Y2k12 - Twelve

by Frost Spinner (Click for Author's Home Page)<Frostspinner@yahoo.com>

Jared wasn't sure exactly what woke him up. He had trouble drifting off after he had left Todd's room. His mind full of all things Todd. He was wide-awake now. He had that "you're not alone" feeling.

Getting out of bed he headed for the hallway. He had crawled into bed in just a pair of sweat pants, with it being Todd's first night here in the apartment; he wanted to be ready for anything. Stopping to get dressed could cost him precious time with someone as stealthy as Todd.

He walked into Todd's room and immediately knew it was empty. Telling himself that he can't panic every time about this, he forced himself to walk down the hall. very quickly. A dim light came from the kitchen. He found Todd bent over looking into the fridge. Jared took a moment to steady himself from the huge relief he felt.

He watched secretly as his guest rummaged to find something to his liking. Todd was relaxed as ever Jared had seen and he even muttered to himself as he apparently rejected everything in the appliance. Light from the large fridge bathed Todd in a ghostly light. Fitting, because Jared knew like a ghost, Todd's unguarded self would vanish with the intrusion. Turning on a light over the counter to warn the kid he was there, it startled Todd anyway. He popped up so fast he banged his head on the top rack of the fridge.

"Ow! _f_u_c_k_!...Dude, don't sneak up like that!.._s_h_i_t_!"

Trying not to laugh at Todd who was rapidly rubbing the back of his head, Jared said, "Sorry, cowboy. What are you doing up? Thirsty?"


"Go grab a seat at the table."

Todd walked off in the opposite direction of the kitchen table. "Todd?"


"Table is that way."


Jared watched him make his way, sleepily to the large table.

"Feeling okay, Todd?"

The dark head bobbed affirmatively, but he sat down gingerly with a wince. Jared was not meant to see. Jared turned to face the cupboard to hide his grin. He felt a small twinge of conscience at being the cause of Todd's discomfort, yet he couldn't help be amused by the imp's weak camouflage. Walking over with a glass of water for Todd, he took a close look at the boy. Todd's eyes were red and glossy. He seemed a little disoriented and uncharacteristically calm....possibly due to the medication from earlier this evening.

"Can't sleep, Todd?"

Todd took a long drink from the glass and shrugged. "I don't for long...usually. Kinda just cat nap ."

Sitting down across from Todd, he pushed, "Why...'cause you don't feel safe?"

Jared could have cut off his own tongue, he expected Todd to blow up or storm off, do anything but just sit there with sleepy detachment. Young shoulders rose in a shrug. Todd's mellow attitude caught Jared by surprise and he thought maybe he could risk a few questions, carefully. He waited a moment or two trying to think of ones that would not ignite his little powder keg. Finding none he jumped in anyway.

"When was the last time you felt safe, Todd?"

Todd yawned widely and laid his head on his arms like he didn't have the strength to hold it up. "Dunno....that cabin I guess. I could sleep there."

Jared was surprised at that admission. Definitely had to be the pain pills that made Todd speak so calmly and....honestly. Jared had a little thrill course through him, he had to curb the temptation to batter the kid with the barrage of questions he had. Todd sat up and began to rub his thigh.

"Leg bothering you any?"

Todd just nodded.

"I.....don't suppose I could talk you into taking another pill.....just one?"


"Okay...how about half of one?"

Jared waited. Todd started to shake his head no, then looked up shyly at Jared and nodded yes. Jared gave Todd half a pill and some more water. Feeling fairly secure that Todd was relaxed enough, Jared thought he'd maybe get some of those answers now.

"Speaking of cabin. You shouldn't have run off like that."

Brown eyes flashed him look of pure indifference.

"You were hurt and didn't know the area....we hadn't...."

Jared took a quick breath to calm down. He wanted to reach across the table and shake the stuffing out of the brat but Todd tended to react poorly to that approach, so he toned it down....just a hair.

"Did you really think that I wouldn't find you?"

Long lashes lowered. "Didn't think you were looking."

A clenching of jaw muscles gave away the boy's unease. Not wanting to risk a blow up, now that Todd was in such a rare mood, Jared dropped the running away. Moot point now anyway.

"Did you ride all night to get to Denver?"

Relieved at the change of topic Todd let out a breath he was holding. For a minute he thought the tank was about to reach out and smack him but the big man backed off.

"No...there was like this big barn in some field and I stayed there till the next day."

Jared just shook his head and chuckled. He knew exactly what barn that was. He had stopped there for a moment on his own way home. He had been so close and never knew it.

"Somethin' funny?"

"Yeah kinda. Get any sleep that night?"

"_s_h_i_t_, no. Lets just say it was a rough night."

"Get's chilly in the mountains at night uh?"

Todd just let go a humorless laugh. "Chilly? I was _f_u_c_k_'n freeze'n."

Jared refrained from pointing out that if had he stayed at the cabin he'd have been warm.

"How is your shoulder now? Any problems?"

Todd lifted a hand to it and worked his shoulder around. Toned muscles rolled and stretched under the smooth young skin. "No. Had some problems with jumping for a while, nothing major."

They talked a while about Todd's first few weeks in the city, how he found a place to live and how he supported himself. Todd was surprisingly honest with Jared. Too honest perhaps.... Jared was having to tightly rein in his temper as Todd related details on some of his more lucrative and dangerous jobs. Hustling pool was one thing but the drug thing was something completely different. At one point Jared couldn't hold back any longer.

"Dammit, Todd!. Don't you know what could happen it you got caught with drugs...even if you didn't know what was in the packages you deliver?"

Todd's posture showed his disregard for any concerns there. "Yeah.....when I found out, I quit."

Hooded brown eyes avoided Jared's. "I know how to avoid the five-O." Said with a healthy dose of arrogance.

"Kid, forget the cops....the dealers are dangerous people...they.."

Leaning back in his chair Todd blew a breath out his mouth in agitation. "Dude! Look, I know all about it okay, more than you know. That was the only job like that I took here."

"Okay, fine. But that wasn't your first "delivery" job was it?"

"No. I don't do those jobs...... any more...."

"Yeah? What you mean is, unless you need some fast scratch. Right?"

"Well... I quit when I find out."

Looking at Todd with skepticism. "Loosely translated to, once you've made what money you can first."

Jared knew he was being combative; it was hard not to rant and rave over Todd's career choices. Watching Todd who was concentrating on his own fingers. They were getting onto some dangerous ground now. Todd hated to talk about personal stuff. But he was still pretty mellow, sleepy almost. This was a rare chance to talk to him without his _d_a_m_n_ force fields up.

"It's not like that Jared.... just sometimes."

" For someone as street smart as yourself, it should be pretty obvious from the get go what the job is or about.... hmm?"

"I quit when I find out."

"I know that you didn't use to, that you'd look for those jobs."

Todd's face reflected his doubt.

"I've told you I know something about you. I know some of how you got by in Arizona. I know that you found out some things the hard way. You got hurt."

It was tough for Todd to tamp down the alarm those memories raised. Hurt, was mild for what happened. "Things just..... go... wrong sometimes."


