Modern Teaching Techniques

by Nathan <>

The kids call me Mr. Sparks. Mr. Robert Sparks. I teach freshman Algebra at Jefferson Davis high school, one of many southern schools located in the deep south of the United States. I like what I do. It's important too, and while I've got a reputation for being strict, I've also earned a reputation for being an outstanding teacher. The students learn Algebra, and once they figure out I demand they work, and pay attention, and do what they are told we get along fine. There is usually a waiting list to get into my classes in the fall, as parents request me for their son's and daughters. Of course, that makes me feel good, and I enjoy the knowledge that I have a reputation that is envied by my peers.

As I said, the school I work in is a southern school, and until last year we used the paddle to keep the students in line. Every teacher could swing one, and the principal too used one now and then when it was necessary. It was a simple thing really; the students knew that when they screwed up they would get paddled. It worked very simply, and it worked well. If a boy mouthed off or misbehaved in my class, I gave him one warning, and if he ignored it then I made him come to the front of the class and bend over my desk, placing his hands on the flat top and facing his classmates. That made his butt stick up and outward, almost as if it was eager for the paddle.

I always had them take their wallets out too--I wanted to make sure nothing blocked the sting. Then, I would give them two or three hard swats, each of which would burn right into their bottoms, the wood really flying and the speed of it a blur when it smacked their rears. Their underwear and jeans were their only protection, and the way I swung the paddle it wasn't enough. Not by a long shot. By the third hard swat they usually had tears in their eyes, if they weren't outright whimpering, and their classmates were grinning from ear to ear as they watched the misbehaving youth take his punishment.

Now, in our modern times there is nothing cool about being paddled, nothing at all, not if you are fourteen or fifteen and in high school there isn't. A boy being paddled usually had a beet red face the entire time, flushed with the humiliation of his spanking and embarrassed to the core. The system worked well, and the kids rarely screwed with me. I've burned a lot of teenage asses over the years. Yeah, until last year I had a big paddle, with holes down the middle, hanging in my class and intimidating the hell out of the teenagers that stared at it.

Of course, they figured out pretty quickly that when those rare occasions came up and I swung it I did so with enough power that the kid getting hit didn't forget it for a while. Most of the boys I swatted behaved themselves after that, and after I had smacked one or two early in the year then the word was out. If I ever gave a warning most kids changed their tune immediately, usually apologizing and getting themselves under control. They would sure quit screwing around in a hurry! The truth is that I rarely swung the board. Instead, I taught math, and they learned. In turn, the kids were respectful, and there was an atmosphere throughout the school that promoted the learning process.

Occasionally, there would be a few cracks and a few grunts coming out of a classroom, but for the most part the paddles were mostly just a deterrent and were more effective just hanging on their hooks than they were when the deterrence had failed and they had to be used. Still, when the paddle got used it hurt, and the kids knew it. And the paddle was there, in every classroom, as a deterrent and it really worked. The paddle kept the kids in line, and so like most kinds of deterrence it was effective being there even though it was rarely used.

That was all true until last summer, when everything changed. The stupid county school board, like other well meaning school boards across the country, finally came around and decided that paddling wasn't good for a students self esteem. So, in their wisdom, they took away that little tool from our list of options and made us remove them from our classrooms. After that things just started to slowly spiral downward. Lots of so-call experts think the paddle is a bad idea, but they arent teachers and they haven't seen the good it can do. No, the modern school today doesnt use the paddle, and the result certainly hasn't been good for the kids or their education.

Now, finally, our school has come around to the modern way of thinking too, and so this year, for the first time in the history of the school, we can't use the paddle anymore. No, it doesnt matter what they do, as of this year, we can't spank them anymore, no matter how they cut up in class or how much they deserve it. And funny thing is, they figured it out right away, and after that a lot of the discipline we used to have went straight into the toilet. A lot less learning started to take place too, and a lot more problems occurred. A lot more. We have had a number of fights where we never had any before, and the average academic scores for the school as a whole have already taken a dive.

