a younger man when he got his tail warmed, and that was frequently, he always felt better.... later. Things were clean and clear after the tears had dried and the heat in his posterior cooled.

He didn't doubt Brians threats either. He had proved more than once they were not empty. The memory of his last washed over him making him squirm. He could scarcely believe he had been so stupid and irresponsible. Brian had made sure it was the last time he would be. He had just started his own business, he was still employed by his brother on a part time basis. Brian was happy he found his own way and gave him what room he needed to explore it. He had even given Jared a small office of his own with a few of his own employees, along with Deek and Meg. There in Brian's building. He got his own two years later. He had a tough case to work on. Finding scattered family members. He got a hot tip and rushed out to follow up on it, leaving town without a word to anyone or even a message as to where he had gone. When he realized his stupidity he compounded that with irresponsibly and just held off calling, figuring that he was already in trouble no point in being distracted by it. The hairs all over his body stood as he recalled just how much trouble he brought on himself.

He walked into his office some 3 days later and was immediately set upon by Brian. Brian paid no head to the fact that they were standing in the middle of an office full of Jared's peers not to mention employees. Brain pinned him against a wall and began to scold him so fiercely that he was nearly reduced to tears right there. He saw right away that there was no sympathy as Deek and Meg looked like they were waiting their turn. He was made to apologize like some little kid who had made mischief and then unceremoniously dragged out of his own office to the elevator. There was no mistaking what was coming. In the elevator Brian continued his lecturing and scolding. Jared was sure the security guards were getting an eye full. He kept his head down and wished he could disappear. At least they could only see what was going on not hear Brian's plans for him. He made the mistake of tying to stand up for himself and tell Brian that he was 21 and his own man now.

He failed miserably got a smarting slap across his cheek for it. All on camera too. Once in Brian's penthouse apartment they were met by Brian's wife. She took one look at the two and made a quick excuse for needing something at the farmer's market and left them alone.

Brian shoved him practically off his feet into the study. Jared got his balance and tried to face Brian but he faltered under the intensity of his older brother's stern glare. With no further chastisement Brian just pointed to the desk and said three words.

"Over the desk."

Ice clogged Jared's veins.

"Brian...no...it's past time for that....I'm."

That was as far as he got. He was grabbed painfully by the arm and yanked along side his brother. "_d_a_m_n_ straight it's past time...way over due."

His brother reached down and began to undo his jeans. Jared struggled but was no match for Brian. Still wasn't today. He was freed of his jeans and jockeys and was stunned to find himself over his brother's knees. Face down. He hadn't been in this position since he was 14 or 15. He didn't have time to get over his surprise before his brother's hard hand began to slap his naked bottom. Very hard. Brian spanked him a long time. Crisp stinging swats, rapidly covering every inch of buttocks. Brian lectured him on his irresponsibly. Driving home each point with painful spanks.

SWAT SWAT SWAT. "If you ever pull a stunt like this again." SWAT SWAT. "I will beat you right where I find you." SWAT SWATSWAT. "Do you have any idea how worried we have been?" SWAT SWAT SWAT. "Not knowing if you're alive or dead." SWAT SWAT SWAT. "You put everyone in a bad position." SWAT SWAT. "They depend on you for their livelihood." SWAT SWAT SWAT. "_d_a_m_n_ed irresponsible of you to risk that for them." SWAT SWAT SWAT.

On and on Brian blistered his butt and his ears. Jared tried to take his medicine like the man he was or thought he was. He was about to break when he was jerked upright and into his brother's face. Brian just glared down at him and asked, "Are we clear?"

The spanking had left Jared breathless. He was deeply humiliated. But he managed a meek, "Yes sir...crystal clear."

He wasn't given a chance to catch his breath before he found himself dragged across the room and nearly tossed over the big mahogany desk. Before his mind could grasp what was happening pain exploded across his butt. He never got a chance to recover before the next lick hit. Brian without another word spoken began to beat his already sore ass with his belt. Rapid and hard. There was no taking this quietly.

Jared cussed at him and threatened him only to receive faster, harder licks. He kicked and thrashed about on the desk but with his hands pinned behind him he was unable to do more than kick and squirm. In the matter of seconds he was reduced to pleading.

THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP. OOOOw...Bry...no...ouch...oh...stop TWAP THWAP please.. _s_h_i_t_..ouch..stopit..please Brian...THWAP THWAP THWAP..no more...oh please stop...no more....THWAP THWAP I'm sorry ...I'm sorry...I was wrong. I wont do it again. I'm so sorry...Briiiiiiiaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnah...stop. THWAP TWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP THWAP.

