An Inheritance Put to Work

by Calamus

When my high school geography teacher eventually retired he and his wife became my neighbours. We enjoyed a friendly but rather formal relationship - I still called him "Mr. X" although he started calling by my first name. There was a neighbourly borrowing of garden tools, a seasonal exchanges of surplus vegetables, etc., and the occasional shared cup of tea. He took a fatherly interest in my sporting and other endeavours.

At school, X was known for his dedication to his teaching, and for the strict discipline he maintained in the classroom. I was generally well behaved but did feel the sting of his leather strap across my tail on more than one occasion. This was in early, harsher, more disciplined times when corporal punishment of teenage boys was fairly common and "six of the best" was not unknown and meant what it said. The adage was "If you want to keep order in the classroom, strap hard and you won't have to strap often." There was a belief in those days that good order was necessary before learning could occur, and that natural adolescent excesses needed to be curbed.(Quaint, old fashioned views!) The strap was applied to the well bent clothed backside in front of the boys-only class. It hurt and it bruised and it deterred. but it was well accepted and expected..

A year ago, X died. A few weeks later his widow asked me to collect a box of books that X had set aside for me during his declining days. In the bottom of the box I found his strap - the very one he had used on my backside more than 20 years before. An attached note asked me to take care of it. After a few trial swings, and reflections on my school days, I set it aside.

Yesterday, I gave a ride to a 19 year old who was hitching back to university after the the summer break. We talked of this and that, and other things. He asked if I knew of any casual jobs going and emphasised more than once he would do anything as his finances were very tight. It turned out we had both been to Boys High. He seemed interested in the disciplinary practices of my day and lamented the present lack of effective deterrents and the disorder in the classroom and school grounds. (He had been a prefect). I proffered the view that modern boys were quite spoilt and soft, and that they would not be able to tolerate the leather strap on their backside. He expressed the rash opinion that modern boys were as tough as ever and that the strap was, in any event, a mild punishment. I was a little riled by his arrogance and countered with the suggestions that it was easy to make such assertions when not at risk of a strapping, and that if he were to be strapped, by rights it would "on the bare", on account of his mature age. He scoffed and stated he was well used to being nude (he was a Rugby player) and that he could take any ordinary school strapping. I wagered $60 that he couldn't take six of the best from the high school strap on his bare backside. My "offer" was immediately accepted.

I can attest that he is a fit, trim, athletic young man with a lean masculine posterior. As far as I could tell, he had nothing to be ashamed of, or embarrassed by, should he strip naked ( I routinely see naked late teen and early twenties lads at the gym and feel well qualified to express an opinion on this matter.). Later this evening there should be a knock on my door, a stripping and then a strapping. If he can take the full six I will have to give him $60. I have the cash, and the strap, and the will to lay it on hard. There will be no "pro rata" and it is going to hurt. I want to keep my money!

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