Spanked In Space

by Eric Blyton <>

Author's Note: I had a number of requests for this one. It took me longer to write than I thought it would for some reason. I've only rushed to get it finished now so there is no confusion when the movie comes out. And if the movie is any good, I may write a story from that, too.

Background: This is based on "Lost In Space", a rather cheesy TV show that first aired in the US in the late 60's. It was about a group of people who were, you guessed it, lost in space. Most of them were members of one family; Mr. & Mrs. Robinson, their two daughters who were teenagers and their son Will, who was about 13. There was also the first mate, Don West and a stowaway, Dr. Smith. I don't remember who played Don (and am too lazy to look it up right now), but Will was played by Bill Mumy, currently on Babylon 5.

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Major Don West fought the controls of the Jupiter 2 as it plunged through the atmosphere. This space ship really was a lemon; it seemed to be constantly breaking down. Don would have had it junked and upgraded to a better model except for the fact that there was nowhere he could go to get a new one. Also, it wasn't his, anyhow. It belonged to the man behind him, John Robinson.

Don hadn't minded signing up for this voyage at first; he thought it would be just a simple trip. But then they had gotten lost and now his days were filled with trying to fight off the advances of Mr. Robinsons' two over-_s_e_x_ed daughters, both of whom had made the erroneous assumption that he wanted to take them to bed. Also, he had to put up with the whiny, useless Dr. Zachary Smith who had crashed this party and proceeded to complain about it constantly. Then there was Will.

This boy was the very definition of a know-it-all. The fact that he did, in fact, know quite a bit did not cover up the fact that he lacked common sense and was a smart ass. And speaking of ass, every time the kid smarted off, Don was tempted to grab him and give his perky ass a few good whacks. Unfortunately, with the boy's parents around, Don was never in a position to do anything about this fantasy. Once or twice, John Robinson had threatened to do the job himself, but he always wimped out. Don suspected that the presence of Mrs. Robinson held him back.

Don's thoughts were interrupted by the approaching ground. He skillfully landed the ship and made sure everything was secure. Will was already fiddling with the robot, getting it ready to go out and check the surroundings. This was another thing that annoyed Don. The boy should wait until he or his father ordered him to do something, but he just took it upon himself to make decisions.

After the robot verified that the planet was safe for humans, the crew disembarked. Dr. Smith stayed inside; since dirty repair work was likely involved, he would find some corner of the ship in which to hide and pretend to be doing something instead of helping out. Judy was studying the plant life while Penny was scanning for any animals that might be near the ship. Will and the robot were moving away from the ship and so Don was left to do the dirty work. He took of his shirt and got underneath the ship. He knew his bare chest would cause Judy and Penny to drool, but the truth was he just wanted to keep his shirt clean.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were doing what they could to assist Don when Mr. Robinson noticed his son drifting off.

"Will," he called to him, "Don't go too far away!"

Will waved and kept right on going. His Dad always told him to keep close to the ship and he never did. He wondered why Dad even bothered saying it. What was the big deal anyway? He had the robot with him to warn him of danger and besides, Will was quite sure that there was nothing he couldn't handle.

He walked over the rise and the Jupiter 2 disappeared from his view. Still, he knew where it was and was being very sure that he could find his way back. He was taking care to memorize landmarks on the path he was taking. Let Judy and Penny look for dumb plants and animals; Will had better things to do. When he found something, he wanted it to be really neat like some piece of equipment that they could use to find their way back home. Of course, only Will would be able to figure out how to use it, and so he would be the big hero. Well, actually, he might have to get some help from Dr. Smith, but no-one liked him, so Will was quite certain that he could take all the credit.

So deep was he in his own thoughts, that he didn't notice the vines hanging on the side of the rock face that he was passing. Nor did he notice when they began to move, although the robot did.

"Danger, Will Robinson!" it screeched. Too late as it turned out.

The vines snaked out and grabbed Will by his limbs and pulled him against the flat rock. Turning his head, Will saw that the robot had also been snared and was trying in vain to pull away. Will himself knew that he was held fast. He flexed his adolescent muscles for all he was worth, but was unable to budge an inch. Defeated, he relaxed and waited for a rescue party to arrive.

Back at the Jupiter 2, Don was finishing up the repairs. It had been several hours of hot, hard work, but at least it was done. He screwed the panel back in place and wiped his face with his shirt. He saw Judy and Penny both looking at him, while pretending to be looking elsewhere. No doubt they found the sight of his sweaty chest with bulging muscles enticing. Too bad for them.

"John, have you seen Will lately?" Mrs. Robinson asked her husband.

