And Justice for All

by Culloden Cowboy <>

Disclaimer: This is a story of fiction, and although some of the characters names are actual internet tags, the representation of their characters here is created from my own imagination... with ONE exception; COWBOY is very REAL!

The night was quiet, dark and still; no rustling leaves indicating a gentle breeze dancing within the trees, no stars to rest the eyes upon, giving depth to the endless universe. The crescent moon which earlier rose above the horizon and gleamed down upon the earth with that blazing orange smile indicating autumn was about, had slowly faded from view as the thickening atmosphere of clouds assembled, turning the night black as pitch. The gentle rumble of distant thunder softly announced a brewing storm was approaching.

I sat alone, watching the glistening embers beneath the log as they leapt up to become the flame, billowing blue from both sides of the log, then meeting in a yellow rendezvous above before flickering to a pointed finale, dancing to a tune I could not hear. My gaze followed the smoke as it rose above the fire and hovered overhead, spreading as a cloud held in place by the pressure of the night. I stared, transfixed by the moment, pondering the cruelty of such gentleness, the melancholy of loneliness, The calm before the storm.

My solitude was broken by the reverberating "CRACK!" as the loudspeaker shattered the night. " It's 2 AM in CAMP WHIPASS. BOYS! TEN SHORT HOURS TILL SHOWTIME, now SING, BOYS !!!" The distant yells became audible as the echo of the announcement faded, " BADBOY ONE, SIR, BRUCE, SIR. BADBOY TWO, SIR, BRIAN, SIR. BADBOY THREE, SIR, RANDY, SIR. BADBOY FOUR, SIR, LARRY SIR. BADBOY FIVE, SIR CRAIG, SIR."

And so it went, every hour, on the hour, 21 BADBOYS singing out into the demanding dark their assigned numbers, counting down to their impending fate.

My hand drifted down to trace the outline of my _c_o_c_k_ throbbing against the denim of my jeans, before reaching uo to disengage the buckle from by BELT. This would be a night these boys would NEVER forget!

It had started out like any other weekend. The previous week had been relatively quiet, with the exception of an influx of Florida Crackers who exited off the interstate when traffic came to a near standstill due to the great numbers being evacuated from Hurricane Floyds path. The travelers were quite well behaved and the town welcomed the boost in business. Traffic jams occurred periodically, but the local police department seemed to handle it with no problems. Everyone knew the Sheriff was out of town, but he wouldn't have done anything if he'd been around except get in the way.

I parked my truck in the Sheriffs parking space, and walked the three blocks to the Barbershop. As I entered, the conversation immediately turned to me. "What do you think about the sheriff leavin' that BOY in charge of things?" asked Roy.

"Hell, I don't reckon he can screw up much more than the sheriff, Roy." I answered with a chuckle.

I had wondered about his leaving for three days and turning things over to a prisoner trustee, but I knew Bruce, and although he was known as a BADBOY, no one thought he really deserved to be in jail. As a matter of fact, there was some talk about he and the sheriff having an "arrangement", but no one seemed to mind, and the fact that Bruce had never really been IN jail, actually locked up in a cell, seemed alright. He frequently ran errands around town for the sheriff, and even drove the sheriffs car occasionally.

The only way anyone knew he was a Prisoner was that bright orange jumpsuit the sheriff insisted he wear. It was way too small for him, fitted so tight to make it obvious that he was not allowed to wear underwear, and the seat was so threadbare that his bubble butt appeared as though it might burst through at any second. But Bruce was well liked by everyone, and seemed happy enough, so no one worried about his freedom.

After my haircut I decided to stop in and check on Bruce and the three BADBOYS who were locked up for the weekend. The sheriff had left that morning, and I was certain he'd seen to the needs of the boys before he left, but I just wanted to let Bruce know I was around if he needed anything. I also wanted to let these boys know that even though the sheriff was gone, I would be glad to deal with them personally if they got out of hand.

I approached the jail and pushed on the door, but it wouldn't budge. The door was never locked until dark, but I supposed the Sheriff was taking all precautions in his absence, so I took out my key which the mayor insisted I have ,and inserted it into the lock , but it wouldn't turn. I had gotten the key the day the sheriff was installed into office. He was not one of the mayors favorite people, and he didn't really trust him, and insisted that I have a key to the office in case anything ever happened , This was the first time I had tried to use it, so I assumed I had been given the wrong one.

