Brad's New Father

by Richard Daruis <>

I have always liked the British Navy, especially their concept of kissing the cannons daughter. Think about it, could there be any thing more _s_e_x_ual then being put over a large phallic symbol and then having your buttocks caned while other men and boys watched!

Mike was on his first voyage aboared the HMS York busy scrubbing the floor of the deck. He worked has hard as he could to take his mind of the biggest mistake of his young 16 year old life.

He said to himself "there is nothing that can be done. I cannot reverse time and rectify the mistake. I will be probably put off on the nearest shore and back home. How could I be so stupid! Maybe I can stay on if I could be a member of the crew and not a midshipman."

The idea of disappointing his dad, that he might lose his commission, turned his stomach into knots. Mike wanted to be the Captains steward so bad, that he completely forgot to pick up his Journal in the Captains cabin after the interview. He though to himself all it would take is for Captain John Bushnell to open the Journal and my life would be over. Mike had written his dreams, his loves and worse yet his fantasies. He thought perhaps the Captain would not even see it. Or if he sees it would realize that it was a personal journal and not read it. Captain John had the reputation of being the most fair and compassionate captain in British Navy in 1779.

All of these "maybes" and "perhaps" ended when Mr. York kneels down to Mike on the floor and tells him, "The Captain needs to see you, Sir."

Mike immediately throws down the sponge, puts his on shirt, and takes a deep breath. He whispers to himself, "I guess that means my life is over."

He knocks softly on the Captains cabin.

"Come in", the Captain shouts on the other side.

Mike gingerly and carefully enters the cabin. Captain John Bushnell is seated at the far end laid back and sowing on a button.

"Close the door behind you son." The Captain tells Mike.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Mike whispers pensively.

"Yes Mike. Have a seat. Thank you for talking with me about wanting to be Captains Steward. All of the midshipmen would make fine Stewards."

"Thank you Sir. Is that all?" Mike stands up to leave.

"Not quite all, son." He pulls out Mikes journal from behind the jacket whose button he was sowing on." Mike stares at the floor.

"Is this yours?" the Captain asks.

"Yes sir, I was writing in it when all of the other boys were being interviewed. I must have forgotten it sir." Mike whispers still staring at the floor.

"I am sorry son, but I did not know what it was. I opened it to find out and only when I read from it did I realize it was a personal journal."

"Yes sir." Mikes eyes begin to swell up in tears. "Then I guess I am going to be put ashore?"

"Why would you want to be put ashore?" the Captain asks.

A faint hope kindled in Mikes heart. "Because of the things I put down. Because of the thoughts I have all the time about the boys. You know unnatural _s_e_x_ual things."

"Dont be silly. Everyone has those thoughts. There as natural as the sea. I do not want to hear you put yourself down like that again. I do not want you to be concerned about those thoughts. Enjoy them, write them down. They are part of who you are. If you feel you cannot get married because you do not have the same thoughts toward women, make the Navy your home. That is an order, young man. Do you understand me?" the Captain explains.

The Captains words of wisdom were still tumbling in Mikes head. It was far too much for him to comprehend in one setting. He was glad that he was not going to be put off the ship. "Yes Sir." answers Mike.

Mike turns to leave when again he is stopped by the Captain. "One more thing, do you really think about being flogged; do you really want it as bad as you say in your journal?"

Only being a few minutes with the Captain, Mike already had a profound trust with the man. "Yes sir, all the time. My dad never had caned me. I think that was a big part of what I miss growing up. I know I would love to be caned, really love it."

"I see. I would keep that to myself if I were you. By the way," the Captain hands Mike back his Journal. "I have finished my search for a Captains Steward. You get the job Mike Maguire. Report to Mr. Newberry for instructions and duties."

"Thank you Sir!" Mikes emotions flip-flopped from absolute hopeless depression coming into the Captains cabin, to now absolute joy.