Worse, we've had six teachers leave, during the year, and thats pretty unusual but the truth is that a lot of us are frustrated and the kids seem to be taking control. Without the paddle the other discipline measures just don't work, and the kids don't listen. Now we have to negotiate with them, or deal with them, offering them a reward to shut up and to behave themselves so at least the other kids that want to learn can. In my class too they don't listen at least half the time. At least, they don't listen the way they did when the paddle was a threat and their backsides were at risk. No, things arent the same now that the paddle isn't being used anymore.

The final straw for me was when Charles Kister, a fellow math teacher, got told off by one of his kids, and the principal didn't do anything. Last year the kid would have got his ass blistered, by both the teacher and the principal, and when he came back to class he would have had a changed attitude. But not anymore. Nobody did anything to the kid. The word got out too, and I think it has just been a slow thing that has simmered all year. Now that we don't have the paddle, the lack of respect shown by the students has really taken something away from our school and in my opinion has gotten completely out of hand.

The only discipline option left to a teacher now is to give a misbehaving kid either an in-school or out-of-school detention, and in either case it really doesnt phase the kids at all. It's a joke really, and they know it. The parents so far arent sure what to make of the changes, but they are slowly realizing that the discipline problems have escalated. Still, I know the paddles are not coming back, even if I wish they were. One of the things I've discovered is that when we put a kid in detention they miss class and sit in the principal's office for the length of their detention. For the average kid, its a reward as much as it is a punishment. For most of the ones that are the troublemakers, it's just a total non-threat, and they could care less. The parents aren't pleased either.

It's not that they jump to support the teachers however. When we remove a kid from class I've found that most parents for the most part don't like it. No, they don't like their little Johnny missing class, so they turn their frustration onto the school and the teacher instead of their kid. When his grades fall they go ballistic, and blame the school as much as the kid. It's enough to make you think twice before you jerk a kid out of class. The situation sucks, plain and simple, and I long for the days when a quick crack of a paddle put everything back in place and kept the learning going full time.

Well, to get on with my point by mid year the kids just really started taking over, a little at a time, cutting up in class and generally speaking when they wanted to and being disruptive when they felt like it. Like the other teachers in the school, I had no idea what to do. I thought about leaving. Some teachers just gave in to it, and taught the ones that wanted to learn and tried to ignore the others. Perhaps if you are teaching for the paycheck that might satisfy you, but for me I enjoy being a teacher and I enjoy watching it when the students are learning. I like teaching every kid, and I like to reach them, to help them all learn, and so I just didn't want to give up on any of them. Still, I had no idea what to do, at least, well, not until the idea came to me Christmas morning.

When it did come it came to me like the light sprouts out of a light bulb in a pitch black room. It suddenly occurred to me as I was listening to a kid's Christmas carol about boys being naughty and nice, that if I couldn't paddle a student, perhaps I could get a parent to do it for me and in that second-hand-way I could still blister their ass just the same. It was like an inspiration! The next morning I almost rushed to the lumber yard to get the wood, and then I went to work in my garage and made a dozen paddles, each smaller than the one I used to use but still made out of hardwood and very effective. For my plan to work I knew these paddles had to look pretty innocent, but I also knew that they would need to make an impression on a teenage mind that wouldn't be forgotten.

Most parents are pretty reluctant to paddle their kid, especially as he gets older, although if the misbehavior is great enough then it's an option most parents can be brought around to. But if you show them a big paddle, or a really long one with lots of holes, they get scared and won't swing it. They might be willing to spank their son's butt, but they don't want to hurt him when they do. As ridiculous as that sounds, its the truth. Anyway, I knew that I couldn't make the paddle too big or too intimidating if I wanted this to work. So, I made them just a little bigger than a hair brush. But I also made them a little fatter, to carry the extra weight and have more oomph behind the impact but still look innocent and not be too intimidating for mom or dad to consider using.

