Oregon Trail, Part 2

by Bolton Boy <Alanb_408@hotmail.com>

[Note: In Part 1, I described how I got picked up by some guys out in the hills near my town. This part continues with the rest of what happened with them that afternoon. As you will see in later parts, it was only the first of many such sessions, which is the main reason I'm writing so much about it. What happened that afternoon --what I let happen-- determined my life for several months. I'm lucky it was only for those months.

As noted in Part 1, all names of characters and places are fictitious. The warning stated in Part 1 applies even more to this and subsequent parts: PLEASE DON'T READ FURTHER if you are turned off by descriptions of rape and sadistic beatings. They happened, and I have to describe them. But you don't have to read this. If you do read on, it's your choice. Don't send me spam complaining that you didn't know what to expect.

If you do read this, your feedback would be appreciated. I'll respond to any comment you send to me. If you want to mail Jeb directly, send it to jeb_loves_alan@hotmail. com.]


Before starting, I want to thank those of you who mailed comments on Part 1 to me and Jeb. I've responded to most of them individually. A few were kind of spamming, even ugly. All I'll say about them is that I understand what motivated them. I'm not too thrilled with what I did back then, either. One guy even said I was writing this to glorify raping teenage kids. Believe me, that's the last thing I'd ever do. If I'm doing this for any purpose other than to face up to what happened, it's to warn like-minded kids of the dangers of being stupid like me. Maybe if they read my story, they'll be more careful.

Speaking of stupidity, maybe I should amplify what I mean. I'm a straight-A student here at Oregon State, so can't claim lack of intelligence as an excuse. Just the opposite. My stupidity was hubris, thinking I was smart enough to get out of almost anything. That's unfortunately true for a lot of smart-ass teenagers.

Most comments were helpful and constructive, and we both thank you. Two guys picked up on places where they thought I was minimizing my role in encouraging what happened. Both felt I deserved punishment for that and sent mail about that to Jeb. After thinking about it and discussing it with me, Jeb finally agreed with them. It wasn't that I was being dishonest, just that I wasn't facing up to the implications of what I did. Anyway, we both agreed I should be punished. He caned me pretty severely, and I'm glad he did. Hopefully I'll do better this time, knowing I face that if I hold back.

Jeb's adamant about making me face up to everything. He wants me to tell anybody reading this that he stands ready to cane me again if you find me evasive or insincere. I hope it won't be necessary. I'm trying hard to make this complete. But it's difficult to be completely honest about this stuff. If you think something is missing or dishonest, please send mail to Jeb or me. If you think I deserve punishment, write directly to Jeb.

Don't feel shy about suggesting that, if you think it's appropriate. I'm happy to take it, at least from Jeb. It's strange to say I welcome punishment, but I totally trust Jeb's judgement. I know he's always fair and that anything I get from him is deserved. And I know that, in this case, I do need the discipline. That's why I'm publishing this here. You guys know enough about this stuff to sense dishonesty. Knowing you can cause Jeb to cane me if I try to hide things is a really good incentive to come clean.

I realize that, at least to some extent, I encouraged what happened, maybe even incited it. I'd fantasized about being raped long before it happened, and so can't say I was completely innocent. I did go with Kevin knowing something would happen. Maybe not what actually happened, but definitely s_e_x of some kind. I wasn't totally naive, and was certainly curious. So maybe, given that, it's not accurate to call what happened 'rape'. Some guys wrote saying exactly that, telling me I wasn't being honest in claiming to be an innocent victim.

I still think I was, though I do wonder about that. I certainly would never have voluntarily let myself be raped and beaten like that. But I can't claim it never turned me on. As you'll see in later parts, that also happened on other occasions, and not just with the first group. So maybe there was a pattern for which I was at least partly responsible. Did I deliberately incite the beatings? Am I lying when I said I was a victim? I don't know. That's a question I'm still facing up to and which I hope you'll help me answer.

I need to be truthful about what happened and come to terms with my own role. That's why I'm writing this, hoping you'll correct me where you think I'm not facing up to what really took place. It's also the principal reason I'm trying to recreate the conversations. Though they add a lot of words, I think they're important in the dynamics of what occurred. Everything is still pretty vivid in my mind and I think my recollections are accurate. I hope in writing all this detail to clarify what I did and just how much I am to blame.

One guy who wrote me said I should say all this to a psychologist, rather than hanging it all out in public like this. Maybe that's true, but frankly I think I can be more honest saying it to you guys. I don't know you, and you don't know who I am, so that makes it a lot easier to say it all. Besides, I don't have a health plan that would pay for a psychologist. Plus you'll be a lot less reticent about telling Jeb to give it to me on my ass where I deserve that for not telling the truth. My guess is that a psychologist wouldn't make me face up to what I did. He'd just give me pablum mixed with psychobabble and a soft smile.

To be honest, it turns me on to think that some of you guys will tell Jeb to beat my ass. It's kind of bizarre to say this, but I guess my experiences with the gang did paradoxically leave me with a taste for that. I'm not sure why. But even though some of what happened was brutal, I ended up associating punishment with s_e_x. Maybe that was just teenage hormones taking over my brain. That happened a lot back then. I guess it still does, because writing this and remembering really turns me on. I guess my memories are more complex than I realized. So don't hold back, okay? I'm sure I'll deserve anything you think I should get.

That almost does make it sound as if I wanted what I got back then, that I really did ask for what I got from those guys. It sure didn't seem like that at the time, but maybe in retrospect it's true. Who knows? While I did learn to like it, at least some of the time, it's only thanks to Jeb that I've begun to come to terms with all that. I'd never have started writing this without his support and encouragement. I'm so lucky to be with him, and to have him as a partner and lover. That he's also a disciplinarian and loves beating my ass is just icing on the cake.

That afternoon out there on the trail was a lot different. I sure wasn't happy about getting it then, I can tell you. There was certainly nothing loving in the way they beat my ass, either before they went away or after. When they went down to the pool, they left me tied to the table, gagged and ready for more.

I think the very worst part of that experience was waiting for them to come back. Tied down naked on that picnic table, I was helpless, alone, and incredibly frightened. I had no idea what was coming. Maybe I was lucky that I didn't. I'd have been even more terrified if I'd known what actually lay in store for me.


[6] . [The strap]

When the guys came back from the pool, they were laughing and joking about what they were going to do to me.

"Look at the kid's face" Tom laughed.

"I guess he knows what's coming" Phil smiled. "Take that gag off and untie him, Kevin."

Kevin undid the gag and untied me. "Stand up, kid."

I tried to step away from the table, but had to hold onto it. My ass hurt every time I moved.

I looked at them fearfully. "Are you going to beat me again?"

"What do you think?" Phil grinned. I knew that meant 'yes'.

"Why are you doing this?"

Tom laughed. "If you don't know that, boy, you definitely didn't learn anything."

I looked at him bitterly. "I learned you enjoy this."

He laughed. "Well, that's a start. How about you? Did you enjoy it too?"

I shook my head bitterly. They were playing with me, and there was nothing I could do about it. I was completely at their mercy. Standing naked in front of them, I was totally helpless. I knew there was no way I could escape.

I shifted from one foot to the other, feeling even more naked and helpless as I felt the ground against the soles of my feet. Bare feet somehow just accentuated my nakedness.

Tom smiled at my fear. "What did you learn about obedience, kid?"

"To obey, I guess" I shrugged. I couldn't think of anything else to learn.

"You just guess?" he grinned. "You really do want more on your ass."

"No! I don't!" I shook my head fervently. "Please don't give me any more!"

"That totally depends on you, kid. Are you going to keep on lying to us about not wanting our pricks?"

I looked at him warily. "I haven't lied to you."

"Sure" Tom smiled. He turned to Kevin. "Get us more beer. Get one for the kid, too."

Kevin went down the path.

"Why are you coming on like this?" I asked plaintively. "Why are you so hung up on obedience?"

Phil laughed. "We're not hung up on it, kid. We just insist on it."

"But why?" I persisted. "Why did you have to beat me like that?"

He smiled. "Maybe because we like it." He shrugged. "Call us control freaks if you want. The only important thing for you to learn is that you always do what we tell you."

"Okay, I've learned that. How about letting me go now."

"Without _f_u_cking your ass?" Tom laughed. "Come on, kid. You know better than that. We'd be no _f_u_cking good if we sent you away with just Kevin to remember."

"You guys said you wouldn't rape me! You promised!"

He shook his head and grinned. "We said we wouldn't unless you want it. You've made it very clear you do."

"That's not true! I don't!"

"You're impossible!" Phil laughed. "Tell us the truth for once, kid. We know you want your ass _f_u_cked, and not just by Kevin. That's why you came down here with Kevin, to get a prick up your ass."

"I didn't! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"As many times as you want" Tom laughed. "We know why you're lying. You like getting it on your ass."

"No!" I pleaded, shaking my head. "I don't! Please, guys! Don't do that again!"

"Then don't lie to us."

Just then Kevin came back with a six-pack of beers. He passed them around.

"Drink up, kid" Tom smiled. "And relax. You don't have to lie about it. What you're getting from us is every gay's dream."

"Maybe it is for a gay. That's not me."

"Yeah? Come on, kid, you've really got to stop lying to us about that. Of course you're gay. That's why you came down here. And gays love to get f_u_cked by big pricks. What you're going to get from us is better than you've ever imagined in your wildest fantasies, kid, everything up your ass you've ever dreamed about."

"Everything you've dreamt about, you mean."

He laughed. "Oh, we don't dream about this, kid. We do it all the time."

I looked at him bitterly. "You've done this with other kids, haven't you?"

"Of course" Phil smiled. "You'd be surprised how many kids your age are looking to get their ass _f_u_cked. We pick them up all the time."

"Oh sure" I said scornfully. "You're so totally full of sh_i_t, it's spilling out of your mouth."

"That's disrespectful, kid. You really are asking for it."

"I'm sorry" I apologized. "But what you said just can't possibly be true."