"I got mugged a time or two, I lost a package once...but just once."

Jared could see the reaction in Todd's face. The kid paled and his breath became shallow, but like always he just passed it off as nothing.

"High price Todd?"

"I guess...bike got the worst of if. Took me a few days to get it back in shape."

"What about you?"

Something flickered across Todd's face but his shoulders lifted in a shrug. "I've had worst."

Jared forced himself to keep calm. His sizable hands itched to hurt those who hurt Todd. He was greatly tempted to paddle the little butt seated across from him for putting his life on the line like that...repeatedly. But Todd had done what he had to do to survive, Jared knew that. Didn't like it, not one bit, but that was the past.

Todd still dealing with his own thoughts, was unaware of how transparent they were and that Jared was intensely watching him. Jared could see that those mistakes had cost Todd...dearly and left their mark. A slightly tanned hand lifted to a shapely lower lip and idly began to rub and pick it. Brown eye's lifted and focused on Jared. A handsome brow puckered.

"How do you know about it? I never told any...."

"Clara." Jared stated simply.

Todd lowered his eyes.

"She didn't sell you out, kid. Deek is good at getting folks to talk and.....and, Todd, she cares about you."

Todd started to squirm in his chair, his face flushed. Looking at Jared with unveiled disbelief he was getting agitated again. It was aggravating for Jared that Todd clearly found it so hard to believe that anyone could or would care about him. He made mental notes to check into all of Todd's idiosyncrasies...the list was growing at an alarming rate. Recognizing signs of Todd shutting down, Jared switched topics again.

Getting up from the table he got Todd another glass of water. Todd had drained each glass so far. Since waking up this morning Todd acted like he couldn't get enough to drink.

"Kid, do you always drink so much water?..."

Todd looked apprehensive and found it hard to meet the other's eyes. Man, he didn't want to talk about last night, not with Jared, he'd just get mad again. Todd had to clear his throat a couple times before he could answer.

"It...it's the X....um...it uh...makes you sweat a lot, it...like it dehydrates you."

Keeping his eyes on his fingers, Todd could almost hear the Tank's blood boil. Jared got up and refilled the glass. Handing it back to Todd, he spoke more sharply than he meant too.

"No more after this."

At the wary look he got from the boy he softened his tone. "Sorry.... I don't think you should have any more tonight."

Todd took the glass with no argument.

"All these years of....odd jobs lets say, you ever try that stuff?"

Todd set down the quickly emptied glass, somewhat breathless from the long drink.

"No." Sounding a little too defensive.

"Never, Todd? I find that hard to believe, being around it so much. Naturally one would want to see what the deal was. So nothing...ever? Not even a natural cigarette...you know, cigaweed?"

"I know what you meant." Looking the larger man dead in the eye he spoke firmly. "No. Never. Last night, I told you was not my fault."

Jared saw that a little differently but let Todd continue. "Yeah, sure I was curious...even thought about trying it, I ain't no straight edger or nothin'. Almost took a hit of X once, just to....I don't know, just to try roll'n once I guess. That was until some dude did a Greg Louganis off a five story and landed on the bus I was sleeping in."

Todd spoke with detached emotion. But again, a shadow of something flashed in his eyes, feigning Todds indifference. "Kinda _f_u_c_k_s your day up, ya know?" Todd's voice was despondent, distant.

Then looking up across at Jared like he just remembered the man was there, he spoke more firmly. "I get my _s_h_i_t_ off on pure adrenalin...only."

Surprised and very glad to hear that Todd didn't do drugs, hadn't tried them either. Jared was very troubled by what this child had witnessed in his short life. Still needed some more reassurance that Todd wanted nothing to do with the junk he pressed a little more.

"I know it was slipped to you, Todd. What do you think now that you've experienced it?"

The silence in the kitchen was audible, and hung there for what felt like an hour. Jared was beginning to think Todd would never answer. Finally Todd looked up from his hands, eyes reflecting the bare honesty the young voice spoke with. "I liked it."

Jared's heart felt like it froze in his chest. That was not what he expected or wanted to hear but he didn't interrupt. He was at a loss for words anyway. Fear sparkled clearly in Todd's eyes. "I mean...um I liked how I felt...more. I knew what was going on around me and that I was...roll'n......and I mean big time but I couldn't do anything about it. I knew I should have been pissed but I just laughed. It was like being stuck in some dream...ya know. I had no control over.... anything not even what I was feeling.... that...dude...that..that."

"Did it scare you, Todd.?"

Intense brown eyes flickered, Todd lowered them behind his soft lashes but not before Jared read the fear and anger in them. "Bad things happen when you're not in control." Said barely above a whisper. Jared was sure that Todd was unaware that he spoke that out loud. This confirmed it, not that Jared needed any confirmation of Todd's being a control freak. Clearing his own voice to gain Todd's attention.

"I probably don't need to say this but I want to make clear, that if you ever even get near the stuff again, deliver it, touch it, or heaven forbid you take any drug without my permission I'll make sitting only a fond memory for you."

The truth of that burned through the sleepy haze in his brain. Todd nodded his understanding and waved off Jared's warning glare. "Dude.... you don't have to worry about me. Don't you think I know how lucky I am that _s_h_i_t_ didn't kill me? I know it can kill the first time. _f_u_c_k_....I was roll'n so good I would've jumped my bike off the _f_u_c_k_'n roof and laughed all the way down. 'Course the landing would really suck."

Todd laughed but it was hallow. His eyes lifted to Jared's for a split second then back down. He was deep in thought and seemed suddenly shy....not withdrawn and hostile but tentative. Something was percolating under that brown mop of hair. Jared could almost visualize the veil of bravado fade, leaving this unanticipated openness.

"Jared?" Todd sounded so unsure and hesitant...so unlike himself.


The chair squeaked as Todd shifted in it he began to pick at his lip nervously. "I never..."

"Never what Todd?"

"I never felt that.....um......" Luminous eyes reflected all the emotions that floated behind them. The window to Todd's soul was open for business and Jared was not about to miss out. This was a chance that would probably not come again...any time real soon.

"Todd? You never felt.... what?"

Twitching in his chair trying to get comfortable, like he was fighting the words or himself. Todd spoke barely above a mumble. "That good...alive you know. I..never felt so good. I liked it....I..."

"See how deadly that stuff is. Todd that's how drugs work, they give you this small slice of heaven, just once. After that you're just trying to chase it and, Todd, you never...never have it again..not like that first high. You want to feel that again...don't you, Todd?"

The answer was slow and tentative. "No...yeah. I'm a little freaked out by it, ya know?" Todd's lip picking worsened, Jared was surprised at the damage the little brat had done right in front of him and he just now noticed. It was swollen and close to bleeding. Jared had to fight his response to slap the young man's hand down. Now was not the time. He inwardly praised himself a saint for all he's had to overlook, or let go of in just the last hour or so.

"It scares me." Todd spoke so softly, stunning both of them, then sort of snapped out of it, he seemed truly alarmed at what he had admitted. Jared wanted so much to hold and comfort the young man in front of him, Todd was not that relaxed now. He was staring coldly back at Jared.