I walked to the Mayors office, and asked him if he had a key. He said yes, exactly like mine, and we returned to the jail to try his out. It didn't work either. I knocked loudly, and a voice from within answered "Can I help You?" I recognized Bruces soft, slow drawl, and told him to open the door. "I can't." he answered. "The sheriff said not to let you in," he said with a wavering tone.

Mayor Mike yelled at him, 'You OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT, BOY! My key doesn't seem to work."

"I know" he responded, "The sheriff changed the lock this morning before he left. I ain't got a key neither, and he told me to stay put til he got back."


I had to practically run to keep up with the Mayor as he hurried across the busy street toward the hardware store. I could hear him mumbling under his breath above the traffic noise, and knew he was madder than I'd ever seen him.

"_f_u_c_k_' he yelled as he read the sign on the door. "Gone to lunch. Be back at 2."

"It's 20 til now, Mike. Let's just wait for him here" I suggested. Mike sat down on the bench and lit a cigarette. "You wait til I get my hands on that SOB," he threatened through gritted teeth. And everyone knew Mikes threats were never idle.

DaddyMik, as he was called, had a reputation of intolerance, His own sons would attest to that. He cut NO slack to wayward boys, no matter what age they were, and his tough attitude had earned him both respect and envy from the men in town. He had been the unopposed mayor for 17 years, and would probably die in office. I was glad he was my friend.

He was finishing his third cigarette when a loud "CRASH!" brought us both to our feet. As I listened to determine the location of the noise, I heard the unmistakable sound of squealing tires on pavement. I started to cross the street when a pickup truck full of boys swerved around the corner, dragging the Jailhouse door from a chain some fifteen feet behind it.

The truck was unmistakable. It belonged to the mayor. The driver was also unmistakable. It was Craig, the mayors youngest son!

I counted at least three boys in the front, and seven or eight riding in the bed, yelling and laughing as they sped down the highway out of town. An empty liquor bottle crashed to the pavement and shattered into fragments at the mayors feet.

He stood, frozen in place, white with shock, then as he began to shake, his face turned red and the veins on his forehead rose to the surface of the skin.

I ran to the jailhouse just in time to see the three boy prisoners, and Bruce running down the alley and disappear from sight. I turned to face the opening where the door had been pulled from the frame, leaving a gaping hole in the front wall.

As I stood there staring, people began to gather behind me. Mike broke through the crowd, moved up beside me, clenched his fists and his teeth, and slowly walked through the opening. He reached into the desk, pulled out a box and handed it to me. I opened it, and he took out a badge, pinned it on my shirt, and said, "Get up a posse, deputize them, and round up those little bastards, ALL OF THEM! THEY WILL PAY FOR THIS!"

As he stomped from the jailhouse, I reached up and caressed the badge on my chest. then lowered my hand to my BELT as I felt my _c_o_c_k_ stirring in my jeans. I rubbed the palm of my hand over my swollen dick, and smiled at the thought of the fun I was about to have! My transcendental trance was broken by a familiar "WHAT THE HELL ?" This was the oft quoted signature question of the local locksmith, Douglas, or UglyDoug, as he so fondly called himself.

U D was not what I'd call ugly, but at nearly seven feet tall, and most of it legs, he was quite formidable, though in a genteel sort of way. I found him most amusing, his sense of humor downright spellbinding, and his wit and wisdom belonged to someone far older than his 22 years. Doug had lost his parents in a terrible fire when he was 15 years old. He had pulled his two younger brothers from their burning home, but was unable to save his parents. He was severely burned in the rescue , and still had scars, both on his face, and in his heart . He had taken on the responsibility of raising his two brothers, and everyone talked about what a good job he had done. At ages 15 and 17 now, Ivan and John were busy with their lawn service, as nearly everyone got them to cut their grass and do yard work. I knew they were Dougs pride and joy, and wasn't sure how to tell him that his two little brothers were involved in a jailbreak. I had recognized them riding in the bed of the truck.

As I recounted the events of the day, he stood solidly, staring at the badge on my chest. After a moment of silence, he reached into the box, took out a badge and said, "Let's get 'em!"

I told him to gather whoever he thought might help and meet me at the barbershop.

As I entered the shop, I was shocked to see Bruce and the three jailbirds lined up against the far wall, with Mayor Mike, belt in hand resoundly tearing into all four bare asses, alternating among them. He had apparently been at it for a while, as all four butts were red, and Mike was profusely sweating.