"Oh, it's true. Most kids we pick up are just like you. They want our pricks real bad, but go out of their way to get it on their ass first, just like you did. They all pretend they don't want it, just like you're doing right now."

I drank from the can and shook my head. "That's more bullsh_i_t."

Tom laughed. "God! You're really asking for it!"

"I'm not! And I didn't! You're the one who's lying."

"Sure you did" Tom grinned. "You disobeyed us. And you lied to us, knowing that we knew you were lying. You even lied again just now. You've got to want punishment when you do that."

I looked at him bitterly. "I didn't know what you'd do."

He smiled. "Well, you know now, don't you?"

I just shrugged.

"What's that shrug supposed to mean? Do you need another demo?"

I shook my head fervently. "No, I sure don't."

"So you do know what lying gets you."

I bit my lips and nodded.

Phil grinned. "And so, knowing that, you lied just now? The logic is pretty inescapable, kid."

"I didn't lie to you just now."

Tom smiled thinly. "Now you're contradicting us. That's disrespectful."

I looked at him angrily. "Stop playing with me! I told you the truth! I don't want anything on my ass! And I don't want your _f_u_cking pricks, either! I don't want any of this sh_i_t!"

Tom laughed. "Phil's right. You do want it again." He turned to Phil. "I think we should use your strap on him."

"I think so too" Phil nodded. "Go get it, Kevin. It's on top of my pack."

Kevin went to the cabin.

"Come on!" I shook my head angrily. "This is ridiculous! I didn't lie! And you're being totally unreasonable with all this sh_i_t about obedience and respect. You can't expect me to do everything you want."

"No?" Phil laughed. "Why not?"

I looked at him in frustration, realizing argument was pointless.

Tom laughed. "You're provocative, kid. Finish your beer."

I emptied the can, looking at him in disgust. Just then Kevin returned.

He brandished the strap and grinned at me. "This'll really turn you on."

I looked at the strap fearfully. It was about thirty inches long, maybe longer, and looked to be about two inches wide. It was made of rubber and canvas, about a quarter-inch thick, and looked like a razor strop. Maybe that's what it was. It looked wicked.

"Get down on the table again, boy."

I shook my head. "Please! This isn't fair! Please don't do this to me."

"You asked for it, boy. Are you going to get over that table on your own? Or do you want us to do it for you and give you double for disobedience?"

I had no choice. I knew they'd give me more if I didn't obey. I went to the end of the table and bent over it.

"My, that's a nice ass" Phil smiled.

"Yeah, it is" Tom nodded. He turned to Kevin. "Push the gag back in. You'd better tie his hands under the table, too."

Phil shook his head. "Leave him like he is. I want some pictures of him just like that."

He went to the cabin and came back with a camera.

"Should I gag him?" Kevin asked.

"Oh, sure. Use his running shorts again. Get something to hold them in, too. That always looks good in a picture." He smiled. "A hint of bondage makes a naked kid look even _s_e_xier."

"Okay" Kevin nodded. He shoved my shorts in and then got a thin cloth. He tied that around my head, pulling it right back into the back of my lips. "What about his legs?"

"Just hold them apart" Tom shrugged.

"If that's all you want, you can order him to do that" Phil smiled. "I want him free, so we can see his whole body react. Step away, Kevin. I don't want anyone else in the picture."

"God! Look at him squirm!" Tom grinned. "You're sure right about that ass. It's like a pair of ripe melons."

Phil nodded. "He's going to be a star" he smiled. "We haven't had a kid this _s_e_xy for a long time."

Tom smiled as he nodded. "He's going to earn us a lot of money."

Phil nodded again. "No question." He looked at me and grinned. "We should introduce him to Lance."

"I was thinking the same thing. Speaking of which ..."

"Yeah, I know, it's time to give it to him. Hold off 'til I get a picture of this." The camera flashed. "Lift your shoulders up, kid, and move your legs apart. Right, that's good." Another flash. "That ass is a real turn-on."

Tom nodded. "It sure is."

Phil moved out to my side and glanced at me. "Watch Tom, kid."

I looked back fearfully. Tom had picked up the strap and gone out to my left. The camera flashed.

Tom grinned at my terror as he reached back. "That's right, kid. You're getting it now."

The camera flashed again as Tom swung. I shrieked in fear, twisting desperately to avoid his blow. The shock when it landed was electric, made even more dramatic by another flash of Phil's camera. I jerked up off the table and shrieked in pain. The strap had smashed across my buttocks, raking down over them onto my side.

Tom grimaced. "I'm too close."

I sobbed in desperate terror as he went further out, angling more in front of me. The intensity of the pain was like nothing I'd ever experienced, far worse than from the hockey stick. That blow had really stung. I reached back to protect my buttocks, just as the camera flashed.

"Keep your hands away" Tom ordered. "If we have to tie you down, you'll get extra punishment for disobedience."

"You'll get it from me too" Phil smiled. "Hold onto the front of the table."

I did as he ordered, sobbing in fear as I grabbed the table. I shrieked when the camera flashed and the strap smashed into me again.

"Go out in front of him" Phil demanded, moving in front of me.

Tom took the strap out in front of me, out to my left, and reached back over his head. I shrieked as the strap smashed down on my left buttock, smashing over it down onto the back of that thigh. The pain was even more electric.

"Look at me, kid" Phil grinned.

I looked into his camera just as Tom reached back. The flash blinded me for a moment, so I didn't see Tom swing the strap down on me. I shrieked as the strap slashed across my other buttock, jerking up in shock just as the camera flashed again. I thrashed on the table, reaching back in terror but stopping short of holding onto my ass. I didn't dare disobey their orders. The strap was much, much worse than the stick.

I screamed pleas into the gag as Tom hit me again, pleading with him to stop. He must have heard some of them. He stopped and grinned at me.

"I'm not stopping this, kid. Not until you learn to stop lying to us."

I moaned and shook my head, trying to tell him I'd say or do anything, whatever they wanted. Anything to stop being beaten with the strap. But it was impossible to hear me through the gag. I shrieked as Tom swung and the strap smashed into me again, thrashing in agony on the table.

"You getting all this?" Tom asked Phil.

"Oh, you bet." The camera was flashing almost continuously. "Thank God for digital cameras. I'm getting some super pictures for our web site."

"Oh God!" I moaned. This was even worse than I'd realized.

I desperately tried to twist away as more blows smashed down on me.

"I'll get this down between his legs" Tom told Phil.

"Great!" Phil grinned. "Open your legs, kid."

I did as he said, fearful of what they'd do if I didn't obey. I shouted in terror as Tom swung down on me. The camera flashed just as he smashed the strap down into the cleft between my two buttocks, slashing into the cheek of my left buttock. The shock of that blow was incredible. The strap had landed just a fraction of an inch from my asshole.

I shrieked as he did it again, this time on the cheek of my other buttock.

"He's with you now!" Kevin laughed. "He's really into it!"

"I sure as hell hope so. What did I give him last time, Phil? Ten or so?"

"Whatever it was, it was nowhere near enough. Keep going. He's giving us some great pics."

Tom reached back for another blow. I shrieked and jerked up in terror as the strap smashed into me again. By this time, Tom was moving around in front of me, smashing blows down on me from all kinds of different angles. The strap hit all over my buttocks and thighs.

I don't know how many blows he smashed into me. I'd lost count. He kept moving around me, smashing blows down from every direction. By the time he stopped, I was almost hysterical.

"You really gave it to him" Phil smiled. "His entire _f_u_cking ass is crimson."

Tom laughed. "Well, sh_i_t, the kid has got to learn to listen to us." He turned to Kevin. "Get us some more beer."

The three of them drank, making jokes about me while they waited for my screams to die down. They left me lying over the table until my screams finally abated. I didn't dare move.

I realized later that I was probably stupid to react so much to the strap. I think my screaming and twisting just turned them on even more. But, at the time, it was totally involuntary. I just couldn't help it.


[7] . [Some beers]

"You think he's learnt anything from that?" Tom finally asked.

"Let's ask him" Phil grinned. "Take the gag out, Kevin."

Kevin took the gag out. "Should I pull him up on his feet?"

"No way" Tom grinned. "Stay there on the table, kid. You'll probably want another round."

I shook my head, sobbing in desperate fear. The pain stabbing out of my buttocks was absolutely incredible. I'd do anything to avoid more.

"He deserves one" Phil grinned. "And I still haven't had my turn."

"Oh please!" I begged, sobbing in fear. "Please don't beat me again! I'll do whatever you want!"

"You'll do anything we tell you?" Phil smiled.

"Anything!" I sobbed. "Anything at all, I promise."

The beating had totally broken me. I knew I'd do anything now, no matter how degrading or despicable or painful. Anything to avoid more with that strap.

"You going to tell us the truth about what you want?"

I nodded as I sobbed. I'd tell them anything they wanted.

"So what about our pricks. You want them or not?"

I knew what I had to say. "I want them."

"Why didn't you tell us that before?"

I shook my head as I sobbed. "I don't know."

Tom turned to Kevin. "How are we doing for beer?"

"There's more" Kevin shrugged, passing him another. "I'll get some."

He went down the trail.

"Stand up, kid. Where's your beer?"

"It's empty" I shrugged, standing up.

"Then drink this" Tom smiled, passing me the can Kevin had just given him. "I can wait."

I took the can and quickly drank it.

Tom was looking at me appraisingly. "You always play the innocent?"

I looked at him warily. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean pretending not to want it" he smiled. "You're a real tease, kid."

I shrugged helplessly. "I'm not anything, okay? I just want to leave."

Kevin laughed as he returned. "Not before you drink this." He handed me another beer.

"Thanks" I nodded.

I took the beer and drank, leaning back against the table. I had to be careful to keep my ass from touching, but was beginning to feel a little better. My ass still hurt, but the pain was no longer quite as searing.

"Go get the mickey from my pack" Tom told Kevin.

Kevin went to the cabin and came back with a mickey of rye.

"Pass me your beer" Tom smiled. "I'll top it up with this."

I passed him my can of beer, watching apprehensively as he poured some in. "Not too much, okay?"