Of course, I still needed them to do the trick, even if they were small. So, to make sure they would hurt like hell, I used oak, a hardwood, and I drilled a few holes in the face of them so they wouldn't trap any air which otherwise might cushion the impact. Since they were thick, I used a half inch bit to drill some long holes down from the tip, and in those holes I dropped in some big lead sinkers, to give the little boards some extra mass where it would do the most good. I sealed up the lead and varnished the things until they glistened, and except for the weight of them you couldn't tell the ends were filled with lead. I didn't want them to scare a parent, so I put a bright yellow smiley face sticker on the face of each one, with the little face winking. In a way, they looked cute as hell, and a second bonus for making them small was that they would fit right into a student's backpack. That was perfect, because these paddles were made for going home. I knew they would do the trick, if they got used, but the trick of course was to get them in the parents hands and to get them moving fast and hard against a teenage butt that was deserving of it.

The key of course wasnt the paddle. No, as nice as the little paddles were, it wasnt the paddles that I made that was the key to my idea. It was the letters I did on the computer that was the key to success. I've been teaching enough years that I can anticipate most situations that come up, and so it wasn't that hard to come up with different letters for the situations I knew would occur. Then, I printed one out for each anticipated discipline problem, with a separate letter individually customized with each student's name on it. Since I was using a computer, I customized them as much as I could, and had them all typed up and ready to go. The only thing I didn't do was date them, and so I kept the file of letters there in my desk to use whenever they might be needed.

After the holiday, Thomas Freeman was the first boy that tested me, and I remember when he started cutting up in my third period class. I warned him, like I used to warn a kid that was screwing up, and he ignored me. Then I raised my voice the way I used to before I would smack them, and I said to him "Mr. Freeman, do you want a paddling? I will not warn you again, and I would suggest you quiet down in my classroom and address me in a more respective manner unless you want to get your bottom warmed up like a ten year olds."

You could have heard a pen drop. The boy turned around and stared at me, and I could see him thinking for a minute. Then he said "You can't hit me! Go _f_u_c_k_ yourself Sparks!"

Everyone laughed, really loud, and the Freeman boy sported a grin then that went wide across his face. I had to contain my anger, and I sure didn't like having a student dare to address me in such a rude manner. Still, the boy was of course right, technically, but then he wasn't prepared for what I did next. I reached into my desk drawer and pulled out one of the new little paddles I had made, and then I opened up my briefcase and sorted through the letters. Finally, finding the right one, I took it out, scribbled my signature on it, and then neatly folded it and placed it into an envelope. Finally, I took the letter and the paddle, and carried it over to his desk, and dropped it down while the class watched.

As I did so, I said to him, loud enough for every kid to hear: "Mr. Freeman, I will be talking with your parents this evening. You will take this letter home and return it to me tomorrow, and if you do not do so do not bother coming back to my class. Tomorrow you will apologize to this class, and tell us what it feels like to have your teenage fanny warmed by a paddle until its the color of a tomato. I hope it will teach you a lesson."

He stared at me in total disbelief. I had of course timed it perfectly, and the bell rang then. He said "GO _f_u_c_k_ YOURSELF" as it did, and got up to leave, the paddle and the letter still on his desk, but I held his backpack and picked up the letter and handed it to him again. This time I said "Mr. Freeman, I do not imagine your parents will be pleased with you if you throw away the letter I'm sending home with you. I will be talking to your father, and he will be looking for it." Then, I gave him the letter again. This time he took it, his eyes glaring, and as he left I watched him go out the door, clutching the letter and stuffing the paddle into his backpack and hiding it from view.

The letter I had given him was clear and specific. It was sealed, and on the back I had written "TO BE OPENED ONLY BY THE STUDENTS PARENTS. I figured he might open it anyway. But I knew if he did his parents would be able to tell, and I figured it would add to his parent's disappointment, and that in turn would play better into my plan. Knowing the boy, I figured he would probably ignore that instruction and open it, and while I had no idea what his expression would be when he did, I was pretty sure he wouldn't be too thrilled. In any case, it really didn't matter, and open or not it would have to be shown to his parents. Here is what I had written:

Dear Richard and Mary Freeman,

I'm sorry to write you this letter, but I am your son's third period Algebra teacher, and recently your son has been acting up and disrupting my classroom. This is intolerable, and I cannot accept his antics. Today his behavior reached a point I cannot longer tolerate. I gave him ample warning, and yet he continued his antics, and specifically was disrespectful towards me. He used obscenities that were rude and offensive and he disrupted the entire class and brought all learning to a halt.

