Board of Education 2

by Tone

This is a sequel to Board of Education. I would recommend reading that story first.

With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Matt headed toward the registrar's office. Today was the day he was to pick up his mid-term appraisal grades. Normally, students at the university did not get mid-term grades, but since Matt had gotten a 1.9 the previous semester, he was on academic probation and had to meet with his academic advisor at mid-terms. His father knew this, and during their "discussion" earlier in the semester, had informed Matt that he was to share these grades with him.

Things had been going so well, Matt thought to himself. His discussion with his father had taken place only three weeks into the semester, and in the little over a month since then, he had brought his grades in his five classes up to an A, 3 B's and a C. He had talked to his father on the phone about his lit class (in which he had the C), and told him that because the way the assigments were spaced out, there was no way he could have it up to a B by mid-term, since it was coming from an F. His father had agreed to let it slide, on the condition that everything else be a B or higher. Matt had felt greatly relieved, since he knew his other grades were solid.

Until he had missed his calc exam that is. "Why did I go to that stupid party?" Matt asked himself for he hundredth time. His friends had come by and talked him into going, even though he had a calc exam the next day. He hadn't been to a party since the "discussion", and he had figured he would go have a beer, dance a little, and then head home. Unfortunately, he had a six-pack, several shots, and didn't get back to his room until after 3, totally drunk. He had forgotten to set the alarm, woke up way late for his class, and thereby missed the exam. To make matters worse, the prof had left after class that day for a wedding and wouldn't be back until the following week, after mid-term grades were in. His only hope was that the professor hadn't averaged the exam grades in before submitting mid-term grades for those student who were on probation.

"Name?" Said the girl behind the desk in a bored voice.

"Matt Holbrook."

She shuffled through a stack of papers, pulled one out and handed it to him.


"Yeah, sure. Name?" she said to the girl who had come in behind in.

His hands shaking, Matt glanced down at the paper. An A, 2 B's, the expected C in Lit.....and a D in Calculus. Matt felt like crying. He was sure that he would be soon, after his dad saw this.

Matt headed back to his room. As he opened the door the phone rang. It was his dad.

"Hey, dad, how's it going!" Matt said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Oh fine, fine. Anyway, I'm coming by your way this weekend. A buddy of mine from high school invited me up to his house thise weekend. Your mother is going to visit your Grandma so I decided to take him up on it! He lives in Greenville, which is jsut a few miles from your college!"

"Sounds fun dad."

"I'm hoping. Anyway, the reason I brought this up is that I figured you could stop by. Your mid-terms come out today, right?

"Umm...yeah dad, but I haven't picked them up yet" Matt lied.

"Well, why don't you be sure to do that. Then you can stop by his house on Sunday with your grades so I can get a peek at them. I'll e-mail you directions. Sound good?"

"Sure dad, that's fine." Matt said, thinking it was anything other than fine.

"Great! I'll see you Sunday then."

Sunday morning found Matt driving to Greenville, feeling extremely sorry for himself. He did not even want to think about what his dad was probably going to do. His chances of talking himself out of it were slim to none, and he knew it. Checking the directions, he realized he was almost there. Turning into the driveway of a two-story brick house, Matt contemplated turning around and driving back to campus. He didn't though, and was soon knocking on the door of that house.

The door was answered by a man about his father's age. "Matt, I'm assuming."

"Yeah, I'm Matt."

"Pleased to meet you. My name's Chuck. Your dad's just downstairs in the den."

Matt followed Chuck to the den, and saw his dad sitting on the couch. He got up and gave his son a hug, then motioned him to sit on the couch next to him. The three of them chatted for awhile, about college, about his dad and Chuck's high school days. Before long, though, Mr. Holbrook asked to see Matt's grades.

Matt slowly pulled the folded paper from his back pocket and handed it to his father. As his father looked over the paper, a frown came over his face. "A 'D' in you Calculus class? I thought you told me you had raised it to a 'B'! What is this about?"

"Dad, it will be back up, I promise..."

"That's not what I asked, son. I asked why it was a D."

Matt considered lying to his dad. In fact, he had a story ready that he had spent all weekend thinking up. He looked up at his dad, though, and realized he was in no mood for bull_s_h_i_t_. He would see right through it, and then things would really be bad! He decided to tell the truth.

"Well, dad, there was a calculus exam, and the night before...." As he told the story, his dad's face became surprisingly calm. Matt expected an explosion; maybe this was a good sign. "...and I swear I'll get the grade up Dad. Maybe the prof will let me take the exam later, and if not, there are still lots of grades. And my other grades are all good."