"You need this, kid." He passed it back. "Drink up!"

I tasted it and grimaced. The rye made the beer taste sour.

"Don't just sip it, kid. Drink!"

I drank some and tried to hand it back. "I don't want any more."

He laughed and shook his head. "I said drink, boy. Do I have to punish you for disobedience again?"

"No, Sir" I said bitterly. I drank it all.

I could feel the mixture getting to me. At least I think that's what was happening. I'd hardly ever drunk alcohol --never anything more than a single can of light beer-- and so didn't know much about how it would affect me. Maybe it was the beers I'd drunk earlier, not the boilermaker. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, so the beer had gone straight into me. Whatever it was, I suddenly began to feel a little dizzy.

It was a strange feeling. When I closed my eyes, I could feel myself losing balance, leaning randomly from side to side. Somehow, closing my eyes seemed what my body wanted to do. I leaned back and closed them, holding onto the table behind me to keep from falling.


[8] . [Kevin again]

All of a sudden, I felt something soft and gentle moving over my prick. I opened my eyes and realized it was Kevin's tongue. He was kneeling in front of me, mouthing my prick while holding onto my thighs. I looked wildly at the others, feeling my prick swell up in Kevin's mouth.

"Relax, kid" Tom grinned. "Close your eyes and enjoy it."

I was too astonished to do anything. Phil got up and picked up his camera.

"I told you to close your eyes" Tom continued. "You going to obey us? Or do you want the strap on your ass first?"

I knew enough to obey. I closed my eyes. Somehow, that made the sensation of Kevin's tongue even more acute. I'd never felt anything like it before. My prick had rapidly swelled up. It was totally hard now, throbbing in his mouth.

"Lean back and keep those eyes closed."

I leaned back on my arms, arching my back to hold my ass out in front of the table. I knew I shouldn't do this, but by then was too turned on to resist.

"That's right" Phil grinned. "Stay like that."

I did as he instructed, giving in to the sensation. Kevin was fondling my balls now, sucking my prick at the same time. My prick was rock-hard, getting tighter and tighter by the second.

I couldn't help getting into it. I started pushing my prick into his mouth. Maybe it was the reptilian portion of my mind taking over. Or maybe it was just a reaction to everything else that had happened to me. Whatever the cause, Kevin had really turned me on.

"He likes that" Phil grinned.

Kevin took his head off my prick. "He's horny as hell."

"Take your head away so I can see him better" Phil told him.

Kevin did that briefly and then got down on me again, moving his hand to my ass. He dug his thumb into it and grabbed my ass with his other hand, pulling me even further into his mouth. He had most of my prick in his mouth now. By now, I was bucking into his mouth, holding his head as he sucked me.

"God!" Tom laughed. "That sure is _s_e_xy! The kid is a natural, Phil."

"He sure is. These are great shots."

I opened my eyes just as he took another picture. "Sh_i_t!" I said in alarm. "How many pictures have you taken of this?"

"Oh, lots" Phil laughed. "You're really hot, kid."

"Not half as hot as I am for him" Kevin laughed.

He got down on my prick again, sucking hard. I felt my prick tense up.

"Jesus!" I said suddenly. "I'm going to cum!"

Kevin took his mouth away. "That's too fast." He slapped my balls.

I shouted and jumped back, slamming my ass into the end of the table.

"F_U_CK!" I yelled. "DON'T DO THAT!"

What he'd done had stopped me from cumming. He pointed to a log at the edge of the clearing.

"Lie over that log. On your back."

"What for?"

"Do as I tell you."

Tom smiled grimly. "Do as you're told, kid. You know what happens if you disobey."

I did as Kevin ordered, lying over the log with my feet and back on the ground. He pushed my legs apart and knelt down between them, moving his hands all over me as he sucked. I started moaning in excitement.

Suddenly, he took his mouth away and grabbed my waist, pulling me back towards him. He picked up my legs and pushed them back over me, leaning over me to push them down. That opened my ass wide. He moved his mouth down into the crack between my buttocks and started licking my asshole.

"Jesus!" I exclaimed in surprise.

The sensation as his tongue licked my anus was incredible, even more so when he stuck his tongue in. I was moaning in excitement now. He got on top of me, pushing the backs of my knees way down as he tongued me.

"God!" Phil laughed. "You've really got him going!"

Phil was taking pictures of all of this. By this time, I hardly noticed. I could feel my prick getting harder and harder.

Suddenly, Kevin pulled himself up. "Hold his legs, guys."

Before I knew what had happened, Tom and Phil had grabbed my ankles, pulling them apart and pushing my knees down.

"Hey!" I cried out in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"What the _f_u_ck do you think I'm doing?" Kevin laughed. He took a tube from Phil, pushed lubricant up inside me, and then spread some over his prick.

"Jesus!" I moaned, turned on by the feel of his fingers.

I arched my back, raising my ass as Kevin dropped down on it. He grabbed the backs of my knees and pushed his prick in hard, literally spearing my asshole with his prick. It hurt like hell, but the pain was nothing compared to the first time he'd done that. His prick penetrated my anus easily, thanks I guess to all the lubrication.

He lunged into me, pushing his prick way up inside me. It rubbed against something inside me that made my prick really hard.

"F_u_ck!!!" In spite of the pain, I was really turned on. "Oh God! God!"

"Wow, look at him!" Tom grinned. "Kevin's really got him going!"

"He sure has!" Phil was jumping around me, taking pictures as Kevin lunged. "This is _f_u_cking hot!"

Kevin kept lunging into me, ramming in as hard as he could. I was holding onto his chest, arching up into him.

"Is he really still that tight?" Phil grinned.

Kevin laughed. "He's incredible!"

He was lunging into me really fast now, hammering hard into me. The pain was incredible, but I was still turned on. Each time his prick rammed into me, I could feel it hit the base of my stomach. His pelvis was smashing into my buttocks so hard that it felt like I was being slapped. Amazingly, it felt good. I was really turned on.

I've never felt such a mixture of pain and excitement. I felt my balls and prick clench. Everything in my ass was getting tight. My anus tightened around Kevin's prick, clenching it tightly as my balls began to churn.

"JESUS!" I cried. I got tighter and tighter. "OH GOD!!! I'M CUMMING!!"

My prick suddenly exploded. Semen shot out, all over my belly and chest. Some even landed on my chin.

"God!" Tom laughed. "Look at him spurt! You get that, Phil?"

"Oh, yeah!" Phil grinned. "I almost got some on the lens!"

"JESUS!!!" Kevin suddenly cried. I felt him jerk inside me. "F_U_CKING JESUS!!!!"

He came in a cry of pleasure and kept cumming, lunging way up inside me before collapsing on top of me. He stayed like that for a minute or so, resting on top of me.

"That was amazing!" he laughed, finally climbing off. "You're brilliant, kid. Your ass is so _f_u_cking good!"

To my astonishment, it had been good for me, too. I couldn't believe how good. Everything he'd done had just turned me on. What had happened was incredible, not at all like the first time he'd raped me.

"Good?" Phil grinned.

"Outstanding! The kid's ass is incredible. That's the tightest ass I've f_u_cked for a long time."

"I gotta try it" Tom laughed.


[9] . [The rest of the gang]

Tom and Phil were still holding my ankles. Phil took the one Tom had been holding. Within seconds, Tom had stripped off his shorts and was standing buck naked over my ass, wearing nothing but his hiking boots. Looking up between my legs, his prick looked like a gigantic club. It was only two or three feet away, pointing almost directly into my eyes.

My excitement had slumped along with my prick. In fact, it had totally disappeared. Tom's prick frightened me. It was just too _f_u_cking big. It was visibly bigger than Kevin's, both longer and thicker. And it was totally hard. It really did look like a wooden club, it was so large. I couldn't imagine being _f_u_cked by something that big.

"Please!" I begged fearfully. "Please, Tom! Please don't try to do this!"

He laughed and grabbed the backs of my knees. "Hey! You'll love it!"

I shrieked in terror as he dropped down on me. He held the backs of my knees to support himself, forcing my ass up as he pushed my legs down beside my chest. I tried to keep my asshole closed, but in that position, with my ass stretched wide, nothing would keep his prick out.

"OH GOD!!!" I screamed as it penetrated. "IT'S TOO BIG!!! TAKE IT OUT!!! PLEASE!!!"

He paid no attention, just pushing further in. His prick stretched my anus painfully. Its circumference was easily half an inch greater than Kevin's. I was sure it was about to rip my asshole apart.

"PLEASE, TOM!!!" I was frantic with fear. "YOU'RE SPLITTING MY ASS!!!"

"Get the gag" Tom demanded.

Kevin got my shorts and shoved them into my mouth. I shrieked into the gag in terror as Tom withdrew and pushed in again. My asshole was so stretched that I could feel it begin to split. Or at least I thought it was. The pain was almost as electric as my panic.

"God!" Tom laughed. "You sure were right about him, Kevin. Is he ever tight!"

He was lunging hard. Within a surprisingly short time, his prick was in all the way and he was plunging into me even faster than Kevin had. There was nothing good about what he was doing, nothing at all. His f_u_ck was, for me, pure pain.

"Oh God!" he exulted. "What a _f_u_cking great ass!"

He was really banging it in now. He suddenly lunged and stopped. "GOD!!! I'M CUMMING!!!!"

I could feel his cum shooting into me. "F_U_CK!!!" he shouted. "JESUS!!! IT'S SO _F_U_CKING GOOD!!!"

When he climbed off after cumming, I was sobbing desperately. He'd battered my rectum so badly that the pain was excruciating. But, curiously, I was more upset by the degradation of being taken like this than by the pain. I guess the two times Kevin had _f_u_cked me had left my asshole somewhat used to it. Tom's prick had hurt, but nowhere near as much as Kevin's had the first time.

Tom was beaming with pleasure. "Wow!" he grinned, ruffling my hair. "You really are fantastic!"