"Before you get all weirded out on me, just chill your hemorrhoids. I ain't gonna hit the streets looking to score or nothin' like that. I just...I just wish I didn't know what it felt like, that I could feel like that...other than......."

"Other than what, Todd?"

That sweet endearing Todd had slipped away just as smooth as he had appeared. "Other than riding.....that's all."

Jared knew that's not what Todd was about to say. He'd never be able to press whatever it would have been out of him now. Cold, cool, Todd was back. Jared didn't mind so much. He now had a glimpses what was under that frozen facade....and what he saw across the table really wasn't so bad to begin with.

"I'm not worried about you hitting the streets at all."

Todd's good leg began to jiggle up and down in a nervous restless motion. Jared could see that this conversation was beginning to wear through the medication. *Shut down imminent* Jared thought. He didn't want to ruin what he considered a gift from Todd. Todd had just bared a small bit of what he kept hidden. He backed off but only to a small degree.

"So, I get that you're not into the drug scene, but what's with the no aspirin or medicine. What's that all about, Todd?"

But Todd only pulled an annoyed expression and gave a huge yawn.

"I don't know. Just don't like taking it."

Jared believed the answer was more like the lack of control that was behind Todd's aversion to medications of any kind and no doubt that was the real reason the kid stayed drug free out on the streets. Lightning crashed in the distance...very faint but Todd still flinched. Jared risked another troubling question.

"Why do storms bother you so much. Not much seems to bug you. So why storms?"

Todd's head was propped up on the table on one arm and he was tracing the tile lines absently with his other hand. He didn't look up when he spoke.

"Ever been in a tornado, Jared?" The question was asked somberly.


"I have.... when I was young."

Jared found that statement absurd. Did Todd consider himself old?

"Dad made mom get in the crawlspace with me.... there was only room for one, but he smashed us in there. "

"All of you?"


Todd's eyes grew sad and moist.

"Dad couldn't fit. He made Mom and me stay in there and said he was going to hide in the tub." Sad eyes turned hard and cold under those spiky lashes, Jared didn't miss the husky quality to Todd's voice.

"He didn't make it."

This stunned Jared. That Todd, in any condition would share such a private and painful thing.

"You were so young, you remember that?"

Todd avoided the question. He seemed to just brush off what emotions he'd been feeling and was once again apathetic. "Never found him either. Both him and the house were gone. Mom moved us deeper into the city after that."

That would explain why they could never find out any real details about Todd's dad. Only Todd and his mom had them. It took swallowing a couple times before Jared trusted his voice to sound normal.

"Was... was it safer in the city from tornados?"

" Hmm?...no not really. We moved three times because of them after that. Mom moved us downtown so she could find work."

Todd grew quiet and distant. Knowing what must be weighing on his mind he didn't pry. Jared was dying to ask more but Todd was more asleep than awake now. The medicine was taking its grip on Todd and making him really groggy. Jared didn't want to pry too deeply or take further advantage of him right now. He'll have to wait for Todd to answer when he was ready. He needed to build up some trust and this was not the way to do that.

Todd let out another big yawn. Jared got up and put the glass in the sink.

"C'mon, kiddo, you need to get some shut eye. "

There was no argument, Todd nodded and followed Jared to the bedroom and was tucked yet again back into bed. The pills must be pretty strong if half a pill could tame Todd like this.

"I'm not ya know." Todd said out loud...like he expected Jared to know what he meant.

"You're not what, Todd?"

Looking up and scowling at the big man jamming the sheets around him. "Afraid of needles."

Where was this coming from? "Yeah, there are a few doctors that disagree?"

Todd rolled on this belly, kicking the covers loose and grumbled. "_f_u_c_k_ the _d_a_m_n_ doctors....'cause I'm not."

"Okay you're not...so why did you fight the doctors then?"

"I don't like shots....sticking stuff "in" me. It ain't cool..it ain't right. The tattoo thing didn't scare me none."

"Didn't it hurt?"

"_f_u_c_k_, yeah!...but I ain't afraid of it."

Jared pulled the sheets back over Mr. Toughguy who was making little sense right now. "So other than storms.... and need..er..shots..what does scare you, Todd?"

Spankings* first popped into Todd's head, but he only answered. "Not much, you gotta care to be scared."

Jared froze; he was stunned by that reticent remark. What do you say to that, Jared wondered. A large lump formed in his throat as he looked down at the beautiful boy who believed such ugly things. "Get some sleep Todd.... see you in the morning."

It was a long time before Jared went back into his own bed. He sat there next to Todd's bed watching him sleep, wondering what filled those dreams. They seemed less troubled than earlier this evening. Thinking over this evening's conversation, Jared brushed the soft bangs off the smooth forehead. Todd's words played over and over in Jared's mind. "You gotta care to be scared." He felt the sick sensation of hopelessness, but he pushed it away. There were some things that the kid did care about. His bike was a start. Jared reminded himself about the old lady welder in the desert. Todd clearly cared about her, hadn't he risked much to get her medication? The more Jared thought over it, the less credence he gave Todd's words. Problem was Todd believed them. One more obstacle for them to overcome. One more in a growing line. Didn't he just earlier admit to being scared?

Yeah...tough little rebel, deep down you care, and that's what scares you most.*

Later back in his own bed, staring at the ceiling, he thought of how horrible it must have been for such a little kid. A home and two loving parents one minute...then just him and his mom the next. Only later to lose her, too. What must that do to a little soul? Jared began to knit together Todd's fear of storms and his sleepwalking. Intense situations must bring on some trigger. Early training maybe from hiding from tornados. He jotted down on a note pad his theories and as many symptoms, nervous habits, as he could. Tomorrow he'd talk to Doc Roy more about it, get his learned opinion. Jared finally drifted off, it seemed it had only been for a few moments when the alarm buzzed.

Jared woke up to a clear morning. Bright and sunny. Forcing himself out of bed he took himself to his bathroom and showered. Later dressed, he peeked in on Todd. All he could see of the sleeping form was a mop of mahogany hair sticking out of the sheets. Quietly he left and went to the kitchen for his coffee.

The next couple hours were full of reports needing his attention and a call to Meg to fill her in on his new guest and to see that no one called the apartment or came up. He didn't want anything to wake the kid. He made a couple calls and the first was to the doctor. He made an appointment for a full check up and told the doctor he had some concerns over the sleepwalking. He was reassured that most sleepwalkers come to no harm and just leave Todd be, but to keep an eye on him. The doctor also asked him to watch Todd's liquid intake. X did indeed cause major dehydration and excessive perspiration and the intake of too much water was dangerous with this drug. He doubted there was anything to worry over. The drugs effects should have already left the body by now, Todd was not a habitual user, but it wouldn't hurt to drink something to replenish the body, like an energy drink or vitamin drink. As far as Todd's nocturnal side, well that was just programming. The doctor suggested Jared dose Todd in the evenings with one pill or half of one to get the kid on a more regular schedule. He may prescribe a sleep aide but to try this for a few days.