In the past, I would have been able to deal with him myself, and until last year he would have received a paddling for his behavior immediately, in front of his classmates, and then have been allowed to continue learning Algebra in my class. I believe in quick discipline, and yet I also believe in giving misbehaving students the opportunity to change their behavior and get back to their studies immediately once they have done so. I do not like to do anything that interrupts the educational process. Because of changes to the school board policy however, I can no longer use a paddle to quickly correct misbehavior. However, that said, I still need to insure we have appropriate discipline in my classroom.

Knowing how important education is to you both and how much you support the educational process, I'm pretty certain that you would not tolerate such behavior, and so I wanted to make you aware of it and to give you the option of providing appropriate punishment in my behalf. If you will do so, then I would very much like to allow your son to continue in my class and be the student I know he is capable of.

Please check the boxes you deem appropriate, and have your son return this note, along with the paddle I have loaned him. If you accept the spanking option, you will find the paddle I've sent home with your son to be highly effective in changing his unacceptable teenage attitude and behavior, and I would appreciate it immensely if you could use it to do so. The manner and length of time you use it is entirely up to you. While he will not have the embarrassment of being spanked in front of his peers, there are ways that you can mitigate that and still ensure he will choose to change his behavior. I might suggest that if you will use the paddle against his bare bottom it will be much more effective than it would ever have been if it had been used in the classroom over his street clothes, and while punishment administered at the time of the disobedience and in front of others is usually more effective, the stronger message of a bare bottom spanking should more than offset that. After you have spanked him please have him sign the paddle so that I know it has been done.

If for some reason I misjudge you and you feel corporal punishment of your son isnt warranted, then I will have your son sent to the principals office and allow him to take the administrative actions that most likely will include suspension and or detention as he feels are warranted. I will not allow your son to return to my class until he has received appropriate discipline. While I do think that a quick spanking would get this behind us with the minimum disruption to his learning of Algebra, I realize that you may feel otherwise. The chose of punishment is yours. If you chose not to spank your son and instead feel that the new route of non-physical discipline is more appropriate for your boy, then I will accept your wishes and see to it that he is punished using those methods instead. However, its important to realize that your son will not be allowed to make up any work he misses for detention sessions that result from disciplinary problems he has caused. Obviously, that would have a negative impact on his grades.


Robert Sparks



Dear Mr Sparks,

I have given our son a through spanking on his CLOTHED BARE (CIRCLE ONE) bottom using the provided paddle, and I can assure you he has been well paddled and fully understands the need to pay attention in your class and to do everything he can to promote a learning atmosphere. We administered his spanking in the privacy of our home, and continued it until:

he had been given _______________ swats

and or

he had a very red and a very sore bottom.

He will apologize in front of your class, and if he fails to do so please return the paddle to us and let us know so that we can take further action and additional spankings as are necessary. Once his apology has been given, we understand he will be allowed to return to class without any impact on his grades.

Parental signature


Dear Mr Sparks,

We do not feel the spanking is an appropriate consequence of our son's misbehavior. Therefore, please refer him to the principal's office for suspension detention in accordance with normal school policy. We understand that the classroom time he misses will not be excused and his grades will almost certainly suffer as a result.

Parental signature

Of course, I had no idea what would happen. But I could imagine the boy reading the letter, mulling over his options as he contemplated his action. He might be tempted to throw it in the trash, but in this day of emails and telephones the boy wasnt stupid. I figured he would probably try and make up some story and then try and just get a signature, but I knew he had to have his doubts. After he read it he had to figure that there was at least an even chance he would get paddled. Of course, knowing that, I knew there was a good possibility he would try and forge the parent's signature and not show it to them at all. The key was to give the parents a call, before their son got home, so that they were prepared and would then be able to see though whatever slant the teenager tried to put to the letter and his misbehavior.

