An Erudite Perv's Reading Journal Part F

by Subedar <>

I was cleaning out my closet. (No, I really was; this isn't a bit pun.) I began rereading my journals from 1997 and discovered that I had been reading a biography of the former Japanese prime minister Tanaka. In the biography, there were some turn on descriptions of the cp that Tanaka experienced as a soldier in the imperial Japanese military. A big turn on for me since I am both into cp and a bit of a rice quean.

"Millions of young men were drafted. Tanaka's turn came in 1939, and he was shipped to Manchuria to join the cavalry. He worked as a clerk in personnel and in a post office, never seeing combat. The most immediate threat to Tanaka seems to have come from superiors easily irked by the _c_o_c_k_y recruit.

Trouble began the evening he arrived in the mud covered barracks when the new trooops were ordered to empty their wallets. Tanaka was carrying a picture of the actress Deanna Durbin.

'Who is this?' the sergeant demanded.

'She is my kind of woman,' Tanaka answered. 'I'm hoping to have such a woman for my wife.'

The reply drew a hard blow from one of the nationalist officers. [Unfortunately, no details. With what? Where? A slap in the face, I imagine.]

The next day he was smacked on both cheeks for wearing the wrong shoes and failing to salute a superior. Tanaka had taken to wearing a mustache, a sign of the success and prominence he had achieved back in Japan. As a grunt in Manchuria, he was slapped because, "I wasn't substantial enough to grow a mustache and was ordered to shave it off. At night, the older soldiers took turns giving Tanaka a lesson in the barracks with their fists. [No ass whipping, unfortunately. Fists don't do that much for me.}

"What am I doing wrong?" he would cry.

"You've got a bad attitude," he was told as they hit him some more.

Of course, post-World War II, one can understand why a canny Westernized Japanese politician who fought as a soldier in that war would paint himself as being a totally unwilling harassed recruit. But the details are a turn on. If any MMSA Stories has information on other sources on the brutalization of recruits in the imperial japanese military, i am interested. The stuff on torturing prisoners does nothing for me because I need the bottoms to be Asian. Also, really severe torture is not my thing; military cp is.

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