Double Trouble: Part 4

by Redhawk

Steve looked down at Josh's buttocks that still lay before him. He still had many licks to take and they were already pretty red. Steve knew this would be a very painful lesson for Josh and he was pleased.

Steve picked up the wooden paddle and rubbed Josh's buttocks with it. He circled around three times and then lifted the paddle. He brought it down hard on the boys bottom. Josh screamed. "Josh be quiet." Steve said. Shawn reminded Steve that he had previously told Josh he could make all the noise he wanted but not to move. Steve remembered and said, "that's right Josh I forgot. Sorry, you can make as much NOISE as you want but like I said before DON'T move."

He continued the paddling with a rhythm, SPANK SPANK SPANK. Josh remained silent. Steve wasn't sure if Josh was afraid to make noise or if he wasn't hitting him as hard. He hit Josh three times extremely hard the boy screamed each time. Steve was pleased. He didn't want Josh to be afraid of him.

Josh was about to start to cry. He was in extreme pain and he was regretting having convinced Shawn to visit the porn sites and he was really regretting lying about being the main man at first. Josh truly was going to reform his behavior. Steve was hoping he would still mess up every once in a while.

The wooden paddle continued to strike Josh's buttocks with amazing intensity occasionally eliciting a scream from Josh. Soon Steve reached the end of the wooden paddle swats and he rested. He rubbed Josh's shoulders and patted his head. He soon picked up the leather belt and laid it over Josh's bottom. The cool leather felt good to Josh. It soon wouldn't. Steve picked up the belt and quickly lashed it down upon his buttocks. He did this three times in rapid succession. Welts had begun to form. Each time he lashed Josh a new welt formed quickly. Steve quickened his pace and finished with the belt quicker than he had finished with any of the other implements. He now only had to cane the boy and then he could hand out the fun part of the punishment to both boys. Fun for him of course.

Josh was in true agony. He knew that he had only one implement left but he wasn't sure he could get through it. Steve picked up the cane and he lifted Josh off his lap. "Shawn come here please." Steve requested. Shawn obeyed.

Steve laid Josh in Shawn's lap and positioned his own chair so that he would have a good caning distance. He laid the cane on Josh's buttocks and quickly lashed him with it. Josh made it through the quick 20 lash caning.

"Good boy Josh you never once moved so I do not have to punish you for that. We will now have a family meeting to discuss internet and clothes restriction." Steve maneuvered his way to the living room and Josh found his crutches and followed. Shawn came too. "Now boys you have finished the main physical punishments and we will now deal with the rest. You two will not be allowed on the Internet for six months. You will be on clothes restriction for one year. Clothes restriction is as follows, you will not be allowed to wear any clothing when you are home in the apartment and I will give each of you a spanking session every day."


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