"We haven"t BEGUN yet, boys ! he said as I entered. He ordered bruce to sit in the chair, and the other three to stand as they were. hands against the wall, pants around their ankles. As bruce hobbled to the chair and climbed into the seat, Mike swung around, dropped the chair into a reclining position and said, "This boy needs a SHAVE, Roy. ALL OVER, BOY!" as he stared bruce in the face. Roy looked questioningly at the mayor, and then began to grin as he comprehended what Mike meant

"ALL OVER ?" he asked for clarification.

"HEAD TO TOE" answered Mike, never taking his eyes off Bruce. "You better sharpen your razor good, Roy. You're going to shave every BADBOY we catch, clean as a babies butt. And don't wear out that RAZORSTRAP on them razors either. I've got plans for it LATER!" Just as Roy finished shaving the last boy, Doug came in dragging both his brothers their hands tied together with a single rope. He threw the end of the rope over the hatrack hung high on the wall, pulled it forcing the boys up against the wall, hands in the air, and tied it in place.

He reached in front of both boys, unfastened their overalls and pulled them to their ankles exposing two bare asses. "Let me have your belt, Mike," he said, "These boys have earned an asswhipping like they've never had, and now I'm gonna give it to 'em!"

He swung that belt with the fury of a batter setting a homerun record, "KAWHAAAP" it landed across one ass.

"KAWHAAAP!" another ass turned red,



And you could hear those boys screaming all over town! By the time Doug had finished giving each brother twenty licks, they both were snivelling apologies to everyone there, their asses shining with huge red welts from their brothers brutal assault on those firm round boy cheeks.

As Doug untied their hands and escorted them to the chair for the next phase, I let my hand wander slowly down to rub my throbbing _c_o_c_k_, and then began to formulate a plan as I toyed with the buckle on my BELT!

Loud applause and cheering from the street brought me again to reality. I stepped to the door of the shop, and looked in the direction indicated by the crowd to see a sight to rival a MardiGras parade. Cowboy, astride his horse, hat in hand waving to the cheering crowd, and a rope tied around his saddle horn was pulled taught behind him by a chaingang of twelve boys tethered one to the other. He had made them line up, single file, with the tallest one in front. He went to the rear of the line, tied the shortest boys hands behind his back, pulled the rope up between his legs, and tied it to the next boys hands behind HIS back, and so on until each boy was tied to the one in front, with the rope pulling up snugly into their asscracks as they were towed down the street to the barbershop.

"THREE OF 'EM GOT AWAY FROM ME, BUT I'LL GET 'EM BACK." he yelled above the crowd as he handed me the rope. He then turned and rode off to search for the others, as the crowded street roared with approval.

I tied the rope to the pole outside the shop, and returned with the mayor, belt in hand. I had each boy lift his right leg and step over the rope stretched between them so that they were all tied together, facing the wall side by side.

The mayor and I methodically dropped each boys pants, and went down the line, burning stripes on asses as we went. I then untied each boy, one at a time and escorted him into the chair for his shave.

I returned each boy to the sidewalk, pants around their ankles, facing the wall for an ass inspection by the crowd.

I noticed that the 12 boys brought in by Cowboy had rope burns on the inside of each thigh, and guess what, readers! You guessed it, My _c_o_c_k_ sprang to attention again as I made them all spread their feet apart so everyone could see the burns.

Now there were 18 boys, BADBOYS, lined up on the sidewalk, pants dropped to their knees, legs spread apart, red asses glowing in the evening sun.

I was so caught up in the excitement I hadn't missed Ugly Doug until I heard a horn bowing and turned to see is truck pull up across the street.

He got out, walked to the back, opened the tailgate and hauled out two more boys, hands tied behind their backs. At the same moment, Cowboy rode up with another boy thrown over his saddle, hogtied.

By 7 PM there were 21 BADBOYS lined up, shaved, red bare asses shining for all to see. As the crowd milled around the boys, taunting and jeering , the mayor called an impromptu city council meeting. The topic? What to do with these boys.

With the sheriff out of town, and the jail house door broken down, we were at a loss. These boys needed to be held SOMEWHERE until we could decide what to do with them. It was threatening to storm, and outside in the street didn't appeal to any of us. We were angry, but not to the point of exposing these BADBOYS to incliment weather.

