Jude's Diary - Weekend with Haley, Part 2

by Cj Swinburne

I awoke at a little before 6:00 on Saturday morning. Took a nice hot relaxing shower, got dressed, and was standing at the open door to Haley's bedroom by 6:30. Haley was still sound asleep. I told him the night before to get up early and I just had an interesting idea to wake him up. I went back to my closet and looked for a belt, but curses, all I had brought with me was a fake leather one. I decided that would have to do.

I went back to Haley's room and gingerly drew the sheets down to his feet. He was sleeping on his stomach. The marks from yesterday's switching where barely visible on his cute bottom. I took a deep breath and raised the belt. I brought it down hard across his soft bottom. There was a loud crack and his body jerked slightly as he was now waking up. Another hard snap of the belt across his bottom had Haley's eyes open and him mouthing "ouch!" in that confusing state between being awake and asleep. The third crack from the belt had Haley wide-eyed and fully awake as he yelled out "Ouch!" and then practically jumped off the bed.

Haley stood before me and I said, "I warned you to be up early, didn't I?"

"Yes, sir. Sorry I overslept, master."

I smiled and told him that it was alright and then asked him if he'd ever had a wake-up call like that. Haley said he hadn't and I think, but I'm not sure, slightly smiled when he answered me.

I told Haley it was time for his shower and I led him to the bathroom with my hand on his shoulder. I got the shower running with just the cold water. I let it run a few minutes to let it get very cold, then told Haley to step in and get under the water. He stepped in and before getting under the water he looked at me. I could tell he was wondering if I was going to leave the room, but of course I wasn't. I motioned for him to get under the water and he did.

I guess he had assumed it would be warm because he sure let out a loud "Yeow!" and jumped right out of the shower fast. Haley said, "It's freezing, sir!"

I told him to get back under the shower and stay there until I gave him permission to get out unless he wanted some more of the switch. Haley reluctantly got back under the water. The way he arched his back while under the freezing shower of water was a sight to see. Pretty soon his whole body was shaking with the cold. I told him to wash himself. I made him soap himself and rinse five times before I finnally allowed him to step out of the shower. As he stood before he was shaking and his teeth were chattering.

I gave him a small hand towel to dry himself with and watched him work. Then I told him to brush his teeth and then come to the kitchen for breakfast. He came to the kitchen still stark naked. He didn't even ask for any clothes. I don't know if he was really into it or just wanted the role so badly. But whichever, this kid sure was a gamer.

I told him we'd be going shopping in the morning, probably eat lunch out, and then come back to the bungalow. I told him that we needed some supplies in order to act out some of the Swinburne poems, if he still wanted to be considered for the lead role. Haley eagerly nodded his head and said, "Oh yes, I really want to be in the film!"

Just before it was time to go out, I told Haley, "Well, I guess you can't go to the stores stark naked, can you?"

Haley laughed and said, "I sure hope not."

We went to his room and I took the clothes out of his bag. I threw a pair of socks to him and told him to put them and his shoes on while I looked at his shirts. I found one that looked just the right length and handed it to him. He put it on and stood before me. With him standing straight up, the shirt just barely covered what needed to be covered front and back. In fact, it was very cute the way it clung to his bottom in the back.

"That'll do", I said as I proceeded to lead Haley out of his room and I ignored the look of panic on his face.

When we got to the front door, Haley stopped and said, "I CAN'T go out like this! I don't have any pants on! Not even underwear! Please, sir, I can't go out like this! What if someone recognizes me?!?"

In an annoyed tone, as if I was speaking to a 4-year-old, I told him that the shirt covered everything and if he acted normally, anyone who looked at him would just think he was wearing a short pair of shorts. Looking very unsure about this and blushing, Haley relented and went out the door with me. When he got into the car, his shirt rode up slightly and I got a good view of his bottom. After I got in, I told him to try to stand up straight or else he was really going to be giving people a show. Haley wasn't at all pleased about this and I got a sullen "Yes, sir." as a response.