I dialed his dad at work during my break. The boy's father, Richard Freeman, was less than pleased to get a call from one of his son's teachers, and I could tell right away he wasnt a man that would tolerate his son making trouble at school. I apologized for having to call him at work, and then explained to him the nature of my call, and the problems his son had been giving me. Slowly as the conversation progressed I was able to bring up the subject of corporal punishment. It turned out that the boy's father wasnt happy with the new school board policy, and he felt that a quick swat from a teacher was a good tool when used with discretion. He did let me know that corporal punishment wasnt his preferred method of punishment though, and then he told me that he never used it at home. He said he felt a teenager was a little too old to be spanked. That's when I gave him my well prepared litany.

"Well Sir, I suppose that what you say has some merit, and you certainly have a fine son, who I'm sure is capable of being well behaved when he wants to. However, what works in the home does not always work the same way at school, and right now I'm afraid Thomas is being influenced by the need to show off in front of his peers. He's trying to be the class clown. I think he enjoys the peer recognition it gets him. Of course, that recognition comes at the expense of his education. In my opinion, he certainly needs a few well placed swats right now, and he needs them sooner than later. Otherwise I fear for what may happen to his grades and classroom performance."

The boy's father took the bait, and then he shared with me his hopes for his son to go on to college and to make something of himself. I of course agreed completely, and hoped that with his help we could turn his boy around and get him back on the right track. I finally left it to his judgment. The boy's father confessed they had been having some problems with him at home. I use that to take the opportunity to tell him that if he did decide to spank his boy I was all but certain that doing so would cause an instant change of behavior and would do wonders to helping him improve his grades and behave himself at home. I emphasized the need to come down hard on him, so that he would learn the lesson the first time and it would not have to be repeated later. I suggested that he paddle his son thoroughly, until the boy was crying and there wasn't any doubt he had learned a lesson.

The father seemed receptive, and then he told me that he had no idea how to do it. He said "Well....I suppose I could spank him, but I'm not sure how hard to hit him and I don't know really what to do."

I assured Mr. Freeman that it wasnt rocket science, and that the key was to just make his boy lay over his lap and to get his pants down below his knees. I told him he could have the boy remove them himself, or do it for him, and that their were merits to both methods of undressing the lad. I emphasized to him that spanking his teenager naked would provide the fastest change of behavior, and the embarrassment of getting a bare-bottomed spanking at his age would almost certainly insure he wouldn't have to do it again. I explained the sensitive "sit spot" and how to paddle under the cheeks of his bottom, and I explained that if his boy wasn't getting the message then he should spread his cheeks and work the paddle down the crack of his buttocks. I guarantee that if he concentrated on those spots, and smacked the paddle consistently, with a firm, hard, motion, that within a few minutes the boy's bottom would be bright red and his son would be begging for another chance. I told him that when the tears come, and he has given up his struggles, laying totally defeated and just blabbering out his apology, then he would know his son was well paddled and had learned all he could from the discipline session.

I then told him I was certain he would do the right thing, even if it was difficult, and then I asked him to check out the letter the boy was coming home with, and if he had any questions to feel free to call me. At that, we ended the conversation and I wished him a good day.

I had no idea of course if it would work. Perhaps the boy's mom would go soft on him, and he would come back into my classroom and throw my unused paddle back in my face. I knew it was a distinct possibility, and yet I could hope for a more favorable outcome. As it turned out, I could not have been more pleased.

The following day, Thomas Freeman came into my class, his head lowered and not looking at me. With a single glance I knew in an instant he had been paddled. And hard. There wasnt any doubt; his expression was one of humility and embarrassment, and I knew instantly that my idea had worked. The boy quickly went to my desk and deposited my well worn letter, back in its envelope, on my desk, along with the little paddle that I had given to him the day before. He tried to just set them down and quickly hurry to his desk, almost as if it was an afterthought and before anyone could notice. However, I needed to use him to set an example, so I stopped him, and said "Wait here young man...I think I need to read this first and see where you and I stand."

He looked at me, as the other kids filed into class, but I kept busy looking through the day's lesson and resisted the temptation to open the letter right away. As I waited, the boy stared at me. He was searching for something to say, to be allowed to take his seat and just blend into the classroom and disappear in the sea of students. Of course, I could not allow that. So, instead, he waited on me, standing by my desk, as his classmates came into the room and took their seats. As they were filing in I turned the paddle over, exposing the boy's signature across its face, and then I left the paddle on top of my desk, moving it to the edge so everyone would see it. Boy his face was red then! Soon all eyes were on him and the signed paddle sitting on my desk. I took my time, savoring the moment. I waited for the bell to ring.