I sure didn't feel fantastic. It felt like my insides were raw. They had to be bruised and bleeding, I was sure. I wondered how I could possibly have got turned on when Kevin _f_u_cked me. Being turned on by something this painful was just bizarre. Even now, I don't really understand it.

"You are so _f_u_cking hot, kid. You really get off on this!"

'Oh God!' I thought to myself. How could they possibly think I enjoyed that? I realized that my excitement when Kevin _f_u_cked me had turned them on and made them think I really did want it. In a way, that made the degradation even worse. It was one thing to be raped. It was something else to have encouraged it.

"Your turn" Tom grinned at Phil. "You want him to suck you first?"

"No need" Phil laughed. "Just move aside. I got hard watching you."

Phil replaced him and raped me just as violently. By the time he came, I was sure my insides had been destroyed.

Like I said when I started writing this, I'd fantasized on earlier occasions about what it would be like to be raped by a gang of guys like this, jerking off while imagining some orgiastic ecstasy. Well, maybe that was true, just for a moment, when Kevin _f_u_cked me. But only for a moment. Being _f_u_cked again and again by a gang was something else.

The reality of being raped by the three of them was incredibly different from what I'd foolishly imagined, back when I'd jerked off dreaming about it. For all it had to do with the real thing, I might as well have been fantasizing about making lemonade. There was nothing s_e_xually stimulating about the battering my rectum had just received. It was nothing but pure pain. And degradation.

"You're right about his ass" Phil grinned as he got off. "He's perfect."

"Perfect for him too" Tom grinned. "Right, kid? You really liked getting that from us, didn't you?"

I shook my head. I lay on the log sobbing, feeling totally destroyed by their pricks.

"Come on!" he laughed. "We saw how turned on you got. You're not going to lie about that again, are you?"

"I bet he will" Kevin grinned. "I bet he wants more on his ass."

I shook my head fervently. "Oh God, no!"

"You did like it" Tom grinned.

I nodded. It made me puke to agree with them about being turned on. But I sure wasn't about to contradict them. I knew what they'd do to me if I did. I didn't dare provoke more with that strap.

Being _f_u_cked by Tom and Phil had been really bad. But I couldn't get over how much Kevin had turned me. In a way, that was worse than what Tom and Phil did, for I never should have allowed that to happen. I hadn't wanted any of what had happened. At least, that's what I told myself. But, in a way, I guess I must have. Even now, I still can't get my head around that.

"You got everything you ever fantasized about, didn't you?"

I nodded in spite of the pain, thinking bitterly about how stupid I'd been. In my fantasies, when I'd jerked off dreaming about being raped, it had all seemed one huge turn-on. Just the thought of being beaten and _f_u_cked had been enough to make me cum with a gigantic orgasm. Wow! Was reality ever different! If I'd learnt one thing from all this, it was how dangerous it was to fantasize.

"He needs a drink" Phil smiled. "Lift him up and take the gag out, Kevin."

Kevin pulled me up on my feet and took the gag out, holding me to keep me from falling. I sobbed from the pain of moving as I looked at them. My rectum hurt each time I moved.

Tom passed me a beer. "Have some of this, kid. It'll help."

I took it from him gratefully and drank it down quickly.

He took the empty can back from me. "You can have more later. After you get down and suck your sh_i_t off our pricks."

"No way!" I said without thinking. "That's disgusting!"

"You'd rather get the strap again?" he grinned.

I shook my head and knelt down. His prick smelt foul. Just the idea of doing this made me start to gag.

"Put it in your mouth. Suck on it."

I almost objected, but thought better of it. I knew I couldn't take more of the strap. So I did as he said, just barely managing to keep from throwing up. His prick smelt and tasted of sh_i_t. I could see traces of brown mixed with his semen. The fact that it was my own sh_i_t didn't make it any better.

"Swallow it" Tom ordered. "Don't spit it out."

I tried to, but gagged and had to spit it out.

"Disobedient again?" he smiled. "You do want the strap."

"Oh, let him be" Phil grinned. "Do mine too, kid."

I did the same with Phil, gagging as I licked his clean.

"Kevin's too" Tom ordered when I started to get up.

By the time I'd done Kevin's prick, it had once again become hard.

"Get back down on the log" Kevin demanded. "This time on your belly."

"What are you going to do?" I asked uneasily.

"What the _f_u_ck do you think I'm going to do? Do as I tell you."

I lay over the log. Within seconds, he'd rammed his prick into me.

By now, I was so used to being _f_u_cked that his prick didn't seem so bad. I wasn't turned on --anything but, at that point-- but his prick was nowhere near as thick as the other two. So at least it didn't stretch my anus so painfully. But my rectum was raw, and his prick rubbed against the raw spots painfully. I was hurting badly by the time he came. He'd made up for his smaller size by lunging in harder and faster. He also did it for a long time.

When he came, he lay on me for a minute and then pulled me back roughly.

"This time, make my prick really clean."

I licked it clean.

"Keep sucking. See if you can make me hard again."

I did as he demanded, but his prick stayed flaccid. He'd cum a lot in me that time, so I guess he was out of gas. Thank God for that, I thought. He held my head down as I kept sucking.

After a while, Tom got impatient. "Pull him up. You've had your fun."

He smiled sympathetically when he saw my face. "Drink this." He handed me the mickey. "You look like you need it."

I did. I drank a couple of times and then handed the mickey back, sobbing quietly. Every part of my ass was hurting, inside and out. Somehow, it was even worse now that I wasn't being forced to do anything. I closed my eyes and gave myself up to the pain.

"He's really out of it" Phil commented. "Let's take him to the pond."

I could hardly walk, but that didn't impede them. They forced me down a path, supporting me when I stumbled. When we got to where rocks dammed the stream into a pond, they threw me in.


[10] . [The pool]

I hadn't expected that. I screamed in fear as I fell, swallowing more than I should have when I hit the water. The water was deep and shockingly cold, so much so that I quickly swam back to where they were. The shock of falling into the cold water had totally stopped my sobs.

"Keep swimming around" Tom ordered. "Get in with him, Kevin."

Kevin jumped in and pulled me under. I pushed at him in fear and got away, swimming as fast as I could.

The stream rushing through the pond was fast, falling into it over some rocks. And it was cold.

Kevin pursued me over to the falls. "Don't worry, kid" he grinned. "I won't drown you."

"It's cold!" I protested. "I want to get out!"

He pushed my head down again.

"Don't do that!" I spluttered.

He grinned at me again. "You feeling better now?"

To my amazement, I had to admit I did. Somehow, the cold water shock had helped. Or maybe it was just the motion of swimming. I don't know. Whatever the cause, the pain in my ass seemed more controlled.

"Let's go back." He grinned at me. "I'm beginning to feel horny again."

I looked at him in horror. "You're surely not going to _f_u_ck me again."

"Maybe not quite yet." He looked at me and laughed. "You really drained me, kid. But don't worry. You'll get it again."

"Not for a long while, I hope."

He laughed again. "I guess we all need to recharge."

When we got back to the others, Tom made me sit on an underwater ledge.

"Keep your ass in the water. It's good for you."

I did as he ordered, squatting down in the stream. I realized that the stream's sources were up in the mountains and that it flowed fast all the way down. It definitely was cold, probably somewhere in the low 50s (11 or 12 Celsius for you Brits that are reading this).

"The coldness will help keep the swelling in your ass down" Phil smiled. "Give him some beer, Kevin."

Kevin handed me some. I took it and drank.

"That tastes good" I smiled. "And you're right. The cold does help."

It was amazing. The water chilling my ass somehow did reduce the pain. And the beer did taste good. I could still feel pain burning in my ass and rectum, but nowhere near as acutely as before.

I leaned back on my hands, raising my ass higher so that the water rushed under it. Once I'd got used to the initial shock of the cold, it actually felt good to stay in it. Whatever the reason, it did reduce the pain in my buttocks. My rectum still felt awful.

I finished the beer and Kevin got me another. As I sat drinking it, I gradually got more and more sleepy. They were talking among themselves about clients and other kids, and I didn't fully understand what they were saying. I wasn't all that interested, anyway. I think all the beer and whiskey I'd drunk must have had a dulling effect. I finished the can and gave it to Kevin. He passed me another.

I drank about half of it and suddenly started to feel strange. I closed my eyes briefly and felt dizzy. Suddenly, I lost my balance, falling off the ledge into deep water.

"Jesus!" The shock of the cold water made me wake up fast. I grinned in embarrassment, swimming in the pool. "I must be drunk! I fell in!"

Tom grinned. "Drink what's left in that can. Kevin'll get you another."

When I'd fallen, I'd not been holding the can. I climbed back up, picked up the can, and drank.

"I've got to piss" I told them.

"Piss where you are, into the stream."

I leaned back on a flat rock, lifted my torso up, and watched the piss arc out into the pond. I kept my ass touching the water and closed my eyes, feeling the stream of urine flow over my legs. It felt amazingly good, warm and relaxing. I realized I really must be bombed.

"What's he doing now?" Kevin laughed. He'd come back with more beer.

"He's showing off" Phil laughed.

"Okay, kid, we're impressed" Kevin grinned. "You want this beer?"

"Sure" I nodded woozily. "Let me finish drinking this first."

The can had filled with water. I drank it all.

"You guys are making me drunk" I grinned. "I've hardly ever drunk alcohol before."

"You've got to be kidding" Kevin snorted.

"No, I'm not. My parents don't let me drink."

"This really is a big day for you!" Phil laughed. "Entering a new life!"

"I don't know about that" I grinned, drinking more beer. "I don't think I can take all this new stuff!"

I was beginning to really feel the effects of the beer and whiskey now. I leaned back and closed my eyes, feeling myself sway dizzily.

"Jesus!" I suddenly gasped. "The ground is moving!"

"You really are getting drunk" Phil grinned. "Go swim. You should anyway. It'll be good for you."

"Go with him" Tom nodded to Kevin. "Keep watch on him."

I dropped into the pool and swam around. By now, I was used to the cold and was enjoying swimming in the pond. Kevin swam with me while I explored.