It took two pots of coffee this morning to digest all that he learned last night. He had always known that Todd was a complicated kid. Damaged was the word that best described Todd. Last night proved that he had only scratched the surface on the extent of the damage and really not much closer to the cause. Giving up on his reports, Jared worked instead on putting what pieces he could together on Todd. Gathered up his notes in a database. Basically set up a profile on Todd, hoping it would help down the road.

Sun shining in his eyes woke Todd. He didn't want to wake up. Waking would mean he would find himself at Jared's. Everything came flooding back. The night of the rave, wrecking his bike, Jared finding him. Everything from yesterday as well. Waking would mean dealing with it all. There was no way he was up to dealing with or even wanting to touch the subject about his mom. Too painful to think about now...maybe later...maybe never. Pulling the pillow over his head he tried to drift back to sleep and not think about any of it, especially the part about him attacking Jared with his pool stick. His most shining example of stupidity to date. He reached behind him and felt his bottom, checking for any damage from last night. There was none. Nothing, no tenderness or heat, just the memory and that was more than enough.

Giving up on any more sleep, Todd pushed the pillow away and blinked against the light in his eyes. Once his eyes focused he found himself in a clean bedroom. It was very large, and there were posters of motorcycles and riders on the walls. He was in a big bed in clean sheets with a warm comforter. Todd moved to sit up and all thoughts of the room vanished. His body hurt.... bad. His joints were stiff and his muscles complained painfully at any movement he made. It felt like he had wrecked his bike last night not the night before. He couldn't help but cry out when he tried to stand up.

"Ahh!! _s_h_i_t_!!"

Jared heard Todd's cry and left his study at a flat out run. He found Todd stooped over, his handsome features twisted in pain.

"Todd? What's wrong?"

Todd tried to put on a brave show but couldn't, he hurt too bad.

"Ahhh! Don't touch me, don't touch me!"

Jared froze next to Todd. "Relax, it's okay. Can you move?"

Todd shook his head no. Jared reached very carefully and brought his arm under the shoulders of the shaking boy.

"Easy! easy..._f_u_c_k_...I'm just sore...everywhere. Give...just give me a minute."

"C'mon kiddo, you need to move or it will just get worst."

Todd knew he was right and gritting his teeth tossed his arm around Jared's bent over shoulders. Jared walked Todd out of the bedroom and across the hall to the bathroom. He parked Todd in front of the toilet and left the room. Relieved and grateful for the privacy Todd took advantage of it. Jared returned a few moments later with a tray. He had a glass of something and a muffin on it. Setting the tray down on the sink he pointed to Todd and ordered him to eat. Too sore to complain about being ordered around, Todd picked up the glass and was hit with a familiar sent of banana and downed the shake in a couple gulps. He practically attacked the muffin...also banana and so good.

Jared had started a hot bath for Todd; he looked over his shoulder and smiled at the look of pure pleasure on the kids face as he licked crumbs of his fingers. It was torture for Jared as he watched that little pink tongue dart out and catch any loose crumbs. Reining in his imagination he started the bath, once he got the temperature right he let the tub fill and walked back to Todd. He pulled out of his pocket, the small bottle of pills and shook out two, looking at the now frowning young man. He was not going to put up with any argument from him. He rinsed out the glass and filled it half way with water and held out both hands. Before Todd could say anything Jared spoke very firmly.

"No. No arguments, Todd. You will take them."

The threat clear behind the calm tone, Todd looked from Jared's hands to his face.

"But you said last night...."

"What I said was, that if you felt better...I'd drop the dose to half. Well you don't seem better but worst. Do you feel better, Todd? Or do you always wake up like a rusted tin man?"

Tempted to say he did, Todd looked at that blonde brow arched over a piercing green eye and changed his mind. "No. But I.."

"No buts, no arguments, no fights."

"Look, I..."

"Who do you think will win?"

Remembering all too clearly, past fights over medications and the outcome, Todd relented and took the two pills and swallowed them.

"Good. Now let's get you in the tub, that should help."

Jared started to help him undress. "I got it.... uh I can manage."

"Okay, I'll leave you to it. Need anything?"

It was clear that the boy did want something but was hesitant to ask for whatever reason. "Todd, do you want something?"

"Could I have another one of those muffins?"

Jared grinned down at Todd and ruffled his hair. "Coming right up."

Jared left for a short while and then returned with a tray loaded with three muffins and a glass of some yellow green liquid. Jared had to hide his grin. It was clear that Todd was impressed with the tub and was trying not to show it. The kid looked so young and small as he sat in the huge tub.

"Here you are, kiddo. Just don't make yourself sick. Hot water helping any?"


"Good...I'll be back in a little while to check on you. Yell if you need anything or want to get out."

Left alone Todd dove into the muffins and nearly guzzled the drink. It had a fruity flavor. He gloried in the heat of the water. He had nearly forgotten how good a hot bath felt. The tub was gigantic. He could stretch out and not have to bend his legs at all to fit. Soaking there he thought over his situation. With a groan he slipped under the hot water. His situation was hopeless. He could see no way out of this. _d_a_m_n_it! If Jared would have found him any other time but at that _d_a_m_n_ rave he might have been able to talk his way out of all this. He was still surprised that Jared had gone down there to get him, let alone been looking for him. Knowing the tank, he shouldn't be surprised at all. If he'd been sober, he might have been able to avoid all this. His temper flashed to life thinking about Hac getting him wasted. When he finds that panty waste Haskell, the man will pay for that _s_h_i_t_. If he ever got out of here. A small part of him admitted.... he didn't want to leave; he wanted to stay here with Jared. That single thought scared him like nothing ever had before. He sat up so fast water splashed over the lip.

Oh...no...no..* He thought to himself. *I'm still high, confused, I must have banged my head.*

Todd snapped himself out of whatever that was. He was a loner and....always would be. He didn't need anyone.... especially some muscle bound tank to run his life...a life he'd run just fine so far. A little voice way in the back of his mind said that this is what he had wanted. Todd shoved it angrily away. No, he wanted no one.

Todd was in a foul mood when he emerged from the tub. Jared found him roughly rubbing his slender body dry.

"I was just coming into see if you needed any help."

"I've been taking care of myself for a while now...I think I can handle it." Todd snapped as he brushed Jared and limped back to his room. Scowling after the kid, Jared followed.

"Are you all right?"

"_f_u_c_k_'n peachy." Todd snarled as he tossed the bedding around in frustration.

"Lose something?" Jared asked and was rewarded by a look that could render flesh.

"Yeah...my clothes." Something was mumbled just under the kid's breath and Jared seriously doubted it was complimentary but made no comment. Crossing his arms and his long legs at the ankles Jared leaned in the doorway.

"I threw them away, they were...."

"My only _f_u_c_k_ing clothes, asshole!...What right....!"

Enough was enough. Not sure where this attitude was coming from, Jared crossed the room in three strides, and spun Todd around to face him. "I don't know what's going on, Ansley. Or who you think you're talking to. You better can that attitude...and language right now, little man."

Todd's eyes hit the floor, his jaw muscles clenching in anger, he stood there fuming...quietly. Jared released his hold on Todd.