While Mike was boasting to the other midshipman about how he got to be Captains Stewart, soaking their envy on his new position, the Captain was having lunch with the senior officers.

"What do you think of our new Captain?" Mr. Newberry asks of the officers.

"Untried I believe." the Captain states in a joking matter. Laughter follows.

"Untried, non-such., you have a reputation of compassion and bravery." Mr. Newberry insists.

"A reputation my learned brothers needs time. It has been three days since my command of this vessel and a three day reputation is a puny thing indeed." more laughter.

Suddenly and less dramatically, the Captain pulls out an envelope with a very impressive wax seal.

"What is that sir?" Mr. Wallace questions.

"From Admiral Charles, it seems the French Man-of-War Adens has been spotted." the Captain announces.

"The Adens? We would be very much out gunned if we engage her?" Mr. Newberry questions alarmingly.

"Not a problem, speed, Mr. Newberry, speed." the Captain states flatly.

"I will take speed over guns in any battle. We are at least twice as fast as the Aden. With a good wind on our backs, we could sink her or take her as booty. That would be a feather in anyones hat!" Mr. Wallace shouts joyfully.

"That it would, if we are we were to engage the Aden, but we are not. These orders are "not", that is not to seek out the Aden, so we wont. I am disappointed as all of you, the Aden would be a good test of this crew." the Captain explains.

Mr. Wallace mouth drops open. "But you would rather engage the ship, Captain?"

"Yes, Mr. Wallace, I would rather blow that ship out of the water, but it will not happen." The Captain answers.

"Then where is the Arden reported to be spotted?" Mr. Wallace asks, staring at his wine glass.

The Captain slowly smiles, and after a long pause puts the orders back into his coat pocket, making sure all of the officers see where the orders are placed. Mr. Wallaces question goes unanswered.

Early in the morning all of the crew is awakened by shouts of anger from the Captain on deck. Then finally the Captain is heard "Gather the Crew Mr. Styles. Assemble everyone on deck."

After everyone was assembled including the midshipman boys, the Captain made his announcement.

"Gentleman, before leaving port I was given orders announcing the presence of the French Man-of-War, the "Aden." Noting our size Admiral Charles thought it better to move us to safer waters. That is why we have been on course 215 degrees for two days. When I have awaked this morning, the wheel has been tied to course 160 taking us in direct path of the Aden. Not only was the course secretly changed, but my orders giving the position of the Aden was stolen from my jacket pocket. Gentleman I have a reputation for being a compassionate man. But a theft of this magnitude, putting the lives of the crew as stake for glory alone will not be tolerated. I ask anyone who might have stolen those orders and changed the course of the ship to say so right here and right now."

There was a long pause in which everyone took the opportunity to look at the wooded planks of the deck.

"Mr. Maguire was the orders still in the jacket pocket when you hung up the jacket last night?" asks the Captain.

Mr. Maguire is a little confused but remembers the ivory envelope in the pocket. He shouts back, "Yes sir, it was."

"Mr. Newberry, who has the keys to that locker? The Captain asks.

"Just Mr. Maguire" Mr. Newberry answers.

"Mr. Maguire, did you steal the orders from my Jacket?" The Captain asks.

Mike finally realizes where this is going. He feels his body stirring with _s_e_x_ual excitement. "No sir. I did not steal it." he says as boldly as he could muster.

"Very well. My gut tells me that you are telling the truth Mr. Maguire. But I run this ship on intelligence and logic, not on guts. Mr. Maguire, you will have full freedom until tomorrow morning. At that time, if nobody has come forward to take responsibility for the theft, you will be bond and then you will kiss the canons daughter. Do I make myself clear Mr. Maguire?"

"Yes sir, tomorrow morning." Mike answers doing all he can to hide his enthusiasm swelling up in his pants.

The next morning starts as usual. Mike brings the Captain his breakfast. He trembles a little as he places the food before the Captain on the desk.

