Pat is my new girlfriend and she is very into things. harry is her son who is 8 and full of enegry.
Last night I spanked harry for the first time but today we are going for a trip by the river and I hope to spank him again.
harry had been told that it was time fopr bed and ran out of the house to hide. I caught him and carried him back draped over my shoulder. harry was naked apart fom a pair of knee length shorts AND , AS I CARRIED HIM BACK TO HIS MUM'S HOUSE HE STARTED PLAYFULLY SMACKING THE BOTTOM OF MY BACK WITH HIS HANDS WHICH FELL AS I HELD HIS KNEES TIGHTLY.
I responded by taking him off my shoulder and holding onto both his arms with my left hand and giving him a hard smack in the middle of his small bottom telling him he was naughty to have run off.
returning to the house I told pat that I thought harry should be punished and she told me to take him to his room and spank him while she prepared a meal for the two of us. I was in heavan as I marched the small attractive boy to his room. Harry cried as I used my hand to turn his small white bottom quickly red. I wished I had a stick or strap to use on him but as I have only just met Pat, I will have to be patient.
I later discovered that pat's last boyfriend had spanked harry very often and later that evening Pat and I spanked one another before I stayed the night. Pat is great fun and when she suggested using a small riding crop to spank me I immediately decided that she is the girl for me.
Today we are taking Harry to a park near the river. it is very hot and I hope Pat has some small tight speedo briefs for Harry. if not I will buy a pair for him. I hope Harry is naughty today and I get to spank him again.
Must go now, Pat and Harry are getting ready for breakfast. Have a good day.