The pool was surprisingly big, easily two hundred yards long. It was crescent-shaped, widening to a width of over fifty yards at its exit. I swam over there with Kevin and sat beside him on a large flat rock.

It was warm in the sun and I was surprisingly relaxed. I lay back on the rock, closing my eyes as I luxuriated in the warmth. Kevin put his hand on my thigh and I reciprocated. It felt strange but good, feeling his body with my hands. His hands felt even better as they moved up the insides of my thighs. I lay back on the warm rock and relaxed, feeling my prick rapidly get hard.

"God!" Kevin grinned. "You just can't get enough, can you?"

"I guess not" I grinned back. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I turned and reached for his prick. "How about you?"

He laughed and started jerking me off. "I can never get enough. Lie back again."

I lay back on the rock, lifting my ass up. He bent down and sucked.

"Oh, God!" I moaned, pushing my prick up into his mouth. He was really turning me on. "Jesus!"

It didn't take long for my balls to start churning. "Oh Jesus!" I gasped. "I'm going to cum!"

"Then cum!" He bent back to keep sucking.

"F_U_CK!!!" I shouted, shooting into his mouth. "Oh God! God!"

I collapsed back on the rock. "Sh_i_t! I don't believe this!"

"What don't you believe?" he grinned. "That you're _s_e_xy? That you like s_e_x?"

"I don't know" I said wonderingly. "I've never done this before! Not before today, anyway. I can't believe you turned me on like that."

"Oh, I can believe it" Kevin laughed. "You're hot, kid. You should have done this long ago."

"Oh, sure" I laughed sarcastically.

"I'm serious, kid. You've got a lot of lost time to make up for." He looked at me and grinned. "Let's swim again."

We dropped back in the water and swam around. I quickly got chilled, so we swam back to where the others were.


[11] . [In the sun]

"You feeling better?" Tom grinned.

I shrugged. "A little. I still feel the bruises in my ass."

"That sure didn't hold you back over there. You looked like you really enjoyed yourself."

I grinned ruefully. "It must have been the beer."

He laughed and shook his head. "No way. It was getting it on your ass that did it."

"Oh, sure" I laughed, shaking my head. "I can't believe that."

"You'd be surprised. That always turns kids on."

I looked at him disbelievingly.

"You'll see. A few more times and you'll be grooving on it, pleading for more. Look at Kevin. He just loves getting it."

"Oh, right" Kevin laughed nervously. "Let's give him some more now. He should be ready for it."

I shook my head. "Please don't. Do you have more beer?"

I didn't really want any but couldn't think of any other diversion.

"Get him some" Tom smiled.

Phil looked at me. "You look cold."

"I am" I nodded. I was shivering in the breeze.

"Forget the beer. Go lie in the sun. We'll come with you."

I went with them out onto a large sloping rock.

"Lie down here" Phil suggested, pointing to a smooth flat area.

I lay where he pointed. They sat a little distance away.

Between the warmth of the sun and everything I'd drunk, I felt totally languorous. I stretched out and closed my eyes. I heard them take more beer from Kevin. They were talking about me, something about what would turn their customers on, but it didn't make much sense. Anyway, I was too exhausted to listen. I dozed off again.

I don't know how long I slept. At one point, I woke up and looked at the sun, realizing it was noticably lower in the sky. But then I just dozed off again, sleeping off the beer.

From time to time, I kept waking up. Lying on the rock was uncomfortable; I needed to change position constantly. But every time I woke up, it was only to doze off again. The three men were still talking and joking, drinking beer.

As time went on, I gradually became more aware. I knew this couldn't last. It was funny, though. The more I lay there and thought about what had happened, the more turned-on I got.

I suddenly woke up to feel Phil's hand, moving gently over my thighs. I was lying on my back, still on the same flat rock. My prick was rock hard.

He grinned at me. "That's some hard-on, kid. Were you dreaming of us?"

"F_u_ck! I don't know."

"You must be ready for more."

"Here?" I was still not quite thinking. "Now?"

"It sure looks like you want it."

"You must be kidding." I looked at him warily, totally awake now. "You're not going to _f_u_ck me again, are you?"

"Why not?" He grinned at me. "You think cumming makes us impotent?"

I shrugged and grimaced.

"Okay, then." Phil pointed to a small table over by the pool. "Go over to that table and bend over it."

I did as he said, lying with my chest on the table. He put his hand under my ass, pushing his thumb up into my asshole.

"Jesus!" I laughed nervously. "Don't do that!"

My prick had started to drop, but was still half-hard. Phil took it in his other hand and started jerking it off, feeling it quickly swell up.

"You really do like this" he grinned. "Get down on him from underneath, Kevin."

Kevin got under the table, grabbed my thighs, and took my prick in his mouth. That really got me hard.

"He's really turned on" Tom grinned.

It was true. I didn't understand it. I was totally turned on. Maybe I was still affected by Tom's boilermakers, I don't know. Maybe it was the warmth of the sun. Whatever it was, I started to push into Kevin's mouth.

I blinked as Phil's camera flashed but didn't stop. Kevin was turning me on too much.

"Sh_i_t!" Tom grinned. "I can't resist!"

He grabbed my waist and pushed his prick into me. It hurt, but I was too excited to notice. With Kevin sucking me off, the combined sensation was fantastic. My prick got tighter and tighter as Tom _f_u_cked my ass and Kevin sucked.

"Jesus!" I said suddenly, opening my eyes. "I'm going to cum!"

I tensed, pushed, and suddenly exploded in Kevin's mouth. "Jesus!"

I pushed my prick in, shooting jet after jet into him. "Wow!" I gasped. "Oh, my God! Wow!" My anus tensed around Tom's prick. He came, too.

Kevin waited until my prick shrunk and then took his mouth away.

"You sure came!" he grinned. "Almost as much as out on the rock!"

"My turn" Phil grinned. "Make me hard so I can _f_u_ck you, kid."

I knelt in front of him and took his prick in my mouth, sucking on it hard. The thought of feeling his prick up inside me made my prick twinge. But I wasn't really excited any more, not after cumming so much in Kevin's mouth. I closed my eyes and mouthed Phil's prick more deeply, hoping I could make him cum in my mouth.

"That's enough" Phil said huskily. "You'll make me cum!"

I sucked even harder.

"That's enough, boy! Take your mouth off and go lie over that log!"

I knew enough not to argue. I did as he said and went to the log. "How do you want me?"

"On your belly. Your ass turns me on, kid. I'm going to rape you hard."

"Be careful" I said apprehensively. "Okay?"

"You like it rough" he grinned, getting down on top of me.

He raised up his ass and plunged his prick in, ramming it almost all the way in with his first lunge. I shrieked in shock.

"God, this is good!" Phil laughed. "I'm really going to ram it into him."

He pulled out his prick and plunged it in again, lunging into me with incredible power. On his third lunge, he rammed it in so far that his pelvis crashed into my ass like a hammer. He was raping me even more fiercely than Tom had. More important, I was definitely not turned on. I sobbed frantically as his prick ripped through my rectum.

Amazingly, Phil's prick felt even larger than Tom's. I didn't think that was physically possible and assumed it was because my insides were so raw. Maybe he hadn't lubricated it. Whatever the reason, he really hurt me.

Suddenly, Phil cried out. "I'm cumming!"

He shot into me so hard that I felt his prick ram into my stomach. That has to be an exaggeration, but that's what it felt like.

"Wow!" he grinned. "Was that ever good. I bet it was good for you too, kid."

I shook my head as I sobbed. "I know that's what you think, but it's not true."

I felt awful, worse even than when Tom and Phil had done it earlier. My rectum felt as if someone had been battering it with a crowbar.

Tom laughed at me. "Don't lie to us, kid."

"You know why he does that" Kevin laughed. "He wants it on his ass."

"No, I don't." The pain in my rectum was getting worse. "Please, guys! Leave me some space. Okay?"

Tom looked at Kevin and grinned. "Maybe you're right. That turned him on before."

"That's not true" I sobbed. "Please!"

"Oh, what the hell" Phil grinned. "Let's give him a break. He's had a lot. And he gave us a good _f_u_ck. I don't think any of us are going to be able to cum now. Not after a _f_u_ck as good as that."

Tom looked at his watch. "We'd better go, anyway." He glanced at me. "Go get your clothes. You're coming to town with us."

"But I've got to meet someone. What time is it?"

"Almost three. Do you want more of the strap first?"

"No, Sir."

"Then do what I told you." He nodded to Kevin. "Go with him."

"I can't stay with you guys" I told Kevin as we walked up to the clearing. "They surely don't expect me to do that, do they?"

"Of course they do" Kevin grinned. "We all do. We want your ass again. You're staying overnight with us."

"But I've got to get home. My parents would never let me do that!"

"Why not? Phone them from Bolton. Tell them you're staying with a friend."

"You don't understand. They won't allow that."

"So tell them you're doing it anyway."

"They'll phone the police."

"So what?" he laughed scornfully. "The police aren't going to spend time looking for a kid just because his parents don't like what he's doing. It's not as if you'll be missing, kid. You'll have phoned in."

"What's that about the police?" Phil asked. We'd returned with our packs.

"The kid says his parents won't let him stay out overnight. He says they'll phone the police."

"That's okay" Phil shrugged. "We've got other things to do tonight, anyway. He can meet us here tomorrow for more of this."

I looked at him in surprise. "You surely don't expect me to come out here again!"

"Why not?" he smiled. "It's just another day hike. Meet us around noon."

I laughed incredulously. "You really expect me to do that voluntarily? Come out here so you guys can rape me?"

"Sure. You'd rather come out to get _f_u_cked than have us beat your ass, wouldn't you?"

"How can you beat my ass if I don't come out here?"

"Oh, that's easy. We'll pick you up and bring you here."

"You'd kidnap me? You're out of your mind!"

"Oh, it's a lot easier than you think, kid. And anyway, it wouldn't really be kidnapping. We'd just be satisfying your hunger for gay s_e_x."

I looked at him in astonishment. "I'd go to the police!"