Mike states, "Am I really going to be flogged sir?" with a tinge of hopefulness.

"Unless the person who stole the orders declares himself." the Captain tells him.

"Then you do not believe that I took them?" Mike asks.

"Of course not, dont be silly son. Mr. Wallace took them. The rest of the officers told me almost as soon as it happened. He took the key from you while you were asleep." the Captain explained.

Mikes head fell. "That is it then, I am not going to feel the cane on my backside?" he said in a despondent sigh.

"Mike, listen. Each time I take a command of a vessel, I always set a trap of character for my officers. If they pass then I know I can count on them. We are at war. Lives are at stake. If anyone fails, then I can get them off my ship with no questions. Mr. Wallace has failed that test. Unfortunately, I am sure he would rather see a child beaten severely rather than take responsibility for his actions. Events might have been different if I did not learn that you were so keen on feeling the cane on your bottom. But I am glad you are ready for this. Now find Mr. Styles. Tell him you are ready. Mr. Styles will take your shirt off and tie your arms with ropes. Am I right? Are you ready for this?" The Captain asks.

"I have been ready for this my whole life. Wow, it is going to be great. How many will I get? Stealing is very serious isnt it? Can I get as many as 80 stripes?" Mike asks joyfully.

"Lets keep in mind son, that you are actually innocent. You also have not been caned before. Lets try 50." The Captain tells him.

"50 are good. Can I go find Mr. Styles? I want to be over the cannon as fast as possible." Mike states gleefully.

"I will assembly the crew to watch you get flogged. Dismissed Mr. Maguire."

Mike quickly runs out of the captains cabin on his search for Mr. Styles. The captain calls the crew together. All of the officers stand on the upper deck except the midshipmen. Mike is brought through the rest of the crew. Mr. Styles directs him by his hand on Mikes shoulders. His shirt is off. His young, tight body glistens in the tropical sun. One rope binds his hands together. He stairs at the deck while he is brought to the cannon. He passes the Midshipman who whispers their encouragement.

"You will get through this Mike."

"Dont think on the pain."

"We know you are innocent."

"Bite down hard if it gets too much for you"

"We will be here for you when it is over."

Mike nods in approval of their encouragement, but he is doing everything he can to mask the incredible excitement his body was feeling. Every aspect of his fantasy life was coming true.

They finally get to the cannon. Mr. Styles helped the boy lie on top. Other crew members tied his hands and feet to the cannon carrier.

The Captain, noticing commotion going on between the hapless teen and Mr. Styles, asks, "Mr. Styles, what is the matter?"

"He asked me to pull his trousers down. He said it was his best pair and he did not want them to be torn." stated Mr. Styles. Nervous laughter could be heard from the crew.

"Well pull them down! We do not have all day!" ordered the Captain.

Mike arched his back so Mr. Styles could reach under him to untie his pants. He had trouble pulling then around his crotch because of the nature of Mikes excitement. Soon he had his pants pushed down to his ankles. Mikes perfectly rounded buttocks could be seen by all of the crew. Mikes body lifted itself each time he took a breath. This rhythmic posture causes the Captain and some of the officers to push their tunics down as not to reveal their excitement of the scene before them. Mr. Styles is handed a birch cane for punishment. He stands ready.

Mike whispers, "Come on. Get on with it. Do it slow, make it last. I am ready for it, come on do it!"

The Captain orders, "50 Mr. Styles, you may begin."

Mr. Styles raises the cane above his shoulders and slams it full force on the teenagers buttocks. The cane comes with a slicing blow. Mike lets out a gasp and closes his eyes tightly. As Mr. Styles raises the cane again, a perfect red welt runs the center of both of the cheeks of Mikes buttocks.

Mr. Styles only hesitates to announce in clear voice, "One". Then he slams the cane again on the boys buttocks. A second red line is perfectly placed right under the first. Mike tries to grunt the pain away. He keeps his mouth clenched hard. He pulls against the ropes holding him. It feels like a line of bees stung him all at once in two neat rows on his bottom.