"No, Maureen, he must have wandered off again."

"Well, I'm a bit worried. Do you think we should go and look for him," she asked.

"I'm sure he's fine, dear, but if it'll make you happy, I'll send Don to look for him." He turned to his deputy, "Don, would you mind going and seeing if you can track down Will?"

In point of fact, Don DID mind. He was hot, tired and wanted a shower. Why couldn't Mr. Robinson go and find his son himself? Still, he was the boss and Don was in no position to find another employer.

"Sure, John," he said, "I'll be back in a while."

"I'll come with you if you like, John," Judy piped up. Penny was clearly about to volunteer to come as well, obviously upset that here sister had beat her to the punch when Don stopped them both with a wave of his hand.

"Thanks, but I'll be quicker by myself." The girls looked disappointed, but Don honestly didn't care. With his shirt over his shoulder, he set out in the direction that Will had gone. It was not hard tracking, the robot had left a clear trail in the alien dirt.

Will, meanwhile, was getting a little nervous. The bigger of the planet's twin suns had set and it had gotten darker. The vine had ceased rustling; it must go dormant when the greater sun set Will deduced, but it did not slacken its grip any. He hoped help would come soon; this was uncomfortable being held this way. Then the robot spoke up.

"Alert, Will Robinson! Unidentified humanoid approaching." Will didn't know what the robot expected him to do; he was trapped for pete's sake! So he was quite glad to hear the robot's next words.

"Clarification. Humanoid had been identified as Major Don West."

Relief spread through Will's body as the man approached. At last he would be rescued. He called out to Don and warned him of the vines, but as the man got up next to him, he saw that he had been right; the vines had gone dormant. They made no effort to snag Don. But rather than trying to free him, the man just sort of stood there with a funny look on his face.

"So what happened to you?" he asked Will.

"Well, I was walking along and the vines grabbed me," Will said. He thought that it was obvious.

"Didn't you recognize the constricting vines that your sister identified on the last planet we were on? I thought a boy as smart as you would have noticed something like that."

Will never paid much attention to anything his sisters said, but didn't feel that this would be a wise thing to say at the moment.

"Could you cut me loose, Don?" he asked, "I want to get back to the ship."

"Well, as it happens, so do I. In fact, I didn't want to leave it. I've spent all afternoon doing repairs, but then I had to come out here to find you because you didn't obey your Dad when he told you not to wander off."

Will looked at Don in a new light. He could tell the man was pissed at him. Also, looking at the grease and dirt on his chest, it was clear that he had been working hard. No wonder he was in a lousy mood. The gleam in Don's eye was making Will very nervous, and so he was quite glad to see Don pull out his knife.

Don reached down and cut both of Will's feet loose. Will wished he had started with his hands, but what did it matter? The only thing was, once his feet were loose, Don made no effort to free his hands. Instead, he was looking at him with that funny look again.

"I think you need a lesson about not following orders, Will," he announced.

Much to Will's surprise, Don reached for the front of his pants and started to undo them.

"What are you DOING?" Will gasped.

"You're a smart boy," Don said as he started to tug Will's pants down his legs, "You'll figure it out."

He got Will's pants down to his boots, and then he slipped them off the boy's feet along with the pants. Will found himself clad only in his shirt and underpants and his upper body was still held fast against the rock.

"I think these need to go, too," Don said as he took hold of Will's underpants and started to work them down as well. Will was starting to get an idea of Don's plan and he had no intention of putting up with it. He tried kicking his legs, but Don just held them tightly while he stripped the boy's briefs off. Now Will was naked from the waist down. Don stepped back and was looking at the embarrassed boy with great interest.

"So you are starting to grow up," Don casually observed while looking at Will's small bush of red pubic hair and dangling penis, "A pity you still act like a little boy half the time. But since that's how you've acted, that's just how I'm going to treat you."

By this point, is was quite clear to Will what Don had in store for him, but he was not happy to see the Major taking his thick, black belt off and removing all doubt. Will shivered, and not because of the feel of the cold rock against his naked bottom.

"Please don't, Don," he blubbered.

"Will, you've had this coming for a long time. I'm tired of your know-it-all, bratty attitude. To be quite honest, I think I'm going to enjoy teaching you this lesson."

Will didn't know what to say to that; he just shrank back against the rock.

"A pity this vine has you back to the wall," Don said, "If you were facing the other way, I could spank you like that. As it is, I'm going to have to cut you loose. But before I do, let me tell you that if you try to get away, I will catch you and give you twice what I'm planning to give you already. Understand?"