"Sure" Phil laughed. "You think they'd go out of their way to help a gay twit like you?"

"I'm not gay!"

"No?" he grinned. "You sure look gay in the pictures I took."

"Oh, _f_u_ck!" I'd forgotten about his camera.

"There should be some really good ones of you cumming in Kevin's mouth when Tom _f_u_cked you."

I looked at him in disbelief. "You couldn't show those to the police!"

"Why not? You looked _s_e_xy as hell, kid. You were really into it!"

"They'd incriminate you, too!"

He smiled. "Not when they're cropped. You'd be the only one recognizable."

"I'd deny it!"

"Yeah, sure" he grinned. "You'd be really credible, kid. You look gay just standing there."

"I don't!"

"You're sure as hell not the football linebacker type, kid. Not with your slender body and shy smile. Sh_i_t, kid! You look almost feminine with that beautiful flaring ass. If that's not looking gay, kid, I don't know what is. Even without the pictures, nobody's going to believe you didn't ask for it."

"You're out of your _f_u_cking mind" I said bitterly. "I don't look feminine."

"Well, you sure look _s_e_xy. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. Those photos are pretty explicit."

"Bastard!" I muttered bitterly. "I couldn't help what happened."

He laughed. "Tell that to the police." He looked at Kevin. "Got everything? Empties? Trash too?"

"Yeah" Kevin nodded. He had a pack. "It's all in here."

"Good. The kid can carry it. Let's go."


[12] . [On the way]

We hiked over a rough path for several miles, down to where it came to an old logging road. A couple of miles down that road, we entered a clearing where their car was parked.

"We'll take you with us" Tom announced. "Where do you live?"

"In Greenville" I shrugged.

He smiled patiently. "Where in Greenville?"

"Northeast, close to where the railway right-of-way goes into the hills."

"What's the nearest major road?"

"Roslyn Road. Do you know that part of Greenville?"

Phil shook his head. "Not well. Tell you what. Kevin can go with you on the bus. We can pick him up later. Tell me a good place to meet."

I shrugged. "There's a convenience store where Roslyn ends, right beside the right-of-way park. That's probably as good a place as any."

"Is that close to where you live?" Tom asked.

"Close enough" I said curtly. "You're not coming to my place."

Tom smiled. "Now that we know how good you are, kid, we need to know how to find you. We don't even know your name."

"What makes you think I'll tell you that?" I asked bitterly. "You think I like what you do?"

He laughed. "Does that matter?"

"It does to me."

"So what? We like _f_u_cking your ass, kid. And we're going to want to f_u_ck it again. We need to be able to find you so we can tell you when we want your ass."

"You can tell me all you like. I'm not going to do this again."

"Oh, yes, you are. You'll meet us whenever and wherever we tell you to."

I shook my head and smiled. "I don't think so."

Tom smiled too. "You're being provocative, kid. You want us to persuade you?"

I shook my head nervously. "I hope you're not serious."

He laughed. "We're always serious, kid. Do you have some ID?"

"Not with me" I lied. "I don't carry it out here."

"Yeah?" He looked at me suspiciously. "You want us to come with you to your home so you can get it for us?"

I didn't want anybody at home to see them. "Well, okay, I do have some ID" I said grudgingly. "It's in my pack."

"Good. Let's see it."

I got my pack and took out my wallet.

"Pass it over" Tom demanded.

I passed it to him. He looked inside and smiled. "Not a bad picture. This says you're Alan Bryant."

I nodded. "That's right."

"And you live at 8569 Thurmond Drive."


"What school do you go to?"

"Greenville High. It's on one of those cards."

"Oh yeah, I see" he nodded, flipping through them. "Why did you lie to us about not having ID?"

"I don't know" I said fearfully. "I forgot I had it."

He smiled. "That's another lie." He looked at Phil. "He needs a refresher. You want to give it to him this time?"

"Oh, please!" I pleaded, beginning to sob. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lie to you!"

Phil laughed. "Is that supposed to be an excuse, kid? You know what you get when you lie to us."

"Oh, please don't! Please don't beat me again!"

Phil got the strap out of his pack. "You asked for it, kid. Take off those shorts and get over the back of the car."

"Please, Phil! Please don't do this!"

"You want more for disobedience, too?"

"Oh, God!" I stripped off my shorts and bent over the trunk of their car, sobbing in terror as I watched Phil go out beside me.

Tom turned to Kevin. "Get his shorts and gag him."

I sobbed in fear as Kevin did that, watching as Phil reached back and got ready to swing. Suddenly, he swung. I shrieked in terror as the strap slashed into me, smashing across my buttocks.

I shrieked and sobbed into the gag as he kept hitting me. My ass was already so bruised that each blow felt like being hit with a red-hot strip of steel. By the time he stopped, I was frantic with pain.

"You going to lie to us again?"

I shook my head frantically, trying desperately to keep him from starting up again.

"Take out his gag and pull him up."

Kevin did that, supporting me briefly while I steadied myself against the car.

Phil looked at me coldly. "You don't ever lie to us, boy. If you try that again, you'll get something much worse than this strap. Understand?"

I nodded fervently. "Yes, Sir. I understand."

Tom returned to his questions. "Is your phone number listed under Bryant?"

"Yes, Sir" I nodded. They could easily find that out.

He asked me to draw a map showing how to get to Thurmond Drive. "This is accurate?" he asked after I gave it to him.

"As accurate as I can make it."

"Okay, I guess we have all the information we need." He looked at Phil. "Anything you can think of?"

Phil shook his head. "You've covered it all. Let's get on our way."

"May I have my wallet back?" I asked warily, pulling on my running shorts.

"I don't think so" Phil smiled. "We'll give it back tomorrow when you come out for more on your ass. You are coming tomorrow, aren't you?"

"I guess so" I said nervously.

"Good." He looked at me suspiciously. "You're not having second thoughts about that, are you?"

"Oh, no! Don't worry, I'll be there."

"You'd better be" he smiled. "How early can you meet us?"

"I don't know" I shrugged. "Eleven or twelve, I guess."

"Fine. Make it eleven-thirty. We'll see you at the cabin."

I shrugged. "Okay."

"That's a promise?"

"Of course."

In spite of their threats, I had no intention of keeping that promise. I figured there was no way they could enforce it once I was home.

Tom looked at me in amusement. "You mean it?"

I tried to manufacture indignation. "Of course, I mean it."

He smiled. I had no intention of coming out to meet them. And I could see that he knew it.

"He'd better mean it" Phil grinned. He turned to me. "You've had a small taste of what we can do to your ass, kid. You'll get a lot more than that if you break your promise to show up."

I looked at him and shrugged. "You'd have to get me out here."

He laughed. "That's not hard."

Tom smiled. "Maybe we should give him a demonstration."

Phil shook his head. "He knows what we can do to his ass. He just doesn't believe we could bring him out again." He looked at me again, grinning in anticipation. "Right?"

I shrugged and didn't say anything. But of course he was right. I didn't see how they could force me. Sure, they knew my school and knew where I lived. But I didn't think they'd dare kidnap me off a street in broad daylight.

"He wants to find out on his own" Phil grinned. "I like that, Tom. He's challenging us."

"I'm not!" I said fearfully.

"I think so too" Tom smiled. "Let's show him what he'll get if he doesn't come. We've got time."

He got a knife out of his pack, went over to some young trees, cut off a thin green branch, and proceeded to trim off its shoots.

He grinned at me as he brought it back. "This is what you'll get on your ass if you don't show up, kid. A real punishment beating. Not just some light taps with a strap, like what you got just now from Phil."

"Please!" I begged, looking at him in terror. "You don't have to show me."

"Oh, but I think we do" he laughed.

He finished trimming it and swung it up and down, making it swish through the air. The sound was terrifying. The switch looked like it could really hurt. It was a little over three feet long and tapered to something like maybe three-eighths of an inch thick at the hitting end. I could see its suppleness as it moved.

"Get over the back of the car again."

"Please don't do this!" I pleaded. "I said I'd come!"

He grinned. "I told you to do something, kid. You want double for disobedience?"

I shook my head, went over to the car, and bent over the trunk.

"Strip those shorts off and give them to Kevin."

"Oh God!" I moaned, doing as he said. I kept looking at the switch, fearing the worst.

Kevin took my shorts. "Open your mouth, kid."

I didn't dare disobey. I opened my mouth, gagging slightly as he shoved them in.

"Get down on the car and stretch your hands forward."

I did as Tom ordered, moaning in fear as he went out to my left with the switch. I had no idea how bad it would feel, but took his word that it would be worse than the strap. He reached forward to check his position, touching my buttocks with the switch. Then he reached back and swung hard.


I'd never felt such pain. I shrieked and jerked up, shrieking into the gag like I'd never shrieked before. Tom had slashed the switch across my buttocks just above the backs of my thighs, slashing into them so hard and fast that the switch had gone right past me, ending up behind him. He'd swung through almost a complete circle.

Even with the gag, my shriek must have broken records. The shock of the pain had been just unbelievable. I jumped up in terror and ripped out the gag.


"Get down and shut up!"

"PLEASE DON'T DO THIS, TOM!!!!" I was terrified out of my mind. "PLEASE!!!"

"Get back down this instant! Do what I tell you! Or you'll really get this on your ass."

"Oh, please!" I begged, getting back down. "That really hurt!"

"Yeah, well, that's what it's supposed to do. Put that gag back in, Kevin, and tie that in this time. Get that cloth you used before."

"Oh, God!" I sobbed. "God!"

Kevin gagged me and tied a cloth around my mouth, pushing the shorts way into the back of my mouth.

"You guys hold him down."

Phil and Kevin held me down, pushing my chest down onto the trunk. I moaned and sobbed in terror as Tom reached back again, twisting and jerking in a vain attempt to escape the next blow.

I screaming and peed in terror when he swung, shrieking from the pain when the switch slashed into me. The pain was even worse than the first time. The switch cut into my buttocks just a little above where the first blow had landed.

"Sh_i_t!" Phil said angrily. "He's peed over my car."