Mr. Styles announces "three" ......"four"....."five" ....."Six". The cane takes its toll. Mike grimaces and pulls hard against the ropes. Pain racks his brain. He gulps in air as his body jerks with each whack.

The crew remain silent watching the punishment. Some gap in horror at Mikes beating. Some begin to rub their own groins.

Mr. Styles tries desperately to find an area on Mikes buttocks that is not pot marked with deep red and blue welts. "Twenty four." ...."twenty five." Twenty six".. Soon Mr. Styles realizes it is a fruitless effort. He his face with the choice of beating Mikes already swollen hot buttocks, or whipping him on his back. Not willing to make Mikes bottom a bloody mess, he decides to start the cane on the poor boys back. He steps closer to the cannon. He looks down and sees the boy breathing hard. Sweat runs down all of his body. The ropes are already leaving their mark on his wrists. But even though all of this agony, the boy still is not crying or yelling. He is just lying on top of the canon, taking it.

Mr. Styles gets ready to beat him again. He raises the cane high above his head and crashes it down on Mikes pain ridden body. I knew line of red appears as the cane is taken off for more blows. Mike just grunts as his back takes the onslaught.

"Forty seven" ...."Forty eight".... Mr. Styles thinks to himself how wonderfully easy it was to beat the kid. He did not yell or cry. He did not even move much. "Forty nine.".... "Fifty".

"Untie him." Mr. Styles shouts as he throws the cane down. Noticing his work, he was well pleased with himself. Only a few places on Mikes buttocks did the skin break and blood could be shown. Most of his back was covered with red stripes. His buttocks also show a deep crimson red.

To his great surprise, Mike stood up after being untied. He faced the crew and pulled up his pants and tied the cord. His face was drenched in sweat. It was obvious to everyone that his body is racked in pain.

After he had tied the rope on his pants, he addressed the Captain. "Punishment completed Sir. Request permission to address the crew?"

"Permission granted." he shouted back to Mike, his voice full of admiration for the teenager.

Mike realizing that he is about to fall over, centers himself. "I have just been given 50 for a crime I did not commit. I do not blame the Captain for he was doing his duty. The man who did this crime, the man I have been flogged for, I have only one word to say. I forgive you!" With that he suddenly looses his balance and falls into the hands of Mr. Styles. All of the other crew members take a step forward in deep concern.

"What is going on Mr. Styles?" the Captain yells.

"Back up men, give him air. He has fallen unconscious Sir. He will be alright." Mr. Styles announces.

"Take him below Mr. Styles", orders the Captain.

All of the midshipmen eagerly agree to take him to his bunk. They all take turns with hot rags and oil to wash his welts.

Soon they are visited by the Captain who lowers his hat when he comes down to Mikes bunk.

"Make way for the Captain", barks the doctor. "How is he doing?" whispers the Captain, hat in hand.

"He will be alright. He has all of these nurses to take care of him." the Doc, pointing to all of the other eager teenagers wanting to help their comrade.

"You still have him striped?" asks the Captain.

"I do not want his clothing to cling to his wounds". The Doc answered.

"This place is rather dirty for a sick boy isnt it. I think he needs to recuperate at a healthier environment."

With that the Captain picks him up and wraps the blanket over him. He carries him across the ships deck to his own cabin. The rest of the crew smiles in admiration. Mike pushes his head against the Captains chest. The Captain very carefully holds Mikes buttocks not wanting to cause the child any more pain. He brings him to his bed. He quickly brings over an antiseptic and olive oil.

The Captain takes off his shirt and then his pants as he mixes the oils together. "I do not want to get oil on my shirt or pants." he tells Mike.

He asks Mike to role over on his stomach. He begins slowly massaging the oil in on his back and buttocks.

"Well, Mike, was it as exiting as you expected it?" The Captain asks the teenager.