I stepped to the door and glanced out to look at the boys just in time to see steve gazing behind him down the line of boyasses, as his _c_o_c_k_ began to swell and rise.

"Let's haul them all out to my farm, and put them up in the stalls for the night while we decide what to do with them," I suggested loud enough for everyone inside and outside to hear.

It was agreed, so all 21 BADBOYS, hands tied, pants around their ankles, were loaded into the bed of U D's truck, ass up. stacked like sardines, and off to the farm we went.

I followed close behind UD to be sure no one escaped from the truck while in transit, but My hard _c_o_c_k_ made the trip most uncomfortable. U D stopped just inside the gate and helped each boy out of the truckbed as I removed their pants from their ankles. We then tied each one to the other, the COWBOY WAY, and marched them single file to the spot where I always built a fire at night. I threw each boys pants onto the ashes, poured gas on them, and struck a match on my belt. "You boys wont be needing these," I smirked as I dropped the match onto the heap. The boys wide eyes shone white in the glare of the flame as they stared in disbelief at their pants being used as kindling.

The mayor and UD tossed a couple of logs on the fire, and suggested we feed these boys before putting them down for the night. I retrieved 2 large cans of beans from the shed, opened them, poured them into a skillet and placed it on the logs to heat. Roy and U D untied the boys as the mayor showed each one where to sit. I gave each a paper plate and a spoon, then dished out the beans. Roy asked the blessing and then told the boys to DIG IN. Within five minutes each plate was burned on the fire, the spoons collected, and the boys stood side by side.

I told them to all turn to the left and form a single line. Then to place their hands on the shoulders of the boy in front and to keep them there until I told them to move them. They were all well behaved and followed my orders.

I moved to the front of the line, where DCSteve stood. I noticed his dick stood out nearly perpendicular to his belly. "Do you have a problem, son?" I asked as I stared at his _c_o_c_k_.

"I need to piss, sir" he replied.

"In due time, boy," I said sarcastically. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of rawhide about three feet long. "Lock your fingers together behind your head" I commanded, and he did. I then tied the strip of rawhide snugly around his semi-hard _c_o_c_k_ and balls. He groaned as I tightened the tension, and his _c_o_c_k_ jumped and stood straight up, the head engorged with blood as it thumped against his smoothe white stomach. I secured the end of the cord around my wrist, and said. "Follow me, boys!

I walked the hundred or so feet to the bank of the creek. Then I untied the cord from Steves dick. "step into the creek one at a time, turn to face me side by side with your hands over the shoulder of the boy next to you.

After a little hesitation, the boys were lined up like the Zigfield Follies Girls. "Now, boys. On the count of three you will all squat down until your asscheeks are just below the surface of the water. ONE! TWO! THREE!" and down they went.

I heard several gasps, but no one stood, and no one fell. I knew the cold water would be a slight discomfort to those hot asses, but I had a Plan. " Now, boys, on the count of three, You will all begin to piss and _s_h_i_t_ at once. ONE! TWO! THREE!, and the creek ran brown!

I made them hold their positions until all the water was clear and then told them to rinse off, return to the bank and line up as before, and we marched to the fire, I had them all stand around the fire until they were dry, and then marched them to their stalls.

I had intended to use all five stalls, but decided since the air was getting cool and a storm was predicted, perhaps they should huddle together into one, so I had them spread hay onto the floor of the largest stall, spread six blankets out on top, and lie down side by side. I then covered them with six more blankets, told them to sleep tight, locked the stall and returned to the warmth of the fire and my comrades.

Within minutes we had made our plans for these BADBOYS, and worked out the details. The mayor and Roy left for town to make the final arrangements. Cowboy left for home saying he had one last errand to do, but assured us he would see us in the morning. I agreed to keep watch outside by the fire, and U D agreed to relieve me every two hours. He then went to his truck, and with a loud "CRACK"! snapped on his loudspeaker for a little "Sleep Tight" Message to the boys.

The hourly announcement and roll call was his idea. He never ceased to amaze me with his creativity. And hearing the BADBOYS responding never ceased to arouse me. So here I sit, contemplating the events of the day, my hand gently fondling my throbbing _c_o_c_k_ and my belt buckle simultaneously, anticipating the coming morning and the plans we have to teach these BADBOYS a lesson they won't forget!