We first went to a large shopping mall. I wanted to get a real leather belt. I had devised a plan that I would spend Saturday getting Haley used to more intense pain by using a leather belt or strap to spank him. Then, if he was still game for it, use Sunday to act out a Swinburne poem and give him a real schoolroom flogging.

As I looked at the belt in the store, Haley watched me with a nervous expression. I ran the belt through my fingers, then told Haley to turn around. First making sure no one was looking, I pulled the bottom of his shirt up and let it rest on the top of his bottom. Who knows what was going through Haley's mind as he stood there in a department store with his bottom bared. From behind him, I could see that the tips of his ears had gone deep red. He must have been blushing deeply. I lightly flicked the belt across his bottom. His bottom flexed with the light caresses of the belt. Then, to his relief, I lowered the shirt back down.

That was the perfect belt for Haley, but I didn't buy it until after we had gone to three other department stores and walked the entire mall. At one point, as we were on an escalator with Haley standing behind me, I heard a couple of boys below us laughing. Looking back I saw one was pointing to Haley and it was obvious they were getting a good look underneath his shirt. Poor Haley was blushing furiously and for a moment it really looked like he was going to cry. I noticed that the boys followed us for quite a while...much to Haley's embarrassment.

We ate at a restaurant in the mall. As Haley sat in the booth, I noticed he had to pull part of his shirt out from under his bottom to make it drape around his mid section and cover everything. Only he and I knew there was no clothing under his shirt. Amusingly, our waitress recognized him as "the Sixth Sense boy". Haley signed a napkin for her as he sat with his bare bottom on the vinyl covered seat. If she only knew!

After lunch we left the mall to go to one of those home supplies, do-it-yourself stores. We walked in and I spotted the saw horses. After getting rid of some guy who asked to help, I had Haley stand beside the saw horses. I found one that looked about the right size, made a scan around the aisle to make sure no one was watching, and then told Haley to mount the horse.

As he did so, the shirt ran up his backside and he reached back to pull it down. Once sitting, somewhat uncomfortably on the horse, I told him to lean forward so that his chest and face rest on it. That took his shirt up and off his plump little bottom. His bare bottom was jutted out and by the look on his face Haley was terrified of being seen like this. I lightly patted his bottom with my hand and told him to get up. That saw horse was a little too small for him so we tried out a couple of others until I finally found one the right size.

Next we went to the lumber section of the store and I had pieces of oak cut to my specifications. The oak was for the flogging block that Haley would assemble under my supervision. I had them cut so that all Haley would need to do was nail the pieces together and maybe sand some rough edges. So out of the store we went with me carrying the saw horse, a store employee carrying the lumber, and Haley carrying a hammer, nails, and sandpaper. Then it was back to the bungalow to put the belt and saw horse to use and for Haley to conduct his construction project.

I told Haley that after yesterday's switching, it was obvious that he needed to build up a bit more of a tolerance for pain if he was to star in my film. He said he understood. So I told him he would get some good-old-fashioned strappings today to help him get used to sharper pain.

I told him that many English schools in the 1800s had flogging horses to fasten down boys who were very reluctant or less able to take their whippings and that the saw horse would make an excellent flogging horse.

I had forgotten to get rope so I had Haley take the shoe laces out of his and my shoes. Then I had him take his shoes and socks off and mount the flogging horse. I fastened his wrists and ankles to the legs of the horse and then drew his shirt up to his shoulders. His bottom was presented perfectly for the strap.

I took the belt in my hands and went to work. Long before the whipping was over Haley's bottom and upper thighs were deep red and he was screaming and crying without shame.

After he had calmed down from the whipping, I unfastened him and told him it was time for him to build his flogging block. I made sure it looked very much like the one on display at the Eton School Museum in England.

When Haley finished building his flogging block, he stood up and looked down on it with a thoughtful expression. Hoping I was reading his mind, I asked him if he recalled in those Swinburne poems he had read how young schoolboys his age would be whipped soundly on their bare bottoms as they knelt on the block and writhed and roared with the pain. Breathing deeply and blushing slightly, Haley nodded his head and said, "Yes, master."