Jared was bawling like an infant. He was beyond caring. After what felt like an eternity he felt himself once again being jerked to his feet. Unstable feet. Brian just shook him and pointed to a vase against the wall. In that vase was some decorative...real... willow branches. Jared remembered begging Brian.

"No, Bry, no...please I've had enough...please Bry."

Jared had only been switched once. And that was enough for him for a lifetime. He had dared to laugh at Brian once during a spanking, Brian didn't have a belt handy so he grabbed a willow from the vase and that ended any further laughing. He desperately didn't want a switching now or ever again.

Brian was having none of it. He belted Jared a few more times. "Now do as I say. You don't want me to go get it, believe me."

Jared did in fact believe him. Slowly, stiffly he walked over to the vase and pulled out a willow branch. His breathing was hitched with sobs. His mind was having a hard time registering that this was all happening....at 21. He didn't feel 21 more like 12. With a shaking hand he handed it to Brian who in one movement removed all the fussy buds of the willow. There was no pause or preamble. Jared was immediately bent over, held in place by Brian's strong arms and his poor already blistered bottom was set on fire with vigor. From hip to upper thighs Brian left no area untouched. Later he found that he only got just a few lashes and the welts raised by the stinging willow were gone by morning. But it hurt as if Brian was removing the hide of his backside. He thought for sure there would be blood.

When Brian was done he shoved a hysterically crying younger brother away and barked at him. "Now get out of my sight!"

Jared ran out, he could hear a great crash as he did but he didn't look back. Jared was in so much pain and confusion he stumbled to his old bedroom. All that was left in there was some dressers all that he left when he moved down the hall to his own apartment, And his small bed, which he fell into and wept. Never had he been punished like this. Never had he not been comforted or at the very least scolded after a whupping. It was a long time that he cried. He knew he had screwed up and that he got what he deserved maybe a little more than that. His brother came in much later that night and apologized to him for snapping at him like that. He had been so afraid of what could have happened to him. Brian held him while he cried and promised to never be so irresponsible again. He begged Brian to never switch him again that he'd take the belt whenever Brian wanted. The hug he got from Brian was so fierce he could almost still feel it. Brian did then the one thing Jared never thought could happen. Brian said he was wrong. He clarified that and said he was wrong to punish Jared in anger. He was not however sorry that Jared was punished and still would have got the switch. He did say that there would be no more switchings. He broke the vase on the wall. Fearing his wife's temper he tossed the remaining willows out the balcony. Jared was too sore to laugh.

They stayed up late talking...calmly, about how Jared would start to behave from now on. He was a businessman now with a staff of his own. Jared spent most of that time saying "Yes sir." It was a long long night. He spent a goodly portion of the next morning desperately talking....no begging his way out of a paddling from Meg. He had not been above tearful pleading to get out of it. Meg did let him off, only after he lowered his pants to show her Brian's handy work. He was pretty bruised and very sore.

He had to do his work standing at his desk. Sitting was out of the question for a while. He walked into his office stiffly, knowing that all had a clear idea of what happened the night before. He also had to endure the good natured ribbing from the security guards for several days.

No that was a spanking he'd not forget in this lifetime or any other.

Shaking off that memory. He shoved it back under the rug. Jared tried to relax. The talk he and Brian had, helped put his mind at ease some. Jared didn't know what a few months would do for Todd. Other than give him a chance at...something other than the street. As far as his other interests in the kid. Too new and uncomfortable to think much on them. Memories of Todd's body made part's of his own respond. strongly. A few months wouldn't make Todd a man...no more than he is now. It would just give both of them time.

He would find Todd. He drifted off thinking of Todd safe and just down the hall, in the room he had already began to make ready for its new tenant.

The following week was a real disappointment. Jared was feeling hopeless. He still hadn't found a trace of Todd in the city. He was beginning to think that the kid didn't come here after all. Things were looking bleak. He was in the business of finding people. The government even used him in several cases over the years, successfully too. With all that he had at his fingertips he was still unable to find one young man. It had been four days since he last heard from Deek, He took that to mean bad news.

Jared was staring out his office window when Meg knocked and said she was closing up shop and going home. He just nodded without turning around. Meg shook her head and walked out. She knew his moods well enough to know when to leave him alone. He was still staring out the window when a deep voice behind him drawled.

"Ready for some good news boss?

More stories by Frost Spinner