The 21 BADBOYS stood before me, side by side, their hands locked behind their heads, asses toward me for inspection, I couldn't help but notice how each boys asscheeks clenched tight, then opened again as they sang their last CAMP WHIPASS countoff, as U D so fondly called it. BADBOY SIX, SIR , IVAN SIR, BADBOY SEVEN, SIR, JOHN SIR. BADBOY EIGHT, SIR, FARMBOY SIR. BADBOY NINE, SIR, MALETOY SIR. BADBOY TEN, SIR, ROB SIR. their voices chimed in the cool mist of the morning.

I opened my fly and reached inside to cradle my nuts for a second before lifting my hard _c_o_c_k_ from the confines of the denim it had been pulsing against. I stroked my hard _c_o_c_k_ slowly from the engorged head down the shaft to circle it at the base with my thumb and forefinger while cradling my writhing nuts with the remaining fingers applying pressure to the spot I call the 'tween'.


As I felt the warmth rising into my hard shaft, I squeezed hard for a second... "BADBOY FOURTEEN, SIR, JIMMY SIR BADBOY FIFTEEN, SIR, MODS SIR BADBOY SIXTEEN, SIR, SFSTEVE SIR, BADBOY SEVENTEEN, SIR, ED SIR..."

And then I released the pressure as a stream of urine burst forth to shoot across the flickering embers , sizzling a "First piss of the day" welcome for all to hear, but drowned out by the singing of "BADBOY EIGHTEEN, SIR, OTKNOW SIR BADBOY NINETEEN, SIR, BULGEBOY SIR. BADBOY TWENTY, SIR, BILL SIR..." and dissipating into a series of pumped squirts, the last of which lingered at the tip before sliding down my still erect shaft to be caught on my finger, and flipped out into the fire as, "BADBOY TWENTYONE, SIR, PIQUAD BOY SIR," ended the morning song.

"Now, bend over boys, and grab your ankles" I ordered as I held my slowly softening _c_o_c_k_ in my hand. I released my _c_o_c_k_, but left it hanging free as I reached for my buckle, unfastened it, and whipped my BELT from my pants loud enough for all he boys to hear. I slowly moved into position and , one at a time, administered three assblistering blows "SMAAACK"


"SMAAACK" first to the left cheek, then the right, and the third squarely popping that delicate hole!

Now you know why I left my dick out. By the time I got to the second ass, it was no longer "hanging".

Just as I was finishing the last ass warming, U D announced "GRITS IS UP, BOYS."

"Stand up boys, turn right, and march single file to UD's truck," I ordered as I stuffed my _c_o_c_k_ back into my jeans.

Still throbbing, it pulsed against my leg as I followed the RED ASS PARADE into the breakfast of champions. I knew that sooner or later I would have to do something to relieve the pressure in my aching nuts. When I saw Mayor Mike and Roy coming down the driveway, I knew sooner had already passed.

U D insisted the boys continued to sing the countoff as he led the procession of trucks into town, boys stacked in the back side by side, ass up. I'm certain he couldn't hear them as their muffled voices were lost in the rising fog of the morning air, but sing they did.

He stopped just as we entered the city limits, and announced over his loudspeaker, " GET UP ON YOUR KNEES, BOYS. THERE'S A WELCOMING COMMITTEE WAITING TO GREET THOSE RED ASSES, AND WE DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT 'EM NOW, DO WE?" The boys didn't respond quick enough to suit him, and he yelled so loudly that my eardrums vibrated ," DO WE, BOYS!!!"

"No SIR!" they screamed in unison as they struggled to untangle themselves into a kneeling position.

"MOVE 'EM OUT!" he roared and then he began reciting the countoff the boys had learned.

As we slowly entered town, the sight I beheld took my breath. The streets around the courthouse were lined with people. They flooded into the street as we passed, and yelled and jeered at the BADBOYS. The courthouse square was decorated like a FOURTH OF JULY celebration, with a huge banner stretched over the street which read, " PUBLIC WHIPPING TODAY, EVERYONE INVITED, JUSTICE FOR ALL."

On the lawn in front of the courthouse, five picnic tables were lined up, end to end, with white comforters rolled over on top and hanging halfway to the ground. There were 22 spikes driven into the ground four feet apart, each with a foot long cord tied to it.

U D slowly circled the square three times, while reciting the countoff and telling each boys "Crime" after his name.