His dad just sat there. Then he looked over at Chuck and said "Were we ever this stupid?"

Chuck laughed, and said "Oh, I'm sure we were! Do you remember the time we set off fireworks behind your house?"

His dad chuckled. "Oh I certainly do. When my dad came out and caught us, there certainly were some more fireworks!"

"And the next day my dad had his say in the matter!" Chuck laughed "I thought my butt would never recover."

Matt did not like the way this discussion was headed. His father's next words confirmed his suspicions.

"Well, it looks like I've got a situation to take care of. Matt and made a bargain..."

"Dad!" mad said, horrified. "Don't tell him."

"You'll survive Matt. You brought this on yourself. Matt had a poor semester last time around and we had a talk about his behavior, and about wasting my money."

"Judging from the redness of his face," Chuck smiled, "I'm guessing your hand did most of the talking, and his behind did the listening."

"A paddle actually, but yes!" Matt wanted to crawl into a corner and die. "We also agreed that he would bring his mid-term to me, and that he would get a repeat performance for every grade less than a 'B'."

"Well, Matthew," his dad continued. "I was prepared to let the Lit grade slide, based on what you told me. But because you continue to make poor decisions, I'm not sure you're telling me the truth about the situation. That's two grades under a B, and that will be two spankings."

Matt was sure he couldn't possible be any more embarrassed, but then his father continued. "Chuck, unless you have any objection, I might as well give the first of those two lessons right now."

"Oh, no objections on my part," Chuck said. "I've even got a paddle stored away somewhere from when my boys were growing up. Haven't used it since my youngest got caught drinking and driving a few years back, but I'm sure it's still up to the task." With that he got up, and returned a few mminutes later with the paddle, handing it to Mr. Holbrook. "I'll just be upstairs" he said, heading for the staircase.

"Why don't you stick around Chuck. You can give me a few pointers." Matt's dad joked. "Seriously, you should stay."

Chuck thought about it, grinned, then said "What the hell!" He sat back down.

"All right Matt. Stand up!" Matt did as his father asked. "Get your clothes off, son. Leave your underwear for now." Matt didn't even bother to argue. He just slowly removed his clothing and stood there in his white briefs, mortified.

"All right, get over my lap." His father began rubbing the paddle over his son's brief covered buns. "As this is a second lesson, it is going to hurt much more than the first. I expect you to hold reasonably still." With that, he brought the paddle down CRACK!! Matt groaned. That really hurt! His dad wasn't pulling back at all, that was for sure. CRACK!! CRACK!! CRACK!! CRACK!! Mr. Holbrook was swinging the paddle with all his might. CRACK!! CRACK!! CRACK!! Matt started to gasp in pain. CRACK!! CRACK!! CRAC!! After about 20 or so, his dad stopped.

"Hey Chuck," he heard his dad say as he lay gasping in pain, "Why don't you take over for awhile."

"No, I couldn't..."

"Of course you could! Get over here!"

Matt heard Chuck walk over, and then his dad handed over the paddle. CRACK!! It hurt a lot, having Chuck stand over him as he brought down the paddle from further away. CRACK!! CRAC!! CRACK!! Matt was soon crying softly. Eventually the swats stopped. As Matt lay there crying, the two older men talked.

"So, do you think I'm right in doing this?" Matt heard his dad ask.

"Oh, hell yeah. Boys need straightened out sometime, not matter how old they are. Joe was 21 when I paddled him for driving home drunk. It was his birthday in fact, and he had come home from college to party with some of his friends. I would've liked to paddle their behinds too for letting him drive home plastered. I had him bawling like a baby!"

While the story was being told, Matt had stopped crying. Mr. Holbrook then did what Matt feared he was going to; he pulled down Matt's underwear and continued the paddling. Matt kicked and cried so hard his tears were making a puddle on the floor. CRACK!! CRACK!! CRACK!! Matt had long since stopped struggling and just lay there crying as the paddle came down again and again.

Eventually he realized that he was no longer being struck with the paddle. God his ass was on fire! He hoped it was over. His father started running a hand down his back. "I'm sorry I had to do that Matt, but you knew the consequences when you made your decision. Do you understand that?" Matt choked out that he did. "Well then, that's progress. However, this spanking is only the one for the C in lit. You still have the one coming for the D in calculus. That one will be at a later date. We can discuss when some other time. For now though, we still need to finish this spanking." He brought the paddle down, causing Matt to shriek in pain. His father gave him another 30 swats with the paddle; he was sobbing by the third and hoarse by the time it was over. The spanking over, his father and Chuck went upstairs, allowing Matt to cry himself out in the den.

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