Pinkening of David

by Valerian Principalis <>

In the wake of my last story, I was contacted by a mother who still practises corporal punishment. She said that she was due to punish her fourteen year old son that weekend and asked if I would attend.

When I arrived she showed me into her living room. In one corner, a boy stood, wearing a pajama jacket and nothing else. The jacket covered nothing of his well-rounded but firm buttocks. He was quite short for his age, his bottom completely smooth.

"David, you may turn round and greet our visitor."

He turned round, his face beginning to go pink. He had fair, curly light brown hair and blue eyes. His soft circumcised penis hung down below the base of his jacket, seemingly hairless. I went over and shook his hand. His hair smelled of fresh shampoo.

"Make us some coffee please."

He obediently left and we made small talk. She was evidently unwilling to discuss the upcoming punishment and perhaps a little tense.

He returned about ten minutes later with a silver tray, containing coffee and biscuits. His mother told him to "Kneel on the chair."

The chair was a deep armchair and he obviously knew the form. He knelt on it, bottom facing towards us, knees apart, head down in a cushion. His mother rose and propelled the chair towards me so that it ended up just on the other side of the coffee table from the settee on which she joined me.

Drinking coffee in this position was somewhat distracting. David's buttocks were flared wide and little was left to the imagination.

Eventually we finished and David was ordered to clear up. His face was bright red as he left the room.

David returned and was ordered to stand before us, remove his pajama jacket and clasp his hands on his head. His penis had the tiniest wisp of hair above it. His mother lectured him sternly then ordered him to take up position.

Position now turned out to be astride the thickly padded back of the settee at one end, leaning right forward, his head to one side. She took out a large, flat wooden spoon and proceded very slowly to smack each buttock in turn, always varying the position of her strikes.

Quite soon, he was writhing around and kicking his legs. She asked me to help by holding him.

She did not overdo her spanking, but inflicted enough to pinken his bottom and cause some tears. He was then sent to bed.

hhh hhh

More stories by Valerian Principalis