Then, slowly, I opened the note. As I was doing so I could see the teenager's lower lip quiver. I suppressed a smile. The boy's father had signed the letter, after he had checked the appropriate boxes. Of course at that moment, I had the classes full and complete attention. Everyone was curious as hell, and wanting to know what had happened. Thomas was standing by my desk, looking at the floor, shuffling his feet and wishing he was anywhere else. All of the boy's defiance of yesterday had evaporated. Then, I looked at the class and I said:

"Yesterday class you had the opportunity to witness this young man's disrespect towards me, and his disruption of my classroom. As you know, I sent him home with a paddle and a note. Today, his father has addressed a note back to me. Since you are all young adults, making your own decisions weather you wish to learn what I am trying to teach, you deserve to know what has happened. This letter is from Thomas Freeman's father, and I will now read a part of it: "Dear Mr Sparks, I have given our son a through spanking on his bare bottom using the provided paddle, and I can assure you he has been well paddled and fully understands the need to pay attention in your class and to do everything he can to promote a learning atmosphere. We administered his spanking in the privacy of our home, and continued it until he had a very red and a very sore bottom. He will apologize in front of your class, and if he fails to do so please return the paddle to us and let us know so that we can take further action and additional spankings as are necessary."

The boy's face was crimson. His classmates were grinning, staring at the boy with the bright red bottom, now knowing he had been thoroughly spanked and his bottom blistered until it was bright and red and oh-so-sore. Their imaginations were running, and I let them have their thoughts. Did he cry? Did he kick his feet and squirm as the little hardwood paddle was slapped against his bare skin, smacking his bottom and painting it like a paintbrush?

How bright red did it get? Did it last for minutes? How many smacks? Did he squirm and kick and beg like a six year old? Did he buck his hips to dodge the board? What did it look like as his ass humped up and down, trying to dodge the blows that were reining down one after the other? Were his pants off entirely, or down at his ankles? Did he bawl like a baby, or just grit his teeth and bare it? Was his dick hanging down between his legs, a little stub hiding in shame? Or was he rock hard, stiff and eager, jutting up and hard from his teenage bush as his father blistered his ass? Oh, the questions! You could see them in his classmates eyes, staring at the freshman with the bright red cheeks, the well-spanked teenager no longer _c_o_c_k_y and his attitude changed completely from the day before.

Finally, I said "Mr. Freeman, it is time for you to apologize to your classmates for disrupting their class time yesterday. I suggest that you make it good. Otherwise I might be forced to send you home with another paddle and we can try this again tomorrow."

His eyes went wide, and his face went white. Then he stammered, and suddenly, his lip quivering, the boy began to speak. "I...oh...oh no.....that...that won't be necessary! I'm sorry...I'm sorry Mr. Sparks.....very sorry sir! My dad spanked me...hard, and I didnt think it would ever stop. I'm so sorry. I won't do it again....I swear! Please Mr Sparks.....I'm sorry."

I made him step in front of my desk and look at his classmates. Then I said: "Mr. Freeman, you need to apologize to your classmates more than to me. It's their class time you have wasted. Lets give it a better shot, and perhaps they would enjoy hearing what it is like to be spanked on your bare fanny when you are fourteen."

His face went bright red, and he stared at the floor. He started to speak, but I cut him off and said "LOOK AT THEM WHEN YOU SPEAK MISTER.....THEY NEED TO HEAR THIS." Everyone of his classmates was grinning.

He could have died. I couldn't see his expression as he faced them, but his cheeks were bright red and flushed as the humiliation of being spanked sank in and he took the stares and the grins of his classmates. I was staring at the back of his jeans, at his round little bubble butt that was all perched out and oh-so-hot. I imagined it was oh-so-sore and bright red where his father had popped it again and again with my little weighted paddle. I knew it had hurt; that was obvious from the sincerity of his apology. He sure didn't want to go through that again! His round little butt was tight in his jeans, and I stared at the crack in his ass and visualized the paddle warming his bottom. As the youth talked and faced the class and told them about his spanking I just stared at his teenage ass and enjoyed the view. Oh how I wish I could have seen it when it was being done!