"I chucked them because they were filthy and not fit for fleas. Look in the dresser there." Todd was propelled firmly by a powerful smack on his butt towards a large dresser.

"Hey!" He looked over his shoulder and got a stern nod to continue. He pulled out the top left drawer. In it were socks and underwear...both briefs and boxers. Clean and new.

"What do I have to do for them?"

Storm clouds rolled across those green eyes, yet Todd stood his ground. "You pick what you like and put the _d_a_m_n_ things on." Jared said sternly.

Todd, rolling his eye's in that annoying teenage way, sneered back. "Yeah right...what do you want in return." Todd plastered his back against the wall and stood in a defensive stance, ready to defend himself as Jared angrily strode over to him. Stopping just inches away from Todd, Jared spoke in a calm voice but steel rang clear in that deep baritone giving away Jared's own flaring temper.

"What I expect...no...demand...is a little respect and gratitude. The only strings that come attached with anything here is a simple please or thank you. Simple manners..nothing else...you do know what manners are, don't you, Todd?"

Todd's face was bright red...both from his own anger and a healthy dose of embarrassment. He could only manage a stiff nod.

"Good. Now get dressed."

Jared walked stiffly out, closing the door, his anger evident in his stride. Todd walked over to the bed and flopped down still smarting from that single smack. An uncomfortable feeling of regret knotted his stomach. It was rare but it did happen sometimes, that he was made to feel shame. Looking around the room he was in, he'd yet to really look at it. It was very nice, clean and new looking. Who's ever it was, must like bikes too. There were some great vintage motorcycle posters, all pre-black out and hard to find. There was a desk in the corner with two shelves full of books and on the third and top shelf there was some mini replicas of various dirt bikes. He walked over and took a look and respectfully didn't touch. He found his own belongings next to a desk. Next to that was a closet. In it were some new looking shirts and jeans. All much smaller than any the tank could wear. Jared must have a younger brother or something. A small sting of something close to jealousy hit him but he shoved it far away before he could examine it closer. Todd made the bed and put on some clean clothes and tried not to feel envious of the owner, who could afford to wear new stuff and sleep in this room and eat when...whoa! enough of that. How many times as a kid did he dream of a room of his own like this. Clothes like this. Pulling his shoes and baseball cap out of his pack he opened the door and looked again at the room. Yeah...life was good on top of the pile.

Jared looked up as Todd walked past the kitchen. Kid did clean up good. He was dressed in a long sleeve shirt open with a t-shirt under it and jeans that fit....if a little on the baggy side. He was in need of new shoes and the hat worn low over the kid's eyes, he could do without.


The bill of the slouch hat moved in a negative direction. Todd could hear the tightness still evident in Jared's voice. It made him feel...he didn't know what the word for it was but he didn't like it.

"Uh..thanks," Todd said as he plucked at the clothes. Jared's mouth twisted in a faint grin.

Ah...so there are manners in there.*

Jared kept that thought to himself. No point in inviting fights. They showed up on their own as it was.

"You're welcome. How's the fit?"

Todd shrugged. "Sokay."

Todd walked around the very large living room. It was much bigger than he imagined. Most of it was in the dark last night. The blinds were up and so were they, up in the clouds. It looked like they were miles above the city.

"They don't mind me wearing them?"

Jared looked confused at Todd's question. "They who?"

"The dude that lives in that room. He don't mind me barrowing his stuff."

"Todd you're the "dude."That's your room. "

Todd's head snapped around. First confusion then realization flashed in his mind. He didn't want to owe Jared or anyone that much. The price would be way too high, whatever it was.

"Ho no!._f_u_c_k_ that, asshole!"

"Boy! you better stop right there or you will become intimately acquitted with that room........all day and I'll toss in a sore butt as a bonus."

Panick and anger clouding his mind, he said, "Dude! I can't afford that _s_h_i_t_. And no one just gives..."

Todd yanked off his shirt and walked off towards the bedroom. Jared got up from the counter and followed Todd who had angry confusion all over his pretty face.


Todd pointed at him cutting off any argument. "No! Ain't doing it man."

"What? You're not doing what Todd?"

Todd gave him that look again. Like he was the dumbest thing on two feet.

"Whatever it is you want."

Jared started towards Todd, but Todd leaped out of the way and put up his fists. Confused, Jared stopped and looked at the angry boy in front of him. Something was wrong here, there was more to this than just another of Todd's rages. He stepped back to give Todd some space. That was all Todd needed, he bolted for the door and _d_a_m_n_ed if the little scamp didn't make it almost to the elevator, before Jared grabbed a hold of him and yanked him off his fast feet. Then he half carried, half bounced him back to the bedroom. He set Todd back down on his feet.

"Todd listen to..._d_a_m_n_it! Now cut that out!"

As soon as he was let loose Todd bolted again for the door but this time was just shoved back in. For several seconds the two played this bizarre version of ping-pong. Having had more than enough, he grappled the stubborn boy in his huge arms and growled a warning at Todd.

"You do that one more time and I'll whup your tail...and a lot harder that I did last night. Don't push me... I mean it."

Todd believed him and stopped fighting. Both wary of each other, Jared let him go. The kid didn't move. His eyes were fixed on the floor, rage just simmering underneath. Jared let himself catch a breath. _d_a_m_n_ Todd was a quick little brat. One more mental note to self and to get some new athletic shoes himself, boots were not the best for running in.

"Todd, now listen. I don't know what is going on in that mind of yours. So let me make this clear. I don't want anything from you. This is your home now, this... "

Waving his long arms around at the room. "This is "your" room. Yours. No one else's..."

Todd looked up at the huge man. He could read no deception there. Jared saw confusion and frustration and strangely fear in Todd's. Todd looked away as if he realized how clearly Jared was reading his expressions.

"Todd. I don't understand...."

"No! You don't! Don't you get it? No one just gives stuff away without a price. You don't get nothing' for nothin'. Out there.....in the real world people just don't give you nothin' without wanting somethin' ya know? So you gotta want something from me...whatever it is you can forget it..."

Jared understood now. Pushing aside his anger at such a world and those in it that so twisted this youngman's view of life. He'd get into this "real" world stuff later. He needed to try to get Todd to understand this world and his place in it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand, Todd. Honestly I still don't. I didn't do this to make you feel like you owe anything or that you're bought. This was for you to have a room of your own, a space just for you..."

Todd started to interrupt; Jared glared at him, stalling any more outbursts. "No. That's all, nothing more."

Still scowling at him with clear distrust, it was evident that Todd wasn't that easily persuaded...big shock there. Jared struggled a moment to find a way to make Todd understand. He scratched his head in frustration.

"Tell me, Todd. In the "real" world did you ever see any families?"

Brows furrowing in frustration. "Yeah..so..what does.."

"Did the parents take care of the kids?"

Todd shrugged.

"Feed them, dress them, protect them.....as best the could given their circumstance?"

"I don't know...maybe...yeah."

Jared could see he had the kid's attention and some of the intensity was fading. "Okay....do you think those parents charged their kids for that? For providing for them."

Todd began to fidget, still angry. "Look you're not...."