It was now time for dinner and we had a nice meal in the bungalow. After dinner, we did the schoolmaster quizzing his schoolboy routine again. It of course ended with Haley fastened to the flogging horse getting a very sound strapping. It was obvious that Haley was being taken beyond what he had ever dreamed what his limits were. The strap made an appealing sound as it spanked his writhing and glowing bottom and thighs. Haley's shrieks and yelps and pleas for mercy was music to my ears. Eventually, I let him off the horse and sent him to bed. I noticed he was lying on his stomach in bed as I passed his room. I was going to bed early as well since I knew tomorrow would be a tiring day for both of us. As I lay in bed I reflected on how this kind of old-fashioned English discipline required a strong arm and a thick skin. I felt I had a strong enough arm for it and I knew that on Sunday we would find out if Haley had a thick enough skin for it.

On Sunday morning, just like Saturday, I awoke early and showered while Haley still slept. I woke him up by cracking the leather belt across his plump little bare bottom. I again supervised him while he showered in the cold water. Then I led him to his room and picked out clothes for him.

As I handed him underpants and trousers, he gave me a quizzical look and asked if we were going out today. I told him that we would spend all day at the bungalow. He dressed, we ate breakfast, and then I took him to the living room where the flogging block was. I complimented him on his fine work in constructing it. Haley smiled. Then I asked him if he might want to spend some time sanding the front edges since he would have his bare body against the edge when he was kneeling on the block for a whipping. He said he did and so I left him to work sanding the edges smooth. He worked hard and fast and had the job done in about an hour.

Then I asked him if he knew what the birch rods were like in the poems. Haley said, "Yes, master, they are made of six long flexible switches tied together at one end to make a handle."

"I think we will need to make some rods for you, Haley," I replied.

Haley and I went out back and I had him pick out the switches and cut them. Occasionally he would even drop one to the ground and say "this one isn't flexible enough". I had Haley pick out 24 switches to make 4 rods. Haley took his time and when he was finished he had cut 24 of the most flexible and slender switches imaginable. The boy must have really wanted to feel some stingers or he didn't really know what he was doing.

We took the switches inside and I had Haley construct the rods by fastening 6 switches together at one end with electrical tape. I told Haley twine would have been used in the 1800s and will be used in the movie but since I could only find a role of electrical tape in the bungalow we would have to make do with that.

I told Haley to make sure each rod was constructed of switches of varying lengths so that each stroke of the rod would be felt over different areas of his bottom. When Haley finished making a rod he would stand up and swish it through the air as if he was administiring a whipping to an imaginary schoolboy. Then, he'd say, "I think this one is finished, sir," while handing it to me for inspection. I must say I couldn't have made 6 better rods myself.

After Haley finished the rods, I had him place one on the flogging block and leave the others on my desk. It was about 2 hours before lunch, so I told Haley to thumb through the Swinburne poems for the next 2 hours and decide which one he would like to act out if he was still wanting the part. Haley again assured me he wanted the role and he sat down on the floor, near the flogging block, as I handed him the poems.

I sat at my desk as Haley re-read the poems. I noticed that he would sometimes look up from one of the poems and stare thoughtfully at the flogging block as if he was imagining something.

After we had lunch, Haley and I came back in the living room (which was really serving as our schoolroom). I asked Haley if he had decided on a poem he'd like to act out. He nodded and said, "Yes, master. Reginald's Flogging, please, sir."

"You would like to be Reginald?" I asked.

Blushing slightly, Haley said, "Yes, sir."

I was a little surprised he had chosen "Reginald's Flogging" as in that poem Swinburne describes a schoolroom flogging of particular severity...even for Swinburne. In the poem, Reginald is whipped by his schoolmaster for faulty schoolwork. The master wears out two rods on Reginald's bottom before the boy is released with a flayed bottom and still howling. The master tells the boy to stop crying, Reginald tries to obey but can't and then finds himself ordered back down onto the block for more whipping as the schoolmaster put it:

"Though your bottom be flayed, I will be obeyed."