"Forget it" Tom snorted. "Keep him down."

Phil and Kevin held me down with difficulty. I was totally terrified now, trying desperately to twist out from under. I jerked and twisted on the car, shrieking and yelling into the gag as Tom reached back and slashed the switch into me again. It cut into me with electric pain, right where my buttocks met the backs of my thighs

I couldn't believe how much that switch hurt. Tom gave me five more blows, swinging it right through me each time. By the time he stopped, I was hysterical. Each time he'd swung, he'd waited until my shriek of pain stopped, waiting easily a minute or more between blows so that I'd appreciate each one to the fullest. The pain was so absolutely incredible, so beyond belief, that even now I have difficulty not shuddering as I remember it.

I realized afterwards that part of the reason the switch hurt so much was that he didn't stop swinging when he hit me. Each time it slashed into me, he'd just kept swinging until the switch carried right around behind him. I guess maybe it was like being horsewhipped. I don't know, I've never felt that. Whatever it was like, it was pure agony.

They waited until my screams subsided.

"Let him go" Tom told the others. "Take out his gag, Kevin."

Kevin did. He and Phil stepped back.

"Get up and look at us, boy. We're not through with you yet."

I got up slowly, sobbing in terror as I looked at them. I was devastated by the pain. I couldn't believe how much the switch had hurt. It was so much worse than the strap that comparisons were hardly possible. What Tom had given me made the previous beatings with the strap seem like a bunch of gentle pats.

"That was just a small sample" Tom smiled. "You'll get double or triple that if we don't see you tomorrow."

"Oh God!" I sobbed. I couldn't even imagine what that would be like.

"You are coming to meet us, aren't you?"

I nodded fervently, desperate to avoid more.

"You're sure?"

"Oh, yes!" I lied. "I'll come whenever you want."

"You mean it?"

"Yes, Sir." I nodded frantically. "I'll do anything you want, Sir! Please don't give me that again!"

Tom looked at Phil and laughed. "I guess there's no point asking, is there?"

"Not after that" Phil smiled. "We'll find out soon enough, anyway."

"I guess we will" Tom nodded. "Okay, kid. Get your shorts on and get in the car."

I reached back and felt my ass. It felt moist. When I looked at my hands, I could see there was blood on them. I looked up at them in fear.

Tom laughed again. "That's nothing, kid, compared to what your ass will look like if we have to punish you for not meeting us."

I just shook my head and sobbed.

"You got something else to wear?" Phil asked, looking at my hands.

I nodded weakly. "I've got jeans and a T-shirt in my pack."

"Good. Put them on over your running shorts and get your shoes on. Wipe your hands off first."

I did as he said and then got in the car.


[13] . [Bolton mall]

By the time we got to Bolton, my sobs had stopped. But pain was still stabbing out of my ass. I'd remember that switch for a long time.

Tom drove into the local mall. "I've got to piss."

"I do too" I said. "Let me come with you."

"I'll come too" Phil said. He smiled at Tom. "For security."

"I won't do anything to embarrass you" I said nervously.

"You sure won't" Phil grinned. "You'll get arrested if you create a disturbance."

I laughed bitterly. "That's funny, coming from you."

"Actually, he's right" Kevin grinned. "Phil can do that. He works for security at the mall."

"Oh, sure" I grinned. I didn't believe him.

"It doesn't matter" Tom shrugged. "We're in Bolton now. We know where he lives. If he wants to take off, he's free to do so."

I'd figured that, but it was a relief to hear Tom say that.

"We'll take you to the bus station afterwards" Tom told me. "You're going home now, aren't you?"

"Yeah" I nodded. "That'd be great."

We all went into a washroom and peed. Nobody else was around.

"Go over there and lean against the wall" Tom ordered.

I did as he demanded. "Here?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He looked at Phil. "Okay?"

Phil nodded and pulled out his camera. "Lean back."

I did. The camera flashed.

"Why do you want a picture here?"

"It's as good a place as any" Phil shrugged.

We walked back out, got in the car, and stopped near the bus station.

"I'm sorry we can't take you to Greenville, but we don't have time."

"That's okay" I shrugged. "I've got money for the bus."

"No, you don't. We have your wallet. Remember?" He reached in his pocket and took out some cash. "This should be enough."

"Thanks!" I said in surprise.

"I'll come with you" Kevin grinned. "I want to see where he lives."

Phil smiled. "Maybe we should all take him there."

Tom shook his head. "We don't have time. You and I have to meet Hogan."

"Oh, right" Phil grimaced. "I forgot about that." He looked at me appraisingly. "You go with him, Kevin. I want to be sure we know his house."

"Why bother?" Tom smiled. "We can find him. We have his ID and the map."

"I suppose you're right. Just the same, I'd prefer to be sure."

"I don't mind going with him" Kevin grinned.

Tom smiled at me. "Be on time tomorrow, kid. You'll get an extra hit on your ass for every minute you're late."

"Wonderful!" I retorted sarcastically. "Am I supposed to thank you?"

"It would be polite" Tom grinned.

I looked at them and smiled wanly. "I guess I'm supposed to thank you for today, too."

"It's customary" Phil smiled.

"You'll get a lot more tomorrow" Tom grinned. "Thank us then."

I nodded, turned, and left. Kevin came with me.

When we turned the corner, I turned to him. "Are you really coming all the way to Greenville?"

"Maybe not" he grinned. "But I do want to talk to you. Let's go into the park."

We were across the street from the Bolton common.

"Okay" I shrugged. "What do you want to tell me?"


[14] . [In the park]

He waited until we got to a bench and sat down.

"First, about your ass. Have you had anything like that before?"


"Okay, then let me give you some advice. You got a lot on your ass today. Soak it in ice water when you get home. Tell your parents or whoever's taking care of you that you fell and bruised your ass. The bruised part is true enough."

"Do I really need to do that?"

"It'll help, kid. Believe me, I know. Those guys trained me with that strap. I know what it does to you."

"Are you serious? I thought they were joking about that."

He smiled ruefully. "It was no joke, kid. They don't give it to me so much now, but I still get it from time to time."

"Why do you still come out with them?"

He laughed. "Listen, kid, they trained me to like it. I like being with them. I like _f_u_cking other kids. I like being _f_u_cked, too. And I even like getting it on my ass."


His grin disappeared. "Well, sort of, anyway. I didn't at first. But I soon learned I'd better like everything they do. You will, too."

I shook my head bitterly. "You've got to be kidding! My insides still hurt."

"Oh, it always hurts the first time. You'll learn to like it."

"I don't see how."

"You'll see. You'll get used to it. Besides, getting _f_u_cked is a lot better than getting your ass beaten."

"Yes" I nodded. "That much is true." I shuddered as I thought about it. "Especially with that _f_u_cking switch. That was bloody awful!" I thought a moment and nodded. "I guess you had to learn to like it too, didn't you?"

"Of course" he shrugged. "It took a few times and a lot on my ass, but I eventually did."

"Did they use a switch like that on you too?"

"Yeah, a number of times. They beat my ass something awful."

"So why did you keep coming out with them?"

He smiled ruefully. "Do you think I wanted to? You didn't learn much today if you ask that."

"I learnt way too much" I said bitterly. "Did they really beat you a lot?"

"Definitely" Kevin nodded. "Once they'd trained me to come out on demand, they beat me all the time. They get a lot of pleasure out of beating a young kid's ass. So do their friends."

"Sh_i_t!" I looked at him incredulously, not sure how much to believe. "How did you first meet them? How old were you then?"

"Not quite sixteen. They picked me up in a park in Bolton." He grinned. "I was being too curious, just like you were today. I was spying on gays in the park. They saw me doing it and caught me."

"How did they do that in a park? Couldn't you get away?"

"It was at night. I didn't see them until it was too late."

"What happened? Did they beat you and rape you that first time?"

"Like with you? Oh, sure. They really like doing that, especially to a kid who's never had it before. The only difference is that we were already in Bolton, so they took me to their place and let some of their friends share in the fun."

"That's something that worried me today, what they said about giving me to other guys. Is that for real?"

"Oh, definitely. Maybe not immediately, while they're still hot for your ass. But that'll definitely happen. Seeing other guys rape and beat you really turns them on."

"How long did it take before that happened with you?"

"To friends? Like I said, that first day. To strangers? Not for a month or so. Not until I was trained."

"They give you to strangers too?" I was astounded. "What kind of strangers?"

"Oh, anybody that's willing to pay."

"But that's prostitution!"

He shrugged. "I don't know about that. I never got any money."

"Isn't that kind of thing dangerous?"

"You mean the guys they gave me to? Yeah, sometimes. The ex-cons were the worst. Some of them were pretty vicious."

"Wow." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You've got to be kidding about this. You have to be."

He smiled. "You'll find out."

We walked for a couple of minutes without talking. I wondered how much of what he'd told me was true. He was obviously trying to scare me. What wasn't obvious was why.

"So why are you telling me this?" I finally asked.

He shrugged. "I'm trying to warn you. Besides, you're kind of like what I was back then, kid. I feel sorry for you."

I looked at him incredulously. "Beating my ass and raping me is a funny way of showing you feel sorry for me."

He laughed. "Oh, I don't mean today. I don't feel one bit sorry about that. What I feel sorry about is that you're trapped just like I was. You've turned them on real bad, kid, more than anyone I've seen with them for a long time. They're going to want that ass of yours a lot."

"Oh, great!" I said bitterly. "That's really wonderful."

"That's only part of it. They're going to sell your ass hard, too. They can't resist boasting about kids that turn them on."

"I don't believe this."

"Well, like I said earlier, you'll find out. You think those pictures Phil took won't show up on their web site?"

"That's illegal. I'm not eighteen."

He laughed scornfully. "You think that matters? How do you think they get their customers?"

"F_u_ck! You are serious, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. You think I'm just telling you this for fun?"

I looked at him grimly. "I think you've just made up my mind."

"Yeah?" he asked cautiously. "In what way?"

"To stay as far away from them as I can."