Will nodded. He had a sick feeling in his stomach as Don reached up and cut his arms loose. Keeping a tight grip on his arm Don drug him over to a large boulder and sat on it. Then he pulled Will across his lap.

Don looked down at the defenseless boy. Will had taken him seriously; he was making no effort to struggle or get away. Studying the creamy white bottom, Don was a bit surprised to find that his _d_i_c_k_ had gotten hard.

Will felt Don's hard _c_o_c_k_ pressed against his waist and realized that the man was indeed enjoying this. But he had no time for reflection. With an evil hiss, the belt came down on his bare bottom, SPANK!

Will screeched into the atmosphere but he had hardly gotten his yell out when the next blow landed, SPANK!

A third time Don brought the belt down, SPANK!, and then paused as he adjusted Will in his lap.

"Are you done?" Will asked with tears in his voice.

"No Will," Don said bluntly, "I'm just getting warmed up. I'm going to beat your ass red before I'm done with you."

Having said that, he resumed the beating, SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!!

The blows fell in rapid succession on Will's bare bottom, cris-crossing it with angry, red stripes. Will was howling in pain and bucking in the man's lap, but Don held him firmly, SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!!

The robot was bleeping in confusion. It hadn't been programmed for this and could not make out if Will was in danger or not. Will certainly thought he was. It felt like his ass was in danger of catching fire. The heavy belt was digging in to his naked skin, scorching his poor cheeks, SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!!

As Will struggled against Don his body rubbed up against his hard _c_o_c_k_ and the man started leaking precum. He decided he had better end the beating or he was going to cream in his pants. Besides, if the volume of Will's cries was any indication, the spanking had gotten the message through. But to be safe, Don gave him five more good swipes, SPANK! SPANK! SPANK!! SPANK!! SPANK!!!

Don dropped his belt and continued to hold Will in place so that he could not rub his blazing backside. He wanted him to remember this for some time to come. The beaten boy was taking deep, hitching breaths, making an effort to get his crying under control. When the howling had eased to a low drone, Don released him. Will got up and rubbed his behind, giving Don a resentful look.

"Don't give me any dirty looks, Will," Don warned him, "You know darn well you earned that spanking."

Will cast his eyes down at the ground. His face was red and puffy and he tried to dry it off with his shirt. Don went and cut the robot loose. When he turned around, he saw Will reaching for his pants.

"No, don't put them on, Will," Don said. "I want you to walk back to the ship just as you are. Then I want you to go up to your father and apologize for not obeying him and then apologize to your mother for making her worry. Then you can have your pants back."

"Please, Don," Will begged, "Don't make me go naked in front of my sisters!"

"My mind's made up, Will," Don said curtly, "Now let's get going."

The robot led the way, with Will walking right behind it. Don was in the rear and this gave him a splendid view of Will's well-spanked bottom. Moving close behind him, he watched the boy's fire-red cheeks rub together. Don's _d_i_c_k_ had stayed hard, and now he felt like it was ready to explode. As they walked, Don casually whipped it out and started to stroke it.

Even though Will was in front, he saw what Don was doing out of the corner of his eye. The man was jerking off! What an amazing thing. It took Will a moment to figure out what it meant, and then he nearly laughed out loud. Despite Judy and Penny's games, it was Will that Don had the hots for! This caused the boy to feel a rather unexpected rush of pride. And that feeling only increased when Don turned to the side pretending to pee, while it was clear to Will that he was shooting out a load of cum.

But that was far from his mind when they reached the ship. True to his word, Don made him march naked up to his parents and apologize before he gave him his pants back. Dad gave Don a funny look, and Mom looked a little shocked, but neither of them said anything; at least not where Will could hear it. Both his sisters teased him unmercifully, but now that he knew Don's secret, he didn't mind that so much. As far as Will was concerned, the joke was on them.

Oddly enough, the only one who showed him any sympathy at all was Dr. Smith. When Will went inside to put his pants back on, the man asked Will if he would like to get revenge on Don for spanking him. Will thought about it, but decided against it. Partly because, even if he didn't want to admit it, he had deserved the spanking. But mostly because he was afraid if Don caught him at it, he would be spanked again.

Will didn't know it, but he had made the right decision. Zachary Smith's villainous plan had been to set Will up to be caught by Don. Dr. Smith was quite disappointed that he had missed the sight of Will's bare bottom getting spanked and was hoping to provoke a sequel. He needn't have worried, however. Having broken the ice, Don was determined to keep Will in line from now on. There would be many opportunities for Dr. Smith to see what he wanted.