The Story of Jt: Part 3

by Redhawk

I took JT's suit coat off and began to unbutton his shirt. When it was loose I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and removed his shirt. I threw it into the clothes hamper.

I pushed JT's pants down and off his bottom. I bent down and untied his shoes and removed them. "Step out of your pants JT." I ordered. JT complied. JT now stood before me in only his underwear and socks. "Take your socks off." JT complied quickly tossing his socks aside. I let this go. I looped two fingers into his underwear waist band and removed them. "Turn around JT." The boy turned to face away from me.

I retrieved a pillow and placed it in the middle of the bed. I guided JT over them so that his hips were over the pillow. I retrieved the belt I had gotten to use on JT and laid it over his bottom. I bent down and placed my hand in his lower back to hold him down and gripped the belt with my other hand.

I lifted the belt off of JT's bottom and saw him tense. Before he could unclench his buttocks I brought the belt down very hard and JT exhibited a low squeal. I continued to lash JT's buttocks as hard as I could.

Before long JT was blubbering like a baby. I just continued my merciless assault on him. I had every intention of making a very long and painful impression on JT. He had not learned from his short lesson the night before so he would definitely learn from his long session today.

After about thirty minutes I felt a wave of compassion for the now almost hysterical JT. I stopped the whipping and laid the belt down. JT was still sobbing. I moved JT's legs off of the bed and sat down next to the boy who's body was still laying down. I sat him up and collected him in my arms. I comforted him until he calmed down. "I hate doing that JT but you need to do MUCH better in your studies. Do you understand that now?" JT sniffed and nodded. "Good then maybe this won't need to happen again."

I stood JT up in front of me and turned him around. His bottom was well thrashed. He would not sit comfortably for some time. This would be a very good reminder of what behaviors were expected of him.

I helped JT to get dressed and then guided him out to the kitchen where we ate lunch. "We will continue your schooling after lunch JT." I told him. He did not say anything. When we had finished I led JT into the living room and had him sit down on the couch. I went back to his assessment tests and determined where I needed to start his lessons for each subject. I took out the lessons and went over each one in turn. "You will have the rest of the day now to do your homework. It is due first thing after breakfast tomorrow. If you have not completed it then the thrashing you took today will pale in comparison. Is that clear?" JT nodded. "Good boy."


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