I am a big fan of Over-the-knee "OTK" and some little used variants, for several reasons.
First, there is the body-to-body contact involved. It makes the spanking much more personal -- the spankee is actually in contact with his spankner's body. It is not disembodied hand or paddle striking the ass -- it is THAT PERSON over whoe lap you are stretched. I feel this impression is greatly enhanced if the spanker remains fully clothed, while the spankee is permitted at the most underwear (more on THAT later!) and socks. Being seminude across a man's lap, waiting to be spanked, while that manis fully clothed, adds a considerable spice of surrender and submission, I feel.
There are several mthods of spanking OTK. One is the traditional, spnkee strecthed over the lap with legs together. Effective, but boring in the long run I believe. Some spankers do elevate one leg and thus elevate the spankee's butt; an improvement.
VAASTLY more useful, I think, is "the straddle." This requires that the spankee should straddle one of your legs (if you are right- handed, he should straddle your left thigh), perched up far enough that your groins press together (and, consequently, his feet are off or nearly off the floor.) This position also affords continuous pressure and friction of the spankee's _c_o_c_k_ and balls, as they are "mashed" by his own weight against your leg beneath his crotch.
Sometimes this position may be used to particular advantage. Having a naked spankee straddle your bare thigh -- which you have liberally lubricated with a nondrying lubricant like Vaseline in advance -- can be very useful on securing an orgasm-by-friction. He cannot help but squirm and wriggle from the spanks. Such squirming and wriggling unavoidably causes him to squirm his _c_o_c_k_ and balls against your well- greased thigh. Quite a recipe for unavoidable orgasm!
A variant -- the "tether spanking" -- employs that same potential while adding the desired bonus that your spankee will be unable to make any efforts to escape. All you need are a pair of stout jeans, a length of supple rawhide cord about two feet long (available at any craft store very cheaply), and an awl of punch (or even the point of a scissors). About 14 inches down from the crotch, punch two small holes (about two inches apart) in the jeans. Thread the rawhide cord through both, so that it is drawn tight beneath, but leaves two dangling ends on top of your jeans. Now, put your spankee into the straddle position on that leg. Adjust him so that his _c_o_c_k_ and balls are nestled atop the holes with their dangling rawhide. Carefully take up each free end of the rawhide, and tie it off tightly around the base of his _c_o_c_k_ and balls, in much the same way you might tie a piece of rawhide to act as a _c_o_c_k_ring.
Voila! The spankee is now
in a position where, because of the mechanics of the human body, any
erection will grow larger and harder and remain hard, just as in a
_c_o_c_k_ring. At the same time, he is tied- down to your stout jeans
by the most-delicate portions of his anatomy, ensuring that he will
not attempt "escaping" or squirming out of the way of the spanking
-- since doing so would cause painful tugs at the rawhide around his
_c_o_c_k_ and balls. I assure you from personal experience, that this
is a FAR more effective means of restraining a spankee than any other
in an OTK position! They will beg, and kick, and slap at the floor
-- but they will NOT try to get off your lap, not more than once,
anyhow! It is also possible to get a similar effect by having
the spankee straddle your lap, then passing a large strong belt around
his body and your thigh, so he is bound down to your thigh by the
tight belt. But this doesn't put the erotic pressure on his _c_o_c_k_
and balls of the prefious method. The straddle position also has
the advantage of keeping the spankee's leg spread well apart, which
give access to the most-tender parts just above the top of the thigh,
and even to the pale sensitive valley of flesh "between the cheeks."
This is also possible with the "wheelbarrow"position -- the spankee
facing away from you, head and arms on the floor, with his legs up
and around the spanker's body. The wheelbarrow position has distinct
disadvantages, though. It give the spankee a lot more leverage to
escape -- to lieteraly "climb away" from you. And as his legs are
around your body and head, you are likely to get kicked quite a bit! When
spanking someone OTK, it is important to use a straight-backed, armless
chair. The arms would simply get in the way of proper positioning.
The straight-backed design normally provides a sturdy seat. You may
then wrap your non-spanking arm around the waist of the spankee, and
reach even further down to get a firm grip on the lip of the chair's
seat, thus pinning him fimly in position. Even more effective, with
a suitably-endowed spanker, is to put your non-spanking arms around
the spankee's waist -- far enough that you may grasp his genitals
in a firm but not too tight grip. You MUST grip both _c_o_c_k_ and
balls, to ensure a tight grip. This is best accomplished by forming
an "O" with your thumb and forefinger and placing that around the
very base of the _c_o_c_k_ and balls -- then the now-protruding genitals
may be held more loosely by the palm. The sense* of being held in
place by his most-delicate parts wil not be lost on the spankee. And,
if his wriggling should become too intense, a firm warning squeeze
of his testicles (which are resting on your palm) will provide a serious
warning to control his writhing. In terms of positioning, I also
think it is important to begin the spanking with a spankee clad only
in snug briefs. Across the lap of a fully-clothed spanker, the briefs
will only EMPHASIZE the spankee's near0nakedness. And the experience
is enhanced when the briefs are lowered -- and the spankee feels the
wash of cool air over his suddenly-exposed buttocks, as his thin "protection"
is pulled down to bare him. I believe that enhancement adds greatly
to the anticipatory apprehension of the spankee. There are a few
logistical issue to be considered when spanking OTK. Most importantly,
can you bear the weight of the spankee comfortably? And there are
some limits to the "implements" whih can be effectively employed in
the OTK position. A big frat paddle is NOT going to work -- impossible
to get enough leverage. Like wise for a cane, although a shortened
version (about 2 feet long) can be quite useful. The hand, naturally,
is the ideal instrument for OTK spanking -- the fingers should be
held together, and the whole hand held slightly "cupped." Spanking
with widely-spayed fingers will leave clear palm-prints, but won't
provide much beyond a mild sting. Shorthandled paddles; sturdy hairbrushes,
and a doubled-over belt are the ideal implements for delivering an
OTK spanking. Spanking OTK also provides the erotic opprtunity for
"jigging," in which one jogs gently up and down the leg which the
spankee is straddling, thus providing a continual rhytmic bouncing
of the spankee's genitals while his bottom is spanked. Finally,
an OTK spanking provides the spankee with the seminal, iconic experience
of being spanked. OTK is THE traditional and preferred manner of spanking
as punishment for all age groups. Unlike the cane, or being strapped
over a desk, OTK spanking takes the spankee to a simpler time and
a less-formal, less-contrived mathod of receiving punishment directed
at the the buttocks. This sensation is most clearly felt if the spankee
is positioned slightly out-of-balance: feet off (or barely touching)
the floor, resulting in buttocks raised up high and vulnerable. I
welcome comments, critiques, or the like on the above. Next time,
I shall discuss the interplay between "ply" and "Pain," and the many
gradations and admistured of both -- from nonserious "butt whapping"
to highly-ritualized "real spankings) where maximum pain is the main
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