"That and more. I loved it! It was the best day of my life! I though I would loose it and cry toward the end, but I didnt.", Mike relates in a weak voice.

"And the pain?" questions the Captain.

"The pain was a lot less then I expected. Maybe because I had my bottom held tight. I wish I could do this again." Mike stated hopefully.

"Youre an amazing boy! But wait for a few years. I think this experience should last you awhile." the Captain explains.

Then the teen roles over on his back. The Captain takes the hint and dribbles the oil on Mikes penis and scrotum. With both hands he rubs it in.

As Mike lays back to enjoy the Captains hands in him, he tells him "so, you have made your life in the Navy."

"Yes Michael."

"That means if you had a journal your fantasys would be-."

"Yes, Michael, would what?" with that the Captain embraced the badly beaten teenager.

Some time later, the Captain reappeares at his desk surrounded by all of the senor officers except Mr. Wallace. "All right, bring him in." He stated

Mr. Wallace walks in with a look of total terror.

"Mr. Wallace Sir." the Captain stated in an official tone, "Your fellow officers have accused you of being the one who stole the Admirals Orders out of my jacket pocket. This would not have troubled me, except I just beat a child almost to death for that crime, and now all of the senior offices say that you committed."

"Well", Mr. Wallace began fumbling for words." I thought that you wanted to search for the Aden. I just made that possib-"

"How dare you sir!" the Captain shouts at him. The other officers are about to hold the Captain back from tearing Mr. Wallace apart. "A man who would look on to see a boy flogged 50 times until he was bruised and bleeding, knowing he could stop it at any time is not a man, but a monster. We do not have any room for monsters on my ship. I would hang you from the tallest yard arm. But because Mr. Maguire has forgiven you so do I. But I will not have you on board my ship. As soon as possible you will be transferred to another command. But first you will apologize to Mr. Maguire in front of the ships company".

"But-", Mr. Wallace mumbles in a panic.

"You are this close at General Court Marshall, would you like to cross the line?" the Captain yells.

"No." Mr. Wallace states flatly.

"Good, take him below. You will stay below until we can get you off my ship." states the Captain.

Then suddenly shouts are heard all around. People begin running.

The Captain shouts "What is going on?"

A midshipmen runs into the room, livid with excitement. "It is the Aden. She is off the port bow. She has most of her sails down. We have her sir, we have her!"

"Go on, take Mr. Wallace below. Mr. Newberry, then put all of the sails up we can carry. Mr. Styles, get the gun decks ready. Set a course toward her." All the officers scramble to carry out the Captains orders.

The Captain enters his room to put on his jacket. Mike still lies in his bed, still nude. The boy looks up at him. "Do you feel up for a fight?" the Captain asks. "I need you at my side; we are going to take on one of the largest ships in the French Navy." The captain throws close on the bed and then climbs up on deck. Mike hurriedly dresses and joins the Captain on deck.

"I need to address the crew before we engage the enemy, Mr. Styles." orders the Captain.

"Yes sir." Mr. Styles answers.

Just then, Mike makes his appearance on deck. He still walks slowly for he is still in a lot of pain. The Captain gives him the spyglass and points to the Aden. "See, Mr. Maguire, how they are scrambling to put up sail. We caught them with their pants down. Speaking of pants down, how are?"

"I am all right. It still smarts, but I will be by your side." Mike says looking up at the Captains eyes.

"The crew is ready Captain." Mr. Styles announces. With Mike under his arms, the Captain raises his hands for quiet. "Gentleman, Crew of the HMS York. We go into battle to take on the pride of the French. This day is a day you will tell your children. This day we meet honor. Mr. Maguire a man of profound honor has already faced being flogged for a crime Mr. Wallace committed. He did not flinch in the face of danger. Neither do we. We will engage the French, not because we have to, but because we are men of honor."

The ship then rings with the men shouting their great love for their Captain.

More stories by Richard Daruis