That whipping, with a third rod, is carried out until Reginald stops his crying even while he is being whipped.

The way Haley cried and roared during his strappings yesterday, I could only image that he would take this flogging much the same way Reginald took his in the poem. Then I thought maybe that is what Haley is thinking. He knows he'll scream and cry during the whipping so if he's acting out the part of Reginald, he'll be doing it perfectly.

I asked Haley to hand me the rod. Then I scolded him for being a dunce of a schoolboy. Then I told him to turn around and go to the flogging block. Once at the block, I gave him the command, "Take down your trousers, Haley."

Haley looked at me and said, "Please forgive me, master, I'll study harder, I promise."

"Take them down, now, Haley."

"Yes, master," as he slowly unbuttoned his pants and drew them and his underwear down to his ankles.

"Go down on the block, Haley."

Haley was blushing, his cute bottom was only half covered by his shirt. "Please, sir, I'm sorry."

"Kneel on the block now, boy."

Haley knelt on the block. I rolled his shirt up to his shoulders so that he was naked from shoulders to ankles. I took a step back and surveyed him. He was shifting his knees slightly and moving his abdomen on the top of the block trying to get comfortable.

Haley had made an excellent rod. I swished it through the air a couple of times and watched Haley tighten his body and flinch at the sound. Then, I raised the rod in the air and brought it down with a crisp snapping sound on his bottom. Haley gasped and squirmed. It left 6 tingling thin stripes on his writhing bottom. Again and again I whipped his bottom. Soon Haley was writhing with the smart. I could hear him softly crying but he was doing a good job keeping himself from crying out loudly.

Soon his bottom was covered with red ridges that crossed each other. Haley was writhing wildly. His bottom was shaking uncontrollably and he finally lost his composure. Now each stroke was followed with a loud shriek.

"Please, sir, please stop, sir! I can't take any more, sir!"

Screaming, writhing, and begging for mercy, Haley still maintained his position on the block. Soon the rod was worn out and I needed to rest my arm.

Flogging a naughty schoolboy is hard work, I learned. Haley's cute bottom and upper thighs were angry red and covered with stripes but I hadn't come close to flaying his bottom.

After refreshing myself with a glass of whiskey, I took up the second rod and was determined to bring Haley into Reginald's world. I flogged soundly and I flicked my wrist with each stroke to sharpen the sting. Soon Haley was shrieking so loudly I was wishing for ear plugs. There were pretty red rivers running down his thighs. Finally, as Swinburne wrote, "you could not pick out an inch of whole skin on his bottom," so I told Haley to get up. Haley was really roaring uncontrollably now so I ordered him to stop crying.

It sure looked like he was trying to obey me (or was he just acting? If so, he was putting on the performance of his life.). Haley couldn't stop the crying and I ordered him back down on the block.

Picking up a fresh rod...the third young Haley would feel on his bottom...I went back to work. After every stroke, there was a loud and agonized shriek. These were real stingers and he was feeling it to his bones. I scolded him and told him the whipping wouldn't end until he stopped his crying. And it continued until finally Haley started to get control of himself. When he had stopped crying I gave him a couple more very sharp strokes to see if he'd start up again, but he took them bravely. I ordered him to his feet and he stood up with his slender body shivering with pain and tears streaming down his face.

I had Haley shower again. Haley didn't sit down once that evening...not even to eat dinner. When we watched TV he laid on the couch on his stomach. The kid had the role if he wanted it and he seemed proud of himself.

It was pretty funny watching him the next couple of days on the set. The only time he sat down was when it was required for a scene. He's a good actor and he never showed the discomfort he must have felt during those scenes.

Tuesday, while on the set, I told Haley that I would like him to visit me on my English estate for a week or two in the future, if he wanted to. Haley smiled at me and whispered, "Oh, yes, please, master."

More stories by Cj Swinburne