Cutting him off Jared pressed for the answer. "Todd, do you think they demanded some payment?"

The fidgeting stopped and Todd was still for a long moment. Then he slowly shook his head. "No." Answered almost reluctantly and in a more composed tone.

Confident that he was getting though, Jared pressed on. "Okay. That's all I'm doing, Todd, is providing for you. Food, clean clothes, bed and a roof. Shelter...hey, can I help it if it's a very nice roof."

It was too much to hope that Todd would crack a smile but he did relax more. Jared could see he was trying to digest it all. Todd snapped back another argument like he was trying to find the flaw in Jared's reasoning. "Yeah...well. Well those are parents...you're not..."

Knowing exactly where the kid was going Jared headed him off. "No. I'm not your parent and honestly, I don't want to be a father to you. Todd I have feelings for you.... strong feelings. We both know that. Feelings that have nothing to do with any parental sentiment. I do feel protective and care deeply about what happens to you. But you're under 18 and that's the end of it. There is no point in going down this road other than to make crystal clear "my" intentions. So no, I'm not your parent, I'm your guardian and right now that's what you need most and it's what I can give you now. No matter how much both wish otherwise, you need a parent more than you do a lover, so for now, that's what you'll have. I have no intentions of replacing your parents, Todd, I couldn't, I know that and I respect that. At this time I'm the next best so you're going to have to accept that and accept that I will provide for you like a parent would, no price will ever be demanded, no strings.....other than respect and some manners. Better brush up on that, mister."

Baleful eyes glared up from under thick lashes. "I have 'em ..Its not like they feed you or anything."

"No. But they could protect you from another whuppin'." It was said in light and teasing tone. Todd glanced up into Jared's face. The tone may have been light but the warning was serious and visible in that handsome face. Why did the tank have to pull that card each time?

Because it work's.* Answered that little voice in the back of his mind. Today, Todd had no problems with memories and yesterdays were very clear. Todd yanked off his hat and raked a hand through his hair roughly. So much was going on, changing and too fast. Todd's anger left and in its place was confusion and something else he wouldn't acknowledge.

Todd sat down on the bed...he was suddenly feeling a little groggy. Rubbing his eyes tiredly Todd was beginning to finally feel those two pills from earlier. They took longer to hit this time.

"You okay, Todd?"

"Yeah...those _f_u_c_k_ing pills are bugging me. They worked faster yesterday, they're a pain in the...."

Todd tossed him a look of resentment. Jared walked over and lifted Todd's chin and looked into glassy eyes. Relief hit him. The dark brown eyes had lost their fire and were beginning to dull and dilate. The pill were working and Todd was starting to mellow out.... some.

"Well you had food with them this time and that little adrenalin rush might have slowed them down... hmm?"

Young shoulders shrugged indifferently. Todd moved his head away from Jared's touch. He looked around the room.

"So you like "your" room?" Todd just nodded yes.

"Mouse was a big help...he downloaded the posters off the net."

"Yeah?" Was all Todd could think to say as a big yawn escaped from him. Jared patted him on the back.

"Need to take a nap?" Jared earned a very typical teenage look. Insulted was a good word for it.

"Okay... how about a game of chess?"

Todd gave Jared a good game. He had forgotten nothing from the lessons in the cabin. There was no conversation and that was fine with both men. Jared took the opportunity to process the last couple days and it gave Todd time to calm his temper. After a couple games, Jared looked at his watch. Lunch sounded good.

"C'mon Todd, let's get some lunch into you."

Todd followed Jared into the kitchen. He wasn't real hungry but never turned down a meal. You don't know when you'll eat next was that mott.

"How's the body feeling...still tight?"

" I'm fine...after a wreck it always takes moving around to get past it."

Jared set a glass of milk...real milk down for Todd.

"You remember last night...I mean the night before."

Todd nodded in the middle of draining the glass. Jared looked over his shoulder at the kid seated at the table. Todd was concentrating on the glass like he could refill it by wishing. Adorable when no one was looking, especially with a milk mustache. Jared carried over the milk jug and refilled the glass. Todd reached up to wipe the milk off his lip with his shirtsleeve then caught himself, he grabbed a napkin instead and wiped his face. He looked up as Jared poured and a tinge of pink colored his cheeks.

"You were right.... you do have manners," Jared teased with exaggerated amazement. Returning to the stove he began to prepare lunch.

"Sound's like you've wrecked a few times."

Todd snorted at that. "_f_u_c_k_, yeah.... only way to get over it is to ride...get back on the horse man."

Shaking his head, Jared wasn't a bit surprised. "Ever break anything?"

"Several bikes."

A glance over his broad shoulders he saw Todd rocking on the back two legs of the kitchen chair.

" I mean..bones..have you broken anything?"

Todd didn't answer right away; his eyes darted out the window.



"Uh huh."

Looking agitated Todd pushed further on the chair tipping precariously back. "Kid. You break that chair and I'll break you."

"Stop calling me a kid."

"Then stop acting like one." Jared said mildly never turning from the stove. He could hear the chair drop back to all four legs.

"So, what do you remember from the other night?"

"Everything pretty much."

Jared walked over and sat down at the table and gave Todd a stern look. "Good. Then do you mind telling me what the hell you thought you doing?"

Todd looked down and shrugged. He began to pluck at his lower lip. "Just haven' some fun."

"Fun! You call nearly getting killed fun?" It wasn't so much fun as necessity...but Jared would never understand, he barely did himself.

"Yeah." His tone belligerent and cold.

"And doing it on drugs is just a bonus?"

Todd glared at Jared. He knew that was an accident. "No. Look, I told you that was not my fault. There's a score to settle on that."

Jared stood up and walked back to the stove. "It most certainly was your fault. You shouldn't have been up there in the first place....and don't worry about Haskel. He's long gone."

Looking up sharply at Jared. "What do you mean long gone...how do you know Haskel?."

"How do I know Hac? You pointed him out to me. Let's just say I made it clear that he was messing around with something.....of mine."

Todd was stunned.

"I'd say he's in California by now. No doubt looking up a dentist. Just in case though, if you see him, you are to tell me. Do not talk to him and you better not even think about any kind of altercation. You're mine to protect and he knows that now. I'm dead serious, Ansley, you go anywhere near him and I'll..."

"Yeah, yeah...I know, you'll whup me, make last night a walk in the park, make sitting no fun. Don't you have another threat you could use, maybe something with less miles on it maybe?"

Jared glared at Todd with such a stern expression that he began to truly regret his smart mouth. If he looked at Hac like that, then the man must be out of the state by now. Todd would be. He was wishing he was right now. Jared's voice was like ice crackling when he spoke.

"Ansley, it's now my job to see to your well being, and I take that job...happily, very serious. I take care of and protect what's mine. Better get used to that, little man. That better?"

He was only able to nod because of the lump in his throat. " Good. Please tell me he wasn't your type. Ugh."

Unsure of what to make of this. Todd just shook his head no.

"That's a relief."

No one had ever done anything like that for him. Defend or protect. Not since...well not for a long time. Uncertain what to say or do, in frustration he lashed out. "I don't need your protection...Hac was mine to deal with. I can handle him."

