I recently took over a franchise of one of the discount grocery stores. You know the ones, where they don't have carry out's or even free bags. You have to use boxes or pay for bags.
Before I took over it was being run as a corporate store after the previous owners franchise was revoked following repetitive customer complaints to head office. One of the reasons I quickly discovered was a horrible staff.
The staff was about 35 people. Including about 10 – 15 young males. Some of who definitely caught my dick's attention.
It was about 4 months after I took over. About 55% of the staff had either quit or been fired and replaced. Sales were steadily climbing and I had even received a few positive feedback letters to head office. Of the 10-15 young males originally there, only 5 remained. I considered three of them a "problem" and this story is about dealing with the problems.
I of course worked long hours and often hounded those that I considered to be a problem. One of the problems, Eric was a smart assed, lazy, high school drop out who thought he could _f_u_c_k_ the dog all day on my dollar. I also suspected him of stealing. Eric was however quite appealing to look at. He was about 5'10", 185lbs. Decent arms, chest and a real sweet ass. He was dark skinned, not Negro, but a dark skin. I have since decided that I think he is part middle-eatern arab??? .
This day I was at the store when Eric was leaving work, he a had a bag of groceries with him and I had started doing random receipt checks when staff were leaving with product. I already suspected him of stealing so used this opportunity fully.
Of course, Eric could not produce a receipt. He first went defensive, and belligerent, but shortly after became very apologetic and seeking a second chance. He began pleading and my best judgement went out the window as I thought about his ass. I told him that he was suspended for two weeks and to report to the store at 6:00 on the Sunday two weeks later where we would determine if it would permanent instead.
Eric shows up, wearing a old pair of jeans, they weren't black, more gray, but that was pretty much because of the age. They were fairly snug through the ass, groin and thigh. Showed his bubble but really well. They were too long and he had ripped them up the sides a few inches so they wouldn't bunch on his feet. He was wearing his dark hair in spikey sort of way and two days growth for a beard. He was wearing a long sleeve white t-shirt with the uniform black polo over top.
He came up to my office and he began pleading about how much he needed the job, (we were unionized and he was making _d_a_m_n_ good money for a glorified pack boy – considering his age (20), education, and ambition level) he recently knocked some poor girl up that he had used as a back-up _f_u_c_k_. She of course was "in love" with him. He had also just bought a new car. Since then I have since learned that he spent the two weeks he had off searching for a new job from all the big retailers and some of the other small ones. All he was offered was minimum wage on a part time basis, so he decided to plead with me in stead.
I asked him if he thought the two-week suspension was sufficient given that he had crossed the paramount boundary of employee, employer relationship. He said he thought it was given that he ahd been able to "soul search" and understand the error of his ways.
I said I did not agree and told him I felt he acted in a very immature childish way. To risk a good job over $20.00 worth of groceries. He started to say that he agreed, but that he learned his lesson when I stopped him. I told him that if he was going to continue working there we would have to decide on another punishment. I started talking about how I felt that children who stole should be spanked and he amazingly got the hint.
He asked me if I wanted to spank him. I of course said yes, quite severely in fact.
He was stunned, asked if there was any other way. I said no. He then said that if that was the only way, then that is how it would have to be.
I told him that if he submitted to the spanking, that he was scheduled to work that day from 11:00 - 6:00. He advised me that he would accept the spanking and was anxious to get back to work.
I instructed him to stand up and stand in front of me. When he arrived I reached up and began undoing his jeans. He backed up and asked what I was doing. I quickly informed him that he should be more co-operative or the spanking would be aborted and the firing re-instated. I then advised that his spanking would be done bare.
He turned completely red. He then slowly stepped back where I could reach his waist from the chair I was on.
After slowly unbuttoning and sliding the zipper down, I started to tug his snug jeans down off Eric's ass. With the pants down to his knees it revealed an amazing package, perfectly framed in some black stretchy boxer briefs. I reached up and slowly slid them down to join his pants, his _c_o_c_k_ and balls jumped out at me. His low hanging balls and long fact cut _c_o_c_k_ were now directly in my face. His smell was wonderful.
I instructed him to step out of his pants and unders and to take up a position bent over my desk. He stepped out of his pants and folded them neatly on my chair. He lined his runners up neatly beside the desk. He slowly took a position bent over my desk. I walked up behind him and by placing both my hands between his legs and pressing out had him spread his legs. From far enough back, I could now see his beautiful pink man pussy and balls hanging from the rear.
I was lecturing him about steeling an d the risk he took as I removed an old leather razor strop from a cupboard. It was about 3 inches wide, a thick leather that I had oiled well. It was originally attached at one end to the metal thing the barbers hung it on. I had cut it from that end and now had a strap that was 20-24 inches long with a handle on the far end.
He could not see me remove the strap from the cupboard, I took it and brought it down hard on the desk inches from his face. He jumped and hollered and actually let loose a small dribble of piss. I instructed him to reume his position.
He began pleading with me to not use the strap. I of course would not entertain this and without even responding brought the first blow down on his quivering ass. He let out a yelp and then amazingly counted "one".
He asked how many he could expect, I responded by bringing down strike 2. He again after a yell counted "two".
His counting continued as I applied another 10 strokes. He was now crying and his ass was a mess. As I strapped him I tried to hit fresh skin with each stroke. He now had 12 dark red welts forming along with generally hot red ass.
I told him to stand up, turn around and face me. His red eyes were full tears. His _c_o_c_k_ however did not look so despondent. His low hangers were now pulled tight to his body as he was now supporting a completely erect boner pushing up to his stomach.
I ignored the boner and instructed him to go stand in the corner. Facing the wall of course. While he was facing the wall I advised him that his punishment was half over and that he could expect 12 more.
He burst out crying that he couldn't take another dozen. He was pleading that he had learned his lesson and then another one of my "problems" burst through the door.........
................................to be continued.................................
If anyone is interested in re-writing this or any of my other stories from the perspective of Eric or one of the other spankee's, I think it would be hot. Please e-mail me the new version before it is posted though.
Your thoughts and advice are welcomed.