He stopped the truck in front of the jail, directly across from the WHIPPING TABLE, and hauled each boy out, one at a time, and lined them up for inspection.

He then made them march as they sang their countoff across the street and onto the courthouse lawn.

The crowd was silent as each boy was untied, then positioned at the table in his respective place.

The mayor stepped up to the podium and proclaimed that each and every Sunday would from now on be JUSTICE FOR ALL day, and that the WHIPPING TABLE would be a permanent fixture.

He nodded to U D who then made the boys bend over the tables and spread their feet apart for binding. U D methodically went from boy to boy, and tied their feet together at each stake. He then went to the other side, and tied their hands, one boys right to the next boys left just as he had their feet. then he tied each pair of hands to a stake driven it the ground at his feet. Soon the BADBOYS arms and legs were spread across the top and front of the tables as though they were a human Jacobs Ladder.

Several boys were already crying, and most of their assholes were puckering open and closed as their breathing became more labored. He approached the podium, bent over the microphone and yelled "LET THE BEATINGS BEGIN!"

The crowd roared as Roy RAN out of his shop holding his razor strap over his head like a prize fighter displaying the champions BELT.

We had decided that U D should do the honors, and he took the strap, got into position, and gave each BADBOY ASS five sharp "KARAAACKS !" with that strap.

The screams from those BADBOYS could be heard for miles, Just as the last 'KARAACK! echoed off the jailhouse, a familiar yell rose above the crowd.

"YEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAW !!!!! Came the unmistakable yell of Cowboy as he galloped up onto the courthouse lawn with something wrapped in a blanket tied and draped over his saddle in front of him. He shifted the bundle to one side and as the blanket unrolled, down fell a body.

"I GOT ONE MORE BADBOY FOR YOU, MAYOR." he announced with a grin as he jumped to the ground, He reached down and stood the boy up, and the crowd roared as the boy stood before them, hands tied behind his back and a piss-stained jockstrap over his face with his nose, mouth and chin pushed firmly into the crotch cup. "ONLY, I WANT TO DO THIS ONE MYSELF" Cowboy said. He reached up, pulled the cup from under the boys chin and lifted it off his head. The dead silence broke into riotous laughter as Cowboy presented to the crowd his prize. "COUNTOFF, BOY!" he yelled. The trembling boy answered, "BADBOY TWENTY TWO, SIR, SHERIFF RON, SIR."

And DO him he DID! Cowboy stepped behind BADBOY ron, reached down and snatched his feet out from under him. Then, holding an ankle in each hand. he backed up and sat on the table . He pulled BADBOY rons legs up, spread them wide and dropped them down on either side of his hips. He then reached down, grabbed the boys tied hands and slid him, ass up, onto his lap. He then lifted his legs, locked them around the boys back. and with BADBOY rons crotch pressing against his own he commenced a BONGO SOLO on that ass that sent the natives dancing into the millennium.

When he thought that BADBOY rons ass was red enough, he lowered the boy to the ground, head first. stood up, brushed off his jeans, and tugged his hard _c_o_c_k_ into a more comfortable position. He reached down Picked up the boy, slung him over his shoulder and patted his ass as he stepped up to the podium.


With that, he strolled over to his horse, threw BADBOY ron over his saddle, climbed up, and galloped off.

By the time I arrived at the farm, Cowboy had his saddle cinched to the old fallen oak, BADBOY ron bent over it, arms and legs spread wide and tied to the four stakes. "I'm gonna enjoy this, Buddy," he gloated as he stripped off his jeans to expose a raging hardon. I moved around behind the boy, pulled my BELT off, and gave BADBOY ron "KAPPLAAAAP !"

















"It's too late!!! he cried.

"NO, SON, it's only LATER, and I've been saving something for JUST THIS MOMENT." I pulled out my rock-hard _c_o_c_k_, moved in between his widespread legs, cupped his asscheeks with my hands, spreading them out to get a good bullseye aim at that puckered hole of his. "Now this, son, is JUSTICE FOR ALL!" I yelled, and drove my _c_o_c_k_ as far up his ass as possible.

As I rode that burning ass to ecstasy, I heard an old familiar sound that brought my load flooding into BADBOY rons hot, raw hole. I turned to see the Cowboy, head back, eyes closed, shoot his load in a perfect arc to land directly in the center of BADBOY rons back, as together we harmonized...


More stories by Culloden Cowboy