"And you've done a great job so far," Jared said from the stove with heavy sarcasm. He turned and delivered a plate of hotdogs. Setting them down in front of Todd.

Looking down at the plate Todd's stomach rolled. He hated hotdogs. It was one food he could turn down no matter how starved he was.



Pushing his plate away in disgust.

"What? Aren't you hungry?

"I hate 'em."

Surprised Jared picked up the plate. "What...everyone likes.."

Todd jumped to his feet and stormed out of the kitchen. "Not me, I ain't everybody. I _f_u_c_k_'n hate the things!"

Jared was taken utterly off guard by the anger in Todd over a couple hotdogs. He found Todd a while later in the game room shooting pool. Todd seemed to have cooled off. But he tensed as Jared walked up. Kid seriously didn't like hotdogs and was ready to fight about it.

"New truce?"

Jared set down a grilled cheese sandwich. If Todd didn't go for that, the kid was not normal.... what was he thinking, there was little normal, about Todd. He was pleased to see him tentatively reach for the sandwich and relax a little.

"So want to clue me in on what that was all about?"

Todd gulped down a mouthful of grilled sandwich. "I just don't like them, all right?"

"Right, and superman just doesn't like kryptonite."

People don't just have a fit like that...not even Todd over a stupid hotdog, there had to be more to this but Jared knew that there was no way Todd would share that tidbit just now. Just one more piece to the enigma that was Todd.

"Mind if I eat them."

"I don't care what you do with them, as long as it doesn't involve me."

Jared watched Todd play. Todd was feline in the way he prowled around the pool table. Jared was feeling very lucky to have won that bet, despite his own talents there. Towards the end of the solitary game Todd seemed stiff and would rub his low back. After clearing the table and finishing the food Todd stretched and winced. His muscles were getting tight again. Next thing he knew a huge palm held out two pills.

"Naw..I just need to get back out on the bike. That's all."

Brown eyes flickered impatience. "Sorry, cowboy, bikes out of commission right now."

Jared was glad too. It took the pressure off having to just lock it away from the kid. At least until Todd comes to terms with this situation. And that was a war he'd just as soon not fight. The one thing on this planet that did reach this kid was bikes.

"How.... how bad is it damaged?" Todd looked Jared in the eye and didn't look away like he so often did. Jared could see he was braced for bad news. Poor kid had no idea how transparent he was just now. Sad brown eyes peeking under bangs that badly needed a trim. Jared was glad to be able to tell him that it was not beyond repair.

"It's banged up pretty good, Todd, your...uh landing.. was not the softest...for either of you. I think with some of your "tweaking" it'll be just fine."

The boy's relief was clearly visible.

"Can I see it?" Brown eye's narrowed suspiciously, like Todd didn't quite believe him.

"Not today, kiddo. You'd take one look and get to work or worst you'd get pissed."

"Aw..dude, c'mon."

"No, not today, Todd."

Todd took one look at the tanks stern face and knew it was hopeless. It would be so much easier to hate this blonde giant if he wasn't so _d_a_m_n_ hot. It was more than his good looks that pulled at Todd but he wouldn't allow those sinister thoughts in.

"I'm fine...sort of. Just a little stiff, I'll be..."

"Give it a couple days, if you're feeling better. I don't want you crouched under the _d_a_m_n_ thing as sore as you are. That won't help you."

Brown eyes just rolled at him but Todd didn't argue...surprisingly.

"But for now I want you to take these."

"Man I keep tell'n ya, I don't take pills."

Jared laughed an exaggerated laugh. "I know you don't. You'd think I'd learn huh? Guess I'm just slow."

Then he suddenly spoke firmly. "Now you can take them with water or a sore butt and water?"

Frowning, very close to pouting, Todd looked at the hand then up at Jared. "Half."

Very pleased that Todd was willing to bargain instead of fight, Jared accepted. " One condition. You take the other tonight after dinner. No arguments. Deal?"

Waiting as Todd fought with himself over the decision. "Deal."

Thirty minutes later Todd was on the couch barely able to keep his eyes open but he didn't have any more pain and was surprisingly comfortable. Closing his eyes he let the warm sun from the huge panoramic windows heat him. Something soft landed on and covered him. Too sleepy to open his eyes he just snuggled in the softness, he was aware that Jared was close, he could smell his cologne, hear his breathing, knew that he was reading, the pages of the book he heard being turned. There was a sensation deep inside that wanted to grow. Todd, even as out of it as he was, he managed to squash it, too dangerous. He drifted off reciting all the reasons for staying detached.

Jared sat down in a chair across from Todd. Kid had gone out like a light. Now if he could only get Todd to sleep like this through the night he might be able to get rid of those dark circles under those dreamy eyes. One step at a time. Picking his book back up, he just enjoyed the moment. He knew that moments of quiet like this, other than hostile silences would from now on be a rare thing.

The afternoon progressed in a tentative ceasefire. Todd had temporarily given up fighting his situation. Jared took Todd down to the pool after he woke from his nap. The kid turned out to be quite the guppy. He swam like he rode his bike. Fearless and driven. His dives were to the extreme; Jared had to bark at him several times to be less reckless and not overdo it. It was hard to curb the kid's exuberance. Jared was treated to a rare glimpse of lost child like innocence. That most rare of all of Todd's attributes, a genuine smile. Not a big toothy grin, but still a discernable tilt to the mouth after he surfaced after a dive. The boy was tireless in his laps in the pool. The brat didn't even seem to have a bad or weak swimming style. Jared was pleased at how athletic Todd was. Todd's slight build would fill out to perfection with regular groceries and a few days in the gym each week.

Todd was secretly impressed with Jared. The tank turned out to be amphibious! His powerful body cut cleanly through the water. Long stokes that Jared made look almost lazy propelled him at speeds Todd had to move full steam to match. If he was impressive with clothes on, he was awesome in his swim trunks. Huge corded muscles flexed and rolled under the slightly tan hide of the tank. It was unfair how Jared was proving to be superior in nearly everything. Frustrating Todd to no end.

The two swam for quite a long time. For Todd it was a small slice of heaven. The last time he had been swimming was last summer in the Arizona Salt River and once at Slide rock in Oak Creek canyon. Todd used this time to study Jared from hooded eyes. The man was too perfect and too compelling. He was like a blonde Viking or warlord from the old movies. Todd was grateful for the cool water temperature it helped keep his appreciation.... private or so he thought.

Jared was very much aware of being studied. He even took advantage of it and flexed his muscles often with as much intimidation as he could without being completely obvious and unashamedly enjoyed the reaction he got from Todd. When he called it a day he nearly laughed out loud as Todd scooted for the locker room.

While dressing, Deek came in the locker room. "So how was it?"

Todd just shrugged.

"Jared, Brian's looking for you. He's in your office."

Deek pulled Jared aside and spoke in low tones. Todd had a feeling it dealt with him. Jared hurried in his dressing. Looking up at Todd, he said, "Todd, Deek will give you the grand tour then take you back home."