I made him tell the story; to describe his spanking so that the others could learn from it. The boy described how he had been bent over his dad's knee, his pants at his ankles, and the little board plastered across his bare bottom again and again and again. It was apparent that he had struggled and kicked off his pants as he flailed his legs, and the boy indicated that it had just went on and on. One of the other kids called him a whimp for crying, and I cut off the comment with a wave of my hand. However, the Freeman boy's eyes were glassed with tears as he remembered it, and to attempt to excuse his tears he said: "No....I...I couldn't help it. My dad wouldn't stop...and it really hurt. IT REALLY HURT!!! It was like a nest of hornets, with each smack. You have no idea! When I was kicking my pants came off all the way, and that's when my dad wrapped his leg around one of them and forced me to spread my cheeks. It was so humiliating! Then he just worked the board down inside my crack and up and down over my hole!"

As he said that he was looking out at his classmates as if to garner some sympathy, but they just stared in amazement as he described his bare bottom thrashing. Some of the kids were giggling, and as he described the details of his spanking the giggles grew. He realized then that none of the kids were sympathetic, and so he stopped but of course he had already said more than enough. He looked down, totally humiliated, and mumbled something about his bottom being very sore, even now. Then, slowly, he looked up at me. I said to him: "Mr. Freeman, did your daddy paddle your bottom until it was bright red like a ripe tomato?"

The entire class erupted in laughter. The kid's eyes filled with tears, and he nodded, staring at me, his face flushed red with his humiliation. Then I said to him: "Well, I warned you that might happen. Sometimes its takes a red fanny to teach a lesson. Next time you will make better choices."

As I stared at him I could imagine the scene, the _c_o_c_k_y teenager over his dad's knee, bucking his hips and trying to dodge the blows that were pulverizing his teenage ass. I knew my weighted paddle must have had a lot of momentum, and I was certain that the speed of the impact and the power of the swats must have really surprised the young teen. I could visualize him gasping as he felt the sting, the burn taking over his rear and burning with a fire and an intensity he could never have imagined. I was fairly certain he had struggled, bucking his hips and even humping his father's leg, as he struggled and fought to escape the burn that blistered across his rear. Oh how it must have hurt!

I knew too that the humiliation of being spanked must have been worse than any nightmare. Still, it had gone on and on, stroke after stroke, and there was little doubt the boy had babbled and begged and promised to behave himself forevermore before it was done. By the time it was over he had no doubt cried like a ten year old, the big crocodile tears real and dripping as he sucked in his snot and whimpered in his misery. He was as contrite as any teenager has ever been after he has been well paddled, and I knew that this boy would never be a problem again.

The boy turned to his classmates and then, totally defeated, he said "I'm...I'm sorry. I won't disrupt the class again. It's important for us to pay attention to Mr. Sparks." I almost laughed when he advised his classmates to pay attention to me. The way he said it was so sincere, and coming from a teenager it seemed almost comical. Finally, his story completed, he turned and stared at me, his face red with shame and his hands rubbing his ass with the memory of what had happened. There were tears in his eyes, from the intensity of his memory, and I thought for a moment he would start bawling again. I nodded back at him then, the moment used up, and then I said "OK Mr. Freeman, it appears you have learned something here. I'm sorry you had to get a bare bottom spanking. I'm sure it wasnt much fun, but I cannot tolerate misbehavior in my classroom. I'm glad your parents know the importance of classroom discipline, and hopefully in the future there will be no need to treat you like a ten year old. Take your seat young man, if you can stand to sit down. We have some algebra homework to go over."

As he sat down, gingerly, I couldnt help but smile. My class was quite, and the kids were listening, paying attention again like they used to, with their books open and ready to learn. I knew then and there things were going to work out just fine.

[Authors note: © Copyright January 2005. All rights reserved. Not to be copied without the consent of the author. If you enjoyed this story, I've written others. It would mean a lot to hear from a fan. nathan9001@yahoo. com]

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