Hey Dad"rick said when he came into the kitchen for breakfeast
whats up son"dad said
rick and his DAD had always been very close his mom ran off with some guy and left so it was just him and his dad (actually he had a crush on his dad cause his dad was hot swimmers build brown hair gorgeous eyes he loved him well that morning his dad was kind of annoyed at something.
whats wrong dad"he said" i got a letter in the mail son it says that you 4 Fs and 3 Ds on your report card"he said" with an angry voice.
Dad sorry ive been busy ill bring t-them up ok i promise"he said with a scared voice.
Good and to make sure you do you are going to get a spanking you So well deserve"he said"
WHAT!!! are you crazy
no im not you are getting the good old fashion spanking that you have been needing for a long time now take down your pants.
fine jeese im sorry okay.
he took of his boxars(thats all he was wearing since he had just woken up) and he bent over his fathers knees and before he knew it the swats just started coming.
smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack
No you are going to get it your but is going to hurt for a week after im finished.
swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat swat
at this point ricks bottom felt like it was on fire and he was balling like a baby and he just gave in to the angry swats of his father and just kept on taking them.
he felt like the swats would never stop but after about 30 agonizing minutes of his fathers hand having a chat with his bare behind they stopped and he was crying uncontrolably over his fathers knees and he had the biggest erection.
his dad told him to go up stairs and get ready for school or your ass will be even worse and ill get the hairbruss.
Rick ran upstairs and put on his clothes in a hurry and pulling his jeans over his steaming ass and ran downstairs and caught the bus school was a horrible day that day his ass hurt so bad on those medal chairs that he felt like he was going to start to cry in front of everyone but finally school ended and he went home and as soon as he got home he walked up the stairs to his room and took of his pants and underwear and looked at his but it had bruises and welts from his fathers hand he couldnt believe that his fathers hand did this much and his _c_o_c_k_ started to grow big and he began to rub while looking at his bottom after about a minute he came all over the floor he went to get a towel when he heard
his legs started shaking while he walked to his room.........
but thats another story.