Without waiting for an answer he hurried out of the room. Todd jerked his head in the direction Jared hurried. Being left out of things dealing with him was new and he didn't like it at all.

"He always jump when Brian snaps his fingers?

Deek ignored the bait. Kid had it all wrong.... well mostly wrong. "Nah man, only when it's important. Brian does have a way about him. Best you never meet his temper...makes Jared's downright wimpy."

Todd doubted that.

"C'mon, Mags. Let me show you around."

Todd looked sharply at the dark face grinning back at him. He felt a blush heat his face. He hated the moniker he'd been tagged within the zone.

"Don't call me that."

"At ease, young blood, it doesn't suit ya anyway, c'mon lets go."

Jared found his older brother waiting for him in his office.

"Brian, what brings you back so soon.? If you're worried about the kid..."

Brian noted the flushed complexion in his brother. It brought on a perverse sense of pride to know he could intimidate his younger sibling, even as large as the cub was now. His amusement was cut short with the news he had to deliver. Jared looked happy and he was about to ruin that mood.

"Bry.... what is it?"

"Here. I just got this."


"Yes. Delivered from Arkansas a couple hours ago. Jared, you better sit down, it's...not pleasant reading."

Looking at his brothers' very somber face. Jared took the envelope and sat at his desk. He pulled out the papers and read over them not believing his eyes...not wanting to believe them. But if the written word wasn't believable the photo's enclosed brought reality to sickening clarity.

"Sweet Jes..."

Jared after a moment staring at the photos and the reports, stood and began to pace, Brian silently waited for what he knew was coming. Jared several times tried to speak but it came out gibberish.... very frustrated and angry. Cursing until he could no longer think of any more combinations, even making up words that seemed to fit.

Then rage gave into hurt, sinking back into his chair Jared sat now at a loss for words. Finally remembering Brian, he looked helplessly up into matching green eyes."Sorry Bri...I..I'm just.."

Tears sprang to Jared's eyes. Brian placed a hand on his shoulders and gave a tight squeeze in comfort. Jared wiped quickly at his face and got a hold of himself.

"Things are going to be a little rougher than you planned, boy. Rougher than you might be able to handle.... alone. Well... you're not alone. You can count on me for anything, little bro. Name it, and it's yours. I brought you these, thought they could come in handy."

Touched beyond words at his brother's offer, Jared coughed to gain his voice back and looked into the bag Brian handed him. There were some CD-ROM's on learning to read, home education disks and a few books on psychology. Jared quirked an eyebrow up at his brother as he pulled out a book on parenting.

"I didn't think it could hurt," Brian said with feigned innocence.

Shaking his head Jared pulled out the last book, a book on managing anger. "Thanks....if it won't work on his temper," Jared tested its balance," it might work on his ass."

Trying to tease but he didn't have the heart for it. "Jared, you still interested in this kid. It's not too late to back out. He's got some serious baggage, is he....?"

Standing up straight and tall, Jared stood before his brother, dry-eyed and firm in his conviction.

"Yeah, Brian, now only more so."

"That's what I thought."

Jared gave his brother a hug.

"Remember, Jared, anything you two need."

"Thanks...for everything."

Jared walked Brian to the door. Then spent some time staring out his window trying to get a grasp on what to do next. Taking the envelope Jared closed his office and went home. Todd got a tour of the gym. It was full of all sorts of things he'd never seen before other than through store windows and magazines. Deek led Todd out into the main floor foyer. It was elaborate with its slate walls and marble floor. Todd especially took note of the large security station just yards from the large main doors. There were four guards at the station. Deek lightly thumped Todd's ear.

"You'd never get past 'em, slick."

Todd had to agree.

"Here's a bonus, slick, the stairs and elevators all have security cams and the main floor doors are armed. No one moves without these guy's knowing it."

Deek looked pointedly at Todd who just shrugged it off. This was going to be a big problem. Deek then showed Todd the main offices. Lots of people on phones and computers. Then the sixth floor was the main computer level and the floor Mouse worked on. He smiled at Deek and then more slowly at Todd. It was closer to a grimace than a grin

"Hey dude."


Deek's pager beeped and he stepped away from the boys to find a phone. Todd walked away from Mouse and looked around. Mouse's office was like something out of a movie. It was all techy with a touch of skater. There were several computers on a circular black metal tube desk, wires everywhere. Four skateboards hung on a wall behind the chair that looked like it belonged in a Nascar instead of behind a geek's computer. Posters of many extreme sports were plastered on the other walls that and a picture of some cyber geek superimposed on a woman's body. Wilimena Gates. Todd never heard of the person.

"Like the bedroom?"

Todd looked at the small guy next to him. Yesterday's altercation still fresh. Mouse seemed eager that he like the room. Like he wasn't holding a grudge from yesterday.


Frowning at Todd's lack of enthusiasm. "If you didn't like the posters. I could download and print others. Stop by some time and we can surf for some better ones...or anything you'd like."

Todd just nodded. "The posters are cool...thanks."

Not committing to anything beyond that, Todd listened to Mouse point out some things way over his understanding and was grateful when Deek was ready to go.

Deek continued the tour of the "tech" floor. Deek showed Todd the different elevators.

"This one is the main elevator. It goes only as far as the executive floor, the one that our offices are on. The small one with the gold door does only stops at the garage, main, executive, housing and penthouse."

Todd paid close attention to the numbers of each floor.

"Jared said he had some cool cars down there. That could be cool." Todd said as nonchalantly as he could and not sound as anxious as he felt. Deek's black eyes glinted ominously.

"Nice try, Todd. Didn't Jared tell you no already?"

Feeling trapped and very uncomfortable in such close quarters to the huge man whose stern look chilled him to the bone. When Todd didn't answer or meet his eyes. Deek gave him a gentle shove to get his attention.

"I asked you a question, boy."

There was a hard edge in that tone and it resonated authority. Todd swallowed his Adam's apple that felt like it was the size of a real one. "Yeah."

"Don't ever play us off like that again. This is your only warning."

Deek punctuated this with an attention getting poke in the chest. "You hear me, kid?"

"Yeah...I _f_u_c_k_in' hear ya."

Todd walked off. He didn't see the murderous storm that crossed the black face as he did so. "Tour's over. Get your disrespectful ass in that elevator."

Todd fumed in angry silence back to the penthouse. Deek counted all the reasons why it was wrong to kill a minor.

Jared was waiting at the penthouse. Todd stormed out of the elevator. *Something's pissed him off* Jared thought, *big surprise*. Deek didn't look too happy himself. Before Jared could ask anything Todd exploded.

"I didn't know I was a _f_u_c_k_'n prisoner."

Then brushed past him and walked down the hall and into the game room. Jared looked at Deek puzzled.

"You might want to consider housebreaking that puppy of yours."

Deek immediately saw that something was wrong and swallowed his complaints.

"Any other time, Deek, c'mon into the study....I have something you need to read.

Note from Frost;

With the Holiday season here, time is increasingly becoming rare these days. Unfortunately, that leaves little time for posting. So please forgive the long time between this chapter and the next..... there is more to come.

Thank you and happy holidays.


More stories by Frost Spinner