He shook his head. "That's a big mistake, kid. You think Tom was kidding when he told you how much they'll punish you?"

"They'll have to get me first" I shrugged. "You think I'm coming back to them voluntarily after what you just told me?"

"You'd better. You promised to come tomorrow."

"Oh, sure" I said scornfully. "I just love getting my ass beaten and raped."

"Listen, you've got to understand that breaking a promise is absolutely the worst thing you can do. The punishment you'll get for that is much worse than anything you got today."

I looked at him bitterly. "Nothing could be worse than what I got today."

"Don't kid yourself. You think Tom was kidding when he said how much you'll get with a switch?"

I looked at him disbelievingly. "He couldn't have been serious. Not with a switch like that. I wouldn't have an ass left."

"Okay" he shrugged. "Don't listen to me. Learn the hard way. That's what I did."

I shook my head scornfully. "How could they catch me, anyway? They can't just pick me up on a public street."

He looked at me in amusement. "It's not all that hard, kid. All it takes is for you to be walking alone somewhere. Where you live, you must do that a lot."

"But that's kidnaping! If I suddenly go missing without warning, police will be looking for me. And when they find me, you guys will go to jail for a lot more than just kidnaping."

"You think so?" he grinned.

"Of course" I said warily. "You don't?"

"Definitely not" he grinned. "For several reasons. First of all, nobody would find you while you're with them. They've got at least half a dozen places I know about which nobody would ever find."

"That's bullsh_i_t. Nobody can just disappear."

He laughed. "It happens all the time, kid. Besides, nobody will even know you've been kidnapped. You'll phone your parents to tell them you've run into a friend and are staying with him."

"I wouldn't do that. And, besides, my parents wouldn't let me stay out with anyone they don't know."

He laughed. "You really are naive, kid. You'll phone them and tell them whatever you're told to tell them. The strap will see to that."

"So what? My parents still won't let me do that."

"So you tell them you're staying anyway. They won't be able to do a thing about it."

"They'll come and pick me up."

"How? You won't tell them where your friend lives."

"What if I do?"

He grinned. "That'd be hard, kid. You won't even know yourself."

I looked at him disbelievingly and then shrugged. "If I'm kidnapped, I'd go to the police myself afterwards."

He laughed. "No, you wouldn't. And you won't. You'll go home and pretend that the bruises on your ass are from an accident, just like you'll do today. Listen, kid, you're being as stupid about this as I was. I thought I could escape from them, too."

I looked at him scornfully. "Did you ever really try?"

"Sure. I tried several times. I got beaten badly for it. I was in hospital twice."

"Seriously? Didn't the police investigate?"

"Yeah, both times. But they quickly decided I was gay and had gotten beaten by a gang of homophobic kids. They made it clear that their sympathies were with whoever beat me."

"Did you tell them what had actually happened?"

"The first time. But I had no evidence. And Tom and Phil found out. Phil has friends in the police."

"So you got beaten for that too?"

"Yeah. More important, Phil made sure the police had a record of me being gay. He even got me picked up as a gay prostitute. The charge didn't stick, but it got into the local newspaper."

"So what? You said it didn't stick."

"Not in the sense of being convicted. But it got me thrown out of my home."

"Your parents threw you out?"

"Yeah. My dad was totally disgusted. He's just as homophobic as the police."

"That's awful!"

"Sh_i_t happens, kid. Particularly if you make it yourself."

"Do you see your parents any more?"

"I have some contact with my mom. We talk on the phone occassionally. My dad still won't speak to me."

I hadn't considered that. I wondered once again how my parents would react. I decided I wasn't sure.

"So where do you live now?"

"Tom found me a place. He helps with the rent in return for stuff."

I looked at him in horror. "That's terrible, Kevin."

He shrugged. "It's independence. I survive."

I looked at him in disbelief. Dependence on Tom didn't strike me as independence. I wondered what future he had. "Do you go to school?"

"Yeah, Tom and Phil insisted I keep going. I got my high school graduation and am in a computer course at Bolton Tech now." He looked at me and grinned. "I'm not a wipeout just because I left home, kid. As a matter of fact, I could teach you useful stuff."

"Sorry" I grinned. "I wasn't trying to run you down."

"The point I'm trying to make, kid, is that it's not hard to kidnap you and keep you overnight without anyone knowing. That gives them plenty of time to do whatever they want with you."

"If what you say is true, I should go to the police right now."

"No way. The same thing will happen to you as happened to me."

"I don't think so. You had a record of being gay."

"Not the first time. You heard what Phil said. You won't be a credible witness, either with the police or in court. Not when they can prove you get turned on by it."

"You know that's bullsh_i_t. I don't get turned on by being beaten. Nor by being raped."

"Don't kid yourself. All it would take is those pictures of you grinning with a hard-on and someone's prick up your ass. Or standing there looking ecstatic while some guy sucks you off. Nobody would believe your story about being kidnapped. Not after seeing pictures of you actively enjoying gay s_e_x."

I thought furiously of all the pictures Phil had taken. "Sh_i_t! They got pictures of everything?"

"I'd assume so. Phil always takes pictures. Both for friends and for insurance."

I looked at him carefully. "You worry me."

"Yeah, well, that's my point. You should be worried. So take them seriously. And show up tomorrow on time, okay? You really can't afford to get a lot more on your ass."

I looked at him unhappily. "I can't take a repetition of what happened today."

"Then smarten up" he shrugged. "The key thing to remember is that you like getting _f_u_cked by them. That shouldn't be hard."

"You're out of your mind."

"I'm serious. Don't do what you did today, telling them you don't want it. That just gives them an excuse to beat your ass for lying."

"I suppose you have a point about that."

"Of course I do" he said impatiently. "So smarten up. Concentrate on keeping their pricks up your ass. The more time they spend _f_u_cking you, the less time they have to beat you. Satisfy them, and they may not even bother with beating your ass."

I shook my head. "But that means giving them everything they want."

"That's exactly right." He smiled at my reluctance. "You'll get used to what you have to do, kid."

"It's not fair!" I said plaintively.

He laughed. "Who cares? You'll pay dearly if you don't give them what they want, kid. I hope you don't have to learn that the hard way."

Neither of us said anything for a minute.

Finally, Kevin turned to me. "Listen, kid, I'm taking off. Go catch your bus. I've given you all the advice I can."

I nodded without answering.

He grinned at me. "I'll see you tomorrow. Oh, and one more piece of advice. Make sure you flush your ass out every time you come out. Use a garden hose if you can get it. They get annoyed when kids show up with sh_i_t in their ass."

"They have high expectations" I said sarcastically.

"You'd better believe it, kid. And they'll know I warned you." He grinned, waved, and walked off.


[15] . [Back home]

They'd left me with just enough money to get home. I walked to the bus station and got a ticket for the next bus to Greenville. Then I phoned home to tell our housekeeper when I'd get home. I phoned my friend's house too, to leave word that I was going home. I told his mother I'd fallen and was too sore to do anything.

The bus trip home was no fun. By the time I got there, my ass felt so sore that I could hardly sit or walk without feeling pain. And my asshole felt raw and dirty.

I found a garden hose outside and took it to a place where nobody could see me. I shoved it up my ass and flushed myself out. When I got inside, I made excuses and rushed upstairs to wash myself clean. Fortunately, we had a walk-in telephone shower in the bathroom. I took the shower head off the hose and shoved the hose up through my asshole, turning the water on full to try to wash everything out. I did that for a long time. I felt so incredibly unclean.

I also sat in ice water, which did help a little. I did that quite a few times, much to our housekeeper's concern. She wanted me to go to the hospital, which I refused. She insisted on calling my parents about it. I told them there was no reason for concern, that I'd just fallen on a rock and that it was just bruises.

Needless to say, I spent a lot of time worrying about what Kevin had told me. I also kept reliving the experience of the day in my mind. When I dozed off, my mind kept replaying the tape. It was not a happy night.

I went to bed but couldn't sleep. Every time I dozed off, I kept dreaming nightmares of being beaten and raped. I kept waking up in terror every time my buttocks scraped the sheets, imagining more blows landing on my ass. After a while, I couldn't even doze off. I lay spreadeagled on my stomach, desperately trying to suppress my memories of what Kevin had predicted while remembering even more vividly what had happened.

I finally got up sometime before dawn, brought a full bowl of ice upstairs, and sat in ice water for over an hour. That dulled the pain enough to let me start dozing off. After a while, I actually fell asleep sitting in the bowl. I woke up with a jolt when I fell off, spilling ice water all over the floor. Fortunately, nobody heard me.

By that time, it was light outside. I wiped up the mess, dried myself off, and crawled back into bed. This time, I did fall asleep. And slept for a long time.


So that's what happened. I've tried to tell it like it was, and hope for my butt's sake that I succeeded.

Thinking about it, I guess my two biggest mistakes were going with Kevin at the beginning and letting myself get turned on while I was with them. I don't know if I could have kept myself from getting turned on. Maybe the real mistake was accepting all that beer. I don't know. Even though they threatened me, I could have said 'no' when they asked me to drink. I think I wanted to get drunk. I think I thought it was an easy escape. That doesn't excuse what I did, though.

Maybe once I went with Kevin, there was really nothing I could do. Am I letting myself off the hook if I say that? I trust your judgement better than mine.

Tell me what you think. Should I blame myself for what happened? And for what happened in subsequent days? Maybe it's premature to ask that second question, since I haven't told you about that yet. But a lot of what happened later was pretty unavoidable after that first afternoon. The real choice was made when I went with Kevin, or when I drank all that beer. Everything followed from those decisions.

The more I think about it, the more I think you guys should tell Jeb to beat me. I downplayed my willingness to go with Kevin in Part 1. And maybe have done the same in this part when discussing the effect of drinking so much alcohol. I've looked over what I've written and don't know how else to describe it all. But I think I must be more responsible than I've admitted. I hope you will make sure Jeb punishes me. Tell him to cane me hard. I deserve it for what happened. I know I do.


[to be continued ...]

More stories by Bolton Boy